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Duped into buying travel insurance??


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Cruise insurance also protects the price you paid for the cruise you can't take because you broke some important bone on the way to the pier. The cruise line does not care why you are not onboard. They will not refund your cruisefare when you don't show.


The cruiseline should have told that poster's father that he was indeed purchasing insurance. That is just not fair that he didn't know. NCL reps get "points" for insurance sales that result in bonuses.

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Are you a Politician or a Reporter? You sure like to put words in other people's mouths. No where did I say I "won" nor mentioned the Lottery. We've had the lottery for many years in this state and I've never played it. It's a bad investment.


I did say I buy insurance to cover what I do not wish to lose. That is not a bad investment. If you feel it is, don't buy it. Not a month goes by without me being hit up for a donation for someone who said they don't need insurance but have their hand out when it happens that they do.


I'm not a politician or a reporter, thank-you.

I did quote your statement in it's entirety above my response so there can be no confusion that my analogy was putting words in your mouth. "won" is in quotes because my point was that your testamonial about how you personally benefited from cruise insurance should not be confused with a valid arguement supporting the overall economic value of cruise insurance.

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The experts about cruise insurance are not the same ones that predict gas prices.


Your arguement that you "won" on cruise insurance and therefore it represents a sound purchase is a lot like saying lottery tickets are a good investment because somebody always wins. Fact is that the lottery is a poor use of money and so is cruise insurance (though I'm glad it worked out for you).


Cruise insurance is the most expensive and overpriced of all travel related services bar none.


But don't take my work for here are the experts:


In most cases, travelers would do better saving their money for souvenirs, rather than wasting it on travel insurance, says the May issue of Consumer Reports. Travel insurance often merely duplicates coverage that people already have.

CR recommends that travelers should think twice before purchasing products including trip cancellation/interruption insurance, personal effects or baggage coverage, emergency medical assistance, accidental death policies, and others.

“Many people don't realize it, but travel insurance often duplicates coverage they already have through their credit cards, homeowners insurance, life insurance and other policies,” said Greg Daugherty, Editor at Large at Consumer Reports. Daugherty said that one possible exception would be emergency medical coverage for travelers in poor health heading overseas, if their health insurance doesn’t cover them outside the U.S.

Credit cards sometimes provide coverage for accidental death, lost baggage and rental cars; and homeowners insurance often covers policyholders’ possessions outside the home and damage to luggage and cameras.

The article points out that consumers are likely to receive refunds even on canceled trips and events considered beyond an airline or other provider’s control, such as war or a natural disaster. In addition, airlines are required to reimburse travelers for lost bags.


End of Story

I happen to enjoy comsumers report and read it faithfully. That being said i certainly do not beleive everything written in the magazine or any magazine for that matter. I have checked out our insurance, our Credit Card insurance and have suggested clients do the same: In rare cases have credit card insurance come anywhere close to covering the costs for a true disaster aboard a ship like having to be evacuated, or having to fly home in case of a family emergancy or even needing to cancel because of a health issue. You obviously do not beleive in carrying extra protection: that is your choice but I think, in this case CR is off base.



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Well I'm sorry that I started a thread that got so confrontational. There are obviously a lot of things my family and I hadnt taken into consideration regarding the insurance.


I am glad though that I have learned enough through this conversation to know that for my next cruise I will buy the insurance, but not through the cruise line. That was not an option I had ever even thought of.


Thank you to everyone once again for all of your knowledge on a subject that I obviously have not looked into enough ~having 5 kids doesn't allow much time for research!


Happy cruising to all! I'm just over 2 weeks from mine!

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I'm not a politician or a reporter, thank-you.

I did quote your statement in it's entirety above my response so there can be no confusion that my analogy was putting words in your mouth. "won" is in quotes because my point was that your testamonial about how you personally benefited from cruise insurance should not be confused with a valid arguement supporting the overall economic value of cruise insurance.



Since it was you who used the term “won” and compared my case to the lottery, it seems we look at things differently. You seem to look at this as a gamble where I look at it as protecting an investment.


If I were to look at it as a gamble, I could either pay for a cruise without insurance and gamble several thousand dollars that nothing will happen to my wife and I which would require canceling the cruise, that, since I’ve not seen many cruise ships pick up passengers in Branson, MO, we won’t have a problem with our flights and missed the cruise, that, since our insurance does not pay when out of country, we will not get sick or injured while on the cruise requiring med evac or hospitalization, or an occurrence happen where we miss the ship at a port. BTW, I’ve been air evaced twice, my wife once, so the odds aren’t always in your favor .


Or, I could spend an extra $86 average PP that the insurance has cost me and gamble that one of the above will occur.


I know which wager I would rather lose.


An expert is just someone with an opinion who, most likely, is just playing the odds. It’s much easier to play the odds with someone else’s money.

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We have used travel insurance 3 out of 4 cruises and almost had to use it on our last cruise when my dad became ill.


Once because of a hurricane, illness on ship and then a friend cancelling the cruise two weeks before we left.


I would never not purchase it.

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I work in the insurance industry, and believe me the vast majority of people have no idea what their insurance actually covers. They also don't usually make the mistake of being overprotected either.


Insurance can be a very complicated issue, especially health and life policies. However travel insurance is pretty straight forward. A one time fee buys you financial protection against the unknown. Insurance from credit cards? Most group policies are full of loopholes, I can't imagine what credit card insurance is like.


As for Consumer Reports, I guess they have their uses, but they are far from a source I would quote for just about anything. The way they evaluate and recommend cars is absolutely worthless.

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Well I'm sorry that I started a thread that got so confrontational. There are obviously a lot of things my family and I hadnt taken into consideration regarding the insurance.


I am glad though that I have learned enough through this conversation to know that for my next cruise I will buy the insurance, but not through the cruise line. That was not an option I had ever even thought of.


Thank you to everyone once again for all of your knowledge on a subject that I obviously have not looked into enough ~having 5 kids doesn't allow much time for research!


Happy cruising to all! I'm just over 2 weeks from mine!

good for you: yes do take insurance. The only thing wrong with what happened to your dad was being roped into it without enough information to make a decision on his own. NIta
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Clearly people here are willing to pay for piece of mind and sometimes we will pay a high price for that (only about 30%, and in some cases as little as 10%, of the cost of a travel policy goes to the actual insurance the rest is profit, minus advertising and administration).


The tribe has spoken: Buy travel insurance.

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The analogy to 'gambling' with one's potential medical emergency is excellant, BUT, is it also not the same huge gamble to take out insurance without really understanding what it actually covers?


IMO, the worst place to buy this is from a cruise-line, a bank teller, or a credit card co.


Logic dicates a good TA can help you find the right insurance, or as many are doing here, using websites deciated to explaining benefits and coverage.


I wonder than, if you are able to call NCL, and say, I've read the benefit coverage, and would to cancel the insurance portion, because it does not offer primary coverage, and my father thought it did?


Just trying to help




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gadom, if you knew how much money insurance companies make on life insurance policies, you might have a coronary. However a good, and I stress good, life insurance policy is essential to any worthwhile financial plan. Insurance allows us to, for a small fee, avoid potential financial disaster. If you never need the insurance count yourself lucky. If you do need it you instantly understand how valuable it is.

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This is our first cruise and I plan to get insurance, but don't know which company/policy to take. Where did you all get your coverage and what sort of policy did you get?


I'm not really worried about the health coverage as we are in good health, but accidents do happen, etc. I'm more concerned about trip cancellation/interruption. Any personal insights that any of you can provide will be appreciated. Pooh, please share the specifics of the insuranc eyou had which covered your DH's incident so well. Thanks!!!

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We are cruising in less than 3 weeks with my parents and other family members. The subject of travel insurance came up yesterday and I was telling my father that we opted not to purchase it. Well...he was shocked because when he booked he was not told it was an option (he is a 1st time cruiser). The rep told him it was part of the package and matter-of-factly gave him the price. This especially stinks for him because he also paid for my brother & SIL's room and was charged for the insurance for them also.


This topped with other Upsell problems he has had with NCL has caused him to have a less than favorable view of NCL and the cruise hasn't even happened yet.


Does anyone think there is anything we can do to get this fixed? It seems to be well-known that NCL reps can be worthless so I am hesisitant to call them. I am hoping there is a better number I can call for him.

you can call the company, but if ONE of you needs the insurance you will be more than happy you have it. You should have been given the option but I have heard of quite a few people needing it for different reasons and they are so glad they got it and will never travel without it. All it takes is a call from home that there is an emergency and you need to come home and you will see why it is good to have.


Just my opinion. They should have told you it was optional.



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It seems many people want to buy travel insurance. Good for them it gives them piece of mind. What I find unfortunate is the industry takes a product worth $10 - $20 and charges people upwards of $100. Too bad they can't charge a fair price. Its almost as bad as paying $2 for a coke that costs the business 5 cents or Starbucks charging $2.50 for lattes that cost 25 cents to make.

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gadom, if you knew how much money insurance companies make on life insurance policies, you might have a coronary. However a good, and I stress good, life insurance policy is essential to any worthwhile financial plan. Insurance allows us to, for a small fee, avoid potential financial disaster. If you never need the insurance count yourself lucky. If you do need it you instantly understand how valuable it is.


If you are speaking about whole life then I agree, a ripoff (except for a subset of high-net worth individuals where it may be useful).


If you are speaking about term life that is a different story. The margins are razor thin thanks to the presence low margin, high transaction players that have entered this market over the last decade. This combined with the fact that potential policyholders have significantly more access to information than only a few years ago creates a competitive market to be exploited by the purchaser.

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My wife called NCL last night and got the same run around that the insurance was madatory and cost $99. The thing that bugged me the most was the trip cancellation part; it paid a portion (like 70 or 80%) of your fare back if you had to cancel for approved reasons, but the payment was in a credit to be used against a future cruise, not in money. This part, at least,seems worthless to me--big deal a partial credit if an emergency forces me to cancel. Also makes me wonder what the restrictions on the medical part are.

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My wife called NCL last night and got the same run around that the insurance was mandatory and cost $99. The thing that bugged me the most was the trip cancellation part; it paid a portion (like 70 or 80%) of your fare back if you had to cancel for approved reasons, but the payment was in a credit to be used against a future cruise, not in money. This part, at least,seems worthless to me--big deal a partial credit if an emergency forces me to cancel. Also makes me wonder what the restrictions on the medical part are.


My TA always gets insurance for me and I wouldn't cruise without it. However it's NOT with the cruise line (and it's NOT mandatory). Buying your insurance from the cruise line is sort of self-defeating. It probably won't happen but what if the cruise line went bankrupt? You not only lose what you gave them but, since it's their insurance, your insurance is no good either. :rolleyes:

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Even on this board, none of us, really know what Insurance will or will not carry, from whom to buy from, etc...It's such a confusing issue, so much so, I reckon it's a 'conspiracy' prepetrated by the lines themsleves and the Insurance co to keep us duly confused and uninformed, but keep paying for it. (lol)


Cruise Critic occasionally runs special information on Insurance, but from already reading this thread, few of us, including me, really understand it all.


NCL Insurance, by what I've read here, and most cruiseline Insurance is SECONDARY coverage. It'll only kick in after your personal coverage pays. Inotherwords, it's 'crappy low-level' Insurance. If I'm wrong on this, please correct me. You may think you're covered for this n that, but you are not.

You have no choice of carrier.


Most travel agencies also can sell you insurance, though I suspect, again, it's of a secondary nature. Depends on the travel agency, but be assured, each agency has a co whom they deal with, you're not getting a choice.


So, most Ta's and cruislines want to sell you Insurance, cos they make a nice markup on it, and get volume kickbacks. They say it's good for you, but they rarely explain the benefit coverage. I'm sure they're are exceptions to this, I'm generalizing...


PRIMARY Coverage, from what I've read here, is best bought independantly of the cruiselines, through such carriers as Travel Guard, etc, or websites, that will offer you a choice of carriers, and better explain benefits coverage.


What I'm saying is that is abhorent that a line, would hard-sell insurance, let alone, simply add it on, without first making sure that is what the customer wants, the benefit coverage, and cost.


It is also sad, we as customers, keep buying it, cos we think we need it, but without better scrutiny about benefit coverage, that it is primary coverage, and making sure when we buy, we have a choice of carriers.


For my first 10 cruises, I just bought from the cruisline. Now I know better, from reading posts on cruise critic, for my upcoming X Xpedition and NCL Jewel cruises, I will buy travel guard direct.


Maybe cruise critic could start and insurance section of this board, so the masses, us cruisers, could be more informed.





Most travel insurance is secondary insurance. Travel Guard is secondary insuarance. This is not crappy low level insurance. It just means that they will cover anything that your primary insurance does not cover.

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If you shop around, the price of the insurance is 1 to 3% of the cost of the cruise. Cheaper than most shore excursions.

I always take it.

I understand that some folks don't

It's good to have a choice.


I always buy travel insurance, but have never found anything near 1 - 3 %. You cannot insure a $1000 cruise for $10. I believe the industry average is 5 %.

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Take a look at this site




It tells the different options and on the left of the page you can enter your information and find out cost.


The cost is based on the cost of your trip. If you got a really expensive suite and the cruise was expensive, so will the insurance be. They couldn't charge 10 dollars for a 2000 dollar cruise.

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It seems many people want to buy travel insurance. Good for them it gives them piece of mind. What I find unfortunate is the industry takes a product worth $10 - $20 and charges people upwards of $100. Too bad they can't charge a fair price. Its almost as bad as paying $2 for a coke that costs the business 5 cents or Starbucks charging $2.50 for lattes that cost 25 cents to make.
none of us like the mark-ups, they apply to everything we buy, but I beleive it is called "free market" economy. Does anyone have a better way of doing business?



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My wife called NCL last night and got the same run around that the insurance was madatory and cost $99. The thing that bugged me the most was the trip cancellation part; it paid a portion (like 70 or 80%) of your fare back if you had to cancel for approved reasons, but the payment was in a credit to be used against a future cruise, not in money. This part, at least,seems worthless to me--big deal a partial credit if an emergency forces me to cancel. Also makes me wonder what the restrictions on the medical part are.

Well that is the first time I have ever heard that. I have had clients that have had to cancel for approved reasons, had insurance thru the cruise lines and gotten a full refund minus the cost of the insurance. I am not certain where you got this information. As for NCL saying it is mandatory, I find that strange as well. I have never heard any company claim that. I have had them quote the cruise price, taxes and the insurance cost, but never saying it is mandatory. BTW, I never advise a client to take the insurance thru the cruise company but I have had a few who have preferred to do it that way.Nita

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