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Glad to help ans. Q's on weight loss/fitness


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Coming from a gene pool that has a high probability of many layers of unwanted fat, I'd decided to try many diet and work out plans.

-Became a personal trainer, bodybuilder, and really like to help people figure out how to get fit. Especially nice for cruising!


After turning 50 this year and a grandparent-to-be, this bodybuilding background has morphed into a desire to be fit and healthy...


So, let me know if you have specific questions, love to be free help.


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Congratulations...you look great. I turn 49 this year and have recently started taking fitness classes including a "Body Pump" class which involves weight lifting. I am not losing weight, rather gaining and I find that I am thicker through the midsection. I am losing inches across my back and in my hips, legs and arms. I love the class as all exercises are choreographed and done to upbeat music.


What are your favorites exercises for the tummy?

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Congratulations...you look great. I turn 49 this year and have recently started taking fitness classes including a "Body Pump" class which involves weight lifting. I am not losing weight, rather gaining and I find that I am thicker through the midsection. I am losing inches across my back and in my hips, legs and arms. I love the class as all exercises are choreographed and done to upbeat music.


What are your favorites exercises for the tummy?


Honestly, the best "tummy" exercise is the one that you'll do daily because you actually not hate doing it!!

If it hurts your back or takes too much effort you'll quit.


I like the situp-type exercise that has you lying on the floor, legs up on a chair with the back of your knees on the edge of the chair.

It's good on the back and it doesn't require as many reps to work the abs. Give it a try!!!



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First, Need to know your goals, like toning, weight loss, strength, or simply a "hot body". Trouble areas, medical limitation, frequency of work outs and length of each work out, what is your present routine?

Are you consistant or casual? Do you enjoy or hate it?

And yes, what's your current food intake and food no-no's ...that are weaknesses.


This helps to establish a baseline....


The KEY to reaching your goal is regularity and a lifestyle choices.


Let me know ...


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Hi Kathy, Thanks for the e-mail...

You're doing alot of right things!


I'd like to say don't worry about the scale , only inches, but that's hard to do. As you know, fat is lighter than muscle and weight gain often happens, I'd check your body-mass ratio.

Alot of changes take place in the body as women both deal with hormonal changes and meds. These affect our resting Metabolic Rate which declines as we age.


But good news that can change !!

Some suggestions: Make sure your heart rate during cardio w/o is as fast as you can and medically ok.

I'd increase the cardio classes or pick up a treadmill, bike, or eliptical machine, try to have a goal of encouraging your body to raise its metabolic rate by a daily plan.

HINT: home machines can be boring and therefore affect motivation.

Use music or tape your favorite shows to divert your mind from arguing.

Even if you can't do 20 min, do 5min 3-4 times a day, but if you are medically able, this is a good approach to make that nasty metabolism submit to its new demands!

Try protein in the am and for snacks, and lots of water through out the day.

Re. diet learn to not eat when not hungry and find low cal. snacks and stock up! Even sugar free gum or popcycles can satisfy the sugar cravings.


Just some hints ...some may work fior you and some may not-just remember each day needs a forced challenge to the urges that want to stop you from you reaching your goals!!

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Mike - Thanks for offering some good, sound advice! I, too, am 51 but female which, of course, brings on a whole new set of challenges as we age. I lost 25+ pounds three years ago and have maintained my goal weight for a full 3 years now. I feel that I eat a healthy assortment of foods 90% of the time and exercise for at least 60 min a day 6-7 days a week (mostly cardio). I do 3 - 20-30 min sessions of strength exercises at home a week. Reading your last post, are you recommending more cardio than strength exercises to keep the metabolism up at our age? What would you recommend as a target heart rate % and for how long to be effective?



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Mike - Thanks for offering some good, sound advice! I, too, am 51 but female which, of course, brings on a whole new set of challenges as we age. I lost 25+ pounds three years ago and have maintained my goal weight for a full 3 years now. I feel that I eat a healthy assortment of foods 90% of the time and exercise for at least 60 min a day 6-7 days a week (mostly cardio). I do 3 - 20-30 min sessions of strength exercises at home a week. Reading your last post, are you recommending more cardio than strength exercises to keep the metabolism up at our age? What would you recommend as a target heart rate % and for how long to be effective?




Hi Lynn,

Great job with the weight loss!! Unless your goals change, stay with what is working. Although, don't feel restricted to the same routine. Some change just for variety and to overcome boredom.

Re. heart rate... follow the charts and push yourself from time to time, if medically ok'd to do so. Keep it up!!


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Mike - Thanks for the reply! I do change my treadmill workout everyday and even my day to day routines are never the same from one day to the next. I figured changing things around might help keep the body from knowing what to expect (?). Anyway, it does keep me from being bored and so far I would say that it is working. BTW, some days I push myself to get my heartrate up to 145 for 20 min or so. My resting heartrate is usually around 64. Sounds like a lot but I haven't passed out yet! :D



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Mike, I know you can't go in and look for yourself at the mysteries in a women's club (LOL) but do you think that Curves is a good idea? I am 55, weigh 209 and have several joint problems.


I will be honest, I have just joined and it seems pretty good. As someone who is averse to exercise, I think that just doing something different from before is good motivation for me.



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Mike, I know you can't go in and look for yourself at the mysteries in a women's club (LOL) but do you think that Curves is a good idea? I am 55, weigh 209 and have several joint problems.


I will be honest, I have just joined and it seems pretty good. As someone who is averse to exercise, I think that just doing something different from before is good motivation for me.





I think that's a great idea!!!

If you go in with a positive attitude. and do what you can do, avoid comparing youself to others, you are only competing against yourself!!


Set small goals at first, and give yourself credit for not missing a day on your schedule of working out...you've got to make it that important , if you expect results. Of course, if you do miss, start over with fresh and firm agreement with yourself.

And no talking yourself out of this!!! Even when the thoughts occur that tell you,"I don't feel like it", add some diet-lifestyle changes and you've got a great receipe for the rest of your life!!!


Good Luck!!!


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Mike - I've seen different answers to this question and wanted to get your take on it...Re: Post workout meals/snacks..What are good choices? Proteins or good carbs?




Hi Lynn,


I find that lean protein is a good choice for me, for the following reasons:

  • If we're breaking down muscle cells by working out, we need to rebuild through protein intake, so best to begin asap.
  • Lean protein sliced ham, turkey with cheese, for example really tends to satisfy appetite.
  • I believe it helps to maintain any increase in metabolic rate, resulting from the w/o.

I tend to favor Atkin's diet without allowing much fat, and allowing snacks.



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Mike ~ Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions and offer advice.


I've been going to the gym for a year and doing two different workouts during that time. I haven't seen a whole lot of change, but my trainer tells me to keep plugging away. To be honest, he doesn't seem to be up to speed on the latest workouts.


I've lost 65 lbs in 5 years doing mostly a Weight Watchers type diet.....not really a diet because this is for life. Anyway, here's the two different types of workouts I've been doing for a year. I've only lost 4% of my body fat and need to lose about 5-6% more. I need to know what I need to do to increase my lean body mass and lose fat. I have a lot of fat to lose....or feel like I do anyway.


Workout #1:

Cardio: 60 minutes on treadmill 5 days a week with heartrate at around 140.

Weights: Cybex weight machines (full body workout 2 times/week)


Workout #2:

Cardio: 30 minutes on elliptical 5 days a week with heartrate at around 160.

Weights: Cybex weight machines (full body workout3 times/week)


Which one is better for fat loss or can you suggest another one? My trainer wants me to do HIIT on the stationary bike twice a week, but it hurts my knee and I feel like I'm going to throw up. LOL I love the elliptical though.


I weigh 143, am 5'5" and 42 years old. I do have a lot of muscle because I've been lifting weights for about 6 years, but like I said above, have a lot of fat to lose. I don't want to be a bodybuilder, but just not jiggly.


Thanks so much!

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Mike ~ Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions and offer advice.


I've been going to the gym for a year and doing two different workouts during that time. I haven't seen a whole lot of change, but my trainer tells me to keep plugging away. To be honest, he doesn't seem to be up to speed on the latest workouts.


I've lost 65 lbs in 5 years doing mostly a Weight Watchers type diet.....not really a diet because this is for life. Anyway, here's the two different types of workouts I've been doing for a year. I've only lost 4% of my body fat and need to lose about 5-6% more. I need to know what I need to do to increase my lean body mass and lose fat. I have a lot of fat to lose....or feel like I do anyway.


Workout #1:

Cardio: 60 minutes on treadmill 5 days a week with heartrate at around 140.

Weights: Cybex weight machines (full body workout 2 times/week)


Workout #2:

Cardio: 30 minutes on elliptical 5 days a week with heartrate at around 160.

Weights: Cybex weight machines (full body workout3 times/week)


Which one is better for fat loss or can you suggest another one? My trainer wants me to do HIIT on the stationary bike twice a week, but it hurts my knee and I feel like I'm going to throw up. LOL I love the elliptical though.


I weight 143 and am 5'5". I do have a lot of muscle because I've been lifting weights for about 6 years, but like I said above, have a lot of fat to lose. I don't want to be a bodybuilder, but just not jiggly.


Thanks so much!


Great question!! I don't want to jiggle either, but alas the dreaded genes...are working against us...


I have a few questions...and comments:

Your Age? fat %

-Your cardio is good, but you've plateau-ed.

I rec. changing the structure of your workouts,

That's a must! Try going back to free weights - they work muscles a bit differently.

-Confuse the body by change, and sometimes you get beyond the sticking points.

-Do you strength train before or after cardio? Do it before but after stretching.

Also, Remember to enjoy yourself in the gym, so do the routines that stimulate enjoyment, DO NOT do anything that aggravates joints!!!

- Are your goals realistic or "hollywood-affected"?

-Ask yor wife/girlfriend how you look? Caution! This may be dangerous:D

-Try to add more protein to your diet...it may be you're overworking the muscles and your recovery time, and protein digestion is falling behind your frequency of w/o's.

*Here's an idea ... get a training partner to push you past your mind's limit of how many reps you can do... make sure he pushes you some.


It sounds like your in great shape, keep plugging along;)



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First of all.............this is amazing for you to do for us Mike! :)




i am doing the sugarbusters diet, as prescribed by my doctor.


I am losing pounds at a rather significant rate, and i am wanting to begin excercising immediately to keep from having loose skin after the fact. I have about 90 pounds to lose and I am afraid that if i do not excercise during, I will not be able to enjoy my new physique because it will all be out of place! :D I am 23 years old, and not afraid of working out. When I was younger I was a competitive cheerleader (like what you see on ESPN) and a gymnast. i was VERY fit and in shape and never felt like I was excercising, because I loved what I did.


This past week I began having protein shakes for breakfast and then splitting a shake with my husband before bed. I have cut out sugar (for the most part), and am sticking to protein, produce, dairy, and good carbs.


My question is.....what are your ideas for some great excercise to tone, yet keep the curvy womanly figure, that are not your standard excercises?


I will list the current equipment I have:



Medicine Ball

Resistence bands

ankle weights


boxing gloves and boxing pads


I want something fun, that will keep me motivated and pumped up.

Treadmills and ellipticals just dont do it for me........lol


Also, any suggestions for grab and go foods that fit into my diet?

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Mike, thanks for your input! I'm female, BTW. ;)


My DH thinks I look fantastic, but he likes a little "meat on the bones." I don't want to be "skinny" per se, but toned. I'm a size 8, but my goal is a solid size 6. I used to be a 18/20 plus size so I've come a long way.


I had my body fat % taken about 3 months ago and I was at 27. My trainer said I need to be in the low-20's.


There is a circuit class at my gym that combines cardio & weights so I might do that to shake things up. They offer the class two days a week. I will also ask my trainer to help me start on free weights. I'm already doing free weights for my upper arms and it seems to be working. My problem areas are my upper arms and thighs.


I do eat a lot of protein...at least 15 grams per meal and I eat 5 times a day. I tried adding protein shakes, but it increased my calories too much. I try to stay under 1500/day. My trainer thinks I don't eat enough. LOL A normal day is around 1300 calories. What are your opinions on that? Keep in mind that I am a surgical menopausal lady....hence the low calories.


I do appreciate your help and advice so much! Thanks! :)

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Mike - You are so sweet to put your knowledge out here for us!! A big thanks!! Another questions from me....I enjoy doing cardio exercising rather than strength exercises although I do those too because they're good for you. Cardio just relaxes me more. Anyway, I do cardio 6-7 days a week using a stationary bike and a treadmill. Is this too much? Is it better to rest more often? I caught your comment to Sheila on plateauing and I don't want to plateau my workouts.



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I think that's a great idea!!!

If you go in with a positive attitude. and do what you can do, avoid comparing youself to others, you are only competing against yourself!!


Set small goals at first, and give yourself credit for not missing a day on your schedule of working out...you've got to make it that important , if you expect results. Of course, if you do miss, start over with fresh and firm agreement with yourself.

And no talking yourself out of this!!! Even when the thoughts occur that tell you,"I don't feel like it", add some diet-lifestyle changes and you've got a great receipe for the rest of your life!!!


Good Luck!!!


Thanks for the encouragement Mike. I am back at Weight Watchers, so am tackling the food issue too.



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Thanks for providing such great info, Mike -


what weight lifting approach would you recommend for a man whose primary goals in weight lifting are to promote weight loss?


Also, I am running. What type of lower body work should I be doing?

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First of all.............this is amazing for you to do for us Mike! :)


Okay' date='


i am doing the sugarbusters diet, as prescribed by my doctor.


I am losing pounds at a rather significant rate, and i am wanting to begin excercising immediately to keep from having loose skin after the fact. I have about 90 pounds to lose and I am afraid that if i do not excercise during, I will not be able to enjoy my new physique because it will all be out of place! :D I am 23 years old, and not afraid of working out. When I was younger I was a competitive cheerleader (like what you see on ESPN) and a gymnast. i was VERY fit and in shape and never felt like I was excercising, because I loved what I did.


This past week I began having protein shakes for breakfast and then splitting a shake with my husband before bed. I have cut out sugar (for the most part), and am sticking to protein, produce, dairy, and good carbs.


My question is.....what are your ideas for some great excercise to tone, yet keep the curvy womanly figure, that are not your standard excercises?


I will list the current equipment I have:



Medicine Ball

Resistence bands

ankle weights


boxing gloves and boxing pads


I want something fun, that will keep me motivated and pumped up.

Treadmills and ellipticals just dont do it for me........lol


Also, any suggestions for grab and go foods that fit into my diet?[/quote']



Wow congrats for the great results!!! You're right though, rapid weight loss can produce the concerns you have, but what you have going for you are three things: your age, and skin elasticity, and self-motivation.

I would rec. utilizing what you have for muscle tone and strength,ike dumb bells and bowflex.

Have you begun this and what exercises are you doing?

Also, your goals should revolve around a full body group work out. You actually can tell if you hitting each muscle group, when you begin working out, by what hurts the next couple of days...

You need an aerobic/cardio workout at least 3 times/week starting out with reachable goals and challenging yourself further.


*How about starting something new-call it "Cardio cheering", but avoid cheering for teems from Buffalo or it will certainly depress you;) .


-Give different things a try, but the main thing is, is to GET STARTED or it will be like the diet that is always in the future!

Re. grab and go foods, protein bars, I like beef jerky sometimes, but make sure you use sandwich baggie size and no larger.


Key for weight loss....When you can lie down, sit, sit-walk and if you can walk-run, run-sprint".

Otherwise, some choose to lay down until the feeling to exercise goes away.:D


Good luck, let me know how things progress.


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Mike, thanks for your input! I'm female, BTW. ;)


My DH thinks I look fantastic, but he likes a little "meat on the bones." I don't want to be "skinny" per se, but toned. I'm a size 8, but my goal is a solid size 6. I used to be a 18/20 plus size so I've come a long way.


I had my body fat % taken about 3 months ago and I was at 27. My trainer said I need to be in the low-20's.


There is a circuit class at my gym that combines cardio & weights so I might do that to shake things up. They offer the class two days a week. I will also ask my trainer to help me start on free weights. I'm already doing free weights for my upper arms and it seems to be working. My problem areas are my upper arms and thighs.


I do eat a lot of protein...at least 15 grams per meal and I eat 5 times a day. I tried adding protein shakes, but it increased my calories too much. I try to stay under 1500/day. My trainer thinks I don't eat enough. LOL A normal day is around 1300 calories. What are your opinions on that? Keep in mind that I am a surgical menopausal lady....hence the low calories.


I do appreciate your help and advice so much! Thanks! :)


Sorry Sheila:o


I need to pay more attention...You guys look great. I agree with hubby, but understand your desire to achieve more and more...only concern is that it stops you from enjoying your life today, and appreciate the blessings all around, you know, when He says you look great, you reflexively disagree.

-If this isn't you, it will be someone out there.

You're doing great--just be patient, fat loss occurs proportionately over the whole body...not much evidence for specific area weight loss, except by toning-and that only affects muscles.

-Some areas can increase in size as muscles grow and fat layers remain the same. But health should be the motivation for your family's sake- side benefit, you feel better and look better!


*Key for weight loss....When you can lie down, sit, sit-walk and if you can walk-run, run-sprint".

Otherwise, some choose to lay down until the feeling to exercise goes away.:D



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Thanks for providing such great info, Mike -


what weight lifting approach would you recommend for a man whose primary goals in weight lifting are to promote weight loss?


Also, I am running. What type of lower body work should I be doing?


Depends how much time available for your weekly routine.

-To lose weight as a goal, you need to build muscle and raise resting metabolic rate, keep active the other 95% of the time.

*Key for weight loss....When you can lie down, sit, sit-walk and if you can walk-run, run-sprint".

Otherwise, some choose to lay down until the feeling to exercise goes away.:D


-Anyway, lower body....What do you normally like to do in this area?

The reason I ask, is that it involves the most energy expenditure to perform, like squats. These days many PT's rec. using one's own body weight like doing quad thrusts...

I would rec. beginning a series of wind sprints . Seriously, start with short distances and run 5-10 sprints of 20 ft and add a foot or 2 each day...

This WILL do what your looking for and more.

-When lifting, do more reps than weight, and more sets keeping your heart rate up. People make the mistake of resting more than 2 minutes between sets- the muscles recover and you lose the benefit of cardio. Don' focus on how much weight, just in challenging yourself each day.

--Hope this helps, if not toss it out, and we'll come up with something else that does!!



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Sorry Sheila:o


I need to pay more attention...You guys look great. I agree with hubby, but understand your desire to achieve more and more...only concern is that it stops you from enjoying your life today, and appreciate the blessings all around, you know, when He says you look great, you reflexively disagree.

-If this isn't you, it will be someone out there.

You're doing great--just be patient, fat loss occurs proportionately over the whole body...not much evidence for specific area weight loss, except by toning-and that only affects muscles.

-Some areas can increase in size as muscles grow and fat layers remain the same. But health should be the motivation for your family's sake- side benefit, you feel better and look better!


*Key for weight loss....When you can lie down, sit, sit-walk and if you can walk-run, run-sprint".

Otherwise, some choose to lay down until the feeling to exercise goes away.:D



Thanks Mike! I am one of those females that balks when my DH tells me how terrific and sexy I look. I always see the negatives of my body. I am very healthy and am thankful for that. I know I'll never be perfect and should except the way I am and just keep at what I'm doing and I'm sure it will all fall into place eventually. You know how impatient us females are. LOL


No worries about confusing me with a man. I get that a lot with my screen name.


I'll remember what you've said and talk to my trainer re: incorporating more free weights and try to give those circuit classes a go.


Thanks again! You're really great! :D

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