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Things others do on a cruise that make you wonder why.


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I guess we can all wonder why this or why not that but individuality is what makes who we are.I know that paying that much for a vacation for us means that we are going to enjoy ourselves as much as posssible and do everything and anything that we wouldn't be able to do at home so some of the excursions were very important,once-in-a-lifetime things to experience.Swimming with dolphins and stingrays were a couple of them.Dunking in the pool to cool off from lounging by the pool with exotic drinks in our hand is another.Something we don't get to do at home very much.Having people wait on us hand and foot is definitely another as while I am a good cook( I think;) ) it's much nicer to have it done for you all day, everyday while on vacation.Having someone clean your room and make your bed for you is another.Just relaxing and enjoying all this and each other's company is just the cat's a_ _ for us and how anyone could complain about it is beyond me.Love meeting all the new friends on the ship and on these boards and absolutely hate getting off the ship when it docks as this means my vacation is over!I guess we try not to wonder about the others because we are having too much fun on our cruise to notice !!!:D :D :D
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[quote name='srphnx'][b][color=black]What I can't understand is people who go on a cruise obsessed with the ports, getting off first thing excursioning themselves into exhaustion and then come back from a cruise more tired than when they left. I get on a cruise for the ship, the ports are just a small bonus.[/color][/b][/QUOTE]

We're the port obsessed cruisers...that's why we go!

But, we plan carefully as to what to see and do in each port so as to get maximum value from our time there.
That said..we absolutely love the sea days as well.

And that's why cruising the exotics works for us..we get to see places all over the world, yet still get a relaxing vacation from it.

What I can never understand is the people that go nuts over the port Tshirt sale...crowd, hog and push around the tables like there will never be another tshirt for sale anywhere...

Also...would never think of carting a coffee maker or blender half-way around the world....
but we do cart a couple of bottles of our preferred liquor as it's not offered by Princess (and there's no substitute that can be tolererated).

This is a fascinating thread...and I guess diversity is what make cruising and meeting folks so much fun!
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I was embarassed, on one cruise I went on, by our tablemates in the traditional dining room. They kind of lorded it over the waiter and the busboy, calling the maitre de (sp?) over to order all sorts of non-menu items for not just themselves, but for the table. Both things bothered me - the ordering of difficult non-menu items (one day peach pie, the next day pecan pie) and the treatment of the wait staff - it just wasn't polite. They were our tablemates (albeit unchosen) so in some weird way I felt responsible for it! Also, while we are on the food, I don't like so much waste! So many people that order so much more than they need to (and some of them really don't need to - no offence intended!).
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My, we are a diverse group, aren't we? I'm glad pamwinn started this thread.

I earlier mentioned not understanding the desire to purchase expensive jewelry, but I do agree with the concept of buying souvenier jewelry. Today I'm wearing a wooden bead necklace I bought in Costa Rica and yesterday I wore a Swarovski crystal heart pin that I bought onboard. Inexpensive stuff can make great memories. Yeah, I admit, I get a lot of compliments on the pin and I like to admit that my husband bought it for me on the Coral Princess.

On another subject, while I hate the coffee onboard, I would never drag a coffeemaker with me. Also, I guess I'm just not serious enough about my liquor to bring something special with me. But we each have our specific likes and dislikes. With the exception of my DH, there is little I couldn't live without for a week :-)
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In response as to why some people get to the ship shortly before sailing, sometimes they do not have a choice. All our cruises so far....that is the only time we could get a flt in on the day of the cruise putting us at the ship maybe 2 hrs before sailing. We could never leave the day before for one reason or another. Approaching cruise, it has worked out that we will get to go in a day earlier, therefore allowing us to go over to the ship when the sun comes up and peer (pun intended) over at it and do like the Mervyn's commerical lady saying "open, open, open". So not all folks are arriving late to the ships on purpose.
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[quote name='bjboothman']On another subject, while I hate the coffee onboard, I would never drag a coffeemaker with me. [/QUOTE]
I'm in the camp that takes one. I buy a cheap four-cupper, packets of coffee, and filters. It allows me to enjoy my coffee without having to get dressed and go to the buffet, or order some from room service. It allows me to enjoy "my time" while the better half sleeps in a little. At the end of the cruise, I give it to the cabin steward. It makes a nice gift for them.
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[quote name='srphnx'][b]I am adding a late entry.. why do people go on a cruise to exercise on a treadmill in full view of a walking deck with fresh sea air and no line or time limit or sweat from the pervious user all over the controls. Why not walk on the DECK?[/b][/QUOTE]

I can personally answer this one :)

I use the treadmill (and more often than not the elliptical) to put in a set amount of time..a sort of penance for the hurtin' I know I'm going to put on the homemade ice cream later that night ;) The deck I use more for strolling. When I'm on a machine, I keep going..when I'm on the deck, I invariably have to stop and take in the sheer majesty of the ocean. Also, sometimes when I'm walking the deck (in a serious walk, not strolling mood) I get a little disoriented if the seas are rough...not so in the gym.

I also agree with whoever mentioned not getting treating some of the staff like crap. Yeah, ok, so we don't all have the same tongue..that's no reason to treat someone like they're an idiot..I see this more times that I care to :( I look at it this way...for example, my last cabin steward spoke Tagalog and had a decent grasp of English......I speak English (with a bit of a southern twang ) and not a bit of Tagalog...I think I had a much better deal of it than my poor steward LOL But if nothing else, I find a big smile goes a looong way in helping people understand...on both sides :)
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Lony, one of the things I enjoy doing is tasting a lot of different things. That's why I order a lot of things I don't finish. I'd rather eat some shrimp, some salad, some soup, some fish/meat/pasta and some dessert than order just one thing and belong to the "clean plate club." The cruiselines expect this and it's perfectly fine as long as your waiter doesn't think you've left food because you didn't like it. I always make it clear from the get-go that I'm going to try a lot of different things.
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[quote name='Pam in MA']The cruiselines expect this and it's perfectly fine as long as your waiter doesn't think you've left food because you didn't like it. I always make it clear from the get-go that I'm going to try a lot of different things.[/QUOTE]
Oh Lordy isn't that the truth! They do tend to freak out if they think you aren't eating because you didn't like it! LOL! :D

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[quote name='Lony']Also, while we are on the food, I don't like so much waste! So many people that order so much more than they need to (and some of them really don't need to - no offence intended!).[/QUOTE]I have to admit I'm a "food waster" I find the cruise a perfect place to try foods I wouldn't normally order at a restaurant for fear I wouldn't like it thus wasting additional $. Although I don't like to make extra work for the wait staff, or ask for things not on the menu, (but had I known they had pecan or peach pie I may have!). I always wonder when they give the stats on how much food they have gone through on the cruise, how much was thrown away!
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[quote name='TinaLee']Oh Lordy isn't that the truth! They do tend to freak out if they think you aren't eating because you didn't like it! LOL! :D


ha ha ha..this really struck a chord with me...on our last cruise, the last few nights I started leaving half of everything on my plate...just so I could experience all the courses...I'd rather have a little of each course, than get my tummy all full on 1 or 2 courses and not have room for dessert (the horrors! LOL)

Our head waiter was very distressed by this..he kept asking me if I wanted to see the next night's menu so I could make sure there was something I'd enjoy and if not, he'd have some special prepared for me. I couldn't get it through his head I was really enjoying everything...I just couldn't eat it all!

I distinctly remember the last night of the cruise..I looked at my husband and said I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really tired of eating LOL

Now, before someone decides to flame me and accuse me of being a super piglet, my biggest issue was #1 having 3 meals a day and on top of that 3 multi-course meals a day. In the real world, breakfast means a packet of oatmeal or a granola bar. Cruise breakfast means French toast, hash browns, and if I'm really lucky, one of those chocolate croissants LOL
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I figure the food is already cooked, sitting in the kitchen waiting for the waiters (lol) to pick it up. Whether it goes uneaten completely in the kitchen, or half eaten on my plate, what's the real difference? I love to try different things!!
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I make the most of every port.....when else am I going to see how beautiful St John is, or share the experience of having snorkeled over, and taken photos of the Spooky Channel in Roatan, :) held Starfish and West India Sea Eggs in my hands, followed an octopus for 5 mins so I could get a great shot of it, and seen so many other things I would NOT have seen by staying on the ship. That's what days 'at sea' are for...IMHO :D ! I don't get to pick the ports, at this time as I am going with a tour that is pre-set by the travel agent that handles the whole thing. But if I did, it would be the ports of call that would be my deciding factor.
Now, back to the original question...what I don't understand is the loss of common manners. :confused: Is it that because you don't know other people and on that large a vessel, you probably won't run into them again, so why bother to even be less than horribly rude or obnoxious? I have had people reach across and almost in front of me as my hand is about an inch or so from a utensil, about to serve myself some food & they grab it and literally crowd me to get their portion. :mad: I am not Miss Manners, but that is downright rude!
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On our last cruise we had dinner next to a couple that said that dinner was the only time they left their cabin...all other meals were room service. At first I thought they were busy honeymooners, but the guy made it obvious that "honeymoon activity" wasn't a priority. They were just reading and sleeping all day. They had an outside cabin but not a balcony. I couldn't imagine a cruise like that--looking at the 4 walls, barely looking at the ocean or going outside.
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You are all so very special!!! If you go back and read the last page or two you'll notice that this thread has slowly shifted from "what other's do that we don't understand" to "what we love about cruising". Maybe that's what I enjoy so much about the Princess portion of the board...upbeat, pleasant, see-the-glass-half-full people. It is a pleasure reading your posts!!!

My wife is making me type: In Virginia the new law is "5 days in jail AUTOMATICALLY for the first alcohol/driving conviction". That means that one of us never gets a second glass of wine when we are out for dinner. Because she is so wonderful...she always volunteers to be the 1 glass person. Therefore, on a cruise...she doesn't mind having two or three glass (that's fine with me...picture a BIG smiley face here!!) That's what she likes about a cruise (and so do I!!)
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Beachnative made me think of this one. And PLEASE do not think I am referring to you or your lovely wife and a few glasses of wine (which I consider to be only civilized)...

I don't understand people who get falling down drunk, so drunk they get sick, so drunk they can't remember the next day what happened to them?!? THAT I do not get at all!!

I love a nice glass of wine or a froo-froo drink with an umbrella by the pool or before a show, but I just don't get how some can drink until they are out of control!! :confused:

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[QUOTE]"food waster"[/QUOTE]

I also tried two entrees on a few of the dinners. But I let the waiter know what I was doing. So, he had the kitchen make up smaller portions of stuff. We all win that way :)
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I hope everyone understands that I didn't start this thread to make anyone mad or get any arguements going. My intention is light hearted. And the fact that I do not understand something does not mean I condemn it either...except the obnoxious things people do. The reason Princess and other cruiselines offer all the choices is so we can all find something we like.

For example, I am not a person who enjoys traditional dining. I do however understand why people do enjoy it so I didn't mention that in the original post.

And I suppose I can now understand (sort of) why people who live in areas of the country where pools are not commonplace, enjoy the pool thing. I personally will never be able to get over the multiple butt issues I have.

Here is another thing I don't understand. Why are the robes so important? Unless it's an inaugural, the robe has been worn by countless other people. It's creepy to me. (Told you I am a germaphobe) For some reason, the towels don't bother me though...go figure. I know it's not logical. I wish that hadn't occurred to me however because I really don't want to pack my own towels. Wait....it's the sheets and pillow too. Oh no! We always have the steward bring us a freshly laundered bed spread because I know they don't launder them between cruises and I know they have stuff on them. :eek:
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The treadmill comment was just too funny!!! I pointed it out to my DH who has done just that....his response was just sheepish laughter and a somewhat lame excuse! :rolleyes: (In his defense..he did run on the jogging track most days when there wasn't gale force winds.)
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I also run up and down the stairs on a cruise -- seldom take an elevator. No -- I am not an exercise freak (just trying to avoid Lipitor). We have done only two cruises -- 7-day and 15-day. On both, only during the last two full days, I kept actually running into people on the stairs. Then I figured out that the guilt of eating too much had finally caught up with them! We also witnessed two or three persons each time falling down flat on the Champaign evenings.

If we are on the same cruise, I will bring one of those toy red wagons to haul you around! I can donate it to the ship at the end of the cruise. /Sultan

[quote name='srphnx'][b][color=black]There are a butt load of real steps on decks all over the ship, no stairmaster needed.[/color][/b][/QUOTE]
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[b][color=black]Sultan_sfo Perhaps you didn't completely grasp the buffet expanded butt concept, I am not going to fit in a toy wagon. A few more cruises and I won't fit in a regular one either... wearing those cruise souvenir pounds proudly.[/color][/b][quote name='sultan_sfo']I also run up and down the stairs on a cruise -- seldom take an elevator. No -- I am not an exercise freak (just trying to avoid Lipitor). We have done only two cruises -- 7-day and 15-day. On both, only during the last two full days, I kept actually running into people on the stairs. Then I figured out that the guilt of eating too much had finally caught up with them! We also witnessed two or three persons each time falling down flat on the Champaign evenings.

If we are on the same cruise, I will bring one of those toy red wagons to haul you around! I can donate it to the ship at the end of the cruise. /Sultan[/QUOTE]
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I guess it will have to be "custom" built! I was just hoping to put a wooden plank on top of the toy wagon -- sort of one size fits all. /Sultan

[quote name='srphnx'][b][color=black]Sultan_sfo Perhaps you didn't completely grasp the buffet expanded butt concept, I am not going to fit in a toy wagon. A few more cruises and I won't fit in a regular one either... wearing those cruise souvenir pounds proudly.[/color][/b][/QUOTE]
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[b][color=black]What is the GVWR of this toy wagon?... better be substantial.[/color][/b][quote name='sultan_sfo']I guess it will have to be "custom" built! I was just hoping to put a wooden plank on top of the toy wagon -- sort of one size fits all. /Sultan[/QUOTE]
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