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RCCL New Smoking Policy Discussion (merged)

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re read my reply to hC


Capt you missed the joke... xpc was calling you smarter than everyone on this thread because you know enough to concede your DW is smarter than you. Marital humor, you know ;)

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A friend died of lung cancer from smoking and a co-worker died from second hand smoke.Yes doctors and ME's can tell the difference.Another friend has cancer from abestos so they can tell the difference.Now I await more false statistics and propaganda from your camp


No death certificate has ever been issued that listed second-hand smoke as a cause of death. Do your own search. You won't find it. Second-hand smoke has NEVER been listed on a death certificate as a cause of death or even as a contributing cause.

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No death certificate has ever been issued that listed second-hand smoke as a cause of death. Do your own search. You won't find it. Second-hand smoke has NEVER been listed on a death certificate as a cause of death or even as a contributing cause.




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I have just been reading this posting from a thread discussing the differences between Carnival and RCI.


What we like on Carnival are the last minute price bargains, larger cabins, $3 casino table games specials, kareoke, and of course, the pizza with caesar salad and ice cream 24 hours.


The biggest problem for me on ships is smoking. The older Carnival ships in the Fantasy Class have a hallway running the side of the ship so you don't get stuck breathing in smoke when you pass the casino. RCCL always makes you walk thru the smoke filled caisno on their ships to get to the theater. You even have to walk thru the smoke filled Schooner Bar to get to the specialty restaurants and main lounge on Jewel of the Seas (which we are sailing next year).


I think that RCL management should take note of comment like this when designing a smoking policy that does not go nearly far ernough.


OMG, you had to walk thru a smoke filled bar, your dead, lung cancer for sure. Whoa, if your biggest problem in life is smoking on a ship, you have had a very problem free life and nothing better to dwell on then getting a whiff of smoke. Naturally, RCL management designed a smoking policy that does not go nearly far enough....its never enough for fanatic's like you. Have you ever heard of meeting in the middle in life? Or is it all or nothing for a fanatic.

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No death certificate has ever been issued that listed second-hand smoke as a cause of death. Do your own search. You won't find it. Second-hand smoke has NEVER been listed on a death certificate as a cause of death or even as a contributing cause.


I swore I was going to stay out of this, but now I have to add my two cents...my father-in-law died of lung cancer about 8 years ago. He never smoked a day in his life. However his wife and 4 of his 5 kids were all smokers (the exception being my husband). No, they didn't list second-hand smoke as the cause of death on his death certificate, they listed LUNG CANCER, because that was the disease that he died of. If I was a betting person, I would bet that he got lung cancer because of all of the smoke that he had to inhale. Before you say I don't have any proof, no I don't, but I don't need any proof. I know in my heart why he died.

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I swore I was going to stay out of this, but now I have to add my two cents...my father-in-law died of lung cancer about 8 years ago. He never smoked a day in his life. However his wife and 4 of his 5 kids were all smokers (the exception being my husband). No, they didn't list second-hand smoke as the cause of death on his death certificate, they listed LUNG CANCER, because that was the disease that he died of. If I was a betting person, I would bet that he got lung cancer because of all of the smoke that he had to inhale. Before you say I don't have any proof, no I don't, but I don't need any proof. I know in my heart why he died.



Instead of blaming everyone around him, why not just admit he died because it was his turn. We'll all get one, whether we are near a cigarette or not, I promise.

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Instead of blaming everyone around him, why not just admit he died because it was his turn. We'll all get one, whether we are near a cigarette or not, I promise.


He was only 65, and he was a non-smoker that died of lung cancer. I'm sorry but I can't just say "it was his turn". I personally don't think he deserved to die of that terrible disease. The sight of him on that final day of his life was horrifying...horrifying enough that the smokers of the family are all non-smokers now.


To be honest, I don't really care about the smoking rules on RCCL. I just avoid the smoky areas as much as possible (I move away from smokers on deck and totally stay out of the casino) and I always hope that I won't have a smoker on the balcony next to me when I cruise (which won't be a problem on our next cruise since it will be our daughter and her husband). However I resent someone saying that second-hand smoke was never listed on a death certificate...of course it wasn't, they die of lung cancer!

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Instead of blaming everyone around him, why not just admit he died because it was his turn. We'll all get one, whether we are near a cigarette or not, I promise.


We can't admit it is anyone's turn because now more than ever in today's society, death is to be avoided at all costs... it is a moral debate because with all of the safety measures in today's world, health experts and actuaries have predicted that anyone born after 1950 is going to live an average of 95-100 years. What are we going to do with all of these people in the next 50 years, when we are ill-equipped as a society to handle it?


Totally off-topic, I know, but you asked :p

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I swore I was going to stay out of this, but now I have to add my two cents...my father-in-law died of lung cancer about 8 years ago. He never smoked a day in his life. However his wife and 4 of his 5 kids were all smokers (the exception being my husband). No, they didn't list second-hand smoke as the cause of death on his death certificate, they listed LUNG CANCER, because that was the disease that he died of. If I was a betting person, I would bet that he got lung cancer because of all of the smoke that he had to inhale. Before you say I don't have any proof, no I don't, but I don't need any proof. I know in my heart why he died.



I'm so sorry to read of your dear FIL's death from lung cancer.


While my father didn't die of lung cancer, he certainly suffered the last 11 years of his life from emphysema, directly caused from cigarette smoking. My dear MIL died of infection she could not fight off, due chemotherapy she was getting for her lung (+ other areas of her body) cancer, directly caused by smoking.


I think the biggest problem with trying to relate these types of warnings to smokers is they have no idea how powerful the illness is until it is too late to do anything about it. When you are young and healthy, before the ravages of smoking hit you, you never believe it could happen to you.


That you could be the one to contribute to another persons lung cancer is unimaginable to me. And no, they don't list second hand smoke on the death certificate, nor do they list first hand smoke on the death certificate. They just list cancer.


Both my father and MIL had deep regrets about their cigarette habits. My father quit smoking at 71 and lived a not very healthy life until he was 82, he could barely breathe to walk. My MIL died only 2 months after her cancer diagnosis at 71 years of age, she didn't even bother to try to quit smoking although she very well knew it was why she was dying....it broke our hearts.


Yes, we will all die. But we can improve the quality of our life and the lives of our loved ones by not smoking, period. I do wish all of you who do smoke will somehow consider a gift to your children, spouses, friends and others who care about you and stop the habit. There is nothing positive that comes from it, other than a momentary satisfaction of your craving.


And yes, I did at one time smoke...I quit when I planned my family as I could not imagine damaging the lungs of a baby. As much as I thought it would be the hardest thing I ever did in my life, I just stopped and never once had a regret. I'm coming up on year 20 of no smoking and the only time I even think of it is when I read these threads.

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When hubby and I started cruising, there was a smoking section in all dining rooms, even the formals.

I can understand that disappearing, but as Platinum members of RCCL, we have experienced their moves in the last few years. On the Rhapsody, for example, only one of the Far Lounges, The Moonlight Bay, and the Shall we Dance, was totally and fully non-smoking..but not when we started to sail on her, they both had a smoking section. The port side of the downstairs restaurant, past the elevators was always smoking table to wait for dinner..no more. Not for years. The last time we sailed her, in March, 07, both, both!! of the Far Lounges were non-smoking, even for the captains receptions, repeater parties, etc., not even smoking at the bar.


Right now, back in March, the only smoking lounge with entertainment was the Schooner Bar, and that area, was continually pushed back, and back, and back, away from the piano, to a tune of 3 tables for two to the left, and the bar area at the right, walking aft.


Now RCCL, is going to reduce the lounges by one, and only allow smoking on the balconies. There goes the Schooner Fellas!!!! Only the casino bar remains, as well as the pool deck bar. If Celebrity does not initiate the same rules, we will be sailing them again. We are done with RCCL, they obviously don't want our business. As an afterthought, when we sailed in March, even though there were few families, no spring break, almost 3/4 of the activities were geared for families. None for the young or the old. As I said, they don't want our business.

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Instead of blaming everyone around him, why not just admit he died because it was his turn.


Smokers can sure be cruel and heartless. To be expected I guess. They sure won't accept any blame themselves for the pain and suffering they cause others.

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Smokers can sure be cruel and heartless. To be expected I guess.


While I agree that a few posts of late have been uncalled for, if you read through this whole thread, you will see uncalled for remarks from boths sides.

This has turned away from debating the policy to the usual bickering that goes on and on and on and on..............

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Lets just all agree that if smoking is banned forever we will no longer have lung cancer. Oh wait, prior to 1930 lung cancer deaths were 1% and twice as many people smoked than today and lung cancer deaths are at 3%. Japan as twice as many smokers as the UK and the Uk has twice as many lung cancer deaths, of course anti smokers to not search out these facts " he just made them up". Now we have gotten to the point that if you die and didn't smoke the smokers killed you. I do hope all the anti smokers leave to be 100 like the smokers in the villages of Russia do ( I wonder why they live so long)

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( I wonder why they live so long)


They don't watch tv or read the news! :rolleyes:

Ok, don't flame me, just having some fun! And everyone knows it's because they eat YOGURT everyday! ;) :D

Sorry Don, I just couldn't resist.

Back to your original subject, RCI's New Policy or 1000 Ways to Beat a Dead Horse! :p

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They don't watch tv or read the news! :rolleyes:

Ok, don't flame me, just having some fun! And everyone knows it's because they eat YOGURT everyday! ;) :D

Sorry Don, I just couldn't resist.

Back to your original subject, RCI's New Policy or 1000 Ways to Beat a Dead Horse! :p [/quote

Lol. Actually you are very close. Studies have shown the Yogart combined with Vodka and more sex, since there is nothing else to do ,has led to a longer live to enjoy smoking.

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I'm so sorry to read of your dear FIL's death from lung cancer.


While my father didn't die of lung cancer, he certainly suffered the last 11 years of his life from emphysema, directly caused from cigarette smoking.


And I am so sorry to hear of your father and mother's deaths. It's a hard thing to watch. I hope that all of the smokers that are so upset over the changes that Royal Caribbean has made never have to experience emphysema or lung cancer.

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Lol. Actually you are very close. Studies have shown the Yogart combined with Vodka and more sex, since there is nothing else to do ,has led to a longer live to enjoy smoking.
:confused: How does one combine yogurt, vodka and sex? :eek: Never mind, I don't want to know. :p
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Lets just all agree that if smoking is banned forever we will no longer have lung cancer. Oh wait, prior to 1930 lung cancer deaths were 1% and twice as many people smoked than today and lung cancer deaths are at 3%. Japan as twice as many smokers as the UK and the Uk has twice as many lung cancer deaths, of course anti smokers to not search out these facts " he just made them up". Now we have gotten to the point that if you die and didn't smoke the smokers killed you. I do hope all the anti smokers leave to be 100 like the smokers in the villages of Russia do ( I wonder why they live so long)



I would think that the difference in cancer deaths between 1930 and 2007 has more to do with the fact that we have better health care now and that it is easier to diagnose. I'm sure that there were a lot more deaths from cancer back then but they were never diagnosed as such. We have more specialized x-rays, better lab techniques, and more knowledgeable doctors that can perform amazing surgeries now to aid them with their diagnosis. Also, back in the 30's people did not go to the doctor as much as they do now.


And by the way, I don't care whether you make up your comments or not, I know what I experienced with my father-in-law. I try to avoid cigarette smoke whenever I see it, and I will try to avoid it on our cruise next year no matter what changes RCCL makes.


I am done with this dead horse!

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I blame us Brits and our love of cruising to new and exciting places.My wife and I are both smokers and we feel that if the Pilgrim Fathers had only gone as far as Greenland, then smoked haddock would be our addiction. But no. They had to go the whole nine yards and end up in a once-peaceful and tranquil "New World" inhabited by people who respected their environment and lived at one with nature...."But what's this?" the new arrivals cried after observing some peaceful natives inhaling a fragrant smoke, "Give us a blow, or I'll shoot you with my gun!"


Many moons later, the settlers of that Brave New World are now complaining about the inhalation of the aforementioned smoke, especially in Casinos. Vegas apart, the casinos of this great land are now owned and run by....well, I suppose you can guess where this ramble is going!;)



Just think what would have happened if we had given them the poppy, like we did to the chinese, my wife and I are also smokers, we try to limmit it to balconies or on deck, the tobacco industry exists because of addiction, tax revenues, and ignorance, rather like the drinks industry, or the gambling industry, and all produce collateral damage. regards
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Smokers can sure be cruel and heartless. To be expected I guess. They sure won't accept any blame themselves for the pain and suffering they cause others.



not all smokers are cruel and heartless.....if thats the case, then why did i not light a cigarette the other day at work when i had 13 non smokers in the small club i work at??? i have been reading all of these 43 pages and decided its time to add my 2 cents......first, it does not bother me that most restarants are non smoking....i wait till i get out in my car....when my grandkids are here, i don't smoke around them.....even when we do to dover for the nascar races, i really don't smoke during the race and thats outside! i look around me to see if anyone is smoking...if not I wait till we get back to the parking lot....the last 3 years cruising with rc, we have had a cabin with a balcony....since then, i don't smoke in the cabin, so the new policy does not bother me one iota....we only smoke in the designated areas of the ship....even then, i look around and if i see someone who isn't smoking, i either wait till they leave or go elsewhere...since there are designated areas and non smokers have there own space, don't invade "our" space and wave your hands and do your little cough....hell, the internation crews on all the ships are better behaved then the people on these smoking threads.....for the non smokers, IT IS HARD TO QUIT SMOKING, smokers who have quit or tried to quit, can attest to that.....i would love to quit to save the money each month i spend on smokes....so non smokers, don't think all smokers are cruel.....some of us DO care about others......

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No what stats folks want to post,England vs Japan,1930 vs 2000,one facts remains smokers do not live as long as non-smokers,ANYWHERE.Yes we all have to die of something and avoiding smoke is not the only change folks can choose.Yes we need to exercise and eat smarter too(at least some of us).But alas,I'm bored inciting an handful of smokers and besides it lost all fun.Oh by the way our local resort town is planning on banning smoking on the beach-YIPEEEEEEEE!-.It seems the kiddies can't play in the sand without digging up butts.See you on another thread...It's been fun

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