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RCCL New Smoking Policy Discussion (merged)

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Im not asking to live to 120, but just to be able to breathe air that has no tobacco smoke in it, and not come out of somewhere stinking of smoke with my eyes running and throat throbbing ,is that being unreasonable ?


You haven't been to the states then, have you? Eyes running and throat throbbing due to pollution. Might want to stay inside then.:eek:


Right on Blue!:) And to think....several hundreds of posts ago it was ONLY "we just want you to smoke on your balcony and not in the cabins,that's all" and now it's "well we don't want you to smoke outdoors either because we might catch a whiff of it".....so if we can't smoke IN our staterooms or ON our balconies, then, gee, the non's win, eh? Sorry folks, that's NOT going to happen anytime soon....so get used to the fact that ALL OF US SMOKERS WILL BE SMOKING ON OUR BALCONIES, just as you wished but DO NOT WHINE ABOUT IT because it was YOU that asked for it! And whether you like it or not, we DO have rights too, and last I heard, the right to smoke wasn't removed, only limited, and as long as I adhere to the laws, rules, etc.,then I have NOTHING to feel guilty/bad about, and I'll be darned if I'm going to book an inside stateroom and just "give up" all the balconies to non-smokers. Same with the casinos, bars, outside deck, cause Lord knows that's where ya'll are gonna want it to stop next. Again...the word COMPROMISE comes into play...

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many posts ago, that there is no reasoning with some of the nonsmokers.

Not that I was trying to sway them one way or another. They will never be happy till it is banned totally, which won't happen in our lifetime. We were sent to our balconies for "TIME OUT" because we are smokers. Hate that for us :D

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Not nearly as stupid as getting one's panties in a bunch over a lighthearted statement which even had a ;) at the end to show it was not to be taken seriously. Lighten up :rolleyes:While we are ratng the quality of statements, I think the smartest comment so far is that all of this matters so much more on these threads than it seems to on the ship :)


FYI my panties are not in a bunch. Her statement didn't need a reply about washing her sons clothes. Lighthearted or otherwise. Have a good night!!;)

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I was responding to the poster who said " as long as the minority are not violating the rights of the majority". The majority had the right in the south to keep blacks out of their hotels, rest. etc. They smelled, they hurt business, they need to sit at the back of the bus. Thank God, the minority fought and rioted. There are many other examples, like the minority owner in baseball who let J. Robinson play. Why should they have these rights "they only represent 10% of the population.
Actually, by the time of the Civil Rights marches of the late 50's, early 60's, the majority had no right to keep blacks out of their hotels, in the back of the bus, etc. The Supreme Court case of Brown v Board of Education in 1952 had declared segregation to be illegal. The marches were only to get a right, firmly established by the Supreme Court, to be enforced in the south.


If you can get the Supreme Court to make a definitive statement on smoking, then you might have a point.

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I'm not hiding behind anything, nor am I calling people names...I'm merely stating that since RCCL changed the rules to smoking on balcony only vs. in my cabin, I'll definitely be booking balconies and smoking out there, and since so many have voiced their concerns over smelling my smoke on their balcony, logic told me that if you put the smokers in the back of the ship, their smoke won't drift forward while the ship is moving forward....and that resulted in ME being called selfish...explain the reason for me to be insulted by trying to come up with an amicable solution to appease nonsmokers so that they, too, can enjoy their balconies, just as I intend to enjoy mine, by following the rules and smoking out there??? Sheesh!:rolleyes:


As a paramedic, I have devoted my life to helping othes. I have NEVER been the type to call people names or turn my back on those in need. In doing so, I now have a permanent disability, which makes it VERY difficult for me to book an inside room and have to walk to an outside deck every time I want to have a smoke (ie: before bed, first thing in the morning, etc.). I'm not attacking anyone for chosing not to smoke...hell I APPLAUD them and wish I had never started...SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO, but I did. It's my choice to smoke, RCCL's choice to tell me to smoke on my balcony rather than my stateroom, and that's fine, but don't think I'm going to feel at all guilty about it if someone is "behind" me on the next balcony that doesn't smoke and is offended because they can smell my smoke. I offered to take the back of the ship so that wouldn't happen, and in fact, intend to book any and all cruises either on the aft, or as close to it as possible, FOR THAT REASON! To me, a balcony is a balcony, and to be honest, I think I'd almost rather have a hump balcony than an aft one, but to TRY to avoid offending someone, I'm willing to move further back. SUE ME!:eek: :rolleyes:



Quit whining,You don't know what the word compromise means.I give you credit ,at least you didn't demean yourself and insult others by comparing a smoking ban to Fascist Germany and for that I salute you

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Actually, by the time of the Civil Rights marches of the late 50's, early 60's, the majority had no right to keep blacks out of their hotels, in the back of the bus, etc. The Supreme Court case of Brown v Board of Education in 1952 had declared segregation to be illegal. The marches were only to get a right, firmly established by the Supreme Court, to be enforced in the south.


If you can get the Supreme Court to make a definitive statement on smoking, then you might have a point.


Any idea why Don`s quotes and mine appear (from my end anyway)to be muddled up ?

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Any idea why Don`s quotes and mine appear (from my end anyway)to be muddled up ?

Not really, must be some glitch in the software. I wasn't even sure who posted it.


Maybe after a dead horse has been beat up enough times, it just starts screwing thing up.

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How does that theory go? Every action will be confronted with an equal and opposite REaction? Guess I do have an attitude, but wouldn't you if you were continuously "flamed" by the same posters again and again when ALL you were seeking was COMPROMISE and not "do everything MY way"?? Perhaps you should read my earlier posts on this thread and THEN judge my "attitude".:rolleyes:


Geez,I left a peaceful post earlier and still got flamed:(

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Not really, must be some glitch in the software. I wasn't even sure who posted it.


Maybe after a dead horse has been beat up enough times, it just starts screwing thing up.


Well Don made the statement about Civil rights and called me a Facist :eek:


Just wanted to make that clear :D

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And this is coming from YOU?:eek: Geez Snoopy...talk about hypocricy!:rolleyes:


You seem to be confusing me with someone else. I went back and checked my postings in this thread. There were three postings where I did not refer to cruising. Two were off-topic jokes (although one was about hot-button cruising topics). Only one was about smoking in general, where after someone presented some information about smoking, I posted information that I flagged as from an anti-smoking web-site about legal decisions supporting no smoking indoors and asked if there were any similar collection of legal decisions supporting the rights of smoking indoors. I asked specifically because I wanted to read the other point of view.


Otherwise, of the dozens of postings I've made in this thread, I have continually tied them to the topical discussion of smoking in cabins which I have always maintained to be the only issue with smoking that I have due to non-smokers needing to live in those cabins after smokers have left. I have never criticized smoking on balconies and have even said that should I encounter smoking by neighbors on balconies, that I would either try to amicably negotiate times that we could each use the balconies or we would limit our time on our balcony. I have never proposed limiting the rights of smokers to smoke out of doors. I have also never decried smokers smoking in designated indoor areas and have maintained that we would learn where those were and would avoid them. I did say that I have always asked for some non-smoking rooms set aside as non-smoking cabins and never asked for all, but that I appreciated RCI's decision to make cabins non-smoking. I also supported the compromise position but realize that the only voice that I have is with my wallet by supporting or not supporting the decision to offer non-smoking cabins.


Just because I am an avid non-smoker, should not mean that you should attribute other avid non-smokers' positions to me.

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Now I don't care WHO you are, THAT'S funny right there!:rolleyes: So now you're saying that only heavy smokers do the nasty in cruise ship cabins? Good grief!:D


I'm gonna go research which AFT balconies are open for my 2009 cruise.....whilst I enjoy a nice smoke....:)



Never said only smokers did the nasty,I said non-smokers left less of a mess

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Any idea why Don`s quotes and mine appear (from my end anyway)to be muddled up ?


Yes, when your posting includes two quoted sections, you have to have two end-quote (bracket-slash-quote-bracket) markers or it will not correctly enclose the quotes. The CC board does not really understand nested quotes and only automatically includes one end-quote marker. So, you either have to eliminate one of the nested quotes, or add your own second end-quote marker to the end of the quoted text.

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Geez,I left a peaceful post earlier and still got flamed:(


OK Jake, this is getting tiring. For starters, the post of mine you just quoted, was directed at Gav and you know it, as he was the one that said I was "a smoker with an attitude", and if you think calling me a whiner and telling me I have no idea with compromise is a "peaceful post", then you've got serious issues.

Get off me already...I'm a smoker...and I'm gonna smoke on my balcony, along with all these other smokers...and anywhere else I'm permitted. Deal with it, and stop posting to me-as I'm done posting to you and the other "flamer" that have been on my back since my very first post where I admitted to smoking A cigaretter per day IN my cabin on my last cruise. Sheesh...!:mad: :rolleyes:

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Yes, when your posting includes two quoted sections, you have to have two end-quote (bracket-slash-quote-bracket) markers or it will not correctly enclose the quotes. The CC board does not really understand nested quotes and only automatically includes one end-quote marker. So, you either have to eliminate one of the nested quotes, or add your own second end-quote marker to the end of the quoted text.


Im not doing anything different from normal !

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You seem to be confusing me with someone else. I went back and checked my postings in this thread. There were three postings where I did not refer to cruising. Two were off-topic jokes (although one was about hot-button cruising topics). Only one was about smoking in general, where after someone presented some information about smoking, I posted information that I flagged as from an anti-smoking web-site about legal decisions supporting no smoking indoors and asked if there were any similar collection of legal decisions supporting the rights of smoking indoors. I asked specifically because I wanted to read the other point of view.


Otherwise, of the dozens of postings I've made in this thread, I have continually tied them to the topical discussion of smoking in cabins which I have always maintained to be the only issue with smoking that I have due to non-smokers needing to live in those cabins after smokers have left. I have never criticized smoking on balconies and have even said that should I encounter smoking by neighbors on balconies, that I would either try to amicably negotiate times that we could each use the balconies or we would limit our time on our balcony. I have never proposed limiting the rights of smokers to smoke out of doors. I have also never decried smokers smoking in designated indoor areas and have maintained that we would learn where those were and would avoid them. I did say that I have always asked for some non-smoking rooms set aside as non-smoking cabins and never asked for all, but that I appreciated RCI's decision to make cabins non-smoking. I also supported the compromise position but realize that the only voice that I have is with my wallet by supporting or not supporting the decision to offer non-smoking cabins.


Just because I am an avid non-smoker, should not mean that you should attribute other avid non-smokers' positions to me.


My apologies, Snoopy...as did I, and you're correct, it was Jake and another poster that were, and still are, continuously jumping me and every post I type. I'm sorry I confused you-you're right, you've been one of the civil ones, and another poster did try to point that out to me but in the midst of my defending myself I missed that post the first time around.:o

Don't worry tho....I'm done arguing with people. This thread has gone WAY off topic and should have been pulled by the mods by now. It's really getting ridiculous, especially when I've been trying to "compromise" and it's getting me nothing but infuriated.:rolleyes:

Have a nice night...and happy cruising!

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Never said only smokers did the nasty,I said non-smokers left less of a mess


:) Ok... someone was sleeping in science class. First you didn't get the physics of why smokers should be in the back of the ship, now you are screwing up biology and saying that somehow smokers have more, um, spillage than non-smokers? :eek:


Capt. you give me way too many opportunities for picking on you :p

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Im not doing anything different from normal !


I'm not saying you are. I'm only trying to explain why the quotes are not appearing as they should. I've never had two nested quotes appear correctly without modifying the markers. One quote, yes. But not two nested quotes.

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OK Jake, this is getting tiring. For starters, the post of mine you just quoted, was directed at Gav and you know it, as he was the one that said I was "a smoker with an attitude", and if you recall calling me a whiner and telling me I have no idea with compromise is a "peaceful post", then you've got serious issues.


Get off me already...I'm a smoker...and I'm gonna smoke on my balcony, along with all these other smokers...and anywhere else I'm permitted. Deal with it, and stop posting to me-as I'm done posting to you and the other 2 "flamers" that have been on my back since my very first post where I admitted to smoking A cigaretter per day IN my cabin on my last cruise. Sheesh...!:mad: :rolleyes:


So you agree to quit flaming me?If you do I'll quit flaming you....Like the song saids ...'What the World needs now is love sweet love,it's the thing thats theres just too little of.............................................

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:) Ok... someone was sleeping in science class. First you didn't get the physics of why smokers should be in the back of the ship, now you are screwing up biology and saying that somehow smokers have more, um, spillage than non-smokers? :eek:


Capt. you give me way too many opportunities for picking on you :p



Geez,you lose again.Along with the spoilage smokers leave..................................SMOKE STENCH....................Now who was sleeping in science class or should I say skipped since if you where there you might have picked it up in your sleep:cool: I didn't miss the back of the ship part,I kinda ignored it ,My DW and I find ithe AFT kinda romantic and I'm not willing to give it up.And as far as being EASY I quit being EASY when I met my DW

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Geez,you lose again.Along with the spoilage smokers leave..................................SMOKE STENCH....................Now who was sleeping in science class or should I say skipped since if you where there you might have picked it up in your sleep:cool:


Oh that is SO cliche..... not EVERY smoker lights up afterward, some of us get the munchies instead and raid the fridge :D

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I'm not saying you are. I'm only trying to explain why the quotes are not appearing as they should. I've never had two nested quotes appear correctly without modifying the markers. One quote, yes. But not two nested quotes.


OK thanks, seems alright at the moment !

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