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Why you don't post more?


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I used to post all the time (as you can see by the number of posts:) ) ... and I've posted more recently because we have a cruise coming up. It used to be a lot of fun for me.


But I've tried too hard sometimes to go to bat for people I feel have been flamed or criticized unnecessarily. This is often misread.


The problem with message boards is we really don't know anyone here (except for some who have met on cruises) ... It's very easy to be misinterpreted, misunderstood. Sometimes we hurt people we don't mean to; sometimes it's the other way around.


In the end it's all words on a page ... it has no true laughter, or knowledge of what goes on with the person behind the keyboard. You have to have a pretty tough skin and I don't.

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As you can see by my number of posts and the time I have been in here, I am a lurker. I have actualy posted a few times recently because I have a HAL cruise coming up in Oct.


Years ago I was flammed on every comment I made it seems, so I still read but not post.


I have asked questions and had wonderful people respond. If I have asked a question beat to death it was most likely about the ship I will be sailing on and I only go a couple of pages back before I post.


I feel bad for the newbie when they ask about the dreaded "tipping" i.e. because I KNOW there are those that will make comments about previous threads.


So I will continue to lurk and enjoy the more humorous posts and keep my fingers off the keyboard when I disagree. We all have our own opinion and mine does NOT always agree with the majority. That doesn't make me wrong, just silent.

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We all have our own opinion and mine does NOT always agree with the majority. That doesn't make me wrong, just silent.


I have found that "they" are the extremely vocal MINORITY. Don't sweat it, lb. ;)


(Cruise Critic is like a whole new world! It has little if any effect on the reality of cruising) :)

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It used to be a lot of fun for me.


But I've tried too hard sometimes to go to bat for people I feel have been flamed or criticized unnecessarily. This is often misread.


Heather I'm sorry to hear this. I've always enjoyed your posts, especially when you defend others, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Many times you have been the voice of calm, and lots of us appreciate that!

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I have found that "they" are the extremely vocal MINORITY. Don't sweat it, lb. ;)


(Cruise Critic is like a whole new world! It has little if any effect on the reality of cruising) :)


We need more polls so some of the quiet ones can say their opinions anonymously without fear of getting flamed! ;)

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As you can see by my number of posts and the time I have been in here, I am a lurker. I have actualy posted a few times recently because I have a HAL cruise coming up in Oct.


Years ago I was flammed on every comment I made it seems, so I still read but not post.


I have asked questions and had wonderful people respond. If I have asked a question beat to death it was most likely about the ship I will be sailing on and I only go a couple of pages back before I post.


I feel bad for the newbie when they ask about the dreaded "tipping" i.e. because I KNOW there are those that will make comments about previous threads.


So I will continue to lurk and enjoy the more humorous posts and keep my fingers off the keyboard when I disagree. We all have our own opinion and mine does NOT always agree with the majority. That doesn't make me wrong, just silent.


I say lurk on! And speak up. I don't want to hear from the majority. I want to hear from you!

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Heather I'm sorry to hear this. I've always enjoyed your posts, especially when you defend others, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Many times you have been the voice of calm, and lots of us appreciate that!


Thank you, Carolyn. You can't know what that means to me.


We need more polls so some of the quiet ones can say their opinions anonymously without fear of getting flamed! ;)


I love polls!:) But I sure wish some of you wouldn't feel uncomfortable posting. This board is for everyone ... not just a few.


This is very nearly, or maybe is, my last post on the HAL board. I've really decided it's time to take a break from here. Sometimes you just have to step away ... you just know it's better for you.


But it should be fun. The HAL board has always been one of the best boards on CC. Everyone should feel comfortable posting. You know how they say "just do it"? Well, just post:D . It's not just for some, it's for everyone who loves to cruise and loves to talk about it.

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For me it is fear of being flamed and rude responses. I know email and internet responses often come off sounding worse than intended but it still inhibits me from posting more often. You?


I take it you are American! A Canadian, I really don't fear being 'flamed' but it has to be understood that nationalities do tend to express themselves differently - there are the Brits - Quote/



bsa250cc user_offline.gif vbmenu_register("postmenu_11002821", true);

Cool Cruiser


Join Date: Feb 2005

Location: London UK

Posts: 132




Hi Everyone,

MSammy, a "Maisonette" is a very posh name for a semi detached house which is divided in two. It is more than a studio as there are 1/2 bedrooms along with a lounge, dining room and kitchen as well as the bathroom. The name originates from the French meaning small house "Maison" "Ette". There are hundreds of English words that derive from French origins. Lounge and origins being just two. If you want to know any more I can send you a comprehensive list of assorted rubbish for a once in a lifetime cost of $250:00. Cheap at half the price.............LOL


Best Wishes


Bob & Dee /Unquote


We don't have Maisonettes in Canada (at least I don't think so:)) - and a Studio here would be referred to as a Bachelor Apartment. Our 'sense of humor' is much like that of Brits!


Non-American posters (very much in the minority) tend to ID themselves - you Americans don't. A pity, I think we'd be more tolerant of each other if we knew the region (Canada or the U.S. of A) of North America from which we're coming.


Bit like the UK - not everyone, believe it or not, lives in England!! There Scotland, Ireland and Wales - all within the UK, (a.k.a. The British Isles) and we all express ourselves differently.


As cruisers, with favourite Lines, it's what makes CC a great 'sounding board'.


Now I await the 'flaming'!:rolleyes:

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I respond to many posts......then after I read them through, I delete them.


I don't fear being flamed as much as I fear being misunderstood and in the worse case, offending someone, and it doesn't take a whole lot these days to offend someone. I have read what I consider fairly innocuous comments and then a couple of posts later, someone jumps all over the poster for one thing or another for something that doesn't make much sense to me.


Life can be tough and I don't want to make it tougher for anyone. I would never deliberately hurt someone's feelings or try to put them down, but sometimes trying to pick and choose words carefully and dance around strong statements just gets too much for me. Those are the posts I delete.


What's really nice about these boards, though, is that you can be away for quite a while and then jump back in when you like. Sometimes it's good to take a break. As long as I'm cruising, I'll be around.....but not always vocal.

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I do not post much for a variety of reasons. Many of the questions asked on this board are much better suited for someone more experienced than myself to answer. I also find that that when I do have something to contribute to a thread, it has already been posted by someone else.

BUT THE REAL REASON....is that I am a person that likes to observe, listen, people watch. I am like this in person so I think it influences how I act on this board. I have been a reader of this board for almost 2 years now and I check in almost daily to see what everyone is saying, but I am more comfortable keeping quiet and putting my 2 cents in only when I feel that I have something worthwhile to contribute.





Exactly my reasons also.... Besides, I seem to be something of a threadkiller . :p

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I wasn't going to post on this thread, but after reading the most recent posts - MSammy, lb0103, Tricia 724, NoNo Nanette and especially HeatherinFlorida, I had to.


Heather, you have made me feel better so many times. Don't stop posting on this board. NoNo, you always bring a breath of fresh air into a topic.


I am a soon-to-be 1st time HAL cruiser. When I 1st booked my cruise, I was SOOO excited. I had a million questions. The questions didn't occur to me all at once, but several times every day. I was flamed for asking so many questions. One poster even asked if I had "a nervous disorder...". I left the board for a while but came back as my cruise draws closer. It is some of the "vocal minority" that makes it difficult to post. I have to keep reminding myself that they are a minority and will not reflect the majority of the passengers on my cruise.

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I am a soon-to-be 1st time HAL cruiser. When I 1st booked my cruise, I was SOOO excited. I had a million questions. The questions didn't occur to me all at once, but several times every day. I was flamed for asking so many questions. One poster even asked if I had "a nervous disorder...". I left the board for a while but came back as my cruise draws closer. It is some of the "vocal minority" that makes it difficult to post. I have to keep reminding myself that they are a minority and will not reflect the majority of the passengers on my cruise.


I would consider myself fortunate if the only thing some other posters speculated about me, was a potential nervous disorder.:eek:


You returned and brought sunshine to this board with your thread about what we enjoy most about cruising. I appreciate your perspective.

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I'm pretty new to cruising and have lots of questions. But I use the search function first. It's quick and easy and generally gives me several posts related to my question. I feel silly when I realize I've just posted a question about something that was recently discussed.


Partly I post because I need someone to talk to who is as excited about cruising as I am! This is a recent passion and I want to learn everything and talk about it to everyone! My DH is one of those strong, kind, silent types - very Scandinavian - and he doesn't get chatty about anything, much less vacation plans 6 months in advance.


I'm a very regular user of a garden forum and have found that group to be consistently courteous even when we disagree. New members are welcomed and an effort is made by all to answer their questions quickly so they don't feel left out. I have to admit, at the risk of being flamed myself, that I don't always see that same level of courtesy here. I suppose some people think they are being funny. Others seem to think they are so correct in their thinking that it's OK to slam those who don't agree with them. We need to remember that it's all 'opinion' and one isn't more correct than another, even when talking about such thorny subjects as clothing or food! I welcome differing opinions and believe they can always (almost always?) be presented in a pleasant, sharing manner. Most posters here do that but a few don't.


I applaud all those who stand up for other posters and who try to calm those who are rude!



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Partly I post because I need someone to talk to who is as excited about cruising as I am! This is a recent passion and I want to learn everything and talk about it to everyone! My DH is one of those strong, kind, silent types - very Scandinavian - and he doesn't get chatty about anything, much less vacation plans 6 months in advance.


Kate, you reflect a large percentage of the reason why I post on these boards. While I don't have a "DH" :D it is true that the person with whom I normally cruise IS silent and doesn't get too excited about a cruise until we're a week or two from embarkation date. By then, of course, it's "too late" to do any real planning or buy shore excursions online or anything like that. He doesn't want to talk about the cruise because he's got "too many other things to do." I have too many other things to do, too, but that's WHY I post on the board so frequently. If I can't be aboard ship, I want to talk about it. :)

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Heather, you have made me feel better so many times. Don't stop posting on this board. NoNo, you always bring a breath of fresh air into a topic. .....


Thank you, Golfette:) . With this exception, I won't be posting for awhile ... just need a break which many do from time to time. I'm sure I'll write a review after my return from our cruise toward the end of theyer. In the meantime, my email (in my signature) is the same ... happy to hear from you anytime.

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For me, I enjoyed posting on the Connections section with other people who are going on the same trip as we did. Got to meet a lot of really nice people before the trip started and so when we met on-board it was like meeting old friends.


Also, time. I don't have time to read all the posts much less time to respond.


Can I spell that l-a-z-y maybe? Opps, I flamed myself. Keep smiling and cruising.



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We tried HAL twice (Zuiderdam and Westerdam) - then decided to return to Freestyle on NCL. Our HAL experiences were great (we had an S suite) but unless the deal of a lifetime comes along, we probably won't repeat for a while. I've previously posted that the HAL forum can come across as a bit "clubby" and not very welcoming to "newbies" (JMHO).


I don't consider ANY forum members my "family" (cruise or otherwise) - I come to cc to read and benefit from the experiences of others and for that, these forums are great. If others want to share personal details about their life - that's their choice........but not everyone wants to read them.


I don't/won't get into "snit fights" and have no patience when a thread (whether it be dress code, tipping, etc) descends into a free-for-all.


I've belonged to these boards for a long time (5+ years-previously posting as seleneboss). Do I spend hours, hours, hours on these boards? Nope, I work, spend time with my husband, read, etc. Maybe 15 minutes a few times a week just to see if anything new is posted about ships/cruise lines that I may be interested in.


This is a great topic and I couldn't resist.

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I post when I can answer a question or feel that I can help in anyway. I have never been flamed but then again if I don't agree with something that has been said, I will walk away. Life is too short for disagreements especially with people you really do not know.


As we are cruising with different cruise lines at the moment - not HAL -I only pop in here occasionally.


I too was sorry to hear that Heather will not be posting as much as she used to. She does bring a sensible perspective to a lot of posts on this Board.



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I am also a lurker. I like to read what others post, but some of the posters are so rude to others. I remember the rudeness to Golfette about asking a lot of questions. I thought this is what the board is for, to ask questions. I have seen where some people will post, and no one acknowledges them at all. I have also seen where some people sign up on their roll call and no one welcomes them. Then, one of the "clubbies" signs on, and everyone is so happy to have them onboard. That would make someone think twice about going to a CC meet and greet. I also remember someone posting as AAAmerican. People were really, really rude to him, and now I don't think he posts on the boards any more. I do enjoy Heather and NoNoNanette. They seem to tell it like it is. I'll continue to lurk!!!

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I am also a lurker. I like to read what others post, but some of the posters are so rude to others. I remember the rudeness to Golfette about asking a lot of questions. I thought this is what the board is for, to ask questions. I have seen where some people will post, and no one acknowledges them at all. I have also seen where some people sign up on their roll call and no one welcomes them. Then, one of the "clubbies" signs on, and everyone is so happy to have them onboard. That would make someone think twice about going to a CC meet and greet. I also remember someone posting as AAAmerican. People were really, really rude to him, and now I don't think he posts on the boards any more. I do enjoy Heather and NoNoNanette. They seem to tell it like it is. I'll continue to lurk!!!


I enjoy Heather and NNN's posts too. :) Unfortunately Heather is taking a break for awhile. :(

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I also remember someone posting as AAAmerican. People were really, really rude to him, and now I don't think he posts on the boards any more.


AAAAmerican still around and posts on other boards, Princess and Cunard. I think he sails on all the cruise lines. I enjoyed his posts.

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I enjoy Heather and NNN's posts too. :) Unfortunately Heather is taking a break for awhile. :(


I agree with you it's a shame Heather won't be on this site for awhile. I always know I will find a well thought out statement from her and a refreshing sense of humor.


I am really interested in taking a HAL cruise and feel sure I will in the future she is the reason we have decided to give it a try. I like hearing the negative as well as the positive about the ships. Sometimes that's extremely hard to do on the boards. She and a few others have let us know what to expect on HAL. I wasn't sure it would be a good fit for us but now I can't wait.



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... Besides, I seem to be something of a threadkiller . :p

EKKK ....!! You kill threads. Is that allowed ?

That's a very useful skill to have.

How exactly DO you kill a thread, and does it suffer, I hope there is no pain involved. :eek:

Do you have to study for long, have a diploma, take exams, and what do you practise on before you progress to full on thread killing ?




To be serious for a moment, and answer OP ......everyone on these boards has written something someone else dislikes, but they also have helped, informed and inspired someone , and the most important, they may have brightened someones day .

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