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Weight watchers online


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I actually applaud you - GREAT JOB!!!!! :D :D :D


Only one pound gained after a cruise...you'll lose that in no time! Plus, you will have learned an important life lesson - life has times of celebration. If you indulge on occasion it's ok. It's how you act after the occasion is what makes the difference.:)

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Thx a lot, AZ girl... I like your words of wisom.. life DOES have times of celebration... its just that we who fight weight have to remember you do not have to celebrate finding a 10 dollar bill in a pocket, or getting a new

painting for the study, or receiving an email from a friend... you get the picture..... things we can use as an excuse to celebrate, when they are just happy life events... enjoy them without using chocolate to enhance them!!!!

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Hi to all.....I am also doing WW online, started back up yesterday. Was doing great until my b-day in July and fell of the wagon, so its back on track as of yesterday. My DH and I are going on a quickie cruise (4 dayer) in November and a family cruise (7 day) with kids and grandparents April 2008. I like the idea of a support group on CC for WW. Keeping on track while planning our common trips sounds like a great match. Hope you don't mind me chiming in with the rest of you.


A little bit about myself...my name is Laura and I am from Florida (Tampa Bay area) I am 44, married w/ 2 kids. I would like to lose 10-15 pounds before the Nov 30th cruise and an additional 20 pounds before April 08' cruise.


I will record my losses (hopefully losses lol) here as well as WW online.


My current weight is 178.


Hope to share this journey with all of you!!!

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Hi, Laura! Welcome to our thread!!!:D


Congratulations for making the first step back - that's the most important one. I'm getting back on track myself today. I've had a hard month, but am determined to 'get it together' again starting now!:cool:


So, here we go again - keep checking in everyone. The support is great!:)

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Hi all, and welcome to our little group..... Am down the other pound, so am back at the starting gate pre cruise.. not too bad i guess. So, I plan to up my activity a bit as it is not coming off as quickly as I would like...and coupled with points and water, I can do no more.... the laws of physics and nutrition say it will happen don't they??!! Must admit that even though the scale is not showing it as much, the face is definitely more concave, and clothes are looser, so all that is nice to see too.... gotta take heart wherever we can!


Hope you all had, and will have great weeks... keep the dream alive!


Cheers, and happy end of September to you all.

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Thanks for the warm welcome!


First of all Congrats Muffin on the loss! and Congrats Sunny on getting back on track!! It is hard to get back on track, but once there it feels good.


My first week back on WW was Sunday thru Sunday and I can happily log in a 3.5 lb loss. It made me feel good to show a loss. My mini goals for the week is to get back to some sort of activity. I have a gym membership and I will strive for 2 days this week to start me off and a bike ride w/ DH or two. My next goal is to drink my water. That is a hard one for me.


Best of luck to all for this upcoming week!


Current Weight 174.5

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having a heck of a time getting back on this again. Really weird how sometimes staying on program is really easy and feels just fine, while others it is a realy chore. Seems my " holiday" from it was the turning point to make it hard again. Gotta get in the groove!!


I am even again..so at least no gain...but no lose either. It is Canadisan athaksgiving this weekend, so I did a bit of off program eating, but still have points to go if I count the full 35!! Will give it a really good effort this week...hope to get on a downward trend again.


Yesterday I put 16 pound Turkey in the oven...OMG, is 16 pounds ever heavy!!! I thought to myself, how grateful my body would be to me for loosing that much weight over the next while... So...I WILL do it!!


Best wishes to you all.... it is a challenge, but we can do it bit by bit....just DON"T GIVE UP!!


Oh, I have decided to not continue my WW online membership... instead I ordered two of the WW new cookbooks... I think that is a better idea for me, as I was really only using the online for computing points and getting recipes. You guys are my "online buddies!!" I will continue to track points etc but just with a pen and paper... I have a cardboard points calculator for already processed items. So,,, until the 14 when my three months is up, I will make sure I copy out my favoutie recipes from the site...some really good ones there!!


See you soon...

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Hi everyone! I'm new here. Just joined WW on-line a week ago yesterday. Had my first WI yesterday and was down 3.5 lbs. and very happy! We'll be cruising in 20+ days and some of the tips on here are wonderful. I just ordered one of the WW 24 oz. water bottles to take on the cruise. I figure it will be tall enough to put ice and water in and then add Crystal Light tea packages during the day.

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Obviously you had a great first week... YES!!! Good wishes to you on your journey.. and on your cruise! Glad some of the hints are helpful. As you see I have had difficulty getting really back on it since our crusie ended 3 weeks ago.. not totally out of control or anything, just not as dedicated as I was. However, after lifting that %$*#)(^ big bird and thinking how much it weighed, and thinking how my body would LOVE to get rid of two of them, I have been as good as gold today.... We can do it ladies.... just hang in there one day at a time!!

Be sure to check back regualrly, as I know I find it really helpful to se what everyone else is up to too.

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muffin.....I think this thread is great for those of us doing WW. I looked at the chat board on the WW website and I felt like I had nothing in common with them. Here we have a "cruising" as our constant....along with losing weight of course! I hope this thread stays active.

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Hi EastTexan...I am new to this thread also (last week I found it while checking on my cruise) Congrats on your first weight loss !! 3.5 is exactly what I lost the first week too!!! Then this Sunday I weighed and lost another pound.!! Trying to make mini goals for the week, last week was some activity and my DH and I went for 2 bike rides. This week I want to "behave" myself while going out to eat. We go out once a week and I have the best intentions starting out, then it goes down hill once I see the menu :eek: I really want to make better choices while dining out.


Muffin...that is too funny about your *$*@?!# turkey, I too would love to see that amount off of my body. I always look at my loss as sticks of butter. It takes 4 sticks to make a pound, so I am now down 18 sticks of butter:p (4.5 lbs) Have a great day everyone, I will check back in later in the day or tomorrow am. Keep up the good work everyone!

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Good morning all....I really do like logging all of my food online. I usually do the entire day first thing in the morning, it is a better chance that I will not veer from my foods. Keep up the good work everyone. And remember 4 sticks of butter equals a pound :)

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Just an FYI...I had Progresso Soup today ( Southwestern Vegetable) the can says zero points for one serving ( I think the can has 2 servings) so it might be a point for the whole can. It was very good, kinda had a salsa taste but t broth texture with veggies in it, a little zippy and very good for a filling one point lunch!!!

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I've been buying all of those 100 Calorie packs for snacks. They are 2 pts. a bag. I have the 100 calorie Ritz cracker bag with my 0 pt. soup. I have the cheese nips with salads, etc. And I love the chips ahoy cookies in the evening with a glass of milk.

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WI was this morning.....down another 3 lbs! I guess I was hoping for more, but I'll take what I can get. Besides we went out for a steak dinner this week! Yes I behaved myself....salad, baked potato (without all the goodies on top) and my steak. So now I know it can be done.

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Hi everyone... I have been away for a little trip to the West Coast of Vancouver Island...delightful fall weather, and good times with friends. Food was delicious, and I did NOT do very well, but had already given myself pemission to really enjoy the great seafood etc. Seems I may be taking the " life is a celebration too" comments by Arizona a trifle too literally!! ( Hey, Arizonagirl...I do NOT hold you responsible for my eating a few too many delights... I choose, I pay for it!!)


Re snacks.. my very favourite is a drink made with 1/3 coffee granules, 1/3 cocoa ( plain unsweetened,) and 1/3 splenda. Just mix it all up in a container and use about 1 big Tablespoon for a large mug of boiling water. Coffee mocha with no points at all. MMMMM does my sweet tooth a lot of good!


Got my two WW cookbooks today... Oh, my gosh they look good. I am sorry we are having last nights leftovers tonight, but it does give me time to really look them over. I will post any great snack hints.


I am no longer on WW online, but am doing the pen and paper routine. I think it is definitely the only really long term and sensible way to go.Also using spark people which has a great nutrition part to it, if you are interested in that kind of thing.... keeps track of your calories, calcium, fibre, protein etc etc.


Congrats to you all.... I will chime in with news when it is good.... hopefully next Saturday!! I am well on track now, so results should be forthcoming I am hopeful.


Cheers, Marg

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Hello everyone... I didn't report last week, but yesterday was four weeks of WW online and I have lost 8 pounds for sure..maybe a tad more!! I am pleased. I have been making sure to get the points in, finding "healthy" snacks at the end of the day to use up 4 or 5 is a challenge. Seem to use peanut butter quite a bit, and cheese, Think there must be beter choices, but I can't think of them. Fruit etc is not pointy enough! I am not a meat fan, so an extra serving of ham etc would not work for me. I have used sorbet too...lime is great!! I dare not get into the crackers and cookie place, as I fear I would lose it totally, and eat several weeks worth in one sitting!. Any ideas? And how are the rest of you doing.. both online and at tyour meetings? Hope it is well, as it is such a challenge. We sail in less than a month, and I have already decided I am going to be as pure as I can possibly be... I know it will make the cruise a little less"fun", but have decided losing weight is about as unfun as life gets, and I have NO wish to gain three or four pounds just to have to lose them AGAIN!!!. So, my goal is to maintain or just gain one... up the excercise a bit and eat wisely. Our next cruise will be a different matter, as by then I will be at my goal, and will hopefully love being there so much I will be less " food oriented",but eat a few more real goodies. Good weeks to you all...


So as far as the snacks. You sure have a lot of points left at the end of the day, so I would actually suggest spreading out your pts more throughout the day. Cut out the FF or LF things like for milk or sour cream and use the full fat versions. That will eat up some points. Here are some snacks that I eat:


Apple w/PB

Cheese & Apple

Cheese & Carrots

Yogurt w/grape nuts

Toast w/Pb & SF Jam


So I have been doing great! I made goal two weeks ago. I am on maintanence and its been great. I get a few more pts but I am still sticking to my 19 and I have just cut back on my exercise at least while I am in the Maintainence Mode. I usually earn 35-45 a week so this has been hard for me but when I exercise like normal I lose too much and they will be on me.


Good luck this week!

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Hi there WW onliners... thanks Marvlgirl for the snack ideas..yougurt and grapenuts sound good...great texture contrast there!


Well, down 3, or maybe even 4 this week..guess it all wants to come off and get me on the road again. I had a good week, and must admit the lose has me geared up for the next surge. The cookbooks are great too.. highly recommend them. They are not complicated recipes, but add some flavours and rubs, etc etc to make a meal more than " chicken" in it's simplest form. Same with the veggies... roasted instead of steamed or boiled etc etc makes a HUGE difference to how you feel about the long term idea of eating healthily. We can do anything for qwhile, but when you are looking lifetime, it is nice to know food can also be delicious as well as good for you.


Hope you all have great weeks... remember...down down and under!!!

cheers, marg

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Hi from Colorado. Room for another WW. I am an alumni of the "start and stop" group.


I read the other pages and didn't notice anyone mentioning the Core plan. Anyone following this plan? I have so much trouble keeping track of points. Also have the problem of getting cocky when I start losing and think I can handle it on my own and then an extra serving here or this bite there and here I am. I've been trying to lose the same 75-100 lbs for 11 yrs now. Of course not getting younger and what I do have keeps spreading outward and harder to carry around. Someone mentioned sticks of butter, that is a great analogy.


If you have the opportunity to look at the WW slow cooker cookbook there are some great recipes in there also. My friend gave me hers. It's not published now and sells for $65 on amazon.com


Must close good luck all.

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Hi, I am also a weight watcher/cruiser. I started with WW online and lost 30 lbs. I started gaining back and decided to join a meeting group. I am doing much better with it. I love the flexibility and some times it is hard but overall I feel so much better. I have lost 60 lbs total. 33 more to go. Have any of you tried the warm delights 150 calorie mini's. I LOVE them. 3 points and they are warm and gooey and chocolate. I'm eating more progresso soups for lunch just so I can save points for my warm delights in the evenings! :D If you have any of the WW slow cooker recipes that are great please post them. Wish I could get my hands on one of those slow cooker cookbooks.

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