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Weight watchers online


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Thinking quite seriously of joing online. I tell myself I can just do it on my own, and not spend the dollars, but the reality is I am NOT doing it on my own, so I had better get some help. Question to anyone doing ww online. Do you have to commit to points flex plan or the core program BEFORE you sign on, or do they give you all the info so you can make an informed decison, or even change programs after a few weeks if you want to have a change of scenery so to speak?


How do you find the online program? Lots of motivation even though you are just in your own home doing your own thing? Results if you are honest?


Thanks for any info.

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I use WW online (I just use the flex plan) and in looking at the information once I'm logged in it does appear that you can switch between the two plans - they just recommend that you stay on a plan for at least one week before switching.


WW online worked great for me as I never would have had the time to go to weekly meetings. It does take a good deal of self motivation and commitment but there are tons of on-line resources and different foods are very easy to look up. For me the results were great. It took about 1 1/2 years for me to get to my goal weight (down about 100 pounds) but I've kept it off because, in my opinion, I took the time to really learn a new way to eat and change my whole perspective about food. I may be the exception to the rule, but I wholeheartedly endorse WW online.

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Thank you for the imput.... I did the deed this morning and am on my way!! The flex plan was my choice for the first piece of this journey... keeps me really on track. As I get more confident, perhpas i will branch out on my own. Your lose was most impressive...congratulations!.


I am hoping some others may join us on this chat line for online weight watchers, but it is up to them...! I will post occasonally and let you know how it is going.. and to find out how you are with it all.


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Hi guys! I personally prefer the meetings, so I go every Sunday morning. That's just me though. :) I was so glad to find this thread. I lost over 100 lbs back in 2002, but gained most of it back after i was in a car accident and couldnt exercise. That turned into a pity party full of all my favorite naughty foods.


We are cruising in January. I would love to lose 30 lbs by then, but I would be happy just knowing I made the effort over these next months. What are your goals? When are you cruising?

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Good to hear from you too...whowww 100 pounds!!! so sorry you have to lose it again, but at least you know it can be done!! Your goal for January sounds very doable.... hope you make it happen. we are cruising in sept, 8 weeks from now. I am thinking 12 -15 pounds by then as it is my first weeks with a few bonus pounds off, but I am in this for the long haul..have about 50 to do and will just keep on keeping on until it is done. I AM planning on a nice new wardrobe for next summer, so hope to have it off by May. Day one went very well... I did not eat 4 points, just didn't want any more food, and had nothing "good for you" with 4 points worth of value handy to eat. I was NOT going to grab a spoonful of peanut butter and honey or such.. seems too counterproductive!


Good luck to us all...even though I do not believe this challenge is a matter of luck in any way!! Sometimes accepting the responsibility is daunting isn't it?

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Hi Muffin! I joined ww online a few months ago, but found I wasn't disciplined enough to really make it work, so I started meetings this last week. But I'm keeping the online because it's so convenient (I am on there several times a day) I love the recipe builder function, and use that often because I love to "create".


My goal is 10% by my cruise on October 20th. 10% is 28 lbs and we're saling on my 28th anniversary........coincidence? I think not!


Best of luck to all, and I'll be back!

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Weighed myself on Saturday and down 3 pounds. I'll take it!! Finding the ww online really helpful and tracking food makes you very accountable which is something I need right now. It is too easy, to "forget" that mouthful of something or other!

Our scale is very old and telling a one pound lose is nearly impossible.. and parts of pounds would never be recognized. I am thinking when I hit 10 pounds, I may treat myself to a digital scale that weights in .2 pound increments. Are there .1 pound increments out there?

I know in the scheme of things .2 just doesn't matter, but there may be a week or two when that is all I will lose, and I know myself well enoght to know a .2 ound lose will sit a lot better with me than no lose visible at all!!


How are the rest of you doing this weeek?


Cheers, Marg

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Way to go Marg,

Congrats on the weight loss, i joined ww online about 3 weeks ago I did super well the first week lost 3.4lbs but have gained it back. I'm finding it hard to stay motivated, maybe seeing your success will help. I've decided to get back with it starting tomorrow. reading how some others have lost 100 lbs I should be able to do it too. Stop with my pity parties!!!!!


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I am thinking when I hit 10 pounds, I may treat myself to a digital scale that weights in .2 pound increments. Are there .1 pound increments out there?


I think that there are. I believe that WW uses scales that weigh in 2 lb increments for the meetings. .1 lb is so small that I"m not sure that it is meaningful to measure with such precision, particularly since your body weight fluctuates so much during the course of the day.

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Hi everyone and RB Bonzo (from another thread)


I tried going it alone after I learned the WW program and I just couldn't do it so I went back to the meetings.


Today's weigh-in was not so hot though. I have to keep remembering to make better choices...



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I just joined WW online last Friday, myself! I did WW (meetings) for several weeks back in 2005. It worked, but the problem was I became too busy to attend as I was finishing up my grad school degree.


Since then I tried several times to keep track of points by myself. I was never accountable and it never really worked as great.


I LOVE WW online for this reason: it's so easy to find point values! :D I usually will log on several times a day. Today I discovered the restaurant search tool. It makes it so easy to choose what I want for lunch based on the restaurants near work.


I also love how it calculates everything so quickly, including exercise points and the 35 flex points. I like the weekly view so I can see how I've done so far.

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RB Bonzo, of course you are right.. .1 pound is meaningless. I was thinking of Kilos which is how many digital scales in canada weigh.( Many have a conversion to pounds too.) Our spring scale is pounds, so I said when I lost 10 pounds... I am ambidextrous when it comes to weights!!!



I too find the points tracking very simple and the restaurant section kept me on the straigt and narrow a few times. The recipes look very promising...so far I am happy just doing my own thing, but know I will eventually be looking for new ideas.


Onward and downward!!!

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I joined WW online in May 2006, lost 28 pounds. It works if you are committed to weekly self weigh in as well as point tracking everything if you choose the Flex Plan. You can decide after you join or even investigate before you join. You can also change the plan you pick. I was religious in the beginning about everything I ate in their online point tracker. Now I am maintaining pretty well and don't track everything BUT I do log my weight every week. I also used mostly WW receipes from the website and still do when I am eating at home. I really love it, I went down 2 sizes. I lost generally what was recommended, about 2 pounds a week. It's a healthier way to go and I have kept it off. Though I am within appropriate range now for my age, I want to lose a few extra pounds before my cruise in '08 so I can eat enjoy my cruise food. Although, I will never eat in the portions that I used to. WW changed my way of thinking. Just remember, it is a life-style change not a diet. If you can not commit to a life-style change in your eating habits then you probably will regain whatever you lost in a year or two. Happy sailing and good luck.

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Down 2, for a total of five off. I am pleased. Of course I want the 4 and 5 pound loses some people get, but ANY lose is just fine with me. I am in this for thelong haul.... next May is my target date which is very doable at this rate. I did not put it on in 9 months, and think I can get it off in 9 month...sort of like a pseuso pregnancy!!?? Instead of gaining, I will lose..perhpas that is the way to approach this challenge!!


Hope you are doing well too...I find the recipes very helpful.. keeps the ideas growing for goodies. I am having trouble getting all my points in as so many good things are low. I do it though.. it is leap of faith to believe that you will not lose more if you eat less, but the overwhelming message is that you MUST eat the daily points so I do!!


Cheers, Marg

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I am having trouble getting all my points in as so many good things are low. I do it though.. it is leap of faith to believe that you will not lose more if you eat less, but the overwhelming message is that you MUST eat the daily points so I do!!


Cheers, Marg


Marg - regarding having trouble getting all of your points, in, I cut and pasted the following, which I wrote for another board:


I had this problem when I first started - lots of us do.


For me, the problem was that I had "dieted" in the past and had gotten used to eating certain types of foods. I was filling up on 1 pt and 2 pt foods.


That is not what WW is about. The program is about following a healthy lifestyle, and part of that lifestyle is eating healthy fats & oils, lots of fruits and veggies, and getting adequate protein and calcium. It is also about occasionally allowing yourself to enjoy higher calorie foods as part of a program. There is more to that lifestyle too, as you will learn, but those are the main points that you should focus on at this stage as you are trying to meet your points target.


Adding some more nutritionally dense foods will help. Think about the healthy fats and oils. A handful of nuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter will promote good health. The 2 tsps of healthy oils is a minimum - so drizzle some on vegetables or salads. I like adding it to microwave popcorn.


I also "treat" myself to a bit of dark chocolate or red wine most days - although I only allow that to myself when I've "earned" it through activity points. You'll get to that in week 2.


Something else I did to get closer to the my points target was adding a bit more fruit during the course of the day. 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is a minimum - I get 8-10 in a typical day.


So, don't eat when you're not hungry. But, try to get closer to your points total by working in more of the healthy stuff and by permitting yourself an occasional treat.

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I think that there are. I believe that WW uses scales that weigh in 2 lb increments for the meetings. .1 lb is so small that I"m not sure that it is meaningful to measure with such precision, particularly since your body weight fluctuates so much during the course of the day.



WW Does not weigh in 2lb Increments at meetings. I have had .2 Losses all the way up to 3.5 lb losses. They have digital scales that weigh every ounce one way or another.


I was not successful on just WW Online. I need the motivation of going every week. It keeps me on the straight an arrow. I love my leader and going to the meetings.


Whatever works though! Each persons journey is very different than the next. Good Luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone... I didn't report last week, but yesterday was four weeks of WW online and I have lost 8 pounds for sure..maybe a tad more!! I am pleased. I have been making sure to get the points in, finding "healthy" snacks at the end of the day to use up 4 or 5 is a challenge. Seem to use peanut butter quite a bit, and cheese, Think there must be beter choices, but I can't think of them. Fruit etc is not pointy enough! I am not a meat fan, so an extra serving of ham etc would not work for me. I have used sorbet too...lime is great!! I dare not get into the crackers and cookie place, as I fear I would lose it totally, and eat several weeks worth in one sitting!. Any ideas? And how are the rest of you doing.. both online and at tyour meetings? Hope it is well, as it is such a challenge. We sail in less than a month, and I have already decided I am going to be as pure as I can possibly be... I know it will make the cruise a little less"fun", but have decided losing weight is about as unfun as life gets, and I have NO wish to gain three or four pounds just to have to lose them AGAIN!!!. So, my goal is to maintain or just gain one... up the excercise a bit and eat wisely. Our next cruise will be a different matter, as by then I will be at my goal, and will hopefully love being there so much I will be less " food oriented",but eat a few more real goodies. Good weeks to you all...

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Congratulations on the 8 pound weight loss! You a re doing a fantastic job!:D


I have cruised several times during my WW journey. I still have a little over a hundred pounds to loose (I have lost 39 pounds since I started WW online), so I am looking at the long term. I lost quite a bit before my Jewel cruise in 2006, went on the cruise and just kept "cruising" so to speak for the next 6 months! So much for my weight loss.....:rolleyes: This time I'm not dieting for a cruise, but changing my habits so I can enjoy this wonderful life.


I started WW online on Jan. 20 and have lost an average of 1.15 lbs per week since I started. This time I am taking a different mental approach to my weight loss. I am truly trying to incorporate the idea that it is a journey, with all of it's ups and downs and I am committed for life. I have finally accepted the fact that a healthy weight loss rate will take me a total of 2 years or more to reach. However, each pound loss or portion thereof is better than I was the week before! I went on a cruise in April and went with a plan to minimize the damage. I stuck to it so-so and gained 4 pounds. However, the difference was that I came home & went right back to my weight loss program. I lost that weight, plus a couple of punds in two weeks! (A lot of that weight was obviously water retention from consuming extra carbs) After that I resumed my normal weight loss of 1 - 1.5 lbs per week.


I have observed "skinny people" eating and celebrating & realize that they too "celebrate" at times in their life, but they do not continue to celebrate day after day or month after month!


So the moral of this story is that you should enjoy your cruise as far as eating is concerned. Set limits for yourself, take advantage of the fantastic fitness centers on many ships, but if you really want that piece of chocolate cake, enjoy it - but have one piece and leave the table!


Some tips - if you are on RCI or some other cruise lines, hot breakfasts are available from room service. My DH & I love to eat our breakfast on the balcony - so relaxing. And we avoid that buffet. Having meals in the dining room instead of the buffet also helps with portion control. And when you do visit the buffet, pass up those platters they call plates and grab a dessert plate. You can fill it up and eat a lot fewer calories in the process.


Keep up the good work! Let me know how next week goes.:)

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Congratulations to all the loosers :)


As has been said before, this isn't a "diet," it's a change of lifestyles and your whole attitude about food and how you relate to it. And with any change, there'll be forward motion and backward motion - but the forward will outway the backward.


I used to get excited about going out to dinner so I could try something new, different and/or decadent. Now I go out to dinner to enjoy time with my friends. They all tease me (good naturedly) about "which salad are you ordering tonight?" . . . and I always choose a salad because that's what works for me. Dinner out is about friends and time together, not about the food - and I dine out for dinner 2-3 times a week. That was a MAJOR life change for me and now it's second nature.


Keep at it and keep looking at it as a life-change, not a six or eight or 10 month diet that you can get off once you reach your goal. You'll do great!

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Polly - I go out to eat a lot, too. My strategy is to ALWAYS order a dinner salad with olive oil & vinegar on the side. That way I always get my oil in (sometimes a problem for me), plus I 'fill up' on the salad before the meal is then placed in front of me. Then I INSIST on getting a 'to go' box before my entree arrives. Then when it comes I put half of it in right away before I begin to eat, irregardless of what I order. The only exception to that is when I order a WW meal at Applebees, where I can control the points. I do try to order a healthy selection, such as the low-fat options at Olive Garden (marked with an olive branch on the menu). That way I can use portion control. So far it's worked & I get 2 meals for the price of 1!:)


Keep up the good work, everyone!:D

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Hello to you all...so nice to hear of your sucesses and coping stratagies. Your wisdon is very helpful. You are right..this is not a diet, but a change of habits....i am incorporating the odd treat... simple pleasures cookies for example ..a little bit. Funny, one or two with a nice cup of tea does it... especially when you know you can do the same thing tomorrow if you choose to. Before i would eat 5 or 6 very quickly, and they were no more satisfying... maybe I AM learning something here!!


One thing I always do on a cruise, and will do ont his one too, is ask the waiter the first night to please provide me with a plate of crudities..carrot sticks, celery sticks, pepper strips etc . I ask that it be on the table when we enter. This is my "bread plate" as others eat the buns and bread sticks, I have my veggies. Funniest thing... the others at the table really enjoy them too, and the plate is always empty at the end of the pre dinner wait. I also tell them that I will have berries every night for dessert. This does two things.... having TOLD them that is what I willhave, I have to have it ,right? Well, not really, but they always ask me what I want and I say berries because I made a public committment to do that. The other up side to this is that should I decide to have a wondrous dessert sometime during the day I do so. I usually have it at mid afternoon tea time, when it can REALLY enjoy it totally, not when I am alreadyfullf rom dinner. I also find a few forkfuls, eaten slowly gives me enough often, and I can quit midway. If I do that, I do ask then to remove the plate, as I know I can pick it to death!!


Oh..forgot to tell you... 10 pounds total now..2 pounds this week. I have decided to keep my spring scale.. I like its numbers!! I also realize in the great scheme of things 2 pounds one way or other is not what it is all about until you reach goal. I think this means I actually believe this is going to work!!


How are the rest of you doing? Have a great weekend.

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Hi AZ girl... we seem to be the only ones interested in keeping in touch...hope you are still out there! Today I am down 11 pounds, and I must say it has been remarkably painless. The flex points are great... even when you think you have blown a day, of course you haven't because you can just take it off the allowable extra!! Brilliant!!

Hope you days continue to be good ones... we cruise two weeks yesterday, and my plan is to be wise and make good choices. I really do not want to gain a bunch just to have to lose it again... am feeling very strong about it right now. I am learning that a very small amount of a sweet calorie laden food will often be enough...and I have given myself permission to be "wasteful" and leave the rest, or even throw it out if I fear it will sabotague? me later in the day.

Cheers, to everyone on your journeys....

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