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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi from Miami, everybody, where we'll board Celebrity's Eclipse in a few hours. Rainy here, but not cold so I'll take it!


We drove down yesterday, spent the night at a hotel and will leave the car for ten days. Looking forward to all the decorations on the ship - this is our 3rd pre-Christmas birthday sailing with Raylene, who turns 5 on board next week!


Back home for Christmas.


Have a wonderful time Chris - and happy birthday to Raylene!



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Hi from Miami, everybody, where we'll board Celebrity's Eclipse in a few hours. Rainy here, but not cold so I'll take it!


We drove down yesterday, spent the night at a hotel and will leave the car for ten days. Looking forward to all the decorations on the ship - this is our 3rd pre-Christmas birthday sailing with Raylene, who turns 5 on board next week!


Back home for Christmas.


Chris, Bon~Voyage.......Have a wonderful time. I love how the ships decorate for Christmas.


Let us know how it all went for you and Raylene.


Happy Birthday Raylene ♥

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Fairbourne, your visual of Aruba just standing in the yard with that log was so sweet and sad all at the same time. She's gotten so used to playing with her friend Bonnie.


I love how these Labs can go from one person to another and be just fine about the "moving-on".....we humans can learn a lot from them.


There are the very few who whine and whimper for their Mommies and don't make such good Service Dogs in the end.


I swear Horton would go with the mailman and as long as he was given his meals, a warm bed and an occasional belly rub.....he'd be a happy boy!!! Such great dogs to have around!!!!!

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Chris and Raylene, have a fantabulous cruise! Hoppy Birthday Ms. Raylene. What a great present mommy got for you, A Cruise! :D


Our next door neighbor told me yesterday, "Hey, I found this great place, it's called C.C.I, then he says Canine Companions for Independence. I want to get a dog from them. (He has hearing loss). He was pretty excited. So was I until I realized I had never brought it up to him. I am not sure if he has applied or is just in the research stage. Of course I told him I have some pawsome friends that got their pawsome pawps from them. I guess they had a Newfie that passed a few years ago. His wife told me he has been wanting another dog and he had decided on a lab. I think we shall have a new family member with another great partner. (He ran into me at the bank) will have to get more indepth info from him, soon. He loves Ms. Jezzy Lou to death. Brings her cookies and just makes a fuss over her. Never complains that she is a pain and embarassing with her antics. She can hear him in his back yard, when we are in ours and she just goes nuts.



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Chris and Raylene, have a fantabulous cruise! Hoppy Birthday Ms. Raylene. What a great present mommy got for you, A Cruise! :D


Our next door neighbor told me yesterday, "Hey, I found this great place, it's called C.C.I, then he says Canine Companions for Independence. I want to get a dog from them. (He has hearing loss). He was pretty excited. So was I until I realized I had never brought it up to him. I am not sure if he has applied or is just in the research stage. Of course I told him I have some pawsome friends that got their pawsome pawps from them. I guess they had a Newfie that passed a few years ago. His wife told me he has been wanting another dog and he had decided on a lab. I think we shall have a new family member with another great partner. (He ran into me at the bank) will have to get more indepth info from him, soon. He loves Ms. Jezzy Lou to death. Brings her cookies and just makes a fuss over her. Never complains that she is a pain and embarassing with her antics. She can hear him in his back yard, when we are in ours and she just goes nuts.




Nancy, how wonderful for your neighbor to have found CCI. His life will be forever changed.


There's a Hearing Team that is going through some very sad times right now. It appears that the dog has come down with a stomach ailment and is down to 35 lbs. She still wants to play and work but is definitely not doing well. She has persistent diarrhea and vomiting. CCI has offered to take her back and run tests and whatever else it will take to make this wonderful dog well again. The handler is beside herself and will do whatever it takes to help this dog. The Vets at CCI may have to step in and simply take over. It's just heartbreaking. We all hope that the outcome is positive and that this dog can be made well again and work with her partner.


If I hear anything further I will let you all know.

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Fairbourne, your visual of Aruba just standing in the yard with that log was so sweet and sad all at the same time. She's gotten so used to playing with her friend Bonnie.


I love how these Labs can go from one person to another and be just fine about the "moving-on".....we humans can learn a lot from them.


There are the very few who whine and whimper for their Mommies and don't make such good Service Dogs in the end.


I swear Horton would go with the mailman and as long as he was given his meals, a warm bed and an occasional belly rub.....he'd be a happy boy!!! Such great dogs to have around!!!!!


I have news ..... Bonnie is coming home next week! I am so happy! :D I can hardly wait but have to go to the training centre and collect her which will be great as I can hopefully catch up with Aruba's former trainer. And maybe see some of the other dogs ... Or at least find out how they're doing as our little group of puppy walkers have a few pups going through their formal training right now. Then in the new year, she will go back to the training centre for her formal assessment and her future will be decided. I'm keeping everything crossed.

Today driving home I spotted a black pup in training standing with their puppy walker at the bus stop - he/she was standing waiting very nicely. And then just along the road here was a working guide dog confidently guiding their person. Aah, I wonder if their paths crossed this afternoon?


It reminded me of the first time we took Bonnie to an hotel, we met a working guide dog and both dogs were so excited to see each other - they are supposed to ignore other dogs of course. While we were trying hard to hold Bonnie in check (she was doing her "I think I'll just hang off the end of my lead with my legs in the air and then swivel round and round getting everyone tangled up in my lead at the same time") - the elderly working dog had other ideas! She didn't stray from her guide dog owner, she just made it a bit obvious she wanted to come and say hello to Bonnie! Thankfully, the guide dog owner was with her family and they were able to explain to her what was going on. They had spotted us in advance. We found out that this beautiful old lady with her grey chin was heading for her retirement and she was so happy to see another young pup, we just couldn't help but let them have a bit of a canoodle and play! I wonder if she has now "retired" and is enjoying her retirement snoozing in front of the fire! With the occasional treat of course! :).

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Nancy, how wonderful for your neighbor to have found CCI. His life will be forever changed.


There's a Hearing Team that is going through some very sad times right now. It appears that the dog has come down with a stomach ailment and is down to 35 lbs. She still wants to play and work but is definitely not doing well. She has persistent diarrhea and vomiting. CCI has offered to take her back and run tests and whatever else it will take to make this wonderful dog well again. The handler is beside herself and will do whatever it takes to help this dog. The Vets at CCI may have to step in and simply take over. It's just heartbreaking. We all hope that the outcome is positive and that this dog can be made well again and work with her partner.




If I hear anything further I will let you all know.


Yes Roz please let us know, this is so sad and I really feel for the owner. But let's stay positive and hope for a good outcome.

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I have news ..... Bonnie is coming home next week! I am so happy! :D I can hardly wait but have to go to the training centre and collect her which will be great as I can hopefully catch up with Aruba's former trainer. And maybe see some of the other dogs ... Or at least find out how they're doing as our little group of puppy walkers have a few pups going through their formal training right now. Then in the new year, she will go back to the training centre for her formal assessment and her future will be decided. I'm keeping everything crossed.

Today driving home I spotted a black pup in training standing with their puppy walker at the bus stop - he/she was standing waiting very nicely. And then just along the road here was a working guide dog confidently guiding their person. Aah, I wonder if their paths crossed this afternoon?


It reminded me of the first time we took Bonnie to an hotel, we met a working guide dog and both dogs were so excited to see each other - they are supposed to ignore other dogs of course. While we were trying hard to hold Bonnie in check (she was doing her "I think I'll just hang off the end of my lead with my legs in the air and then swivel round and round getting everyone tangled up in my lead at the same time") - the elderly working dog had other ideas! She didn't stray from her guide dog owner, she just made it a bit obvious she wanted to come and say hello to Bonnie! Thankfully, the guide dog owner was with her family and they were able to explain to her what was going on. They had spotted us in advance. We found out that this beautiful old lady with her grey chin was heading for her retirement and she was so happy to see another young pup, we just couldn't help but let them have a bit of a canoodle and play! I wonder if she has now "retired" and is enjoying her retirement snoozing in front of the fire! With the occasional treat of course! :).


I know how much you love your dogs and Bonnie certainly has a place in your heart already! Lucky girl!


Such a lovely story of the older dog meeting Bonnie!!!! Brenda never cared much for other dogs [she preferred humans]......Horton just loves to meet them all!


You're going to love having her home with you.

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Yes Roz please let us know, this is so sad and I really feel for the owner. But let's stay positive and hope for a good outcome.


As I'm in the Service Dog world more and more I realize how the transition from training to handler is not always so easy for every dog. Some dogs don't handle it as smoothly as we'd like.


Just like with people some dogs get very upset both physically and psychologically by the drastic changes. It's so sad when this stressful time anyway is made worse for these wonderful beings by them becoming sick.


Honestly, this dogs recovery is going to take a complete and utter miracle at this point!

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We found out that this beautiful old lady with her grey chin was heading for her retirement and she was so happy to see another young pup, we just couldn't help but let them have a bit of a canoodle and play! I wonder if she has now "retired" and is enjoying her retirement snoozing in front of the fire! With the occasional treat of course! :).


So glad to hear that Ms. Bonnie will be home for Christmas - that will be the best present for Aruba.


In a perfect world, our working dogs should ignore each other, but it is so hard for them to do! That is the one thing that Henri has a really hard time ignoring. I do have to be careful when we are around a man in our neighborhood who has a guide dog. I can see the greeting coming and can keep Henri under control, but he if doesn't know we are coming his dog could pull him over.



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So glad to hear that Ms. Bonnie will be home for Christmas - that will be the best present for Aruba.


In a perfect world, our working dogs should ignore each other, but it is so hard for them to do! That is the one thing that Henri has a really hard time ignoring. I do have to be careful when we are around a man in our neighborhood who has a guide dog. I can see the greeting coming and can keep Henri under control, but he if doesn't know we are coming his dog could pull him over.




Ahhh! I love them all!!!!

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So, today was the day for my car to be serviced. I love the car dealership I bought my car from; they have such great service and they drop you off at work and come and get you when it's done.


The car is done, the guy, in the Ford Edge is waiting for Horton and me to enter his car.....Horton REFUSES to get in. I climb into the back seat and coax him in.....he finally enters the car and the guy walks around to close the door. You would have thought he closed Horton's tail in the door [for a second, I thought he did, the way Horton flinched!!!!] Horton, all 90 pounds of him, proceeds to climb onto my lap......REALLY, SERIOUSLY, what kind of a brave Service Dog are you?


Horton is holding on to my knees [half on and half off my lap] like he had thumbs........I'm cradling his head in between my hands......Who is this brave dog?????? NOT!!!!! Good thing it was only a 10 minute drive or I would have looked like Flat Stanley at the end of it!!!!


Like I've said before, go figure out what goes through the mind of these amazing animals!!!! :rolleyes:

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Laughing so hard at Roz as Flat Stanley after riding with Mr. Horton on the lap. I had a similar experience with my Raylene on a school bus used for a cruise passenger shuttle in Homer, Alaska last September. Raylene jumped up on the school bus seat and halfway onto my lap, clinging to me like she was headed for some very scary place.


We're having a mostly great time. Many details will follow when we get off the cruise next week on the 21st.

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Laughing so hard at Roz as Flat Stanley after riding with Mr. Horton on the lap. I had a similar experience with my Raylene on a school bus used for a cruise passenger shuttle in Homer, Alaska last September. Raylene jumped up on the school bus seat and halfway onto my lap, clinging to me like she was headed for some very scary place.


We're having a mostly great time. Many details will follow when we get off the cruise next week on the 21st.


Oh! Cruise Critic.....Why do I have to log on now to even write to you? Really????


Anyway.....Chris, we're looking forward to hearing about your adventure.....Aren't our dogs the funniest when they're in some situations....Certainly surprised me when Horty jumped up on my lap!!!!

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I didn't get a chance to wish you all a wonderful and warm weekend. So, I'll wish a "stay warm and out of the chill, week!" I went to the dentist on Thursday and wound-up having gum surgery!!!!! Don't ask. My poor mouth is still sore today!!!! Horton lays in the corner, under all the "machinery and rubber hoses".....when I'm done, he stands and gives a big stretch. He's a good buddy to have after a long visit to my most un-favorite medical professional!!!!!


I have so much to do.....I don't have time for a sore mouth!


I hope that you're all staying as warm and dry as you can. I've had the heat on for the past 4 days......it's down right cold here in L.A. The wind is blowing and the wind chill factor is really kicking in!!!!


Horton is curling up in the tiniest ball that he can to keep warm......so cute to see this giant roll into a fur-ball!!!!

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Cindy, how are you all doing in the brutal cold? We have cold and freezing drizzle, with snow in our weekend forecast for Kansas City. Not going to be a fun weekend.



It's been wicked Beckie!! We have both been sick, so staying in the house alot. The rest of the week is going to be in the 40s. 3 weeks and we're outta here!! Can't wait!!


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So, today was the day for my car to be serviced. I love the car dealership I bought my car from; they have such great service and they drop you off at work and come and get you when it's done.


The car is done, the guy, in the Ford Edge is waiting for Horton and me to enter his car.....Horton REFUSES to get in. I climb into the back seat and coax him in.....he finally enters the car and the guy walks around to close the door. You would have thought he closed Horton's tail in the door [for a second, I thought he did, the way Horton flinched!!!!] Horton, all 90 pounds of him, proceeds to climb onto my lap......REALLY, SERIOUSLY, what kind of a brave Service Dog are you?


Horton is holding on to my knees [half on and half off my lap] like he had thumbs........I'm cradling his head in between my hands......Who is this brave dog?????? NOT!!!!! Good thing it was only a 10 minute drive or I would have looked like Flat Stanley at the end of it!!!!


Like I've said before, go figure out what goes through the mind of these amazing animals!!!! :rolleyes:

What a wuss Roz!! Wex is the same way. It snowed the other day and I notice Wex holding up his paw and limping. Like its too cold mom! Geez


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From the 'look what crawled out of the woodwork' file...it's me! Sorry that I have been absent for so long, but life has been crazy since my husband retired.


I just wanted to pass along some info for anyone traveling to Belize. After doing a ton of research regarding their requirements and restrictions, I thought I had the correct info. At the beginning of December, I emailed the import permit application. As per the BAHA website, the permit should only take 7 days or so to process. After reading a comment for someone else's experience with this process, I found out that they lose applications, forget about issuing them, etc. I decided to also fax the app. The fax number didn't work...no answer. I called every number on their website, and all of the numbers were disconnected. My next step was to call their embassy in Washington DC. There I got some working phone numbers. After a few tries, I got one of the numbers to ring. I spoke to a man in a different department, but he gave me the correct number and person to contact. I was finally able to get through to the correct person. She told me that email is the best way to apply, as the fax numbers are not working.


I wanted to pass on the correct information, so no one else has to go through what I jus did.


Here is the person to contact for an animal import permit for Belize:


Ms. Melody Robateau

Administrative Assistant/Permit Officer

Animal Health Department

Belize Agricultural Health Authority

Central Farm, Cayo District, BELIZE, C. America

Tel: (501) 824 4899/72/73

Fax: (501) 824 4889/3773


Melody is very nice to deal with. She emailed me a receipt of confirmation and said it would be processed shortly. Phew! Now, I can relax and get ready for our cruise next month.
























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Cindra, it's good to hear from you. Thank you for the information on Belize. In Columbia and Nicaragua I was woken very early in the morning because the Immigration officials wanted to see Horton [even if we were NOT getting off the ship.] Very annoying to be awaken by the phone at 6:30am, especially when you're on vacation.


I'm so afraid to retire.....It would take Bekins moving vans to get all my "stuff" out of my cubicle!


I went shopping last night.....OMG, what was I thinking?????? :eek:

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I didn't get a chance to wish you all a wonderful and warm weekend. So, I'll wish a "stay warm and out of the chill, week!" I went to the dentist on Thursday and wound-up having gum surgery!!!!!


I hope you feel better soon Roz, any dental surgery is no fun!


We are having a cold snap in Northern California. It has been below 32 degrees for the past several nights. That is very cold for us!



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I hope you feel better soon Roz, any dental surgery is no fun!


We are having a cold snap in Northern California. It has been below 32 degrees for the past several nights. That is very cold for us!




We're going up to the high 70's for a few days and then back down again........it's one of the reasons I love L.A. You ALWAYS get a break from the bad weather before you can blink twice!!!!

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Our girl is home! Absolutely exhausted, and now sound asleep in front of the fire curled up with her big sister Aruba! Lots of cuddles and was so surprised to see me this morning.


She's had a grooming session and a baby shampoo bath! And she smells lovely too, that all new puppy smell again!


But that will all be gone tomorrow I expect when she gets back into her tinky behaviour and is tanking around the very muddy garden re-arranging the log stacks!


She did very well, didn't freak out at being in the kennels, so that's all good.


We are very happy to have her home! :D.

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