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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Cindy, we were on the NCL Star to the Mexican Riviera. They treated Brenda very well. They're the one's who invented "Anytime Dining."


When we lined up for dinner, the Matre d' would see us with Brenda and he came and got us out of line and took us into a side door. He treated us so well that we decided to eat in the same dining room, at the same time every night [i know it defeated the purpose of the Anytime thing, but it worked so well with the dog and all!]


We loved the food, service and they had the best potty box we had ever seen. It was a large box, lined with plastic and filled with the most amazing mulch. They put it in a crew closet right next to our cabin.


Morey didn't like the furnishings in our cabin so he asked them to move a couch from one of the lounges into our cabin......no kidding.....and, they did it. It made our HC cabin much more comfortable.


They're very accommodating and friendly.


The paperwork is the same that I've used on every single cruise we've taken: The Aphis 7001, filled out by our Vet, one week before the cruise, copy of Microchip info. and Vet exam. I had a copy of our CCI permit with it and presented a copy of all of it at registration.


NCL didn't bug us about any of the paperwork until we were boarding, no pre registering or paperwork to sign.


The ships are decorated very differently than we were used to......kind of a cross between Carnival and RCCL.


I'm not an anytime dining fan. I like my fixed seating with the same waiters every night. But I will deal with it. They have alot of different dining places that are included.


We have not gotten any paperwork for us or the dog yet. Just emailed my TA about that.


This is a new ship we are going on. It's not even here yet. No idea where they will put the potty box but a closet doesn't sound good for John. I'm trying to get some pics of the cabin since its an inside and we never had one of those before. Want to make sure Wex doesnt have to sleep in the hall. :eek:

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I'm not an anytime dining fan. I like my fixed seating with the same waiters every night. But I will deal with it. They have alot of different dining places that are included.


We have not gotten any paperwork for us or the dog yet. Just emailed my TA about that.


This is a new ship we are going on. It's not even here yet. No idea where they will put the potty box but a closet doesn't sound good for John. I'm trying to get some pics of the cabin since its an inside and we never had one of those before. Want to make sure Wex doesnt have to sleep in the hall. :eek:


I feel the same way......I really like having my same seat and servers for dinner. I have NEVER done "Anytime Dining" on any ship and as I said Morey, Brenda and I turned anytime into the same time and place every night.


You know the routine, if you don't like where they put the box have them move it. The crew closet was very large and opened just like any door. It was bigger than a normal cabin door so it would have room for John, I don't even think there was a lip on the door. You won't have a veranda so John may prefer an outside deck area. Whatever you choose, make sure you're happy!


Cindy, I found NCL to very accommodating to Brenda. They wanted me to enjoy my cruise and treated me very well!

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We are thinking that he will go to Alaska with us in August and then we will most likely put in the paperwork for a successor. He still wants to go everywhere but is lagging behind while we are walking and starting to refuse some commands. Like they say...the mind is willing but the body say no. I know the feeling well. :(


Aww! It's so sad to watch them when they're aging. Brenda still had that spark in her eyes to want to go but she just couldn't jump into the car and even the ramp was difficult for her after a while!


Nothing brings a tear faster to my eyes than thinking that she may have been in pain and maybe I asked too much of her! I loved her so much!!!! She was my little darling!!!!


I put in the paperwork for a Successor at Brenda's first refusal and it took one year of waiting. It felt just like when I was waiting for Brenny. I was so excited and nervous. Thank goodness CCI knows exactly what they're doing and I got the most perfect giant of a dog! He gets me!

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Cuteness overload coming!


We're having puppies! The service dog agency I volunteer with (and got Jagger from) is having puppies next week!!!




They did the cutest photos of Mama Bella and Daddy Ice. The link is their FB page, and the first two photos (as of right now) are what I'm talking about. Love the second photo as it's a composite of a bunch of the cutest ever photos of Mom and Dad. :)


Mama Bella is the more golden dog, and Ice is the whiter dog. (we call him the Iceman and they've decided they are having little icicles)


Puppies! Who doesn't love puppies! The Mom and Dad are beautiful. Henri's father is a full English Lab and her mother is a Lab/Golden Cross. It's so funny to see her with her brother - Henri looks like an English Lab and her brother looks like a Golden. They don't look like they would be litter mates.



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OK...with any luck you will be able to see and read the article about my daughter and her service dog Orson.




Love, love, love the video and article. These dogs are so amazing. Henri is so helpful (although I have to wonder if she ever thinks why is that lady always dropping things)! I have had her home for two months now; I can't imagine life without her.



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I'm not an anytime dining fan. I like my fixed seating with the same waiters every night. But I will deal with it. They have alot of different dining places that are included.


We have not gotten any paperwork for us or the dog yet. Just emailed my TA about that.


This is a new ship we are going on. It's not even here yet. No idea where they will put the potty box but a closet doesn't sound good for John. I'm trying to get some pics of the cabin since its an inside and we never had one of those before. Want to make sure Wex doesnt have to sleep in the hall. :eek:


We have never sailed NCL, but on Celebrity if you go to dinner around the same time every night, they will put you at the same table with the same waiters even in anytime dining. I like the anytime dining because the early seating is too early and the late seating is too late for us.



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Love, love, love the video and article. These dogs are so amazing. Henri is so helpful (although I have to wonder if she ever thinks why is that lady always dropping things)! I have had her home for two months now; I can't imagine life without her.




Amazing how that works! I can't imagine not having a CCI dog in my life either! Each one is an individual and each one is so special.

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Aww! It's so sad to watch them when they're aging. Brenda still had that spark in her eyes to want to go but she just couldn't jump into the car and even the ramp was difficult for her after a while!


Nothing brings a tear faster to my eyes than thinking that she may have been in pain and maybe I asked too much of her! I loved her so much!!!! She was my little darling!!!!


I put in the paperwork for a Successor at Brenda's first refusal and it took one year of waiting. It felt just like when I was waiting for Brenny. I was so excited and nervous. Thank goodness CCI knows exactly what they're doing and I got the most perfect giant of a dog! He gets me!


I'm kind of hoping that by next year Orson will not be so excited when he sees us getting ready to go out. I would love to see him look like "you guys go out, I'll just stay here".

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I'm kind of hoping that by next year Orson will not be so excited when he sees us getting ready to go out. I would love to see him look like "you guys go out, I'll just stay here".


He may never show you any signs. The only time Brenda got that look was when I actually brought Horton home and she saw us preparing to leave. She'd jump up on her couch watch Horty and me getting ready and, if she could, she'd blow us a kiss goodbye!!! She was so glad to pass the leash to him!


She used to beat me to the front door, sit down and wait for me to put on her bandana, collar/leash, open the door and out she'd go. Horton's habit is to retreat to the bedroom, jump up on the bed and immediately go to sleep [i'll NEVER know when this lazy bones is ready to retire......Heck, he was ready at 2.] However, when it's mealtime, he's the first in line!


You'll know when his time is right! When we first applied for a dog in 2000 the trainers told me that they didn't like the dogs working past 6 or 7 years. They've really changed their thinking on that! Now, it's up to the individual team.

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All right folks...get your Kleenex out - new video starring a CCI grad!




If you watch the Three Lives Changed video you will see Alex & Bright. I know them both. I am very good friends with Bright's puppy raisers. I've know Bright since she was 8 weeks old. We all went to Disney World together. We knew from the beginning that Bright would become a Service Dog. Alex, her husband and Bright used to live in NY but have moved to CA.

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I feel the same way......I really like having my same seat and servers for dinner. I have NEVER done "Anytime Dining" on any ship and as I said Morey, Brenda and I turned anytime into the same time and place every night.


You know the routine, if you don't like where they put the box have them move it. The crew closet was very large and opened just like any door. It was bigger than a normal cabin door so it would have room for John, I don't even think there was a lip on the door. You won't have a veranda so John may prefer an outside deck area. Whatever you choose, make sure you're happy!


Cindy, I found NCL to very accommodating to Brenda. They wanted me to enjoy my cruise and treated me very well!


I'm sure we will do fine. Although we just got the paperwork and they asked us if we want sand or newspaper in the box! 😨 Are we bringing a cat?

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All right folks...get your Kleenex out - new video starring a CCI grad!




So, amazingly wonderful what difference these dogs make in the life of a child. Thank goodness for her wise and wonderful mother to give her child the opportunity of expanding her world through her dog.


I started to retreat when I was first diagnosed and if it were not for my wonderful husband, Morey and Brenda Elizabeth I would have quit my job and remained at home isolated from the world and the wonders of it!


I donate to CCI with an automatic withdraw from my checking account every month.


I owe them big time!!!!!

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I'm sure we will do fine. Although we just got the paperwork and they asked us if we want sand or newspaper in the box! Are we bringing a cat?


WHAT?? Are they kidding? I hate both choices!!! They could shred the newspaper but they'd need to use an awful lot of it, for it to work. And, unless they want the sand to be tracked all over the ship, they'd better not use it! Oh, Gawd, how stupid!!!!


Yeh! Sure! A Service Cat, that'll be the day!!! :eek: You set them straight and let us know what they decided on!

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On the subject of retiring dogs. When we had Rangeley we never thought of retiring him. He worked up until he suddenly passed. He did have Fridays off toward the end. He passed at 12. Now Wexler already thinks he's retired. Lol


Yep! There's many a day when Horty will actually "snort" at me when I put his collar and leash on [the signal for we're getting ready to move big boy!] And, he doesn't want to!!!!


I swear he's trying so hard to talk to me. Besides the cocking of the head, of which I absolutely love, he makes the most bizarre vocalizations that I swear are going to become actual words, if I just give him some time to put the sounds together!


I know one day he's going to ***** his handsome head, look me square into my eyes and tell me to "dog off!"

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WHAAAT??? No mulch or sod? Very strange.


I swear I'm going to start bringing a rolled-up piece of artificial turf with me when I cruise. I'll just lay it on top of whatever "stuff" they supply me with. I'll either leave it behind or clean it in the shower or tub before I leave. I'll bring a big garbage bag to put it into. This can only work if you're driving to and from the port.


So ridiculous that the Special Needs Dept. can be so clueless as to the right thing to do. They just need to call/email or fax the ship in plenty of time for them to pick up the mulch in one of their port stops. To be so lame and stupid about the proper thing to do for our dogs is so unnecessary.

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So I was driving home from work last night when my cell phone rang. It was a reporter from channel 13. ( Think PBS-Sesame Street, NY & NJ). She told me she saw the newspaper article and wanted to know if we would do an interview for the TV station. She is coming over on Tuesday morning to do the interview. She said the segment would be about 2 minutes long. Which apparently is a long segment.

Then this morning my wife got a call from a local 55+ community. They read the article and wanted to know if we would come over and give them a demonstration.

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So I was driving home from work last night when my cell phone rang. It was a reporter from channel 13. ( Think PBS-Sesame Street, NY & NJ). She told me she saw the newspaper article and wanted to know if we would do an interview for the TV station. She is coming over on Tuesday morning to do the interview. She said the segment would be about 2 minutes long. Which apparently is a long segment.

Then this morning my wife got a call from a local 55+ community. They read the article and wanted to know if we would come over and give them a demonstration.

I knew it wouldn't take long for Orson to become a star! Before long he'll need a business manager and someone to do his bookings and makeup and wardrobe! You're going to have to quit your job! And, soon he'll need an pawgraph book. Oh! Where's Chris Jenner when you need her?

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DKD.....Not to put too much pressure on.....Remember, you're representing ALL of us so don't embarrass me!!! :rolleyes:


Funny you should say that. I was planning on cutting and pasting some of YOUR more "memorable" comments and giving them to the reporter. :D Now for a not so small fee, that list might just find its way to the shredder. :p

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Funny you should say that. I was planning on cutting and pasting some of YOUR more "memorable" comments and giving them to the reporter. :D Now for a not so small fee, that list might just find its way to the shredder. :p


Yikes!!! I promise I'll be good! I promise!!! Where's Woodward and Bernstein when you need them?

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So I was driving home from work last night when my cell phone rang. It was a reporter from channel 13. ( Think PBS-Sesame Street, NY & NJ). She told me she saw the newspaper article and wanted to know if we would do an interview for the TV station. She is coming over on Tuesday morning to do the interview. She said the segment would be about 2 minutes long. Which apparently is a long segment.

Then this morning my wife got a call from a local 55+ community. They read the article and wanted to know if we would come over and give them a demonstration.


Orson and your daughter are great ambassadors for CCI.



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