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Majesty - Review of 9/9/07 Irish cruise with Evac - LONG


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We sailed on the Norwegian Majesty from 9/9/07 to 9/16/07 from Boston to Bermuda. This was our 6th cruise on Norwegian and our 9th overall cruise for DW and me. We always wanted to sail on the Irish-themed cruises that sail the first two weeks of September out of Boston to Bermuda on NCL.


Day One – Sail Away from Boston


We live in south central Connecticut and chose to drive up to Boston. We left Sunday morning and arrived at the Black Falcon Terminal around 11:30am. It was a cold, windy, and cloudy day in Boston after leaving a hot and humid Connecticut. We dropped off our main luggage with a porter to bring them on board and then parked the car at a parking garage that is only a block away from the terminal where the Majesty is berthed. The parking fee for the week was $98 which we were able to charge. We walked back to the terminal with our carry-on bags which included 2 twelve packs of diet coke and went into the entrance for Latitudes members. There was a small line for processing our tickets and key cards and we were walking on board the ship shortly after noon.


We had cabin 6026 which was a superior inside cabin slightly forward on deck 6. We like to sleep in late, so we prefer inside cabins. We decided to go to the cabin and see if we could drop off our bags and discovered that the room was already prepared for us. We found two welcome aboard packages waiting for us from the captain and NCL. The cabin was 148 square feet which had plenty of room for the two of us. It has a small closet with ten hangars and a safe. There was a chest of drawers that had ten small drawers and two large shelves in the middle. The bathroom was small by comparison to other ships we have been on. The cabin does not have a fridge, but we brought a collapsible cooler bag for our soda and beers while on board. The desk in the room contains a drawer with a fold out ironing board. You can request an iron from housekeeping so that you can press your clothes if needed. There are two outlets by the desk. One is 110v and the other is 220v. In the bathroom, there is a very weak hair dryer.


After dropping off our bags, we headed up to check out the ship and look for a quick bite at the buffet topside at the Café Royale.


The Majesty is a smaller ship that was built before NCL started their freestyle cruising and thus was not designed with that in mind. It had also been stretched to add additional cabins, a pool, and a dining room, but the buffet area was not changed. This means that the buffet area designed for 1,000 passengers now has to handle close to 1,500 passengers. At times, finding a seat in the dining area is tough, but on the port side of the room is a stairway to go below to the Royal Observatory where you can find additional tables for the overflow from the buffet.


After lunch, we walked a bit more to explore before heading to the required muster drill which was held in the Royal Fireworks room for our area of the ship. This was a lot more convenient than standing outside while waiting for everyone to check in. Once the muster was over, we headed down to the cabin to unpack and iron our clothes before the sail away party.


Topside, they had a sail away party held by the cruise staff and the calypso band called Joy. Von Francois, a cruise staff member we met on our last cruise in May on the Spirit was leading the party. He has a lot of energy and always has a smile and kind words anytime you meet him. We hope that someday, they will make him a CD. It was cold and windy and we felt bad for people that came on board with no coats, sweat shirts, or even long pants. You could see they were freezing but everyone seemed to have a good time starting out on their vacation cruise.


There are two main dining rooms, the larger Seven Seas on deck 5 aft and the Four Seasons on deck 5 midship. In addition, there is Le Bistro for French food at a fee that is on deck 5 midship and the Pasta Café for Italian dishes that is found on deck 9 forward which is the same room as the Royal Observatory. Before and after dinner, it is called the Royal Observatory. The Seven Seas is much larger and while the ship is at sea, you can feel vibrations from the engines.


We always go to have dinner between 5:30 pm and 6:00 pm to let us have time to take advantage of shows and activities on the ship during the evening.


After dinner in the Four Seasons, we went to the Palace Theater for the Welcome Aboard Showtime Show. The Palace Theater is a one level theater with poles, but other than that most seats have a good view of the action. The show included the ship’s production company with a short show called “You Can’t Stop the Beat”. They were followed by an Irish Step Dance Group and the show wrapped up with comedy by Patty Ross who was hilarious. After the show we visited other venues to see what musical acts were available on the ship and also went to the trivia contest.


One theater had a group called Amadeus which had 3 singers. The one male singer played a variety of electronic keyboards along with drum tracks and additional synthesized music. They played a wide variety of songs from the 50’s to 70’s and were very versatile. Most people seemed to like them.


Also on board were two pianists that played all types of songs. One was Marcus Dagan and the other was Tim Lambert. Both were very good musicians.


The show band for the cruise was a sextet called Rama 111. They had keyboards, drums, bass, trumpet/coronet, alto/tenor sax, and a trombone player. They were terrific.


Before settling in, we changed our watches back by one hour to be in the same time zone as Bermuda.


Day 2 – Sea Day


At 8:00 am, we were awakened by an announcement from the captain that they had to perform an emergency evacuation of a person and that we were lot allowed on any open deck areas during the evacuation. I happened to be heading up to get some tea for us, so I brought my camera with me and went to the Royal Observatory which had windows that faced forward. When I arrived, several passengers and crew members were already standing by the windows to watch a Coast Guard helicopter that was hovering just above and off the side of the bow. We watched as they approached the bow in the wind and rain to lower a Coast Guard member down to the deck above the bow. They then lowered a basket which was then brought up with someone in a stretcher. Once the stretcher was secured inside the helicopter, they lowered the rope back down to recover the Coast Guard rescue man back from the deck. The whole time this was happening, there was a small Coast Guard jet circling above to observe the evacuation and clear the airspace. When the helicopter pulled away to head back to Boston, everyone in the room let out a whoop and cheered.


It was a cloudy cool day with spotty rain, so there was little activity topside most of the day. In the afternoon, we went to listen to an Irish folk singer in the Palace Theater. His name was Harry O’Donoghue and he was great. He sang several songs while either playing guitar or bodhran, an Irish hand-held drum. He also told amusing stories and offered funny Irish toasts. He is from Ireland, but is now based in Savannah, Georgia.


We also went to a seminar given about bagpipes which was interesting.


After dinner in the Four Seasons, we went to the Palace Theater to listen to Rama 111 play big band dance music which was followed by the production company show called “Night On the Town”. The production company had 4 singers and 4 dancers that had their vocals supplemented by vocal tracks along with music from Rama 111 and additional music tracks. Overall, it was a good performance.


After the big show, that had the mandatory “Not-So-Newlywed Game” hosted by Archie, the cruise director, which is always good for a chuckle. Last year, we had met Archie when he was an assistant CD on the Star on it’s Mexican Riviera itinerary.


We ended the evening up at the Frame 52 disco for the 70’s & 80’s groove dance party which ended with a visit by the “Village People” which was followed by more music by the DJ. It was late night for us.


Day 3 – Bermuda


Due to the evacuation of the crew member on Monday, we did not arrive in Bermuda until around noon, three hours late. But, we were told by the captain that the female crew member was recovering in a Boston hospital and would be released by Thursday which was more important than if were on time to port in Bermuda.


The weather was great with partly cloudy skies and the temps in the 80’s. We were on the promenade deck as we approached the “Cut”, the narrow opening that leads into St. George’s harbor. You could see several people at the “Cut” waving to us as we went through and into the harbor where we could see that the Norwegian Crown was already docked at one of the piers.


We were docked and cleared by around 1:00 pm. We saw large groups of people rushing off the ship, so we decided to have lunch at the buffet and then spend the afternoon lounging around the pool area since it should have been less crowded.


One thing about the Majesty is that it is narrower than most of the Norwegian ships. Because of this there is only one row of tables and chairs on each side of the pool deck. We like to sit on lounge chairs in the shade by the pool and take a quick dip in the pool and/or hot tubs, but there are no lounge chairs on the pool deck. They are all up on the top sun deck. Also, on the pool deck between the pools and the Piazza San Marco food court that is aft are additional tables and chairs. But, they are right by the large intake vents for the air conditioning units and engines, so it is very noisy. The starboard side of the pool deck allows smoking which eliminated that side for us. (The only inside public area that allowed smoking is the casino whether it was opened at sea or closed while in port.)


After dinner in the Four Seasons, we went to show in the Palace Theater which had Harry O’Donoghue once again singing Irish folk songs. He was so good, we returned for his second show.


Day 4 – Bermuda


It is another great weather day, partly cloudy and temps in the mid 80’s. After breakfast in the Café Royale, we went to a trivia game in the Rendezvous. Next to our ship, we saw that the Crown was gone and was replaced by the Royal Caribbean Empress of the Seas.


We then decided to go for a bus ride to see the caves and then Hamilton. We walked off the ship across the square in from of the ship to Water street where we took a right and walked to the Café Latte which also is the Visitor’s Information Center in St. George’s. We purchased 2 one-day bus passes for $24 and walked up to the bus stop on Duke of York street which is across from the shop called “Crackerbox”.


All buses from St. George’s go to Hamilton and they all pass the bus stop for the Crystal and Fantasy Caves and the Swizzle Inn. There is a bus leaving every 15 minutes, so if you miss one, there will be another leaving soon. The same bus stop for the caves is across the street from the Swizzle Inn. When we got onto the bus, we told the bus driver we wanted to stop at the caves. He announced the stop as we neared the stop. The caves are a short walk from the bus stop.


We decided to only visit one of the caves, so we chose to visit the Fantasy Cave. It has a steep 83 step entrance down into the cave. There is a guide that takes you down and around the formations. It was a very interesting place. We then walked back to the bus stop and shortly were on our way to Hamilton. The ride there was very scenic and at times an adventure. The bus drivers are fairly aggressive since they have to stick to their schedules. At few times, the bus was right up behind tourists on scooters. The roads are also very narrow. My DW observed that they must have someone go around and constantly have to trim back the bushes that are everywhere on the road sides. But, after the bus rushed by bushes hitting them, we decided that the buses probably do much of the trimming of the bushes.


As we entered the Hamilton pier area, we saw the Crown and the Azamara Journey at the docks. Hamilton is a small city that is filled with shops and cafes. We visited a few shops and toured the Anglican cathedral in town before heading back to St. George’s by another pink bus. Taking the buses allow you to see a lot of the country side.


Back at the ship, we jumped into the pool to cool off before dinner. The main show in the Palace Theater was a comic magician named Chris Mitchell. We had seen Chris’s show on another cruise so it was familiar to us, but it was still entertaining. I got to participate as I was one of 4 people he selected to look through a deck of cards and pick a card. He named off all four of the cards we had selected.


After the magic show, we went to the Rendezvous for the “Name that Broadway Show” music trivia game with Tim Lambert. (It is fun to play trivia games when the hosts can speak English and we don’t have to guess what is being asked. Mini-rant) I am always amazed how so many people can properly guess the show tunes when so many sound alike to me.


As we were walking through the Polo Lounge, we met up with Harry O’Donoghue and Patty Ross, the two main entertainers on the ship. We talked with them about music and the comedy business. We found out Patty has also been on several TV episodes of shows over the years including Roseanne. They were both very friendly and gracious people.


Day 5 – Bermuda


This was a slightly warmer sunny day. Today, we decided to stay in town and explore the beaches and fort on the other side of St. George’s. We went for breakfast and the trivia game before heading out and up the hill on Duke of Kent Street towards the unfinished church. After a brief stop, we continued up and over the hill through the St. George’s Golf Course and down the hill to Tobacco Bay which has a smallish beach along with a café with food, drinks, and beach item rentals. We continued on the road down to Fort St. Catherine and St. Catherine beach which was much bigger than Tobacco Bay. The walk from the ship to St. Catherine is about less than a mile and a half but we could see where the hill could be a challenge to some people. A few passengers had taken cabs to the fort and beach area.


We toured the inside of the Fort after paying $10 for the both of us. We lucked out in that two bus tours came by while we were there. We could listen in on their tour guides and watched while they had a cannon fire simulation by one of the large cannons on top of the fort. After touring the fort we stopped by the beach café and bought a cold water to cool us off before walking back into town. Once we were back in town, we visited a few shops before heading back on board for a refreshing dip in the pool. By late afternoon, the aft pool is almost all in the shade so it is much cooler than being in the forward pool. We had a bar waiter fill up our cooler with ice and a six pack of beer while we relaxed poolside in the shade.


After dinner, we went to the Palace Theater to see the comedienne Patty Ross. Her show was so funny, we ended up going back to see her second show. Even though, it was mostly the same jokes, we still laughed out loud.


We left the second show to go topside to listen to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance Party headed by the cruise staff and the band Amadeus. They had a twist contest where the audience was asked to vote on the champion twisters.


To end the evening, we went to the Polo Club lounge to listen to the sextet, Rama 111 play terrific jazz music.


Day 6 – Bermuda Sail Away


We slept late before heading up for breakfast and morning trivia before the sail away. All aboard was at 11:30 am and the ship pulled away from the pier promptly at noon. It was another beautiful warm day. We had staked out a spot on the deck 7 promenade to watch the sailing out through the “cut”. Again, there were people at Gates Fort to wave good-bye to us. We also watched the pilot boat come up along side the ship to take off the pilot before we sailed back to Boston on very smooth seas.


That afternoon, we went to a seminar on St. Patrick in the Royal Fireworks and then to the crew’s talent show in the Palace Theater which ended with their production of “Fountains”. This was our fourth “Fountains” in the last two years and it is still entertaining. Each crew adds their personal twist to the show.


Again, we went to have an early dinner and then went to the production show in the Palace Theater called “Broadway Tonight” which was very good. The cast go through a lot of costume changes while singing a wide variety of Broadway show tunes.


This night, we were looking forward to two sessions of the Irish folk singer Harry O’Donoghue performing sing-along songs in the Rendezvous lounge. When we arrived in the lounge area, we discovered that both sides of the lounge were filled with Boston Red sox fans watching the Red Sox/Yankee game on two large TV’s. We were able to find two empty chairs that we dragged by the area where Harry was setting up for his shows. He was a true professional as he tried to entertain the folks there to see and hear his act between roars and clapping from the Red Sox fans any time a Red Sox player did something good. It was truly sad that Harry had to compete with the baseball game, the overhead music that was playing, and the music from Amadeus that was playing in the Royal Fireworks lounge next door. But, the Majesty has limited venues and the Rendezvous area was the only unoccupied spot at the time. We still enjoyed him as we think the large crowd that was also there to hear him. We stayed for both of his shows before heading up to the Palace Theater for the Liar’s Club show which was funny.


Now it was our turn to change our watches ahead by one hour for east coast time.


Day 7 – At Sea


The weather changed for the worse as it was a grey and rainy day with waves of 4-6 feet which you could feel as the boat rocked. So, most of the people were on decks 5 and 6 for the afternoon.


It was a lazy day as we relaxed in the Royal Fireworks lounge after breakfast reading papers and magazines we had brought with us. We stayed for a towel animal demonstration in the same lounge before heading up to the Frame 52 disco for an Irish Step Dance class given by the step dancers from the shows. After awhile, DW and I joined in and we can tell you it is a lot harder that one might think to keep up with these pro’s. They make it seem so effortless while they dance at a fast pace while we struggled to keep up at about one third the speed. It was a fun hour learning a few steps. We need to visit our local Irish-American club to learn more dances. It sure is an aerobic workout.


Before dinner, we spent an hour packing up our luggage so that we would not have to worry about that when we returned to our cabin late this night.


After dinner, we headed up to the Palace Theater for the Farewell Showtime show with Harry O’Donoghue, the Irish Step Dancers, and Chris Mitchell the comic magician. We stayed in the theater to watch the final production show called “Radio Waves” which was good as usual. We had enjoyed Harry and the Step Dancers so much; we stayed for the second farewell show with them before leaving the theater. As we were walking out of the theater we ran into Harry and Patty Ross. Patty remembered our names and we told her we loved her show so much, we had returned for the second show. We also told Harry how much we admired his fortitude the previous night having to compete with the Boston Red Sox game. He was a true gentleman.


After the second show we took one last walk around the ship to visit the lounges and pretty much all were dead as most people had retired for the evening. The only active spot was the casino as there were plenty of people there making donations to the slots and gaming tables.


Finally, we headed up to our cabin to make sure we had packed up everything except for what we would need for the next morning and then put our suitcases out for the porters to pick up. We were told that all bags needed to be in the hallways by 3:00 am if you wanted a porter to take them off the ship.


We had been given VIP luggage tags by our concierge along with a note saying that if we wanted VIP disembarkation we could meet her in a lounge at 9:00 am the next morning, but we were in no hurry to get off of the ship so we used the white tags we had also been given.


Disembarkation Day


We had made it back to Boston before 6:00 am and they were making announcements at 7:30 am. We took our time getting ready and went up for breakfast around 8:15 am. It was a cool day in Boston with temperatures in the low 60’s.


By 8:30 am, they announced that the ship was cleared and they started to call out colors for disembarkation according to your tag color assigned for your luggage. We finished breakfast around 9:00 am and headed back to our cabin when they announced the final call for all passengers to leave the ship. We could see that most of the cabins around us had already been made up for the new passengers as we grabbed our carry-on luggage to leave the ship.


We were off the ship by 9:30 am and leaving the parking garage by 10:00 am to end our cruise and back to the reality of mowing the lawn and doing a week’s worth of laundry at our home in Connecticut.




Crew – We were always greeted with a smile from all crew members. The CD Archie and his cruise staff were great. As mentioned, Von is terrific as well as Aris, Johnny, and Beverly.


Cabin – The cabin was functional. The bathroom was small and we would think would be very tight for larger than average people. We ran into a problem on Friday night when we returned to the cabin and turned on the faucet and discovered orange rusty water coming out. We called the front desk and they explained that the maintenance department had replaced a pipe in the area and that if we ran the water for a while it would clear up. Luckily, we had melted ice water in our cooler bag to use to wash up and brush our teeth before retiring for the night. The next morning the water was clear again, but the orange color returned on Saturday night. It was better on our final morning but we still used ice water for brushing our teeth. The shower water was not a problem either day though. It was just the faucet.


Ship – We have recently sailed on the Star, Dawn, and Spirit and the size and layout of the Majesty made us appreciate the larger ships. There are fewer options for areas to sit around and relax in a quiet area on the Majesty. As, I mentioned the pool deck does not have lounge chairs where you can sit down with your legs up. We know that before coming on board, but it took a while to get used to it. This is the last year for the Majesty to sail out of Boston. Starting in 2008, they will have the Dream replace her for the Bermuda cruise out of Boston for a few years. The Dream is slightly bigger and may appeal more to us. Maybe, we will return for another Irish-Themed Cruise if they are still having them on the Dream. We always found the ship to be clean with workers polishing and vacuuming constantly and crew members clearing tables of finished food plates and glasses.



Dining – Since the Majesty was not designed for freestyle dining, we found the overall service slow. A few evenings, we were waiting for 20 minutes before being asked what we wanted to order. It usually took an hour for our meals and we always left before dessert so that we could make it to the early shows. We would arrive between 5:30 and 6:00 pm and were immediately seated. But, we found a long line waiting outside either of the main dining rooms when we left an hour later. We were always asked if we wanted to share a table and we would always answer no. In the smaller Four Seasons, they always had us sit by the door leading to the kitchen area. In the Seven Seas, we were always by a food station. The trick to quicker service was to arrive at the same time as two other tables being serviced by your waiter team. They seemed to order three tables worth of meals at the same time. The earlier you get there the better. We did not go to the Italian café. They only offered two different entrees and they never seemed to appeal to us. We also did not go Le Bistro. We don’t like the idea to have to pay extra for food on a cruise and the Le Bistro is very small. They even have tables set up in the main walkway to the aft dining room from midship.


Wait Staff – For the most part we had very good waiter/waitress service in the dining rooms. We think they made the best of the situation with the set up for freestyle. We ran into some waiters we had met on other Norwegian ships.


Exercise – I like to run and the deck 7 outside promenade is exactly ¼ of a mile around and was open for jogging from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. But, several mornings I found a part of the way was blocked by maintenance crews painting/cleaning a section of the ship, so I would have to keep looping back and forth to get my miles in. The gym area had plenty of equipment for passengers to use.


Casino – We don’t gamble and the fact that this was the only inside public area that allowed smoking made it uncomfortable walking through the casino to even watch others play the tables or to get from our cabin to the Palace Theater. They did have free spins for a free cruise on three of the days that the casino was open while we were at sea.


Irish Theme – Most people we ran into did not know it was theme cruise. We don’t think NCL does a good job advertising their theme cruises. We found out about it from our local TA. The cruise was sold out, so maybe they don’t feel they have to advertise.


Overall – We had a good time and would consider cruising with this itinerary on another ship other than the Majesty. After all of our other experiences with larger and newer ships, we found the Majesty OK, just not great. But then, any cruise is better than not cruising!

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Thanks for this nicely detailed reveiw. We were on the ship 9/2-9/9 and I agree with all of your comments regarding the Irish theme and Harry O'Donahue. I liked him too! Also, isn't Archie the best! I'm not one to usually notice the CD but he was so funny and so nice to eveyone. He and his staff do a great job and are a real asset to the ship. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your trip as much as we did. :)

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Overall – We had a good time and would consider cruising with this itinerary on another ship other than the Majesty. After all of our other experiences with larger and newer ships, we found the Majesty OK, just not great. But then, any cruise is better than not cruising!


Nice review, thanks for sharing. We shared many of your same opinions of our Majesty cruise in July.

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I enjoyed reading your review. If we can book a room for next weeks cruise (and get air,) we will be on the Majesty. Is the Irish theme just the first two weeks of September, or does it last for the entire Boston to Bermuda run?


Wasn't the weather unseasonably cool for your departure and return to Boston?


There are two main dining rooms, the larger Seven Seas on deck 5 aft and the Four Seasons on deck 5 midship. In addition, there is Le Bistro for French food at a fee that is on deck 5 midship and the Pasta Café for Italian dishes that is found on deck 9 forward which is the same room as the Royal Observatory. Before and after dinner, it is called the Royal Observatory. The Seven Seas is much larger and while the ship is at sea, you can feel vibrations from the engines.

I am still confused about this freestyle dining. We are more Traditionalist and prefer to eat around 8:00 - 8:30. Do you think the lines would be long at that time? Do you need reservations for the two main dining rooms or the Pasta Cafe?


We purchased 2 one-day bus passes for $24 and walked up to the bus stop on Duke of York street which is across from the shop called “Crackerbox”.

Was this $24 per person or together?

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I enjoyed reading your review. If we can book a room for next weeks cruise (and get air,) we will be on the Majesty. Is the Irish theme just the first two weeks of September, or does it last for the entire Boston to Bermuda run?


They only have two Irish Theme cruises each year. They are the first two cruises of each September. I do not know if they will continue with them in 2008 or beyond. We tried to ask, but no one on board seemed to know.

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Wasn't the weather unseasonably cool for your departure and return to Boston?


Yes, it was cool for early September. But, everyone on the ship that was from the Boston area came with sweatshirts and light jackets. Like I mentioned, the weather changes all the time here in New England.

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I am still confused about this freestyle dining. We are more Traditionalist and prefer to eat around 8:00 - 8:30. Do you think the lines would be long at that time? Do you need reservations for the two main dining rooms or the Pasta Cafe?



Going to either of the main free style dining rooms at 8-8:30 should not present a problem in getting a seat right away. The prime time seemed to be around 7-7:30.


You do not need reservations for either the Four Seasons or the Seven Seas. You just show up at the entrance.


I think the Pasta Cafe required reservations, but there is no charge for this dining room.


The only restaurant with a fee is Le Bistro We walked by there several evenings and saw plenty of empty tables while we were in port.

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I was on this same cruise and I agree with your review 100%


We lucked out with the weather in Bermuda, perfect the whole time we were there. That makes up for the lousy weather in Boston, lol


This was my second time on this cruise, I did it last year too. In my opinion, the Majesty staff cannot be beat.


Plus.............I won an emerald in the 'guess the weight of the raw emerald' contest! woo hoo!!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

What a nice balanced enjoyable review. You tempered any negatives quite nicely with a good perspective.:)


We've sailed on the Majesty to the Caribbean and although she may not be the best, she's the only 7 day to Bermuda next season that works for us, we wouldn't hesitate to take her again.

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