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Just Off The Sensation 9/27-9/30..My First CC Review!


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My Fiance' & I just returned this morning from a 3-day cruise to Nassau Bahamas aboard the Carnival Sensation. I'm warning you...this will be a long read, so get comfy! I also should let you know up front that my DF & I are "Ship-o-holics"...since we've been to Nassau 3 times now we could care less about it and didn't get off the ship ONCE! So if you are needing info on Nassau you should probably try another review, but if you'd like info on the ship itself...read on!!!


Embarkation: To put it simply...it was a DREAM!! Having been through the Jaxport terminal last December, I really think Jacksonville should take some notes from Port Canaveral. Since we only had 2 bags we elected to carry them on. Too bad our suitcase was too big to fit into the carry-on "box" at the terminal door, but no problem...a very helpful port employee got our bag checked for us in less than 2 minutes and we proceeded inside. We made it through the metal detectors, up the escalator to the counter, got signed in etc., snapped an embarkation photo, and were stepping aboard the Sensation in less than 15 minutes!!!! NO KIDDING! We headed to our stateroom (M4) to drop off our bag, and headed upstairs to Lido Deck for the buffet. The muster drill lasted about 15-20 minutes total, and once it was over we were able to drop off our life vests in plenty of time to get back up on deck as we came sailing out of the jetties. We received a special treat....as we headed towards the ocean through the inlet we looked down and off the port side we saw a MANATEE just as he dove downward into deeper water!!! Here in Jacksonville we have "manatee zones" everywhere on the river when we are boating, but had never actually seen one before! I must say he looked a LOT smaller from way up on the Sun Deck!!


First Evening Aboard: We had the late seating in the Fantasy Dining Room, and our head waiter Iketut (pronounced "Eek-a-toot") was AMAZING!!! He has the greatest personality, catered to our every need, and made our dining experience so enjoyable! He even brought my DF a second helping after he had finished his first plate and was still hungry. He had the lobster tail & I had the prime rib, and let me tell you...this prime rib was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! It melted in my mouth like butter...DIVINE!!! I could not stop raving about it. And...I must say...thanks to my fellow CCers I ordered the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake and HOLY COW!!!!!! I'm still dreaming about it....


Day Two - Nassau: This was the day we stayed on board all day long, and we were never lacking for things to do. We enjoyed the jacuzzi, pool, & water slides practically to ourselves. I finally got the courage to try the slide and was immediately hooked! Breakfast & lunch were spent on the Lido Deck, and the staff there was awesome! They kept the buffet line super-clean, and they were very prompt in cleaning the tables and removing dirty plate/trays/glasses from the tables. Overall the quality of the food was very good and we definitely never went hungry. One thing I really liked about the Sensation was the outdoor buffet line...it was nice getting out of the pool & grabbing a hamburger or hot dog without dripping all over the floor! The entire day was spent on Lido with the pool, jacuzzi, buffet, & good strong drinks from the poolside bar!


Apparently we became more relaxed than we thought on this cruise, because we slept a LOT!! We went back to our stateroom to "take a nap" around 5pm and ended up sleeping through the formal dinner!!! OOOPS!!! We woke up and there was darkness coming through the porthole. It was 9:00! Yikes! No time to shower etc. etc. for formal night, so we chalked it up to experience and had dinner on the Lido. It turns out they didn't serve lobster that evening anyways, and since DF had had his lobster tail(s) the night before we weren't too disappointed. They had a delicious pork roast with rice pilaf on Lido that suited us just fine!


I will post this to start.....typing up the rest right now!..... ;)

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My Fiance' & I just returned this morning from a 3-day cruise to Nassau Bahamas aboard the Carnival Sensation. I'm warning you...this will be a long read, so get comfy! I also should let you know up front that my DF & I are "Ship-o-holics"...since we've been to Nassau 3 times now we could care less about it and didn't get off the ship ONCE! So if you are needing info on Nassau you should probably try another review, but if you'd like info on the ship itself...read on!!!


Embarkation: To put it simply...it was a DREAM!! Having been through the Jaxport terminal last December, I really think Jacksonville should take some notes from Port Canaveral. Since we only had 2 bags we elected to carry them on. Too bad our suitcase was too big to fit into the carry-on "box" at the terminal door, but no problem...a very helpful port employee got our bag checked for us in less than 2 minutes and we proceeded inside. We made it through the metal detectors, up the escalator to the counter, got signed in etc., snapped an embarkation photo, and were stepping aboard the Sensation in less than 15 minutes!!!! NO KIDDING! We headed to our stateroom (M4) to drop off our bag, and headed upstairs to Lido Deck for the buffet. The muster drill lasted about 15-20 minutes total, and once it was over we were able to drop off our life vests in plenty of time to get back up on deck as we came sailing out of the jetties. We received a special treat....as we headed towards the ocean through the inlet we looked down and off the port side we saw a MANATEE just as he dove downward into deeper water!!! Here in Jacksonville we have "manatee zones" everywhere on the river when we are boating, but had never actually seen one before! I must say he looked a LOT smaller from way up on the Sun Deck!!


First Evening Aboard: We had the late seating in the Fantasy Dining Room, and our head waiter Iketut (pronounced "Eek-a-toot") was AMAZING!!! He has the greatest personality, catered to our every need, and made our dining experience so enjoyable! He even brought my DF a second helping after he had finished his first plate and was still hungry. He had the lobster tail & I had the prime rib, and let me tell you...this prime rib was OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! It melted in my mouth like butter...DIVINE!!! I could not stop raving about it. And...I must say...thanks to my fellow CCers I ordered the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake and HOLY COW!!!!!! I'm still dreaming about it....


Day Two - Nassau: This was the day we stayed on board all day long, and we were never lacking for things to do. We enjoyed the jacuzzi, pool, & water slides practically to ourselves. I finally got the courage to try the slide and was immediately hooked! Breakfast & lunch were spent on the Lido Deck, and the staff there was awesome! They kept the buffet line super-clean, and they were very prompt in cleaning the tables and removing dirty plate/trays/glasses from the tables. Overall the quality of the food was very good and we definitely never went hungry. One thing I really liked about the Sensation was the outdoor buffet line...it was nice getting out of the pool & grabbing a hamburger or hot dog without dripping all over the floor! The entire day was spent on Lido with the pool, jacuzzi, buffet, & good strong drinks from the poolside bar!


Apparently we became more relaxed than we thought on this cruise, because we slept a LOT!! We went back to our stateroom to "take a nap" around 5pm and ended up sleeping through the formal dinner!!! OOOPS!!! We woke up and there was darkness coming through the porthole. It was 9:00! Yikes! No time to shower etc. etc. for formal night, so we chalked it up to experience and had dinner on the Lido. It turns out they didn't serve lobster that evening anyways, and since DF had had his lobster tail(s) the night before we weren't too disappointed. They had a delicious pork roast with rice pilaf on Lido that suited us just fine!


I will post this to start.....typing up the rest right now!..... ;)


Sounds like fun so far. That was a looooong nap!



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Day Two - Night Life: That night after dinner we went to the Karaoke Bar and enjoyed a good laugh and some good entertainment! Everyone was very good-spirited and cheered each other on. There was one lady who would get up and dance to every single song....some younger guys there for a bachelor party got up and started dancing with her...it was so funny! Everyone was having a really great time! We spent some time in the casino on the slot machines, and wandered along the promenade area enjoying the music in the clubs and the overall fun atmosphere.


(I forgot to mention....on the first night we went to the Eighties Show and let me tell you....it was AMAZING!!!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it...we sang to all the songs, and costumes and sets were FABULOUS!! At the very end of the show where they introduce the "Featured Dancer" of the show - can't remember her name right now - she does this scene from Flash Dance....AWESOME!! I literally jumped up out of my chair clapping and cheering!!!!! If you go on the Sensation this show is a MUST!!!!)


Day Three - Sea Day: Today was our official Sea Day. We pulled out of Nassau at 6am. I have to laugh here, because having stayed in a Cat. 5A cabin on our previous cruise, my DF & I were well-prepared for the "wake-up call" of the thrusters and rope-pullers. We actually woke up laughing about it because the entire room was shaking. I couldn't help but feel sorry for other cruisers in the rooms around us who may have not been aware to expect this, and probably woke up in a panic!


We spent today much the same as the day before...lots of time in the pool & on the slides. We had a LOT more company than the day before, but I must say the children OVERALL were very well-behaved. At one point a girl had jumped in right in front of my and splashed me pretty good. I didn't mind much but she apologized and said "Excuse me I'm sorry!" At one point two boys started doing repeated cannonballs into the pool. My DF pointed out to them the sign that says "No Diving/Jumping" but they paid him no mind. Right afterwards another lady in the pool yelled "STOP JUMPING! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" and that got their attention. :D Other than that the kids were very good. At one point we were in the adults-only jacuzzi and a girl about 9 or 10 years old walked up, started getting in, then saw the sign that says "Adults Only" and jumped back out and ran to the other jacuzzi on the other side of the pool. I couldn't help but think "Wow...I've gotta tell Cruise Critic about this!!!"


Pool side had lots going on this day. The hairy-chest contest was hysterical! They had the "Tropic Sounds" guys playing their calypso music which was so perfect for the setting. I found myself sitting on that little board-seat that goes across the middle of the pool, and looking up at that fantastic red-white-and-blue funnel towering over all of us....it was such a great feeling! Music in my ears, sun on my face, the ocean all around me, my future husband at my side. Everyone was smiling and just having a great time. I will file that one away in my great cruise moments!


We spent the rest of the afternoon poolside, browsing the stores, and playing mini-golf up on the Sun Deck. You haven't lived until you've played an intensely competitive game of mini-golf in the middle of the ocean! Lots of fun! Dinner that night was great....Beef Wellington with a "mashed potato mountain" (that's what Iketut called it) and of course....warm chocolate melting cake! One of our table mates was celebrating his birthday, and his wife ordered him a special occasions cake. They were kind enough to share it with us, but I must say it wasn't that good. It had the consistency of cornbread. Of course we didn't tell them that! We graciously accepted!


The ocean that day had been perfectly calm, but we had noticed that afternoon/early evening that the wind had picked up and we were starting to see whitecaps. My DF & I always pay close attention to the conditions since we fish a lot in our boat. If you've read this far, don't give up now! The best part is coming up next! Part Three: Why A 5A Doesn't Pay In 12 Foot Seas!!!! Stay Tuned!!! :D

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Night From Hell: So this was our last night at sea & I was really looking forward to the "Curves" show that evening after dinner. The weather conditions had taken a turn for the worse, however, and I was beginning to wonder how the dancers would be able to perform. I was having enough trouble walking back from the dining room in heels, and I hadn't had anything to drink in a long time! ;) We made it to the theater just in time to hear the announcement that the show had been canceled due to rough seas. We got tired of staggering around the ship and riding elevators that were going practically sideways, so we went back to our stateroom to "relax"...




Our stateroom was M4, which is the second-most forward cabin on the port side. If any of you have ever been on one of those simulator rides, that is what it felt like. We would go up....up....up...up...until it felt like we couldn't go up anymore. Then down.....Down....DOWN.....ALRIGHT ALREADY DOWN!!! And you'd hear the water SMASH!!!! and the whole thing would just shake & gyrate back and forth. Then it would start all over again. Sometimes we'd hit a wave from a funny angle and I'd find myself slammed into the wall, or plunging head first into the cabin door!!!! I had been trying to pack during all this but curiosity got me and I had to climb up and sit there by the portholes to see what this looked like.


WOW. That's all I can say. Our portholes are pretty high up from the water line on a normal day, but that night they were sprayed with sea water, and the waves seemed close enough that you could have touched them! We would go down into a trough and you couldn't see the horizon line anymore...just water. Then UP....then DOWN. I was almost hypnotized by it, but suddenly became aware of a feeling of intense nausea spreading over me. I'm not prone to sea-sickness and neither is DF, but he was lying in the bed (or shall I say, being ROLLED AROUND in the bed). I called room service who promptly brought dramamine and we toughed it out. I didn't sleep much that night. I wasn't scared...it had actually been amusing at first, but after awhile the constant motion became physically exhausting. I don't know how high the swells were, but DF & I estimated it at around 10-13 feet at least. It was crazy! The noise was unreal. Water can be a very noisy thing. Thankfully neither of us tossed cookies, but the talk of the ship the next morning was how sick everyone had gotten the night before.


Debarkation: Well the good 'ole Sensation is Tonka-Tough and she got us back to Port Canaveral safe & sound. We were in Zone 11, and barely had enough time to scarf down our last Lido breakfast before we were called. Our main issue here was not with Carnival, but with the other passengers. They repeatedly told us "Do not come to the gangway before your number is called"...well....there were a WHOLE BUNCH of people there with numbers on their luggage that had not been called yet. This created a bit of a bottleneck, along with the lady that didn't have her S&S card out although having been told repeatedly to "have it in your hand" on debarkation. I would say from the moment our number was called, all the way out to the parking lot, it took probably 20 minutes at the MOST. Once again Port Canaveral is good at what they do. I took one last look at the Sensation as we loaded up the car, and embarrassingly enough, I got a little choked up. Here we were back in the "real world", and I was immensely grateful for our journey on this Fun Ship these 3 short days away from it all!


Overall Impression: Fantastic ship, fabulous crew!!! Everyone talks about how "purple" the Sensation is, but honestly, I didn't think that it was that bad! Maybe it's because I was expecting it, but I actually enjoyed the brightness of the ship. I mean...where else can you get away with such bright colors than on a cruise ship? The Fantasy class ships are just the right size....spacious enough but not overwhelming! There was an occasional rude passenger, but nothing any more noticeable than a typical day at the post office or grocery store. The food was great, the ship was kept clean, room service was prompt & tasty!


I must recommend: Iketut in the Fantasy Dining Room, a toasted Ruben sandwich from the deli, the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake, and trying the water slide at least ONCE!


My disappointments: Neither had anything to do with Carnival......first, I was very disappointed that I didn't get to see the "Curves" show, but of course Mother Nature is boss! Also, our digital camera chose the moment we got on the ship to take a crap, so we have NO PICTURES except the ones taken by the ship's photographer. That sucks, but we have some really great memories. I highly recommend the Sensation to anyone looking for a quick weekend getaway.


Remember....a 3-day cruise is better than no cruise at all!!!! :D:) If you have any questions please ask!!!

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Excellent review!! Thank you so much for taking the time to post it! I'm glad you had a great time and I hope I have as much fun as you did when I sail in December (Im sure I will)


I'm also looking forward to the 80's show you mentioned, sounds fantastic...


I've yet to get up the nerve to try the waterslide....WHo knows, maybe this time? :eek:


Thanks again-


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Welcome back, Beth!!

Your cruise (though enjoyed) may not have turned out to be a 10, but your attitude sure was!

I'm doing Sensation in a few weeks for that same quick weekend get-away, and I hope there are a lot more people like you on the ship that sailing.

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Hey Beth! Rockin' the ship already?!? It's not even your honeymoon yet! :D ;)


I'm so glad you had a good time despite the rough seas and missing the show you wanted to see. Of course, that's a perfect excuse to book again! :)


Tbear it's so funny you say that!! Iketut told us on our last night in the dining room that THAT was why the ship was rocking...all the honeymooners were rocking the ship! :D


Thanks everyone for taking the time to read. We had an awesome time and yes...I am already checking dates/prices this morning for our NEXT cruise!!!

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Wow! What a positive and fair review! I had to laugh because I am now expecting a cruiser in the cabin beside yours to post what a horrible cruise they had because Carnival didn't come down and strap them into their bed on the last night! Just proves what many have said... A cruise is what you make it!


Wish my next one was sooner! Thanks for the read!

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and was there shampoo & condition in the shower? (like Pert maybe? you know, a 2 in 1 shampoo PLUS conditioner) I've asked in another thread and gotten a few possibilities...


ALSO, were there fridges in the rooms? or just the little "cooler" thingy? (or nothing!!)



great review! We'll be sailing on your ship in just a couple of weeks!! (I'm so very excited!!!!!)

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I'm not sure where the laundry facilities are, but I'm sure your steward will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. :)


The food on Lido was really good! The buffet was kept very clean & well-stocked...the food didn't look like it had been sitting there "baking" under the lights for very long. They always had a choice of meat that was sliced for you, and one night they offered a "pasta bowl" where you could select a pasta and type of sauce they prepared for you. The desserts are hit and miss on Lido, but you can't go wrong with the soft-serve ice cream! Yummy!


As far as the staterooms, yes...they have a shampoo & shower gel dispenser in the showers. I brought my own shampoo, but the shower gel was great & the shampoo appeared to be a "Pert" type with the combo shampoo/conditioner. There wasn't a refrigerator or cooler in the room, but Lauro our room steward kept our ice bucket well-filled at all times. We brought a couple 2-liters of Coke with us and we always had ice for our drinks.


And yes...it's funny how someone else could experience the same rough-seas incident and say they had a HORRIBLE time. To be perfectly honest I thought it was pretty exciting and a little bit funny! ;) My DF & I fish offshore a lot, and we've hit some pretty bad weather coming back in. After experiencing the ocean's wrath on a 21' center console fishing boat, lying in a Carnival Comfort Bed on an 855 foot ocean liner during a storm at sea is a piece of cake!! :D

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Great review!!!


I do have a question about the Sensation...as I will be boarding Oct. 11th! :D Do you know where the self laundry facilities are located. We will be staying in R133.



We were in U198 a couple of weeks ago and there was a laundry right up the hall. Surely there is another one though.

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Funny you mention the rough seas. We were on the 9/16 sailing and had horrible seas the last night too. We could feel the movement at dinner and I was laughing at our friend afraid to look at the waves because she might get sick. After dinner we walked up to Lido to check out the waves and there was people laying in chairs everywhere sick. I was feeling great at this time.


I decided to go to room and pack and about 30 minutes later DH came down to find me not feeling so well. Payback I guess. Camp Carnival then called me to pick up kids as DD was sick. They got back and she got sick and then so did I. It was a rough night and lots of sick people on board. They were all laid out on the Lido deck cause it did not feel as rough up there. I seem to remember every time I have sailed out of Port Canaveral I have hit rough seas and got sick on the last night. Weird huh.

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Night From Hell: So this was our last night at sea & I was really looking forward to the "Curves" show that evening after dinner. The weather conditions had taken a turn for the worse, however, and I was beginning to wonder how the dancers would be able to perform. I was having enough trouble walking back from the dining room in heels, and I hadn't had anything to drink in a long time! ;) We made it to the theater just in time to hear the announcement that the show had been canceled due to rough seas. We got tired of staggering around the ship and riding elevators that were going practically sideways, so we went back to our stateroom to "relax"...




Our stateroom was M4, which is the second-most forward cabin on the port side. If any of you have ever been on one of those simulator rides, that is what it felt like. We would go up....up....up...up...until it felt like we couldn't go up anymore. Then down.....Down....DOWN.....ALRIGHT ALREADY DOWN!!! And you'd hear the water SMASH!!!! and the whole thing would just shake & gyrate back and forth. Then it would start all over again. Sometimes we'd hit a wave from a funny angle and I'd find myself slammed into the wall, or plunging head first into the cabin door!!!! I had been trying to pack during all this but curiosity got me and I had to climb up and sit there by the portholes to see what this looked like.



Ugh yeah, I was on that cruise, lol, that was a bad night. I went out to party, and dance and such, but with the kaleidoscope having like 3 people in it dancing, that sucked. Everyone was sick all over the entire ship. Someone convinced me to possibly go check out the show, because it might be fun with them possibly staggering a little, and my sister likes those shows anyhow. What annoyed me however, was since they canceled that, they moved the adult comedian up a bit. When I went in at 12, as it was said to start, the show was already almost over. As for the rocking, I just told everyone to drink more, that way they would stagger the opposite direction of the ship, and be the only people walking in a straight line.


The meal the first night was the best I have ever had though. Ended up making a bit of a pig of myself, and had the steak, and 3 lobster tails. Great food though. Anyhow though, as per the rocking, what do you expect with 20 foot waves. I've been on 5 cruises now, and those were the worst waves I have ever seen. If you went on the back of the boat, you would see just how bad the storm was. Even though it was a nearly full moon, you could see nothing but pitch blackness in any direction, and the rain was actually going sideways almost.


Also, it was fun watching/recording my sister win that lip singing contest, and split her pants in the process lol.

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Anyhow, btw, I just thought that maybe my last post didnt seem like I enjoyed it.. however I did, I just wish that more people would have been out the last night of the cruise, although, as one person in our room was sick, I can understand why they wouldn't be out. It was an awesome trip. Lots of fun, made me regret that I had to come back. The deck party at midnight on the 2nd night was also good, however I had a bad headache because I had drank so much on paradise island, I had passed out earlier in the day. Oh well though, one must carry on lol. Actually in my experience though, most people were taking that night pretty well. Those who were out were joking around, and not being jerks, etc. Still, considering the night, it was a pleasant experience. People could have just chosen better places to get sick than in the sinks everywhere.

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Anyhow, btw, I just thought that maybe my last post didnt seem like I enjoyed it.. however I did, I just wish that more people would have been out the last night of the cruise, although, as one person in our room was sick, I can understand why they wouldn't be out. It was an awesome trip. Lots of fun, made me regret that I had to come back. The deck party at midnight on the 2nd night was also good, however I had a bad headache because I had drank so much on paradise island, I had passed out earlier in the day. Oh well though, one must carry on lol. Actually in my experience though, most people were taking that night pretty well. Those who were out were joking around, and not being jerks, etc. Still, considering the night, it was a pleasant experience. People could have just chosen better places to get sick than in the sinks everywhere.


LMAO!!! YES!!! I had actually ventured out on my own since my DF had decided to go on to bed during the storm. I thought the rocking of the boat was pretty funny, but I was going down the Promenade deck towards the clubs and there were a lot of guys cat-calling at me and I was approached by a few offering to buy me drinks. I politely declined, as I understood most of them were harmless and just having a good time. I did have one guy follow me into the karaoke bar and sit by me pestering me for a solid 5 minutes. He called some of his friends over and I just started feeling a bit uncomfortable as they were all pretty drunk.


I got up and left and they just kept following me so finally I just decided to head back to the room. I managed to lose them in the picture gallery (not sure if you remember those "walls" of pictures over by the windows?) but apparently they are very confusing when you're drunk! Haha! So I got back on the SIDEWAYS rolling elevator and headed back to the room. ;)


Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who had a great time though!!! And YES!!! Dinner the first night was AWESOME!!!!! The prime rib & lobster tails were (pardon the pun) SENSATIONal!!!!!

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Thanks for telling about your cruise, very entertaining!

We are also going on the Sensation in 40 long days. We can't wait.

I really hope we don't get such rough seas. We have our own room and dd (21) and ds (14) are sharing a room next to ours, if it is that rough I can see them in our bed with us. LOL.

We also think your vacation is what you make of it, I'm glad you had such a great time. You helped us to get an idea of what the cruise is about since this is our first cruise, very much appreciated.

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Thanks for telling about your cruise, very entertaining!

We are also going on the Sensation in 40 long days. We can't wait.

I really hope we don't get such rough seas. We have our own room and dd (21) and ds (14) are sharing a room next to ours, if it is that rough I can see them in our bed with us. LOL.

We also think your vacation is what you make of it, I'm glad you had such a great time. You helped us to get an idea of what the cruise is about since this is our first cruise, very much appreciated.


Beach I am sure you will all have a wonderful time! Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Apparently we were sailing into a "nor-easter" (I live in Jacksonville) which is why the conditions were so bad. It has been raining here since Sunday and we've had gale force winds the last 2 days.

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LMAO!!! YES!!! I had actually ventured out on my own since my DF had decided to go on to bed during the storm. I thought the rocking of the boat was pretty funny, but I was going down the Promenade deck towards the clubs and there were a lot of guys cat-calling at me and I was approached by a few offering to buy me drinks. I politely declined, as I understood most of them were harmless and just having a good time. I did have one guy follow me into the karaoke bar and sit by me pestering me for a solid 5 minutes. He called some of his friends over and I just started feeling a bit uncomfortable as they were all pretty drunk.


I got up and left and they just kept following me so finally I just decided to head back to the room. I managed to lose them in the picture gallery (not sure if you remember those "walls" of pictures over by the windows?) but apparently they are very confusing when you're drunk! Haha! So I got back on the SIDEWAYS rolling elevator and headed back to the room. ;)


Oh that was YOU?!! I was wondering where you had gone. :D

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LMAO!!! YES!!! I had actually ventured out on my own since my DF had decided to go on to bed during the storm. I thought the rocking of the boat was pretty funny, but I was going down the Promenade deck towards the clubs and there were a lot of guys cat-calling at me and I was approached by a few offering to buy me drinks. I politely declined, as I understood most of them were harmless and just having a good time. I did have one guy follow me into the karaoke bar and sit by me pestering me for a solid 5 minutes. He called some of his friends over and I just started feeling a bit uncomfortable as they were all pretty drunk.


I got up and left and they just kept following me so finally I just decided to head back to the room. I managed to lose them in the picture gallery (not sure if you remember those "walls" of pictures over by the windows?) but apparently they are very confusing when you're drunk! Haha! So I got back on the SIDEWAYS rolling elevator and headed back to the room. ;)


Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who had a great time though!!! And YES!!! Dinner the first night was AWESOME!!!!! The prime rib & lobster tails were (pardon the pun) SENSATIONal!!!!!


Lol, I never thought those pictures would be confusing for anyone, then again, as the sensation is a fantasy class ship, and all I have been on with carnival have been fantasy class ships, I know my way around. There has been times where I wake up in my room, with no idea of how I actually got there. Anywho, of course I had fun lol... its a cruise, im gonna have fun no matter what! Then again Im also the type that when I broke my leg several years back, I was cracking jokes with the rescuers who showed up, and the doctors who were checking on me, etc.... (thanks to shock and the inability to feel much in my leg at the time). Anyhow I think I saw you around the ship, as your avatar looks familiar, but then again there was so many people, after a while they all began to look the same lol.

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