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Cruise Chosen- Now How Do You???


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Stand the wait! Oh man... I've never been a cruise (as I've already said, sorry to sound redundant) but I know I will love it. I can't imagine how any part of being on a beautiful big ship with my lovely hubby, meeting new people, enjoying good food and tasty refreshing adult beverages without the need to DRIVE anywhere later, and ultimately visiting places I've only ever dreamed about (or drooled over while watching my fave movies of all time, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies) could not be anything but oodles of fun.


We have not booked yet- have to wait just another week or two, but we are going all out (for us.) LOL Balcony room on a 9 day cruise on NCL's Jewel to the Southern Caribbean in either January or February. Fall is my favorite time of year here in the Midwest, so the way I look at it- I have the season to look forward to, then the holidays, and THEN- right when it is BITTER cold, windy and funky in the city (I work in Chicago, with a walk to my office from the train, Brrrrr) I will be taking a tropical vacation.


Can you tell I am excited? I can't wait to book the cruise so I can find other people who will be going too.


So tell me- what do you all do while you countdown the days?

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We like to join a roll call for our cruise as soon as we book it. It's great getting to know about some of the people who will be on your cruise. It's a bit like stretching the cruise experience to last a few months rather than a few days.



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LOL- I already know I'm going to be a compulsive cruiser. I'm almost afraid to take the first one because I will want it to become a habit.


All the women in my family want to plan a "ladies only" cruise, so maybe once we get back I can start planning that. LOL I know our cruise is months away, but time sure goes by fast these days.


I can't speak for others but I spend a lot of it planning for the following cruise! ;)
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is READ THESE BOARDS. I learned so much from reading message boards and reviews. Don't let negative reviews bother you either. You will get lots of good advice from the good & the bad. Read on!

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After many cruises and watching my wife go through tough times on the last night of our cruises I now follow a new policy. I never go on a cruise without having the next one booked. It does help some. It took me all my life but now some of my friends are actually jealous of me. Now they are joining us.

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1) Make a packing list

2) Hang out here, and join a roll call

3) Start buying CLOTHES and stashing them in a special area of the closet

4) Visit a cool website where everyone elses photos from the ship you are going on can be viewed: http://cruiseclues.com/shipstips/norwegianjewel.htm

5) Exercise and get in "cruise shap"

6) Read all the ship menus so you can figure out how many times to eat lobster on your cruise!


Most of all...enjoy the planning. That is half the fun.

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Since the planning for 2008 is taken care of (see below), now we wait for the 2009 trans-Atlantic crossings to be published. Tweak our cruise packing lists (his and hers). Wait for the countdown for the next cruise to go from 100 days to 99 next week. After that we cut 1 cm off our IKEA measuring tape every day. Their tapes have inches on one side, cm on the other, available free at IKEA stores. Then we start paying toward cruises 2 and 3. For the umpteenth time talk about what we’ll wear on the next cruise. Before we know it, it’s time to go.

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Hmmm... I think the best choice for me is the "exercise and get in cruise shape." LOL- I have started buying clothing here and there, and I really need a new swimming suit!


I have not let the negative reviews bother me. Everyone has different opinions, and I am not hard at all to please.


Happy cruising :)


OMG- thanks for the link to the picture album! Hours of fun here... I have not run across this yet. How fun!

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You have the right perspective! A vacation should be a time to just lay back and enjoy...there are always grumps and complaints, but hey, it is all about the adventure.


I've also had some fun on webshots ( a photo website ). You just type in ncl jewel (or whatever your ship name is) under the search area, and TONS Of photos will come up. Super fun!!


Now off to exercise (yeah right. I want a taco.)

Happy planning!

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Before our trip, I read everything I could read about our cruise and port of call. I read other people's reviews of our trip, and of trips that weren't ours!! You can read my trip report if you'd like!!:D

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Hi Ottergirl,


Absolutely everything everyone has just said. Let me add buying travel books about the location you're going to. Fodor's, Frommers, Cruises for Dummmies, ports of call books, etc.


I did that right after we booked, about 5 or 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately I've read them already:rolleyes:.


Then I found somewhere here on CC a thread about "good cruising reading" and got quite a few titles (some fiction, some non-fiction) that I'm going to pick up.


Did I mention the Travel Channel:eek:? Next week is cruise week, SET YOUR DVR'S!


That should keep us busy for a little while:D !


Have fun!


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Thank you! I will be watching the Travel Channel since it's highlight is cruise ships next week.


I have a hard time waiting also. What helps is:


1. Looking at the CC threads everyday.

2. Join the roll call

3. Start planning for clothes. Since you are going after the Holidays, you will be very lucky to find some "fancy" things on sale racks. And remember, if it seems like you will never wear it again. No! Put it in a special part of your closet that's called cruise clothes.

4. Diet

5. Looking at the menus and dailies are a good idea. You'll know what to expect. They will bring up questions. Then, you..........

6. Ask CC questions by starting a new thread.

7. Make sure your passport and your registration is done.

8. Does your shipo have a webcam? It's fun to see live shots.

9. Track the weather for where you will be going. That's fun.

10. Keep looking at CC threads

11. Try not to constantly talk about your cruise. After a while people that you know start to roll their eyes.

12. Start a countdown clock on CC.


And, before you know it, you'll be rushing around trying to get all the last minute things done.


Have a wonderful time.

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We try to plan how much money we're going to spend and how we're going to spend it. Do we want to do shore excursions? Will we rent cars instead? What kind of souvenirs are we going to buy? Who are we going to buy gifts for? How much should we allow for the casino? How much wine will we drink? How many specialty restaurants will we eat in? What new clothes do we need? Will we do a hotel pre and/or post cruise? Do we want spa treatments? Do we want a balcony stateroom? Should we upgrade to a suite?


And after we give all of these questions extremely careful consideration...we ignore all the answers and just plan on having a wonderful time!

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It sounds like you live in a cold climate for winter weather. I havent seen anyone mention this yet, but the best way to start your cruise is book your airline tickets AT LEAST a day in advance. Nothing worse than having your flights delayed by bad weather. Give yourself a good margin to get to your cruise. This means booking a hotel for a night too.If all goes well then you get to enjoy Miami for a day then start your cruise. If weather is bad the airlines will re- book the air and you have a cushion...and can relax.


Ditto to those who said to buy books on the ports, and even better, visit the ports of call section of cruisecritic to get ideas of independent excursions.


Enjoy your first cruise!

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LOL I am truly enjoying reading all of your comments. Yeah, I have to watch what I say because I have been talking about this cruise a lot. Hard to keep it off my mind because it will be the biggest most exciting trip I've ever taken!


The ship will leave on a Friday from Miami. I plan on getting a flight out of Chicago early on Thursday, like 8 or 9 AM. January in Chicago can be a disaster, and I am nervous that my flight will be delayed. Unfortunately I can not really plan much earlier than that due to my time off at work, but maybe we will fly out Wednesday night and splurge on two full nights in Miami. I am saving $$$ hardcore because if we were to fly out on Wednesday night, then I want to take either the Everglades tour or the Keys tour from Miami for the day on Thursday. I am thinking I can find a hotel for about $100.00 per night if I plan right?


I need to find some good reads. I will find the thread on good cruise reads, because we are getting a balcony cabin, and I must sit on my balcony to read sometime during the cruise- this is a must. I am also writing a book, fiction, an adventure tale, and it takes part in the Caribbean- starting in Tortola. I picked this place through my research because of Dead Man's Chest Island, and from there I researched the area heavily- never thinking I'd ever visit. My book is half finished, and it might sound really dorky, but I can not wait to see what I've written about. So far it has been based on what I've seen in movies, books and the 'Net. There are so many things I will be able to see and experience on this cruise, but the only thing I can think about right now is standing on the balcony or on the deck at night with no lights around, and being able to see all the stars overhead while I hear the whisper of the water. The thought gives me chills. I want to be able to write while I'm crusing- how inspiring will that be???


My only fear is that I might slightly lose my mind once I experience all these wonderful things I've been fantasizing about. LOL The tips here in these forums are fantastic. Thanks for all the fun responses!

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LOL I am truly enjoying reading all of your comments. Yeah, I have to watch what I say because I have been talking about this cruise a lot. Hard to keep it off my mind because it will be the biggest most exciting trip I've ever taken!


The ship will leave on a Friday from Miami. I plan on getting a flight out of Chicago early on Thursday, like 8 or 9 AM. January in Chicago can be a disaster, and I am nervous that my flight will be delayed. Unfortunately I can not really plan much earlier than that due to my time off at work, but maybe we will fly out Wednesday night and splurge on two full nights in Miami. I am saving $$$ hardcore because if we were to fly out on Wednesday night, then I want to take either the Everglades tour or the Keys tour from Miami for the day on Thursday. I am thinking I can find a hotel for about $100.00 per night if I plan right?


I need to find some good reads. I will find the thread on good cruise reads, because we are getting a balcony cabin, and I must sit on my balcony to read sometime during the cruise- this is a must. I am also writing a book, fiction, an adventure tale, and it takes part in the Caribbean- starting in Tortola. I picked this place through my research because of Dead Man's Chest Island, and from there I researched the area heavily- never thinking I'd ever visit. My book is half finished, and it might sound really dorky, but I can not wait to see what I've written about. So far it has been based on what I've seen in movies, books and the 'Net. There are so many things I will be able to see and experience on this cruise, but the only thing I can think about right now is standing on the balcony or on the deck at night with no lights around, and being able to see all the stars overhead while I hear the whisper of the water. The thought gives me chills. I want to be able to write while I'm crusing- how inspiring will that be???


My only fear is that I might slightly lose my mind once I experience all these wonderful things I've been fantasizing about. LOL The tips here in these forums are fantastic. Thanks for all the fun responses!


Hey Ottergirl, that just gave me chills too! This will be our first balcony too and now I can't wipe this stupid grin off my face. You're obviously a fantastic writer to have created this "visual" for me! I'm sure you're right about the inspiration, can't ask for a better setting!!




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You're smart to fly in ahead of time -- and I would give it as many days out as you can stretch it.

Friends flying recently got bumped off a cancelled flight (thunder storms, I think) and because flights are SO crammed full these days couldn't get another flight out for two days! :eek: Not the way you want to start a first cruise vacation.

I sounds like you'll have a great time, no matter what though -- You have a GREAT attitude. Enjoy.

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We live in Central Ohio and get nervous flying out the day before a cruise. Can imagine how nervous you are flying from Chicago.


If you can wing flying out two days before the cruise, go for it by all means. Would love to have two days pre-cruise to enjoy Miami. We fly to Miami the day before a cruise and fly home the day after the cruise. Still 2 days in Miami, just not the same as 2 days in a row.


Keep us posted about that book. Looking forward to reading your works.



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My only fear is that I might slightly lose my mind once I experience all these wonderful things I've been fantasizing about. LOL The tips here in these forums are fantastic. Thanks for all the fun responses!


:) Yes, you will lose your mind and be addicted to cruising for the rest of your life! Better start planning where you want to cruise next because it will help you with PCD (post cruise depression).

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Thankfully I am an obsessive planner. I will make a binder with printouts, pictures, lists of how to pack, what to wear, names of restaurants, ports, menus, budgets, blah blah blah. It will take up a good lot of my time. LOL Half the fun is in the planning. Really, this will be the first big trip of my adult life, and I WILL make the most of it. It has given me the inspiration I need to continue my writing, and not to sound pompous, but I feel I have something publishable. I am a romantic at heart and have a halfway decent grasp on the English language (in other words I'm long-winded.) LOL I sound like such a freak, but I've dreamed consistently about the open water for years. I know I'll fall in love with the sea; I already am really, in my heart.


I love reading what you all do to prepare. What you do on the ship, on sea days, in port... I especially got chills- you know the ones, when you want to just stand up and dance- when I read the post about what you do first when you get on the ship. *sigh* I am so glad I found this forum because it is not only a plethora of information, but also great fun!


Suzequ- Thanks, I try to have a good attitude. I don't always achieve it- just ask my DH. LOL But, I am low key when it comes to vacation. I am used to fishing and low-maintenance trips where we spend the majority of our time in a boat and around a campfire up north. Hey- LOVE IT, God's country, but a cruise, well, it will be a LOT different from what I'm used to, so my only real worry is about the flight. I'm hoping a day and a half early will cut it!

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