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"Just turned 4-year old boy" enjoy a cruise?


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My son will have just turned 4 years old when we cruise in January 2009. I don't know much about kids, so far, other than what I have learned from my child since his birth in late October 2004.


We are booked on a 10-day Celebrity cruise in the Caribbean on Celebrity Cruise Lines My husband and I have been on several cruises (mostly Celebrity) but not with a child.


Truthfully, please let me know, will he be fully engaged by then? Will it be more "Mommy and son" or "Daddy and son time"? I'm not looking to actually "dump him" in kids land but hoping to find a good balance where mom and dad can actually have some free time. (Side note.... pray to God that he is actually potty trained by then. Not looking all that promising at 2 1/2 years old!!!)


Our son has been in an in-home daycare since he was two months old so he is quite used to organized play. So, really, what do you think? Will I get a spa treatment without a buzzer calling for my return to "play land"?



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My son's and actually mine also was when he turned four. He had turned four in April and we sailed July. We were also on Celebrity. Now ours was an extended family cruise for a wedding but the only little guys (below age 7) were my nephew and my son. Celebrity's ages split at 6 and my son wanted nothing to do with the kids' program because my nephew could not be with him. I sat with him twice for twenty minutes and he wanted NO part of it. I finally figured it was his vacation also and he stayed with me. Being a single parent that meant 24/7 with me. It really did not bother me. He did spend some time with grandparents and aunts, uncles but it would not last long. However, my son was going through a definite Mommy stage. We sail again in October and if he uses the kids' program, great, if not, I will be fine with him with me. Although, now that he is in first grade, I think he might be more apt to do something. It is a family vacation isn't it? :)

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My grandson turns 3 on our next cruise and it will be his third cruise. He has the best time, and seems to instinctively know we're on vacation and its party time...ok that things are more relaxed. He loves to do the buffet and pick out his own food. Checks out the water (from the balcony). When he was 2 he discovered stairs that you could see through - wow!. We must have spent an hour peering through them. Learned the ins and outs of elevators - you get in, push your floor, face the front, wait until it opens then leave. There is so much new for them to learn and that's what they do best. We just loved watching that part of them.


We've been cruising with our own kids since they were 7 (one is now 30, the other 23 and on their 14th cruise) and have always always kept them with us. Even though most find the children's facilities great, we just never chose to use them. The kids preferred to be with the adult stuff Even when we took the 2 YO we stayed with him. Not for anxiety reasons, just because we wanted them with us and they wanted to be with us. They loved to watch the shows (and were properly behaved) or play Bingo with us. Shore excursions were slightly less exciting sometimes, but watching them have fun was worth it. Recently my son went to Italy for his honeymoon and was listening to opera to get in the mood. I asked him when he started liking that kind of music and he looked me straight in the eye and said, “Well, mom, you’ve been taking me to opera shows since I was little! What did you think would happen?”


You will find so much for your son to do. Maybe he’ll like the kids stuff and you’ll have lots of alone time, maybe not, but you’ll be in a different frame of mind too, so maybe it’ll be more fun then you think having him with you. Remember, just walking down that long long hallway can be fun for him.

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I think most kids that age will love a cruise and the kid's program, especially if they are used to day care type activities. We took grandkids 5,5,4 & just turned 3 two years ago. They all had a terrific time, and the 3-year-old did just fine. There was maybe only one time he didn't want to go in the kid's program (supper with the kid's staff in the buffet) but with a little coaxing he went anyway. Of course it helped that he was with his sister, brother and cousin in the program. A lot just depends on how independent your child is and how he reacts to playing with others.


We never got buzzed for any of the kids. I am sorry to say that he was not potty trained at the time, but since we were on Carnival it didn't matter, as they will change pants. He trained soon after; I really wouldn't have many worries about a four-year-old not being trained; I think that would be very unusual.


There is a BIG difference between 2 1/2 and 4; I think you will be amazed at how your child matures.

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So glad I stumbled on this thread! I will be taking my grandson, who is now 3, on a cruise in summer of 2009, before he goes to kindergarten. I wanted to wait and take him when he would be more likely to remember and would have more fun. I mean, he is a kid and will have fun pretty much anywhere you put him, lol!! He talks about going on a "big boat" so he will be ready when it is time to go. I decided to take him on the 4 day Ecstasy cruise out of Galveston just to see how he does, and also how I'LL do, lol!!:D :D I was taking him home the other night, and forgive me if you read this on another post i did a few days ago, but here is our conversation:


"Gigi (his name for me), we go on big boat, right?"


"Yes, Zachary, when you turn 5,we will go on a big boat"


"Gigi, I no want to fall off big boat"


"Zackie, Gigi won't let you fall off the big boat"


"Gigi, what we do on big boat?"


"Zachary, we will eat lunch, breakfast, we will swim, and you will have lots of kids to play with"


"Oh GIGI, we will have good fun"!!



It made me even MORE excited to be able to take him when he is older!!

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My son will have just turned 4 years old when we cruise in January 2009. I don't know much about kids, so far, other than what I have learned from my child since his birth in late October 2004.


We are booked on a 10-day Celebrity cruise in the Caribbean on Celebrity Cruise Lines My husband and I have been on several cruises (mostly Celebrity) but not with a child.


Truthfully, please let me know, will he be fully engaged by then? Will it be more "Mommy and son" or "Daddy and son time"? I'm not looking to actually "dump him" in kids land but hoping to find a good balance where mom and dad can actually have some free time. (Side note.... pray to God that he is actually potty trained by then. Not looking all that promising at 2 1/2 years old!!!)


Our son has been in an in-home daycare since he was two months old so he is quite used to organized play. So, really, what do you think? Will I get a spa treatment without a buzzer calling for my return to "play land"?




We're taking our DD who is 3 1/2 on her first cruise in a week! She is estatic to be going "on the big boat" with Mom & Dad. I plan to post a reveiw on this board on "kid stuff" when we get back.


I just wanted to say, as for the potty training, I wouldn't push it too hard at 2 1/2. While there are many people who successfully train their toddlers even earlier than that, some kids just aren't ready. We found that we were actually putting to much pressure on our DD at 2 1/2 and backed off.


What worked for us was, for the month before she turned three, we told her, big girls didn't wear diapers or pullups. We let her help buy tons of pretty panties and starting the day after her birthday, we put them on her. When she had an accident we changed her. When she got it right, she got some M&Ms and lots of hugs and high fives. She was accident free within a week. Bottom line is, your son will train when he's ready. Try not to stress out too much before then!


I'm sure you'll have a great time on the cruise.

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My son will be 4 in September and will be going on his 5th cruise in October. He has been on Carnival (his first at 9 mths old), Disney and this will be his 3rd RCCL cruise. This will be the first where he can attend RCCL's kids camp because he was not quite potty trained when we went last year. I think he will really enjoy the Adventure Ocean. He also refers to his trips as "the big boat" and can't wait to go again.


I was blessed with a very good child or I probably would not have attempted to take him on cruises when he was younger. He never cried or fussed and just went with the flow. Now that he is getting older, I believe he will truly enjoy the vacations. Taking a child on a cruise is what you make of it. Some people frown upon taking younger children but I know that on our first Carnival cruise, it was the partiers wreaking havoc all over the boat that were the ones frowned upon rather than my 9-mth old. If you enjoy yourself, your child will too.

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My son was 3-1/2 on the last cruise (and 3 on the one before that). He liked the idea of the kids club but didn't want to be there alone. You'll find the same sentiment from other moms of 3 and 4 year old boys if you search these threads. We were disappointed at first, but it was OK. He was old enough to be presented with the options - "You can either hang out in the room with Mommy while she reads on the balcony, or you can go to the kids club." He usually preferred staying with me and watching a DVD. This is one reason why 1) balcony with kids is a must and 2) port-intensive cruises are best with kids. These are of course my opinions, from someone who has taken a small boy on four cruises.

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We just returned last month with my 4 year old on his first cruise. (In fact, he turned 4 while we were on vacation.) I'm sure it depends a lot on your kid's personality. My little guy has two older siblings and has never been in daycare, although he goes to preschool. He was not very interested in the kid's club. Like another poster stated, he liked the idea of it, but really didn't want to spend any real time there. He spent maybe a total of two hours in the club over our week-long cruise. He preferred to stay with us or his siblings. My parents were with us and that is how my husband and I had some "date-time". My 4 year old had a great time though, and still talks about his adventures exploring the ship. He was really excited when he found the infirmary.:)

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We just got off the Celebrity Galaxy. We have three kids, 8, 5 and the youngest is 3 1/2.


She's in p/t daycare and I will admit that she was always with her older sister, so perhaps that helped.


The Fun Factory does a great job, by the way. They all three loved it.


She did have an accident the first day. The staff was cool about it. She had been pt'd for months w/o accidents but was hesitant to use the unfamiliar toilet so I suggest taking him yourself the first day.


A few times the girls started to crumble in the afternoon so we cut it off early. Lunch was not do-able because the club ate earlier so we kept them there to eat and got them afterwards. They then went back after dinner.


We didn't have a balcony because we needed two connecting rooms and it just wasn't in the budget. I was also concerned about safety having the children with their own balcony (which was unwarrented I believe). With just one child and room, I think it's a good idea.


You will have a day or two to decide if the "X Club" will work for you. We did opt to do it, especially on such a port-intensive cruise. It was expensive but nice not having to watch the time and I think for us, it worked out to be cheaper than paying for the lunches, etc.

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My sense is that what your child will enjoy is largely dependent upon his experiences at home.


My wife and I have three children (girl-almost 8-2d grade, girl-just turned 6-2d grade, boy-almost 5-kindergarten). They have each been cruising since before turning 2. The oldest has been on seven cruises so far (HAL, RCCL, NCL, and Celebrity).


Because my wife works, we had a wonderful woman taking care each of them in her home until they turned two. They then went to a preschool with such a great program that we are keeping them there as long as possible despite the excellent public schools in our community.


Because their experience in the kids programs largely mirrored the summer program at their preschool, they have always been very enthusiastic. In fact, when we were on the Radiance of the Seas two years ago in Cancun, the two girls adamantly refused to come on the island with us because they were having so much fun doing "preschool on the ship." We had late seating and they cut every dinner short and demanded to be sent back as soon as the doors were open again. They participated in every pizza party even though it meant skipping dinner with us, then regaled us with stories of how much fun they had.


We are leaving for a fifteen-day cruise to Hawaii and back in October. The kids are already counting down the days until "the volcano ship" and I am looking forward to having some time alone with my wife for a change.


By the way, I am not especially fond of a cabin with a balcony for a young child. While I love them for myself, I am leery about my son who has been known to stack items and scale kitchen cabinets. Moreover, when Mom and Dad are tired and want to sleep in late, because they left the kids with the late night babysitting while they stayed up for the midnight "adults only" comedy show, an interior cabin is great. The kids do not wake up spontaneously at dawn's first light and you can persuade them that, "It's still nighttime. Go back to sleep." [Just don't take an illuminated clock with you!]


That having been said, we are going on a fifteen-day New England/Canada cruise next year and snagged a family cabin with a deck that is almost larger than the cabin itself for a price which was only $100 more than getting two inside cabins for the five of us. I just hope my son is a little more responsive to parental directives by then!

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We are traveling with our 2 kids on their first cruise in Dec, and will let you know how it goes. My son is the same age as yours (3 in October) and my daughter is 4 and a half. Both are potty trained, so they can participate in the kids programs. I have been showing them pictures and talking about the cruise for some time, so they seem excited. Since your son is used to playgroups and organized play, I imagine he would love it.

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Got to agree with eyegel on this one. DD (now nearly 12YO - ARG!) was not quite 4YO first cruise we took where she could go to the kid's program.


DD was in daycare 7-8 hours a day and really felt more comfortable in the Adventure Ocean program than she had on previous cruises (DH and I are not at ALL structured when we are on vacation!)


As others have said, you will find your 4YO a very different little boy than your 2.5YO toddler. Time will tell whether he'll be ready by the time you cruise. Be prepared for the full range of possibilities!

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