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Thoughts on Vancouver

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There are ways to get out of Ballantyne Place if you look hard enough.

Seems like Stanley Park, Gastown and Granville Island are the best places to hang out and maybe the area around Canada Place.

Sammy Peppers at the entrance to Granville Island has good Cajun dry ribs.

The trolley needs to run later and more often.

Overall, wasn't impressed with Vancouver, maybe I needed more time to explore but only had one. day

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Just walking up and down Robson St., watching people and looking at restaurant menus, is good enough for us. Throw in Granville Island sea food, Lions Gate, all the waterfronts, and Stanley Park, and it becomes heavenly. /Sultan

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"We ate at the White Spot on Drake next to Best Western and they had a funny manager"


Yes he is a different type of character - once you get to know him he is an great guy but would agree that first impressions about him are deceiving - i eat there at least once a week so I know the staff fairly well.


Hopefully you will be able to return another time and spend a few more days getting to know our lovely city.





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There are ways to get out of Ballantyne Place if you look hard enough.

Seems like Stanley Park, Gastown and Granville Island are the best places to hang out and maybe the area around Canada Place.

Sammy Peppers at the entrance to Granville Island has good Cajun dry ribs.

The trolley needs to run later and more often.

Overall, wasn't impressed with Vancouver, maybe I needed more time to explore but only had one. day


Chuck - I have a hard time understanding how anyone does not think that Vancouver is not one awesome city, but maybe you just did not get to experience it long enough. We have been to Vancouver twice as the gateway to our Alaska cruises. Each time I really studied the city, its offerings, restaurants, hotels, sightseeing opportunities, transportation, etc. well in advance of going, so I knew pretty much where to go and what to see and how to do it. We have stayed at places very close to Canada Place (Fairmont Waterfront, Pan Pacific) and very close to Stanley Park (Westin Bayshore) and we arrived one day pre cruise and one day post cruise for one, and three weeks ago came two days pre, so we have had time to hop on and hop off buses, experience great food, superb hotels, but most of all the genuinely friendly Canadians. Every time we asked for help, we were surprised with how eager people were to help........not just point out directions.......but walk with us to where we were going. We were impressed with the city government, the street dept., the way the green lights work with the traffic, the pedestrian's right to walk and the traffic honors them (heh, I live in Texas and people afoot do not get in the path of a pick up truck):D . But most of all the awesome environment......the harbour, the ocean, the snow capped mountains, the lush woods, the clean air, the cool temps, the cleanliness of Vancouver, the respect that the citizens have towards their beautiful countryside and towards each other. We loved it so much and we will return. gg

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This is all nice to know. I am in the process of planning our 2 days pre-cruise in Vancouver for next June. I'm doing A LOT of research on where to stay, what to do, and where to eat, and I'm trying to do it on a budget. My biggest problem right now is where to stay that is nice, clean, and affordable with a good location.



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GG3 - we should hire you to be a Vancouver booster - you did a better job of promoting our great city than many of the locals can do.


Fl gal - accommodations in Vancouver is never cheap unless you find a special promo offer - we are a year round tourist destination - skiers going to Whistler in the winter - and June will be well into the cruise session when the prices increase even more - while you could stay in the suburbs for a little cheaper price the cost of transport into the city will offset the savings - there are older revamped hotels on the Granville Street entertainment area - but this area will be noisy if you are staying on a weekend - regardless of where you stay in the downtown core you are fairly close to most attractions as Vancouver's downtown area is quite compact.


If you find some selections and want an opinion there are a number of us locals that would be only too happy to help make your stay enjoyable.





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Chuck - I have a hard time understanding how anyone does not think that Vancouver is not one awesome city, but maybe you just did not get to experience it long enough. We have been to Vancouver twice as the gateway to our Alaska cruises. Each time I really studied the city, its offerings, restaurants, hotels, sightseeing opportunities, transportation, etc. well in advance of going, so I knew pretty much where to go and what to see and how to do it. We have stayed at places very close to Canada Place (Fairmont Waterfront, Pan Pacific) and very close to Stanley Park (Westin Bayshore) and we arrived one day pre cruise and one day post cruise for one, and three weeks ago came two days pre, so we have had time to hop on and hop off buses, experience great food, superb hotels, but most of all the genuinely friendly Canadians. Every time we asked for help, we were surprised with how eager people were to help........not just point out directions.......but walk with us to where we were going. We were impressed with the city government, the street dept., the way the green lights work with the traffic, the pedestrian's right to walk and the traffic honors them (heh, I live in Texas and people afoot do not get in the path of a pick up truck):D . But most of all the awesome environment......the harbour, the ocean, the snow capped mountains, the lush woods, the clean air, the cool temps, the cleanliness of Vancouver, the respect that the citizens have towards their beautiful countryside and towards each other. We loved it so much and we will return. gg

gg, I think the main problem was that we were tired and I would like to go back. I echo your sentiment about the people, they couldn't have been nicer.

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Thanks Dennis for the info.


O.k., a couple of questions. What do you think of the Marriott Pinnacle or the Westin Grand? They look like nice hotels, I assume, so what about the location as far as being able to walk to Stanley Park? Or do we need to find another way to get to Stanley Park?


We were originally thinking about the Hampton Inn (I know, big difference from the 2 that I mentioned) because they offer a breakfast and transportation. But it seems a little out of the way to me and I also noticed that they are right next to a stadium and also GM Place, where I understand concerts are held. So I am afraid that it might be too noisy or crowded in that area. Any opinions?


Of course, I am really hoping to find a good deal at the Pan Pacific.



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I'm with Michelle......We are coming next May for 2 nights pre cruise. I have booked us at the Best Western Uptown. Can anyone tell me if this is a decent hotel. We are going to have a car so location is not that important. Plus we plan on doing the suspension bridge and the park for our full day there.


Also, how far of a drive is it from Seattle to Vancouver? I can get much cheaper airfare if we fly into Seattle instead of Vancouver.




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GG3 - we should hire you to be a Vancouver booster - you did a better job of promoting our great city than many of the locals can do.





What a great job that would be !!!!! Husband and I would move to the great Northwest in a heartbeat.......if the kids and grands would come with us:D AND if we could afford the housing. I am always stunned at the huge difference in the cost of homes between the south and the northwest. You can custom build a lovely 2 story, brick and stone 3,000+ sq. ft. home on 1/2 acre in a beautiful, upscale area here in East Texas for about $300,000. I think that would be considerably higher in Oregon, Washington, Canada, or Alaska. But then again, we absolutely love your awesome environment and for that, I reckon folks have to pay. The "Vancouver Booster" job would have to pay pretty darn good, wouldn't it ??? :D gg

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gg, I think the main problem was that we were tired and I would like to go back. I echo your sentiment about the people, they couldn't have been nicer.


Chuck - I think you are absolutely right on target about that. Before every major trip, I try and get everything done at least a week in advance, down to the smallest detail, if it is possible. My packing, list making, chores done, things picked up (cleaning, food, money, etc) itineraries made and stapled in suitcases, docs ready, notes to family members, all are done with about 7 days left before we fly out. Then I can use those last few days to go over our plans, make sure nothing is forgotten, try to still eat healthy, sleep good, and take any stress off of my husband since he works til the final moment we hop on the plane.......then takes his laptop with him.:mad: But I have done all his packing and all the planning, so he can relax once he boards the plane. Once we get to our destination, I already know exactly the layout of the town, what we want to do and where we want to go, eat, must do places, etc........yet, still leaving time for spontaneity. I hope your next trip will be wonderful. gg

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The Marriott Pinnacle is close to both Canada Place and Stanley Park - the Westin Grand is only a couple of block from the Hampton House property - the Marriott is in the financial district so it tends to be quieter than many of the other hotel properties in the downtown core.


As for the Best Western Uptown - you are in the heart of the revitalizing Mt Pleasant neighbourhood where i lived for 30 years - but you are not close to any City attractions and would have to rely on public transit or a rental car.


You could stay at the BW Chateau Granville or BW Downtown - where the White Spot is located especially if not there on weekend as they are located on the entertainment district - pubs, clubs etc.


Hope this helps





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Overall, wasn't impressed with Vancouver, maybe I needed more time to explore but only had one. day


I guess basically, this just hurt me. I took it personally because I know and love the city. You do need more than one day, and I guess it goes without saying that if one is tired, it's just not gonna make it a good experience whatever you do. Vancouver is one of the most beautiful, scenic, friendly cities in the world. We have our problems, of course, but so does every other big metropolitan city. It's OK if you "weren't impressed", but I guess I was kind of choked at first that you came here and posted about it in such a negative light.


Hopefully, you'll get another chance to enjoy the area. It really is magnificent. :)

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Next month we'll be coming to Vancouver for our 4th visit.

A lovely city with so much to do and see! But this time,

we'll be flying in the night before our cruise; all we need

is a clean place to sleep, probably near the airport.

Anyone have some not too expensive suggestions?

Thanks. On our 1st visit, my brother and his wife drove

us there from Seattle. We stayed overnight on the way,

so we had a good long day to explore before boarding our

ship. 2nd trip, we were in a downtown hotel, explored

around Canada Place before boarding. 3rd trip, we took

Amtrac from Seattle - a fun trip, then cab to ship.

Wish we had a few days this trip, but we don't.

Maybe next time........

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Langley, I apologize. Looking back, the people I ran across couldn't have been nicer. Aside from the trolley tour, we only walked the area around the Sheraton Wall, didn't get down Robson or anywhere else. I'm hoping to do another cruise up there, don't know when, but I hope I can spend more time there.

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The actual driving time from Sea to downtown Vancouver is about 4 hours. BUT.... the big variables are the lineups at the border and the traffic. Lately the border lineups have been averaging about 1 - 1 1/2 hours. As i recall, lineups are usually much shorter in June but even so, think 1/2 to 1 hour. I'd suggest taking the shuttle bus from Sea to the Vancouver airport. I'm not sure but I think they get through the border faster. If you do drive, try to get to the border either very early in the morning or quite late (8 pm or so). Another choice would be Amtrak (only 1 train per day). Yes, you'd save some pretty fair $$ flying into Sea but don't even think of doing it on departure day. I fly out of SEA regularly but I have a border pass so I get through in mere minutes. The drive is nothing special in terms of scenery (but then, I'm used to mountains and trees).

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Next month we'll be coming to Vancouver for our 4th visit.

A lovely city with so much to do and see! But this time,

we'll be flying in the night before our cruise; all we need

is a clean place to sleep, probably near the airport.

Anyone have some not too expensive suggestions?



All the usual Chains are out near the airport and Richmond BC where YVR actually is. Use any hotel search site and see the difference in pricing. I don't know of any that I wouldn't stay at out there.


A thought is to use courtesy shuttle to hotel and then back to the airport the next AM to catch a shuttle bus ($$) to port. Check YVR website for options

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  • 2 weeks later...
What a great job that would be !!!!! Husband and I would move to the great Northwest in a heartbeat.......if the kids and grands would come with us:D AND if we could afford the housing. I am always stunned at the huge difference in the cost of homes between the south and the northwest. You can custom build a lovely 2 story, brick and stone 3,000+ sq. ft. home on 1/2 acre in a beautiful, upscale area here in East Texas for about $300,000. I think that would be considerably higher in Oregon, Washington, Canada, or Alaska. But then again, we absolutely love your awesome environment and for that, I reckon folks have to pay. The "Vancouver Booster" job would have to pay pretty darn good, wouldn't it ??? :D gg



:eek: Alll that for $300,000!? I don't think you could get a condo for that in Vancouver! Well, maybe a small one!! A 2500 square foot home on a city lot (about 6000 sq feet) should go for around $600,000 in the 'burbs, not Vancouver city (like drive 40 minutes outside of the city!). yes, you'll need a GREAT paying job or lowered expectations!! :rolleyes:

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:eek: Alll that for $300,000!? I don't think you could get a condo for that in Vancouver! Well, maybe a small one!! A 2500 square foot home on a city lot (about 6000 sq feet) should go for around $600,000 in the 'burbs, not Vancouver city (like drive 40 minutes outside of the city!). yes, you'll need a GREAT paying job or lowered expectations!! :rolleyes:


Every time we come to Canada, Alaska, Oregon Coast, we always check out the price of homes and wonder.......what do all these folks do to pay for them. But, oh, my, gosh......your scenery, your environment, your temperatures are so magnificent and we love the folks up there. As I said, if I could afford to, I would at least have a vacation home there. A friend of ours just sold a beautiful brick and stone home in an exclusive neighborhood on 1/2 acre wooded lot, for $550,000. It was over 5,000 sq. ft. 2 story, beautiful landscapping, etc. We have always heard that southern homes are a great bargain and I guess that is true.......but then you have to take out heat too :eek: . The southern folks are so friendly though and genuinely hospitable. Still........I dream of the great northwest in all its glory. gg

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