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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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So do you count a whole bag of 94% as 2 points??


I read in a magazine the other day to carry the listerine packs and pop one in when you feel the need to binge:D


great idea re the listerine packs - same theory as the brushing your teeth strategy.


Re the popcorn - the whole bag will have 3 points. The reason why the number of points isn't just double is because of the fiber cap. The fiber content of a food brings the point count down, but only the first 4 grams of fiber count. There are lots of peculiarities like that in the WW point system. For example, a half cup of Fiber One cereal has 0 pts, but a full cup has 2 points!

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great idea re the listerine packs - same theory as the brushing your teeth strategy.


Re the popcorn - the whole bag will have 3 points. The reason why the number of points isn't just double is because of the fiber cap. The fiber content of a food brings the point count down, but only the first 4 grams of fiber count. There are lots of peculiarities like that in the WW point system. For example, a half cup of Fiber One cereal has 0 pts, but a full cup has 2 points!


Same theory as brushing but easy to carry with you all the time:D

Att the boards I read they say 2 points for the popcorn but I calculated it at 3 too. I eat it so seldom that it is not an issue - maybe a bag a month:D

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Im sorry i took your post wrong.. :o I got so concerned i HAD to write!! i felt terrible for youuuuuuuuuu... i just wanted to help!! LOL I NEVER could read between the lines.. and still cant!! silly me...


Im soooo sorry,


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Diane, don't apologise for trying to help! That is the point of these boards, your concern was most appreciated.


I deliberately made the title provocative in order to get a response. A bit naughty perhaps but it starts the chatting going.


Incidentally, we come to Florida every November and a couple of years ago stayed in Jensen Beach for a week. I think that is near you. We have timeshares and use them to swap for resorts over there. This year we are staying in Lauderdale by the Sea for 6 nights after our Transatlantic cruise.



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One of WW's 8 Good Health Guidelines is to be sure to get enough servings of milk or other dairy products. We all know that getting adequate calcium is important for maintaining healthy bones, particularly for women. But did you know that dairy consumption can aid with weight loss? Although the research is not yet considered conclusive, studies have shown a link between dairy consumption and weight loss. Although calories still count, one study showed that obese adults who ate a high-dairy diet lost significantly more weight and fat than those who ate a low-dairy diet containing the same number of calories.


What do you think?


Onward and downward!

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One of WW's 8 Good Health Guidelines is to be sure to get enough servings of milk or other dairy products. We all know that getting adequate calcium is important for maintaining healthy bones, particularly for women. But did you know that dairy consumption can aid with weight loss? Although the research is not yet considered conclusive, studies have shown a link between dairy consumption and weight loss. Although calories still count, one study showed that obese adults who ate a high-dairy diet lost significantly more weight and fat than those who ate a low-dairy diet containing the same number of calories.


What do you think?


Onward and downward!


I know I have made a real effort to have more dairy the last couple of months, luckily I found the dannon light and fit yogurt smooties and they are good. Also the laughing cow cheese helps with getting the dairy in.

Don't know if it has helped me loose more but I know I need the calcium after having a not so great bone scan recently:D :D :eek:

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I don't have any trouble eating my dairy allowance each day. Half a pint of skimmed milk in coffee and my porridge each day plus at least one yogurt. I have more trouble keeping the dairy amount down. I love the Extra Low Fat soft cheese as a spread, on baked potato or as a pasta sauce. Hard cheese is one of my downfalls and I really don't like the low fat versions, so leave it completely.


BTW, a pint here is 20 fluid ounces, not 16 as in the US, so that is a good amount of milk.


Incidentally I am not sure what WPA stands for. WW is a bit different in the UK. I am allowed 21 points a day plus any activity points I earn (up to a maximum of 12 a week). Our points are calculated slightly differently too I believe, something to do with the saturated fat content of food. When working out points for a food, we have to look at the total calories then the Sat Fat amount, not other fats.



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I had read that WW had an altogether different system in the UK. Points in the US are determined by a combination of calories, fiber, and total fat content. WPA means weekly point allowance. In addition to the daily points and activity points, we also get weekly points that can be used all at once, spread out througout the week, or not used at all.

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One of WW's 8 Good Health Guidelines is to be sure to get enough servings of milk or other dairy products. We all know that getting adequate calcium is important for maintaining healthy bones, particularly for women. But did you know that dairy consumption can aid with weight loss? Although the research is not yet considered conclusive, studies have shown a link between dairy consumption and weight loss. Although calories still count, one study showed that obese adults who ate a high-dairy diet lost significantly more weight and fat than those who ate a low-dairy diet containing the same number of calories.


What do you think?


Onward and downward!



What about a liquid calcium supplement? I am lactose intolerant and have to be really careful about what I consume. Ice cream and milk is really bad but cheese is okay. Go figure! So I take my calcium supplement every night.


Does anyone have any comments?


Onward and downward!



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What about a liquid calcium supplement? I am lactose intolerant and have to be really careful about what I consume. Ice cream and milk is really bad but cheese is okay. Go figure! So I take my calcium supplement every night.


Does anyone have any comments?


Onward and downward!




I take Viactiv calcium chews and 2 of them are 1 pt, should take it daily but bad with that.

At this stage I need all the calcium I can get.:D

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I am so happy that I found this thread!


A little about myself:


I am Jeannine, I live in San Diego, I joined WW at the end of March and have lost 20pds. I have 10 more to go to goal which I am finding out are the hardest pounds to lose! I earn about 40aps a week and exercise has become my new best friend.


I love this question today bc I am always on the lookout for new items to add to my list. Some of my must have in my house are:


1pt Western Bagel - Honey Wheat

1pt Danon Vanilla Cherry Yogurt

100 Calorie Hostess Cupcakes Chocolate

Raw Almonds

Cedar Lane Bean, Cheese & Rice Burritos 4pts!


I hope everyone has a great day!

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I am so happy that I found this thread!


A little about myself:


I am Jeannine, I live in San Diego, I joined WW at the end of March and have lost 20pds. I have 10 more to go to goal which I am finding out are the hardest pounds to lose! I earn about 40aps a week and exercise has become my new best friend.


I love this question today bc I am always on the lookout for new items to add to my list. Some of my must have in my house are:


1pt Western Bagel - Honey Wheat

1pt Danon Vanilla Cherry Yogurt

100 Calorie Hostess Cupcakes Chocolate

Raw Almonds

Cedar Lane Bean, Cheese & Rice Burritos 4pts!


I hope everyone has a great day!


Welcome, glad you found us too.

I have read on other boards about the Western bagels but havn't ordered them.

I also started mid March and I'm down 26lbs but would like to loose another 20 and it is going really slow - excersize is not my best friend which is probably one of the reasons:eek: :eek:

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Well I'm with you guys but I fall off the wagon easily! We went to Las Vegas this weekend and it wasn't pretty. I just got back on WW Wednesday so someone needs to kick me:( Actually I had a loss it's a miracle, today I decided to binge on WW food????? what's the deal with that??


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Well I'm with you guys but I fall off the wagon easily! We went to Las Vegas this weekend and it wasn't pretty. I just got back on WW Wednesday so someone needs to kick me:( Actually I had a loss it's a miracle, today I decided to binge on WW food????? what's the deal with that??




It's not easy when on vacation even for a weekend so a loss is great - WTG!!!

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today I decided to binge on WW food????? what's the deal with that??



Dianne, I understand completely. At the weekend when I was on my own, I ate 3 WW chocolate chewy bars and a tub of Skinny Cow ice cream! I then added a couple of other things before finding this board and fessing up. While I am on here, I am not eating!!



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As you may have noticed, I have given a lot of thought to the National Weight Control Registry. This is the most detailed study of people who have managed to lose significant weight and, more importantly, keep it off for a long time. I figure that, if I am going to do the same, I should pay very close attention to who these folks did it, for they are the real experts.


An overwhelmingly high percentage of these folks regularly exercise. On average, they exercise about an hour/day. Now, we're not necessarily talking overly strenuous exercising here - most of them just take an hour long walk.


We talk about how WW is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. An important part of the WW lifestyle is to exercise.


Today's question: If exercising, on average, an hour a day is necessary for you to achieve and maintain your weight loss goals, are you prepared to commit to making that a part of your lifestyle for the rest of your life?

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Today's question: If exercising, on average, an hour a day is necessary for you to achieve and maintain your weight loss goals, are you prepared to commit to making that a part of your lifestyle for the rest of your life?


YES!!!! I am already doing it and plan to do it as long as I am able.


I started out by walking. The, I progressed to running/walking. I do that 3-4x a week. I lift weights 2-3 times per week, and I take long walks w/ my wife 2-3 times per week. I also work on stationary bike or an eliptical machine at a gym 2-3 times per week. I average over an hour of exercise per day and I have fully integrated it into my lifestyle to the point where I miss it when I don't do it.

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Well I'm with you guys but I fall off the wagon easily! We went to Las Vegas this weekend and it wasn't pretty. I just got back on WW Wednesday so someone needs to kick me:( Actually I had a loss it's a miracle, today I decided to binge on WW food????? what's the deal with that??




Dianne, Ihave those days. 100 calorie packs are great,but not if you eat 4 at a time:eek: Which i have done in moments of weakness.

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I have always been commited to exercise and FOOD:D I work out 6 days a week for 2-2.5 hours a day. It is alot but, i enjoy it. It not only burns off calories it burns off stress. I dont feel right when i miss a dy of working out. I usually feel groggy and tired.

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Exercise is hard for me. I am a stay at home mom of 6, one of whom is a 2 year old. I can't even seem to go to the bathroom alone!! I do try to go for walks or bike rides in the evenings with my hubby, and my kids laugh at me, but I usually park in the back of the parking lot. There's a commercial where some one makes a good choice like that and everyone is standing there clapping for them. I keep waiting for my applause!! I also use all of the excuses I can find. It's too hot, it's too cold, the baby won't let me.... I know I need to do better. Yesterday I went early to pick up my son from football practice and walked around the track. For me, small doses are more manageable I think, but I do miss the days when I could spend 2 hours at the gym. Maybe someday:cool:


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Dianne, I understand completely. At the weekend when I was on my own, I ate 3 WW chocolate chewy bars and a tub of Skinny Cow ice cream! I then added a couple of other things before finding this board and fessing up. While I am on here, I am not eating!!



Now I seem to need to stay glued to this board to stay on track....but then I won't be exercising:eek: It's nice to know you guys go through the same thing.


YES!!!! I am already doing it and plan to do it as long as I am able.


RB~I'm sure not to the point that I miss it as yet, I'm still trying to make it a habit. Your doing great and a real motivator.



Dianne, Ihave those days. 100 calorie packs are great,but not if you eat 4 at a time:eek: Which i have done in moments of weakness.


LOL you were in my kitchen! I'm doing much much better today!



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I simply could not contemplate doing an hour a day of exercise. I was walking about 45-50 minutes 2 or 3 times a week (when I was being good) until my foot problem. Now that is out. Joining Curves is a big enough step for me at present. I am committed to a minimum of 30 minutes, 3 times a week. I also do an hour of Pilates once a week when the schools are in but that is closed for the 6 week summer break.


On the other hand, I am sticking to my points again, drinking lots of water and being positive!



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Exercise is hard for me. I am a stay at home mom of 6, one of whom is a 2 year old. I can't even seem to go to the bathroom alone!! I do try to go for walks or bike rides in the evenings with my hubby, and my kids laugh at me, but I usually park in the back of the parking lot. There's a commercial where some one makes a good choice like that and everyone is standing there clapping for them. I keep waiting for my applause!! I also use all of the excuses I can find. It's too hot, it's too cold, the baby won't let me.... I know I need to do better. Yesterday I went early to pick up my son from football practice and walked around the track. For me, small doses are more manageable I think, but I do miss the days when I could spend 2 hours at the gym. Maybe someday:cool:



I took a really long (7.5 mile) walk w/ my wife on Saturday, and during the walk, we were discussing how we are more fit now that we are in our mid 40's than we were in our 30's. DW said that the reason why is that our kids are older and can be left to fend for themselves, and that gives us more time to be active. I think that your post really drives that point home.

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So, today is August 1 - a new month and a time for a new beginning.


Goal setting is a big part of WW and many other weight loss programs. Goals should be realistic and attainable. They should be something within your control, and they should be specific.


Last July 4, I set a goal to earn at least 30 activity points/week every week until Labor Day. Do far, so good (I'm averaging about 34 and have hit the minimum every week).


Are you setting goals? What are they? Let's set a goal for August!


Onward & Downward!

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