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More nickel and diming by NCL


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Inmarsat-B provides sufficient bandwidth for telephony. You just have to have proper packet shaping to ensure sufficient QOS to reduce broken sound. The biggest problem is jitter. Where there's a geek, there's a way. :D


I beg to differ. According to this site, Inmarsat-B is only 9.6 kbs, compared to 56 kbs for a terribly slow dial-up connection, which cannot be used for VoIP.


I think the ship uses a much better technology, or pools multiple channels, so the bandwidth is a lot more, but it is still a finite amount. All the ship's management communications go over it, and they will have priority. The internet cafe users get what is left.


If a bozo or two tries to suck up all the remaining bandwidth to make a IP phone call, the rest of us would suffer. So, hopefully they have a firewall that can stop that sort of thing.

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I don't know about all of those "important people" who need to keep in touch with their office... but my husband and I recently took an NCL cruise for our honeymoon, and had some very serious problems, both with the cruise, and at home.


Neither of us had brought our cell phones, for the simple reason that we didn't WANT to be in contact with anyone! When we had to contact our travel agent and our families however, considering the cost of calling offshore from your stateroom, we were in desperate need of the internet.


It just so happens that on OUR cruise, the internet was down for 5 days of our 7 day cruise. On top of this, when the internet did come back up, they wouldn't honor our internet cafe coupons (they said NCL not NCLA and we were on a Hawai'ian cruise). Because their sattelite was so SLOW, it took 45 minutes to do what should have taken 5. Of course we had to eat this cost.


We ended up visiting an internet cafe in port (in Kona) to check on their responses later on, but at that point the damage was done.


When we talked to reception about this issue, we got the crass reply, "what, don't you have a cell phone?"




Nobody ever suggested not bringing a cell phone. It is very shortsighted to not have one available in case of an emergency.


I don't believe the reception desk response was crass at all. It was probably one of astonishment that someone would not have a cell phone available.


Hope everything worked out and you were at least able to enjoy your vacation.



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and a lot cheaper if they get stolen or broken...you can get 1 gig cards for as little as $15.00 on sale. They will hold 500 pictures at even two megs.


That's true but, with my laptop, I can sort and name my photos also. Otherwise I'm very likely to forget what I'm looking at and where I took the photo. (Senior moments seem to come more and more frequen....what was I saying?) ;)

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That's true but, with my laptop, I can sort and name my photos also. Otherwise I'm very likely to forget what I'm looking at and where I took the photo. (Senior moments seem to come more and more frequen....what was I saying?) ;)


Are we going to have to an extra close eye on you next month?:D



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That's true but, with my laptop, I can sort and name my photos also. Otherwise I'm very likely to forget what I'm looking at and where I took the photo. (Senior moments seem to come more and more frequen....what was I saying?) ;)


..but if you forgot where you put your laptop you would be in much more trouble....

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I have to agree with above posters that download their photos to their laptop. I know to some it may seem like work and why would you want your computer along!!


Because for me photography is a joy. I love it. I enjoy downloading my pictures playing with photoshop. On a cruise is one of the few times I have infinite time to sit and play. It's how I unwind. I sit by the coffee bar - because it usually has a good view of the atrium, watch the people and fiddle with my pictures. Some people sit in the sun and sunbathe... I sit in the sun and work on pictures.


Sometimes us geeks just need our gadgets!:D


As for the cell phone I always bring it. It's kinda of fun when work calls me to come in and I can smile and go nope. it's funnier when they try to mandate me to come in and I can laugh go, not unless they are planning on picking me off a ship. (Our scheduling department where I work is 'slightly' :rolleyes: disorganized, even if you say your not available they still call).

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I beg to differ. According to this site, Inmarsat-B is only 9.6 kbs, compared to 56 kbs for a terribly slow dial-up connection, which cannot be used for VoIP.


I think the ship uses a much better technology, or pools multiple channels, so the bandwidth is a lot more, but it is still a finite amount. All the ship's management communications go over it, and they will have priority. The internet cafe users get what is left.


If a bozo or two tries to suck up all the remaining bandwidth to make a IP phone call, the rest of us would suffer. So, hopefully they have a firewall that can stop that sort of thing.


Sat-B on pax vessels is 128kbps with 650 mS avg latency.


We've switched to the LEOSAT system and have 640kbps symmetric with 90mS per node...comparable to SDSL. It's steppable but it gets VERY expensive for necessary ancillary hardware. Pax vessels don't need such a connection outside of medicinal purposes and certainly the recreational sector isn't going to get even a trickle of that bandwidth!


The connection QOS is maintained by a device called a packeteer and it does wonders to prevent web hogs.


Nobody likes a web hog!






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My solution is the cell phone, switched to silent running, with date/time AUTO- Update set to OFF. The only folks we communicate with once we are over “there” are our kids, grandkids and some neighbors re pickup from airport, etc. (Don’t want to know if our house burnt down, what would we do about it? Our contacts all can “do” SMS which, even at 35 cents per int’l message is a bargain.

I do not need a laptop to ID my pictures, either. On a trans-Atlantic cruise, what’s there to ID? Ocean, cabin, restaurant, nap on a deck chair, more ocean? But I do reset the time/date setting on my camera and phone with every time change as we cross. I don’t want to see a sunset picture date-stamped 1:26 AM.


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I guess I am so tired of hearing the nickel and diming thing. The cruiseline tells you EXACTLY what you will get for your money. It doesn't say you can talk on your cell for free, it doesn't tell you can download your pics from you camera for free. WHY DON'T you (THE COMPLAINERS) read the brochure, the website and lastly the docs before you cruise? Somehow you find a way to get on here AFTER you cruise to complain.


What happens before you cruise? Are you totally oblivious? There is a lot of info to be garnered BEFORE you cruise. Take advantage of it. NO cruise is all-inclusive, at least none that I can afford. I'm sure there are lines that are, but they are out of my price range.


If you don't do your homework BEFORE you cruise, shame on you and stop complaining. Wow, off my soapbox and I know I will be flamed.

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I guess I am so tired of hearing the nickel and diming thing. The cruiseline tells you EXACTLY what you will get for your money. It doesn't say you can talk on your cell for free, it doesn't tell you can download your pics from you camera for free. WHY DON'T you (THE COMPLAINERS) read the brochure, the website and lastly the docs before you cruise? Somehow you find a way to get on here AFTER you cruise to complain.


What happens before you cruise? Are you totally oblivious? There is a lot of info to be garnered BEFORE you cruise. Take advantage of it. NO cruise is all-inclusive, at least none that I can afford. I'm sure there are lines that are, but they are out of my price range.


If you don't do your homework BEFORE you cruise, shame on you and stop complaining. Wow, off my soapbox and I know I will be flamed.


WOW! I think you may misunderstand a lot of these posts. Most of these folks DO know what they're going to have to pay for, they're just not happy about it. ;)

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WOW! I think you may misunderstand a lot of these posts. Most of these folks DO know what they're going to have to pay for, they're just not happy about it. ;)


Probably, but I wonder why they booked if it bothers them so much. And if they found out after they booked and are unhappy with that because they didn't understand in the first place, they could/should (IMO) cancel and find a different cruise or vacation. So I guess I see where Katie is coming from!

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Let me get this straight- you are unhappy about not getting free phone service while paying god knows what for bad internet connectivity on the ship. This is opposed to buying a dirt cheap phone card in any port and checking in with whoever on your it can't wait phone list. You could always use an internet cafe in port at about a tenth of ship prices also. The issue is merely convienience. 5 years ago you had no option- today you do- at an extreme cost or low cost. Your choice- just not convienent.
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We always bring our laptp along to upload the photos but not to actually get online. We also turn off our phones from start to finish. Vacation is exactly that, VACATION. Its the time that we are away from everyhing and everyone...

I will say, that last year when we left my mother at home, I gave her the 800 ship to shore number just in case. It just so happened that she fell and broke her hip and my neighbors needed to use that number to call us. Even though it was $8 per minute and we talked for about 10 minutes it did not matter when all said and done. I paid $80 to know that my mother was in surgery and my friends were with her, even though I could not get to her for 2 days, and she going to be ok.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='katiel53']I guess I am so tired of hearing the nickel and diming thing. The cruiseline tells you EXACTLY what you will get for your money. It doesn't say you can talk on your cell for free, it doesn't tell you can download your pics from you camera for free. WHY DON'T you (THE COMPLAINERS) read the brochure, the website and lastly the docs before you cruise? Somehow you find a way to get on here AFTER you cruise to complain.

What happens before you cruise? Are you totally oblivious? There is a lot of info to be garnered BEFORE you cruise. Take advantage of it. NO cruise is all-inclusive, at least none that I can afford. I'm sure there are lines that are, but they are out of my price range.

If you don't do your homework BEFORE you cruise, shame on you and stop complaining. Wow, off my soapbox and I know I will be flamed.[/QUOTE]

Are you complaining about the complainers? We all do it, it is human nature.

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Though I understand some do not want to deal with phone calls, I do not understand leaving the cell phone at home. There are way too many things it can be used for just in case something comes up.

Need to call home on the way to the ship because you left something on. Of call the airlines to reschedule something. When you return to alter travel plans, or call home that you are going to be late or call and arrange your ride home. The list goes on and on.

Not having a cell phone these days makes very little sense.

Again, if you want to turn it off while on the cruise, good for you.
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Cell phones stay "active" until we pull up in front of the Port of Miami - then off they go to be safely locked away in the safe until we return home to the Port after the cruise.

I cannot STAND those pax who sit at the pool, or on deck, or on their balcony, etc., yakking away on their cell phones in a public area and loudly enough that so that anyone within 30 yards can hear their conversation - it's rude, rude, rude.

Such behavior is right up there with cell phone conversations in an elevator, in a restaurant, movie or any other public place - can you spell inappropriate?

Please - leave your phones at home during MY cruise - or if you feel compelled to bring them, use them solely in the privacy or your stateroom.

OK - I guess you've figured out this is a personal PEEVE of mine - cell phones and rude talkers..........
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[quote name='watchdiva']Cell phones stay "active" until we pull up in front of the Port of Miami - then off they go to be safely locked away in the safe until we return home to the Port after the cruise.

I cannot STAND those pax who sit at the pool, or on deck, or on their balcony, etc., yakking away on their cell phones in a public area and loudly enough that so that anyone within 30 yards can hear their conversation - it's rude, rude, rude.

Such behavior is right up there with cell phone conversations in an elevator, in a restaurant, movie or any other public place - can you spell inappropriate?

Please - leave your phones at home during MY cruise - or if you feel compelled to bring them, use them solely in the privacy or your stateroom.

OK - I guess you've figured out this is a personal PEEVE of mine - cell phones and rude talkers..........[/QUOTE]

People talking on cell phones used to be a problem at a local restaurant. How did they stop it, a waitress would leave a tape recorder in plain sight on the next table.

On that customer's next visit, they would play back that conservation loudly, if they didn't get the hint the first time.
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The problem is not nickel and diming. All cruise lines try to get you to spend a lot of additional money once they get you on the ship. That's the free market.

the frustration with NCL for those who have sailed on it for awhile are the long list of items that they now charge for but used to be included:

1) You now must pay for the spa.
2) Certain foods in the inclusive restaurants are no longer available, such as shrimp cocktail, escargot, filet mignon, chilean sea bass, baked alaska
3) The lunch and dinner buffet on the Dawn no longer has an employee carving fruit to order.
4) The lunch and dinner buffet on the Dawn no longer have that huge table of desserts.
5) The desserts at the buffet on the Spirit are scaled way back.
6) No more minute steaks at the sail away barbecue.

7) You must sign out for towels (if you don't lose it, there is no additional charge. It's just a pain in the butt, especially when the last day is at sea. No way the towel will be lost forever, unless someone steals it.)
8) On recent Dawn cruise, they gave out puny plates and slivers of cake at the chocaholic buffet.

These are just a few examples of how NCL has cut back at the edge.

[B]Prediction for 5 years from now:[/B]

1) Cruise price will include buffet. ALL dining rooms will be extra.
2) There will be a daily/weekly charge for lounge chairs at the pool.
3) There will be one show per night included. "Extra" shows will cost $10 per person.
4) There will be one "cover charge" lounge with "headliner" entertainment.
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I was just on Princess for 22 days.

They don't have cell phone service on the ship AT ALL (unless in port).

As for Skype, I didn't try calling anyone but had no issues whatsoever with Skype IM on my own laptop.

Now using THEIR computers would be a problem because it would require installing the software, and that requires maintenance, updates, etc. and puts their computers at risk of viruses, etc.

Princess blocked Facebook for the same reason, forcing me to use my own laptop via wireless.

So my questions are:

a) Is NCL blocking use of Skype completely, or only on their own computers?

b) Is it blocking Skype IM as well as Skype chat?

I like Skype IM as I can say a quick hello to my parents (who always worry), while I'm checking the news back home.
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