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Belder - Don't be too hard on yourself. I won't go to Australia because I'm afraid I will see a spider. How sad is that.:(


You don't have spiders in BC?


Spiders are a lot more dangerous than iquanas. Being afraid of iquanas is like being afraid of birds. Pointless. Good luck with over coming your phobia.



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WOW.. Thanks EVERYONE for all the heartfelt advice. I do feel somewhat better knowing that I MAY not see them if I avoid certain areas and activities. I think I will just stick to the shopping areas and water activities very near (or on) the water. My husband assures me he will scare off anything in my path! I do have some left over valium (very mild only 5 MG) left over from my dental work, I think I just may take that along just in case. Thanks again and I WILL go into the ports! Wish me luck!


I hope you don't have panic attacks just looking at the photo's that crusinmama06 put up! :eek: Shame on you crusinmama06!


Have you thought about being blindfolded while your DH walks you to the water in these places? I have seen iguanas in all the ports, but Cococay (never been there.)


On a very serious note,,, I recall reading, on these boards, about a terrible accident. :( A woman was getting off the ship in one of the ports and there was a man offering photo's with his pet iguana. She didn't see the man, and he came up behind her and practically threw the thing in her face! The woman screamed, panicked and stepped back too suddenly. She tripped over something, fell to the concrete and smashed her body. I don't recall exactly which body parts, but she broke some bones and perhaps messed up her face. Does anyone else remember this story?


Good luck, don't worry too much and have fun! ;)

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We've been to Coco Cay probably six times and I honestly have never seen an iguana there. Not to say they aren't there, but I have never seen one. Will definitly look next time as I also hate them. We did see plenty of them in Aruba. In fact, when we arrived at the private beach for the Radisson hotel guests, we saw a very colorful one hanging from a post where you get off the boat. We took a picture of it and when we walked back by to get back on the boat several hours later it was still there. We thought this was unusual but forgot about it, and then we went back the next day it was still there. After closer inspection, we found out it was fake. We felt like such idiots. There we were taking pictures of this fake iguana!!! Like I said though, there were plenty of real ones, but they didn't bother anyone. In fact they even fed them several times a day at one particular spot. Not me, I avoid them as much as possible.

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On a very serious note,,, I recall reading, on these boards, about a terrible accident. :( A woman was getting off the ship in one of the ports and there was a man offering photo's with his pet iguana. She didn't see the man, and he came up behind her and practically threw the thing in her face! The woman screamed, panicked and stepped back too suddenly. She tripped over something, fell to the concrete and smashed her body. I don't recall exactly which body parts, but she broke some bones and perhaps messed up her face. Does anyone else remember this story?



No, and it sounds a bit fantastic to me.



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I have a toad phobia....yup of all things dumb toads which are naturally everywhere in my garden. I have gotten better, but will not pick one up.

I completely understand your phobia. I have never met anyone who is not afraid of something. Usually the ones who say they are not and make fun of others simply will not admit to what they are afraid of. My future SIL is terrified of spiders, he is 6' 4" and about 220 lbs. It is a phobia. He is not too fond of bugs either, so my daughter and I get rid of whatever seems to concern him. Cute really since I am 5' and she is about 5' 5". Ya gotta love it.

Phobias are not rational and we don't choose them, and we are fortunate in our family that everyone knows the phobias and helps in whatever way they can.

My oldest sister was terrified of snakes, and suddenly found out that part of her new job was to venture into fields and wooded areas to do engineering feats, snakes or not. She went to a hypnotist for a while, and although she would not want to necessarily pick one up, she does not faint or have panic attacks at the mere sight of them anymore.

For all who are posting pictures, it truly is insensitive if someone has a severe phobia.

My advice is figure out what is the worst that could happen if you encounter one, would the people with you help and be understanding? Or do you need to avoid the areas alltogether. We shopped in St. Thomas and saw nothing, the same for St. Martin/St.Maarten.

Good Luck


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You don't have spiders in BC?





I know they are around but I have never had one in my house. (Knocking wood frantically). They are small though, not the big hairy kind with big teeth that are seen elsewhere. Ugh.


Belder - I really hope you don't see any iguanas. Looking at those pictures, I can see why you hate them. A friend of mine went to a party and ended up sleeping on the couch. In the morning, he woke up and the family pet iguana was lying next to him fast asleep. Could you imagine!!!:eek:

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Ok, now I am really confused, as two people have scolded people for posting a picture of an iguana.


Question, it is insensitive to post a picture of a lizard, but it is ok for television networks to show someone getting murdered on TV in all of the gruesome detail?


I understand that to people with phobias it is a very real and it can be deabilitating, but c'mon posting a picture is insensitive? :confused: I happen to be afraid of heights and everytime I am on an exposed ledge or something I have a wave of vertigo go thru me. However I still like to hike up on rocky ledges. I do not like to be trapped in an enclosed space, and I have felt claustrophobia many times in my life and while scuba diving I have experienced both vertigo (you can't imagine floating above in brilliant light clear water and looking down at the depths below and feel like you are flying and falling) and claustrophobia on the same dive(the pressure of the water holding you down). For me it is not completely debilitating, but I understand how these things can be. I remember being about 12 and climbing a forest watch tower and getting almost to the top when I realized that if I tripped and fell going down that I could fall over the side. So, I sat down frozen. I then realized that I had to get down, and there was only one way to do that. So, I scooted one step at a time down. Upon reaching the ground I had to have splinters plucked from my bottom. After that I resolved to never give in to irrational fear. I have since climbed many of those towers and other places. I went so far as to sign up for a repelling class in college and spent a few summer weekends rock climbing and repelling. I admit I am never completely comfortable doing those things, but I am no longer unable to act in those situations.


To the OP have you ever considered visiting a zoo and meeting with a reptile handler there to find that you actually have nothing to be afraid of in regards to iquanas. For me reality can overcome the irrational part of our minds. YMMV. Good luck, sincerely.



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I am equally afraid of snakes. However, I talked myself into going to Costa Rica despite reading about all the snakes they have there. I didn't want to miss the opportunity. I didn't see a single one. That doesn't mean they weren't lying in the bushes out of sight.


So, it's very possible that you are worried about something you won't see. BUT, you COULD see them. So, you have to weigh that very real scenario.

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For all who are posting pictures, it truly is insensitive if someone has a severe phobia.




Oh please! I was NOT trying to be insensitive and don't you dare accuse me of that!


I am a REALIST. On EVERY cruise I have been on I have seen lizards/iguanas ON THE STREET. I took those pictures ON THE STREET. Not in some zoo or aquarium. They didn't have handlers. They were in their natural environment.


I am trying to PREPARE the OP that she *MAY* see lizards. Everyone here kept saying "Oh don't worry, you won't see any" Just because you don't pay attention to lizards SHE will.


My kids pay attention to lizards...then I take the pictures. So out of all of my cruises, I have lizard/iguana pictures at every port, including Florida.


I think it's insensitive to lie to the OP and tell her she won't see any. :rolleyes:


And I have a severe phobia of spiders but pictures won't kill me, I assure you.

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My first thought was not to go to Texas:D ….and second thought was not to take excursions on land. Stay by the water and you should be fine. I’ve never seen any reptiles on the beaches on St. Thomas or St. Marteen.



We saw an iguana climb a tree not 10 feet away from the waters edge in St. Thomas.

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Well I have not seen the pictures posted by Crusinmama yet since I am work and there is a filter for embedded images. Not to say I wont check them out when I get home tonight though! And please dont worry, images I can handle, its the real thing that freaks me out! I am intrigued by Animal Planet and all the creatures it shows even though I may have nightmares after some episodes of "Worlds Deadliest". I really have enjoyed reading the stories posted here of some of your 'encounters'...probably because I can relate to them and see myself in the same positions! Thanks for sharing. I too was in Puerto Vallarta one year having lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise on the balcony and looked up to see a green gecko type lizzard on the very LOW ceiling right above me! I kept calm as possible (for me), grabbed my plate and very quickly ran inside to another table while the person I was having lunch with wondered 'what the heck???'...At least I had the presence of mind to take my lunch with me!! And I definitely have ran down a few corridors to get into our hotel room so as not to see what may be lurking in the plants along the way! I do appreciate all the tips and encouragement that these creatures really wont hurt me...even though I still can NOT come in close proximity of one..I will have my 'patrol' be on the look out for me as well and if I do see one I will head in the opposite direction, lets just hope I dont get surrounded! YIKES Or I may be the '1st Cruiseship passenger to die by Iguana Encounter in the Caribbean'...... Now as another poster who has a fear of snakes.....if these were snakes I definitely would enjoy the views from the ship! Thanks again EVERYONE and Happy Cruising !!!

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If anyone has pictures of spiders in the Caribbean, please feel free to post them. I would rather know realistically what to expect and I can take it. Gulp..


LOL! I can honestly say that I must have blinders on when it comes to spiders in the Caribbean. I didn't notice any big huge creepy crawlies there but I KNOW they are there.


I am MORE afraid of what's in MY backyard here in PA. Word of advice, stay out of Pennsylvania if you don't like bugs and snakes. :eek:


AT MY HOUSE :eek: ICK!!!!





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Cruisinmamma I don't think you were insensitive at all. What you say is correct, though. When I was at CocoCay the first time I wasn't even looking for them and never saw any. When I went the 2nd time, I was on the lookout and saw more than a few.


One thing you should mention, though is that the Orlando lizards are only about 3 or 4 inches long. Granted, there are thousands of them everywhere, but they really are lttle and run when they see you (that one giant monitor lizard that recently caused havoc around here was a fluke). ;)

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One thing you should mention, though is that the Orlando lizards are only about 3 or 4 inches long. Granted, there are thousands of them everywhere, but they really are lttle and run when they see you (that one giant monitor lizard that recently caused havoc around here was a fluke). ;)


Yes, you can sort of tell how small the one in Orlando is cause it's sitting on a wooden pathway and it's smaller than the width of the board across.


The ones in Miami....holy cow! :eek: There were at LEAST 20 that size. And we had walked past that big flowering bush right outside our hotel and noticed everyone standing around staring at it and taking pictures. Then I overheard one dad telling his son, see the iguanas? And when I looked closer I saw THAT.


It's crazy how there are iguanas THAT big in Miami....just sitting around on a bush.


Now to the OP...these things didn't move. They clung in the bush. They didn't even come to the ground. And of course, they didn't chase anyone. ;) But I can see having a fear of them.

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No, and it sounds a bit fantastic to me.



Very true! I tried to do a search, but am not coming up with anything. The story was reported at least a couple of years ago. Seems to me that the passenger was trying to sue the cruise lines for allowing this guy on the pier.


Come to think of it, it may not have been an iguana. It could have been a snake or perhaps a parrot.


crusinmama06 - You know I was kidding when I said "shame on you." ;)

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Have you thought about consulting a psychologist or even a good self-help book? I know that phobias are scarey, but they are actually very easy to cure through relaxation techniques and exposure therapy. I would hate to see it ruin your otherwise great cruise, and you might be so nervous about the possibility of running into one that you will be upset the whole time, even if you don't see one. Just something to think about.

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Hmmm...I really don't think that posting pictures here is insensitive. As someone who has a big phobia, I can say that the only way to cope with a phobia (especially one that induces paralyzing anxiety/panic attacks) is to confront your phobia. When I was 7 years old, I fell over a hill sledding and sliced open my cheek from the top of my cheekbone to the edge of my chin. 19 stitches, 17 outside and 2 inside. When I got to the emergency room, I was in shock, but I remember they draped a paper surgical cloth over my face and then put a large gauge needle with a local anesthetic into my chin to numb the area. Unfortunately, I could still see this large needle sticking out of my chin...and they left it there (with compression dressing) for a long time. To this day, I still have a massive phobia about needles and small knives (oddly, large knives don't bother me that much). From the recovery to my early teen years, I would have severe anxiety attacks about needles. When I got to college and was out on my own for the first time, I decided that I did not want to be paralyzed by a phobia. I had moved to college in an urban area and was worried that in an urban setting this could make me an easy target or victim. So, I started donating blood. Yes, the first few times, I was paralyzed from my phobia (I warned the nurse). To this day, I still clench and cannot watch the needle insertion, but I am no longer paralyzed by it. I am phobic, but controlled and can still mentally function with my phobia.


I refused to let my phobia control my life. Anyone can do it in controlled measures or as recommended, with the help of a professional.

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Yes, you can sort of tell how small the one in Orlando is cause it's sitting on a wooden pathway and it's smaller than the width of the board across.


The ones in Miami....holy cow! :eek: There were at LEAST 20 that size. And we had walked past that big flowering bush right outside our hotel and noticed everyone standing around staring at it and taking pictures. Then I overheard one dad telling his son, see the iguanas? And when I looked closer I saw THAT.


It's crazy how there are iguanas THAT big in Miami....just sitting around on a bush.


Now to the OP...these things didn't move. They clung in the bush. They didn't even come to the ground. And of course, they didn't chase anyone. ;) But I can see having a fear of them.



Now I'M freaked out - I didn't know I was going to have to worry about giant iguanas in Miami, especially in such a high traffic area. Guess I'll be taking some cabs. :P

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After living in Florida for most of my life and going on umpteen Caribbean cruises, I must say I feel very cheated: I have *never* seen an iguana in the wild, at any port or in Miami!!!! (??) :eek: How unobservant I must be! I will be looking for them everywhere when I'm in the ports on my Mariner cruise later this month. :D


The closest thing I ever saw was on Half Moon Cay (HAL's private island), where there were some lizards crawling around on the beach. While these were maybe 3-4x larger than the ubiquitous lizards/geckos in Central Florida, they were nowhere near the size of the iguanas shown in CruisinMama06's photos!


Anyway, I just had to share that it is possible to have an iguana-free Caribbean cruise experience...we'll see if that happens this time, now that I know they're there! :p

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