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Darn Darn Darn -- 8/19/07 Carnival Valor Change


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The Carnival Valor departing 8/19/07 from Miami is NO LONGER GOING to the Western Caribbean!!


We have been diverted as follows:


SUN 08/19/07 MIAMI 07:00AM 4:00PM


MON 08/20/07 NASSAU 07:00AM 2:00PM


TUE 08/21/07 AT SEA


WED 08/22/07 ST. THOMAS 09:00AM 6:00PM


THU 08/23/07 ST. MAARTEN 07:00AM 6:00PM


FRI 08/24/07 AT SEA


SAT 08/25/07 AT SEA


SUN 08/26/07 MIAMI 06:00AM


This TOTALLY sucks. The same exact thing happened to my family of 5 last year on the 8/26-9/2/06 Carnival Glory and we visited the same exact ports. This is RIDICULOUS -- there are other ports available to Carnival, but it appears they have once again taken the easy way out. Last year we got a big fat $25/pp cabin credit (they HAVE to give each passenger $20 for not replacing a port visit). Just got off the phone with a supervisor who told me Carnival is offering NO COMPENSATION!!!


This will be my LAST Carnival cruise if that is the case.




Also, mostly all Carnival ships are being diverted, so if you are leaving within the next few days, call to check!


Hi, Sorry about your cruise.....but I do believe that is the chance you take when you cruise in hurricane season....and I'm sure your cruise was much cheaper because it is hurrican season.....seems to me you need to travel at a different time in order to be SURE that you get what you want. Try to enjoy it anyway:D

Happy Sailing

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That really sux. I have read alot about stuff and you should get at least $25 back. I mean c'mon!






2/14/04 Fantasy 3 Day


We had roads flooded yesterday by feeder bands from Erin. I had to drive out of my way costing me time and expensive gas. Should the county send me $3.00 for my trouble? C'mon :rolleyes:

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The fact is, this isn't a new itinerary for the Valor. This is the itinerary it does every other week, so it was much easier to make this change, than some of the ships that are COMPLETELY altering their itinerary. If there are already X number of ships at a port, they CANNOT just "slip another one in there", there are limits... so no, they couldn't have just sent you anywhere. And I can tell you, if I had a choice, I'd choose THIS eastern itinerary, and guarantee you that not everyone is going to be as upset as you are. Some will be very happy. Some will be happy just to get on a ship and won't stomp and moan over $20. Others of course, will let this ruin their cruise. And that is a real shame.

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The Carnival Valor departing 8/19/07 from Miami is NO LONGER GOING to the Western Caribbean!!


We have been diverted as follows:


SUN 08/19/07 MIAMI 07:00AM 4:00PM


MON 08/20/07 NASSAU 07:00AM 2:00PM


TUE 08/21/07 AT SEA


WED 08/22/07 ST. THOMAS 09:00AM 6:00PM


THU 08/23/07 ST. MAARTEN 07:00AM 6:00PM


FRI 08/24/07 AT SEA


SAT 08/25/07 AT SEA


SUN 08/26/07 MIAMI 06:00AM


This TOTALLY sucks. The same exact thing happened to my family of 5 last year on the 8/26-9/2/06 Carnival Glory and we visited the same exact ports. This is RIDICULOUS -- there are other ports available to Carnival, but it appears they have once again taken the easy way out. Last year we got a big fat $25/pp cabin credit (they HAVE to give each passenger $20 for not replacing a port visit). Just got off the phone with a supervisor who told me Carnival is offering NO COMPENSATION!!!


This will be my LAST Carnival cruise if that is the case.




Also, mostly all Carnival ships are being diverted, so if you are leaving within the next few days, call to check!



I was on the VALOR in April 2007 and we did the exact agenda you are being diverted to, in my opinion you will have a nice time. I am actually looking forward to the next time I will visit St. Marteen...very nice port. Just make the best of it and for future advice, try planning your future cruises during NON-HURRICANE seasons. I know the low prices are GREAT, but you do risk the event of having your iteniary changed if you go during HURRICANE season and besides, you cant blame the cruise line for hurricanes occurring. At least they are accomodating you by providing you with an alternate route for your own safety instead of cancelling the cruise all together. No matter what cruise line you choose, you risk these things happening if you book during the hurricane seasons...now if the cruise line fails to re-direct your iteniary if you are heading towards danger, then that is when I would be concerned. Try not to sweat the small stuff and enjoy your trip. If you had trip insurance, perhaps you could cancel.

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I guess you didn't read the fine print on the Carnival docs....they are not responsible for itinerary changes due to weather. Be thankful you are crusing while the rest of us work, those ports you mentioned are awesome. Also be lucky you don't have to deal with hurricanes firsthand such as I who barely survived Andrew with my life in 1992 and just got my roof fixed two years later after Wilma took off with it. And no Jamaica definitely cannot take cruise ships there after Dean depending on the damage. They just don't have the resources. I was raised in Jamaica for twenty years and believe me, the flood damages to the already barely-paved roads, etc. will take ages to repair Jamaica and Cayman are just now recovering from Ivan and Cozumel was closed for ages.


I would love to just be cruising this weekend anyway, even if they stayed at sea for seven days. I work to cruise..................

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The original poster has nothing to complain about. That is a perfectly fine itinerary and while it wasn't what you had anticipated, you planned the cruise during hurricane season and knew exactly the chances you were taken. Stop complaining and feel lucky that you are able to go at all.

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Your original post blamed Carnival for not "compensating" you for their change of itinerary due to a potentially deadly hurricane showing up in the Caribbean in AUGUST of all months....Since they weren't giving you anymore OBC you will never sail Carnival again!


Looking back on what you typed, surely you can see why your loyal Carnival fans here at CC would think this completely ridiculous. If you dish it out, you have to be able to take it as well.


You are very fortunate that Carnival is giving you anything at all. Your terms & conditions clearly state that these things happen & in the interest of your safety & well-being they can & will divert cruises when necessary.


You are very fortunate that you still have a cruise to go on. Would you have been happier if they had cancelled your cruise altogether?


You are very fortunate that you are not in the direct path of this hurricane. I am not pretending to know you, or judge you...but honestly, set aside your frustrations for a minute, take a deep breath, and look at the BIG picture. Having experienced 9-11 firsthand, I am sure you can appreciate the seriousness of this situation for those who are in the direct path of this storm.


Yes...it's unfortunate that you won't be able to visit the ports you had originally planned. But you still have the opportunity to go on a fantastic cruise with your family. It's natural to be disappointed, but have an open mind about your vacation. Do you know how many families can't even afford to go on a cruise at all?


Enjoy your trip with your family! Hopefully in the future your schedule will allow you to schedule outside of hurricane season. In the meantime you have to roll with the punches. Set that frustration aside, look at it with a positive attitude, and most of all...HAVE FUN! After all....a bad day on a cruise is WAY BETTER than a good day at work! :):D;)

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So you are not cruising Carnival again because of the $20??


Just got off the phone with a supervisor who told me Carnival is offering NO COMPENSATION!!!

This will be my LAST Carnival cruise if that is the case.


Dang Chris....what are you thinking????? $20 can buy 5 of those DODs...well, assuming you don't get those "fancy" cups. I mean, it's $20!!!!!! That would make me never cruise Carnival again, right???


:eek: :rolleyes:

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I am a new member/user and I am astounded at the hatred and mean spiritedness of the majority of posters on this board.


May each of you receive what you give. You must lead very empty, sad lives to be taking out your evilness on someone who was simply sharing -- yes, and upset. So what -- that's what being human is about, and COOFIE at least was honest. Guess you ALL were asleep when the caring and sensitive part of being a human being was passed out!!


Sometimes I feel like the First Amendment should be abolished for abusers!!

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What do the other cruiselines typically offer for hurricane port cancellations?


I don't know about other cruise lines, but on our Victory cruise in Oct 2005, we were expecting to go Eastern. We found out at embarkation that a tropical storm in the eastern Atlantic was pushing us into a Western itinerary. We were very disappointed as we had done Western on our last 2 cruises, but never even considered that we were owed anything. We cruised the same number of days and did our best to get over the disappointment quickly and enjoy our cruise.

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LET'S GET THIS STRAIGHT, EVERYONE. (Jeez, cannot believe the nastiness, sarcasm, etc., in most of the above comments!).


NUMBER ONE: I am not angry at Carnival for the weather. JEEZ, y'all, GET A GRIP!!


NUMBER TWO: I NEVER said that my cruise was ruined. Whoever wrote that should NEVER be a witness to anything, most importantly a crime!


NUMBER THREE: My Carnival rep TOLD ME and CONNECTED me to someone at Carnival because, as an employee of Carnival, he himself said compensation should be offered PLUS he said that Carnival is obligated to compensate passengers for reducing the number of ports visited.


NUMBER FOUR: I would love to be like all of you and be able to cruise any time during the year I like, but NOTE THIS: not everyone has that luxury.


NUMBER FIVE: I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF 9/11 IN MANHATTAN. No one here should assume anything -- you do NOT know me -- you have no idea who and/or what I lost or what I went through, being RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, and to even suggest that I have no compassion for anyone in times of peril is shameful.


P.S.: To those of you who were unaware of the diversions, I hope my posting has given you some time to plan around the change in itinerary.




Not to bash or anything, but I am just curious as to how you go from venting about hurricanes and carnival to the fact that you were stuck in the middle of manhattan during 9/11??:confused: What in the world does that have to do with your initial vent. I'm lost. And no everyone doesnt have that luxury to book during non hurricane times, you may want to try booking a year in advance during non hurricane times because the rates are better then too. Also January and some times in April is a good time to book for decent rates. Dont stress yourself out, its only a vacation. Or you may want to look into doing land only vacations, you can shop around for rates more suitable for your budget.

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Morris for a new poster to call the people that replied to this thread "evil" is taking things a bit far. We all answered a person ranting about Carnival being unfair. Most of us have had the same thing happen to us. Diversions because of storms or other reasons. We've been through it. It was an unreasonable post by the OP who got a bit carried away (IMHO). If this post upset you and you think we are evil, don't even read the "jeans in the dining room", "smoking" or "tipping" threads.

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Not to bash or anything, but I am just curious as to how you go from venting about hurricanes and carnival to the fact that you were stuck in the middle of manhattan during 9/11??:confused: What in the world does that have to do with your initial vent. I'm lost.


I think this is because some posters were suggesting lack of perspective, not understanding what real tragedy is, etc....


I don't know about other cruise lines, but on our Victory cruise in Oct 2005, we were expecting to go Eastern. We found out at embarkation that a tropical storm in the eastern Atlantic was pushing us into a Western itinerary. We were very disappointed as we had done Western on our last 2 cruises, but never even considered that we were owed anything. We cruised the same number of days and did our best to get over the disappointment quickly and enjoy our cruise.

Thanks. I was just curious about other cruiselines because the OP suggested that lack of compensation was the reason she'd never cruise Carnival again.


I don't think they should give anything, personally, though I do think it's to their and their passengers' benefit to simply make it very clear up front (yes, I know it's in the contract) that these sorts of things happen, that that's just part of the game of booking a cruise.


On the other hand, maybe they could afford to give more substantial 'public relations' reimbursements in these sorts of instances if they stopped giving away refunds and OBC everytime the price drops on a cruise someone's already booked! That I do not understand. I mean, I'd take it if they want to give it to me, but I think it's foolish for them to do so.

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I have read all four pages on here and have yet to see anyone mention the other part of Carnival's port policy:


Coofie can cancel at no charge in the next 18 hours (yes, without insurance) and get all his cruise money back. Carnival posted the itinerary change at 10 am this morning (6 hours ago) and the cruise has not yet departed. Or Coofie can accept the altered itinerary with no other compensation. Your decision might depend on other costs you would have for airfare or hotels, but it's your option to take it or leave it and the clock is ticking.



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we had the same thing happen 2 years ago when our GLORY ran from hurricane wilma....we ended up with nassau, puerto rico, and st. thomas! we knew the risk when we booked, we watched the weather carefully, and were just happy to get out of dodge (port canaveral) just ahead of wilma (only cruise i ever had that left EXACTLY on time....had some rough seas the first night as we ran from wilma, but we were ON A CRUISE and that made it all okay (by the by, i am just hoping that cozumel makes it through this one...how many times can carnival rebuild the same dock?)


enjoy your cruise! get over the itinerary...i have tried three times to get to key west and all three times hurricanes have prohibited that...guess i have to keep trying!

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I am a new member/user and I am astounded at the hatred and mean spiritedness of the majority of posters on this board.


May each of you receive what you give. You must lead very empty, sad lives to be taking out your evilness on someone who was simply sharing -- yes, and upset. So what -- that's what being human is about, and COOFIE at least was honest. Guess you ALL were asleep when the caring and sensitive part of being a human being was passed out!!


Sometimes I feel like the First Amendment should be abolished for abusers!!


Is it just me or does anyone else out there think that Morris619 and Coofie are one in the same? Funny that Morris just registered on this site about an hour go and only made two post, both about the hurricane. Just strikes me a little odd like someone had a personal nerve struck.


After reading this thread I have several suggestions for Coofie and/or Morris.

1 - Next Season, be sure to try out for Last Comic Standing because your complaints are hilarious.

2 - See a doctor .... there really is medication that can help with your condition!

3 - Perhaps Carnival should ask each individual which ports they want to go to in case of a change of itinerary. My guess is there's probably more than a few guest who will be thrilled with the Eastern Caribbean Ports

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I am a new member/user and I am astounded at the hatred and mean spiritedness of the majority of posters on this board.


May each of you receive what you give. You must lead very empty, sad lives to be taking out your evilness on someone who was simply sharing -- yes, and upset. So what -- that's what being human is about, and COOFIE at least was honest. Guess you ALL were asleep when the caring and sensitive part of being a human being was passed out!!


Sometimes I feel like the First Amendment should be abolished for abusers!!


No some of us live in the real world and deal with that. You book during hurricane season then you take your chances. Simple as that. It is one thing to express disappointment. It's another to come on here and blame the cruise line for a hurricane.

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Is it just me or does anyone else out there think that Morris619 and Coofie are one in the same? Funny that Morris just registered on this site about an hour go and only made two post, both about the hurricane. Just strikes me a little odd like someone had a personal nerve struck.


After reading this thread I have several suggestions for Coofie and/or Morris.

1 - Next Season, be sure to try out for Last Comic Standing because your complaints are hilarious.

2 - See a doctor .... there really is medication that can help with your condition!

3 - Perhaps Carnival should ask each individual which ports they want to go to in case of a change of itinerary. My guess is there's probably more than a few guest who will be thrilled with the Eastern Caribbean Ports



May or may not be. Maybe they just wanted to get their say in.

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I am a new member/user and I am astounded at the hatred and mean spiritedness of the majority of posters on this board.


May each of you receive what you give. You must lead very empty, sad lives to be taking out your evilness on someone who was simply sharing -- yes, and upset. So what -- that's what being human is about, and COOFIE at least was honest. Guess you ALL were asleep when the caring and sensitive part of being a human being was passed out!!


Sometimes I feel like the First Amendment should be abolished for abusers!!


Empty lives because we aren't going to let $20 keep us from having a good time? Because we won't let $20 ruin our vacation and keep us from cruising on a cruiseline?? Are you serious? I care, and I am sensitive... but to come on here and tell everyone to call Carnival and complain about a hurricane is ridiculous :rolleyes: If that makes me an uncaring human being... fine.


First Amendment? What in the world does that have to do with a privately owned message board??? :confused:

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The Carnival Valor departing 8/19/07 from Miami is NO LONGER GOING to the Western Caribbean!!


We have been diverted as follows:


SUN 08/19/07 MIAMI 07:00AM 4:00PM


MON 08/20/07 NASSAU 07:00AM 2:00PM


TUE 08/21/07 AT SEA


WED 08/22/07 ST. THOMAS 09:00AM 6:00PM


THU 08/23/07 ST. MAARTEN 07:00AM 6:00PM


FRI 08/24/07 AT SEA


SAT 08/25/07 AT SEA


SUN 08/26/07 MIAMI 06:00AM


This TOTALLY sucks. The same exact thing happened to my family of 5 last year on the 8/26-9/2/06 Carnival Glory and we visited the same exact ports. This is RIDICULOUS -- there are other ports available to Carnival, but it appears they have once again taken the easy way out. Last year we got a big fat $25/pp cabin credit (they HAVE to give each passenger $20 for not replacing a port visit). Just got off the phone with a supervisor who told me Carnival is offering NO COMPENSATION!!!


This will be my LAST Carnival cruise if that is the case.




Also, mostly all Carnival ships are being diverted, so if you are leaving within the next few days, call to check!


You do realize that is for for your SAFTY, not an inconvenience for you don't you? So, you would rather be in the eye of a hurricane than be on a safe island? Shaking head here.

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