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NCL ... Choose someone else


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In a perfect world, all those who felt that the OP was a clumsy troll would have a similar (no make that worse) experience so they could tell us all how much they enjoyed being on their own, being treated like outsiders when they returned to the ship, and being treated like whiners when they posted on Cruise Critic. We could then all benefit from their wisdom and fortitude.


If only there was a perfect world!


I actually think the only reference to the OP being clumsy was a joke.


As for the troll thing... well, I've given my opinion about why someone might feel that way - not just about this poster, but about first time negative posters in general - I'm not sure anyone's reference to trolls was personal.


Now, if I'm included in the group you refer to in any way, I can tell you that I HAVE sustained injuries and had illnesses while on holiday. I fell from my berth on a cruise ship as a child and cut my eyelid and got a black eye. Nobody paid any extra attention to me and I didn't expect it. (sure I wasn't limping, but I did have a visible injury with the black eye) I was at a resort and had an ear infection (my first one ever) in both ears. The resort was in the mountains, which just made it worse because of the air pressure. My husband and I at different times tracked down staff to find pain meds (it was pretty isolated) but nobody ever sought me out to see how I was doing or if they could help in any other way than what we requested. I also had my second ear infection (thankfully the last) on a trip to Chicago. Fortunately there was a hospital across the street from my hotel, so I went to their emergency room, ALONE, twice (bad reaction to the first meds), and didn't even let the hotel staff know - why would I?


Until this moment, I have never made a post on any board complaining about any of these incidents, nor any treatment (or lack thereof) that I have received. (So nobody has ever had the opportunity to call me a whiner... I guess I'm just not one!)


So, without continuing on with more aches, pains, and assorted other minor injuries or illnesses, when I say I know what I would expect and that one of those things would be that I would take personal responsibility for my needs, I speak from experience. My world is far from perfect, but hopefully I've suffered enough to make my opinions valid!! :p (note the tongue firmly planted in my cheek)

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That's exactly what I was saying. This is a community. Would you walk up to a real community, and the first words out of you mouth were how bad you were treated by the main interest in the community? I don't appreciate that.


All people are welcome, it's just that some people use this forum as a place to vent, rather than a place to discuss.


I don't disagree with you- but I suspect most newbies who do this aren't just trying to stir up trouble, they just don't know how the community works yet.


Let's say I walk into a sports bar and say "Man, the Yankees are run by idiots". Those around me don't know how to react- am I a knowledgeable diehard fan that they would commiserate with, or am I a Red Sox fan just trying to twist the knife? It's made worse if I didn't know that the bar was a favorite hangout of the most rabid Yankees fans. While someone who knows how things work would say that I was an idiot and trying to start a riot, I could have been perfectly well-intentioned.


I guess my main point is that the number of trolls (at least, using the standard 'net' defintion, of someone whose only purpose is to rile up people because they get their kicks knocking down other peoples sand castles) is pretty small, and are usually pretty obvious, because their claims are so over-the-top and unreasonable. Most of posters, I believe, sincerely believe that they have been wronged, feel that they haven't been heard by those who "wronged" them, and then search for any outlet they can use to bring the "bad guys" to justice.


I agree- you should take everything anyone posts with a grain of salt, until you've known them enough to establish their credibility- and clearly newbies have no credibility yet. It's only the assumption that "most newbies with complaints are trolls" that I'm disagreeing with.

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I don't see any reason to assume a first time poster is a troll - I was a first time poster once.


However, I think they could have come on with a different attitude like "this is what happened, what do you think?" rather than a judgemental "don't sail with NCL because they are terrible." See the difference in tone? One is respectful of the community and the other is like a drunken Red Sox fan walking into a Yankees sports bar and stirring the pot.


About the person being "almost pushed off the ship", I can only assume the person had informed them they needed to leave and the ship was ready to depart and staff wanted them to get their belongings off ASAP. Should 2,000+ people be delayed to enhance one person's departure experience? I don't know...

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I've been mostly lurking for a couple of months, and have learned scads for all of your experience, but, geez, a lot of the vets here tend to be pretty harsh on the newbies. Rather than some grand conspiracy to create an alias just to blast a cruise line, it seems far likelier to me that these are people who are frustrated by their experience, and either feel the need to vent, or are honestly trying to help others learn from their experience.


Now, a lot of the complaints I've read show a lack of understanding of how cruising works, and the risks inherent in any cruise. But cruising IS very different than any other sort of vacation. If I book a flight to Grand Cayman, I expect that I'll get there, and if not, that I'll get my money back. That's simply not the case with cruising, where weather conditions, mechanical mishaps or medical emergencies could all interfere with making it to a particular port. But many first time cruisers don't have that understanding, and feel "robbed" if they miss a long-anticipated port.


There are also a lot of legit complaints about poor customer service... when servicing thousands of customers, the ball is going to get dropped occasionally. If your only experience with a cruise line is the one where they messed up, your response is going to be different than if you've had a dozen wonderful cruises and one had problems.


Instead of writing them off as trolls, it is really that hard to consider that the poster honestly feeling burned, and that rather than discounting their unhappiness you help them understand how they (or another newbie in the same situation) can prevent this in the future? The details about the number of the ship on the card was great info, that I know will help me, but was is really necessary to insult them for not knowing it?


Honest, if we newbies make it to the number of cruises you have, we'll get smarter... but we're unlikely to if we keep being told we're brainless whiners.


(And a big thank you to those who focus on the positive, and what they can do to help!)


*Stands and applauds*

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I don't see any reason to assume a first time poster is a troll - I was a first time poster once.


However, I think they could have come on with a different attitude like "this is what happened, what do you think?" rather than a judgemental "don't sail with NCL because they are terrible." See the difference in tone? One is respectful of the community and the other is like a drunken Red Sox fan walking into a Yankees sports bar and stirring the pot.


About the person being "almost pushed off the ship", I can only assume the person had informed them they needed to leave and the ship was ready to depart and staff wanted them to get their belongings off ASAP. Should 2,000+ people be delayed to enhance one person's departure experience? I don't know...


I absolutely agree with you about the tone. The problem is that I don't think most newbies realize that CC is a community, and that the Cruise Line boards are generally frequented by big fans of that line. I don't think they realize that they are in effect saying, "All of you who choose NCL are making a mistake based on my one experience". I think that think that they are saving other inexperience people from making the same "mistake" that they did.


That said, the biggest lesson I've learned reading the boards here is that stuff happens when you cruise. Our only other cruise was on Disney, where the stars aligned, and everything went perfectly, but now we're booked on the Sun's March 29ths Western Carib sailing. I've been conditioning my kids to take things as they come- that you can find things to ruin your cruise if you want to , or you can decide to have a good time no matter what. Now, clearly, the OP's circumstance, regardless of how it came about and whether it could have been prevented or mitigated would be hard to just "get on with"- but I tend to agree with Canadian Twosome, that complaining doesn't solve much, and usually just riles you up more- but some people need to feel that they've done something in order to move on.


I do apologize for my part in hijacking the thread... can I plead ignorant newbie?:)

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It's funny how sometimes two threads collide. I contrast the OP's post (the OP who hasn't returned to clarify or amplify circumstances behind the "avoid NCL" advice given in the original post) to the thread that happened to be directly beneath it this afternoon when I hit the boards -- http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=654796


In that one, someone who had suffered an unfortunate accident due to high winds during their cruise wrote an extremely reasonable letter to NCL corporate, giving praise where it was due for the handling onboard of the situation, explaining how the incident impacted their cruise experience, NOT saying "I'll never sail NCL again," and requesting a pretty high-end compensation -- a free replacement cruise. NCL delivered -- a $3000 certificate for a future cruise.


TONE is everything when dealing with customer service issues. No matter how irate you are, if you can turn down the emotions and turn up the reasonableness in your correspondence, you are WAY more likely to achieve a satisfactory resolution (not just for cruises, either!).

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things to consider:



you have to put things in order, life threatening compared to broken bones or bruises. i do hope the OP understands, we wish them well and to heal quickly. last year, 3 people were killed on a flightseeing in alaska, a couple more flightseeing in hawaii. the cruise ship crews see much more of this then we ever will know. besides, the heart attacks, jumpers, suicide attempts, people (like me) tripping down stairs, fights, drunks and what not.

30 days to my next cruise and i am watching every step (hate getting on the ship already bruised and limping). climbing a mayan ruin (?) i hope to do it, but only if i can get down in 1 piece. blessings to all my fellow "accidents-waiting-to-happen".

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I'm a relative newbie, but my posts to date have been positive, or at least respectful, so may I assume that removes me from the troll catagory?


I'm surprised at the Disney bashing by a few people. Some of my family's best vacations have been spent at Disney World, both when I was a child and now with my own children. What does Disney have to do with a cruise website, anyway? :confused: Unless, of course, it's in regards to a Disney cruise. In fact, there's a website that relates to all things Disney, which I won't name here lest I break any rules, that would be a fine tutorial for a few that post here of how to disagree with other posters respectfully.


So I don't stay totally off topic here, I'll respond to the OP here by saying that while it's a huge bummer that you had such a negative experience on your vacation, it's un-realistic to expect that NCL would or could have handled the departure any differently. As far as your treatment after you caught up with the ship you might have had better luck simply asking for what you wanted. I hope you have a much better experience next time.

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I'm surprised at the Disney bashing by a few people. Some of my family's best vacations have been spent at Disney World, both when I was a child and now with my own children.


I'm with you on that (except I wasn't there as a kid). Always had good vacations at Disney and have some great memories with my boys there!

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For all you staunch cruiseline defenders, and they are on all cruiselines not just NCL, for goodness sakes, the least they could have done was offer a wheelchair!


The whole point of the op was the cruiselines lack of concern and attention towards the passenger as they reboarded the next day.


Come on, don't you get a feeling of family with the ships crew and passengers that you are sailing with for a week or more? Like a home away from home.


You've just been treated like a King and Queen then all of a sudden, you are nothing.


Just common courtesy.

It's as simple as that.

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For all you staunch cruiseline defenders, and they are on all cruiselines not just NCL, for goodness sakes, the least they could have done was offer a wheelchair!


The whole point of the op was the cruiselines lack of concern and attention towards the passenger as they reboarded the next day.


Come on, don't you get a feeling of family with the ships crew and passengers that you are sailing with for a week or more? Like a home away from home.


You've just been treated like a King and Queen then all of a sudden, you are nothing.


Just common courtesy.

It's as simple as that.


Oh, I don't disagree with that! But given another post on this thread about the care and concern demonstrated for that poster after an off-ship injury, plus other background knowledge (including a simultaneous post here about NCL compensation made after an onboard injury) -- I really think that is why at least some of us have asked the OP "what did you tell the cruiseline, when, and what did you ask for them to do for you?"


The original post leaves us in the dark as to those things, other than the hubby having been "hurried" off the ship on the day of the accident. Did the OP never make contact with the ship to let them know she was returning and what her special needs would be? NCL has a really fine "special needs" department, per the Disabled Cruise Travel board here... it's just hard to believe that if OP/DH had notified the ship of their return, and that they needed wheelchair service (or whatever else the OP required), that the ship's crew would have met that request with a big indifferent yawn.


If that makes me a "staunch cruiseline defender," so be it -- but I know that cruiselines are run by human beings, and at least at this point in time, mind-reading isn't a conventional human ability. So it's hard for me to get angry at the line on OP's behalf for this situation when no information on what the line was told, when, and what they were asked for has been provided. That absolutely doesn't diminish my empathy for OP having suffered an injury during a cruise in paradise -- I'm just still not sure why I should be getting mad at NCL's "handling" of the situation when no real information about that part of it has been provided.

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I actually think the only reference to the OP being clumsy was a joke.


As for the troll thing... well, I've given my opinion about why someone might feel that way - not just about this poster, but about first time negative posters in general - I'm not sure anyone's reference to trolls was personal.


Now, if I'm included in the group you refer to in any way, I can tell you that I HAVE sustained injuries and had illnesses while on holiday. I fell from my berth on a cruise ship as a child and cut my eyelid and got a black eye. Nobody paid any extra attention to me and I didn't expect it. (sure I wasn't limping, but I did have a visible injury with the black eye) I was at a resort and had an ear infection (my first one ever) in both ears. The resort was in the mountains, which just made it worse because of the air pressure. My husband and I at different times tracked down staff to find pain meds (it was pretty isolated) but nobody ever sought me out to see how I was doing or if they could help in any other way than what we requested. I also had my second ear infection (thankfully the last) on a trip to Chicago. Fortunately there was a hospital across the street from my hotel, so I went to their emergency room, ALONE, twice (bad reaction to the first meds), and didn't even let the hotel staff know - why would I?


Until this moment, I have never made a post on any board complaining about any of these incidents, nor any treatment (or lack thereof) that I have received. (So nobody has ever had the opportunity to call me a whiner... I guess I'm just not one!)


So, without continuing on with more aches, pains, and assorted other minor injuries or illnesses, when I say I know what I would expect and that one of those things would be that I would take personal responsibility for my needs, I speak from experience. My world is far from perfect, but hopefully I've suffered enough to make my opinions valid!! :p (note the tongue firmly planted in my cheek)



Gosh, a black eye and an ear infectioin. Did you go to the Mayo clinic? Did you get an ear transplant?

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For all you staunch cruiseline defenders, and they are on all cruiselines not just NCL, for goodness sakes, the least they could have done was offer a wheelchair!


The whole point of the op was the cruiselines lack of concern and attention towards the passenger as they reboarded the next day.


Come on, don't you get a feeling of family with the ships crew and passengers that you are sailing with for a week or more? Like a home away from home.


You've just been treated like a King and Queen then all of a sudden, you are nothing.


Just common courtesy.

It's as simple as that.


Not for anything but we usually have about six people great us when we board any cruise line on embarkation day - without a medical problem or having to catch the ship. I guess NCL crew recognized the OP as trolls.

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Not for anything but we usually have about six people great us when we board any cruise line on embarkation day - without a medical problem or having to catch the ship. I guess NCL crew recognized the OP as trolls.


That ( NCL ) crew must have been extremely observant.:rolleyes:

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And a lot of 1st time posters are just that . . . . . . first time posters. Oh my, in fact, you were, Salty dingo was, I was, in fact everybody is/was.


You may be (and probably are) right, that some 1st time posters are trolls. I think most negative first time posters are not, but are simply stating an OPINION, that some do not agree with or like. And that is exactly what the OP was doing, writing of their "misfortune".


If the post is negative . . . . . the counter opinions start . . . . . and in a lot of cases are not nice. The poster feels attacked/threatened/whatever and never posts again. Everybody loses as a result. Including the supposed experts.



I know - I was once new. But the difference is, I'm pretty sure my first post had to do with a question related to my upcoming cruise - and definitely was not a post that was complaining about a cruise that I was just on.


I happily embrace newbies. And there is definitely a chance that this person is legit. It's just much more difficult to believe when it comes from someone who has one post. As I also said - I read the posts, and I take it in, but I definitely read it with a grain of salt. Way too many times it's been a troll, and unfortunately for new people, it turns into a situation akin to the boy who cried wolf - even though we're talking about many different boys here, if that makes any sense.

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Flag Fan' date=' I am now YOUR fan. Thank you for such a well thought out and level headed post. Refreshing. I hope other people take note.[/quote']


Well, you sure made my day. Thanks for the kind words. (Gee, I miss checking the posts one day and I almost miss such a nice comment.)

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I call them the "Stepford Cruisers" who defend the cruise line at any cost. I figure these people must work for the cruise line and pose as cruise critic members. No reasonable intelligent person could possibly defend the cruise line on every issue.


I do not believe that the OP expected the ship to wait for them. Also, I have been on 22 cruises and did not know that the phone number was on the the room card.


Ok. I have read this entire thread and I am confused, no appalled

at the responses.


I agree with Giorgi-one. I have been crusing for about 25 years and I lead large groups of seniors now. I have to say I never knew that there was a number on the back of the room card.


Of all the cruising I have done I will be sailing on NCL for the very first time this coming week, and no I am not a newbie cruiser by far.


I will be cruising with 100 plus people and 30 of them need wheelchair assistance. Yes sometimes people in my group have become ill and wound up having to be flown home. But never have we ever encountered any Cruise Line that did not do it's utmost to be sure the person in need felt well attended to.


Bottom line is that I do not see anywhere that the OP said the ship should have been held for her. What I do read is that they were expecting a little considerate compassion. I would certainly hope that NCL, or any person working for or simply a cruise passenger would think that a port fee is more important than the well being of a fellow human being.


We have all at one time or another been injured or sick, and for those that never have faced illness or injury God Bless you. But when people are most vulnerable, (and anyone would fee vulnerable if sick or injured when far away from home).


My question is where on earth is good old human compassion. My dog would show more concern over an injured person than I have seen on this thread.


Maybe the OP didn't expect compensation or anything other than someone somewhere on that ship or in that company to show that they cared.


It is just as easy to be kind and considerate and compassionate than it is to be cynical, smug and uncaring.


I hope this is not the case and will review my cruise when I return. In the meantime I sincerely hope that NCL has a customer service training that includes being considerate and compassionate when they have customers inneed. It is simply the right thing to do.

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I can only tell what happened to me. I was hurt falling down some stairs on an NCL excursion in Roatan, Honduras. My husband ran to get Jamie the Asst. Hotel Manager who was running the excursion. He told me I had to go to the hospital to get checked out and assured me the boat would wait until I was back or if I wasn't fit to board my husband had been able to retrieve our things. I was cleared to return to the ship, with torn ligaments in my ankle and when we got to the port 20minutes after we were supposed to leave there was Jamie with a wheelchair. The rest of the time on the ship, the entire staff was as helpful as they could be, from bringing me extra pillows and ice in my stateroom, to helping me manuver around the ship. But I did have to ask sometimes for help, the crew are not psychics.


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I can only tell what happened to me. I was hurt falling down some stairs on an NCL excursion in Roatan, Honduras. My husband ran to get Jamie the Asst. Hotel Manager who was running the excursion. He told me I had to go to the hospital to get checked out and assured me the boat would wait until I was back or if I wasn't fit to board my husband had been able to retrieve our things. I was cleared to return to the ship, with torn ligaments in my ankle and when we got to the port 20minutes after we were supposed to leave there was Jamie with a wheelchair. The rest of the time on the ship, the entire staff was as helpful as they could be, from bringing me extra pillows and ice in my stateroom, to helping me manuver around the ship. But I did have to ask sometimes for help, the crew are not psychics.





This is good to hear. Agreed the crew are not psychics. And it is good to know that you were taken care of in the manner that we have experienced on other Lines.


Your post is a good case for people taking shore excursions that are offered by the Cruise Line. I think it is safer that way. When we need to fly to the gateway city, we also usually have the Cruise Line handle the air. This way they can acomodate passengers in the event of unforseen circumstances. I do not know if this was the case with the OP or not regarding what kind of excursion and whether they went on their own.


In any event, I still think human compassion is important not only on a ship but in every walk of life and certainly here on this board.


I think it's a bit presumptious that any poster would be cynical of a new member here, and questioning whether the newbie was "legit." This is a public board and we all register to come here. Newbie or veteran does not equate what is "ligit."

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I can only tell what happened to me. I was hurt falling down some stairs on an NCL excursion in Roatan, Honduras. My husband ran to get Jamie the Asst. Hotel Manager who was running the excursion. He told me I had to go to the hospital to get checked out and assured me the boat would wait until I was back or if I wasn't fit to board my husband had been able to retrieve our things. I was cleared to return to the ship, with torn ligaments in my ankle and when we got to the port 20minutes after we were supposed to leave there was Jamie with a wheelchair. The rest of the time on the ship, the entire staff was as helpful as they could be, from bringing me extra pillows and ice in my stateroom, to helping me manuver around the ship. But I did have to ask sometimes for help, the crew are not psychics.





This is good to hear. Agreed the crew are not psychics. And it is good to know that you were taken care of in the manner that we have experienced on other Lines.


Your post is a good case for people taking shore excursions that are offered by the Cruise Line. I think it is safer that way. When we need to fly to the gateway city, we also usually have the Cruise Line handle the air. This way they can acomodate passengers in the event of unforseen circumstances. I do not know if this was the case with the OP or not regarding what kind of excursion and whether they went on their own.


In any event, I still think human compassion is important not only on a ship but in every walk of life and certainly here on this board.


I think it's a bit presumptious that any poster would be cynical of a new member here, and questioning whether the newbie was "legit." This is a public board and we all register to come here. Newbie or veteran does not equate what is "legit."

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I can only tell what happened to me. I was hurt falling down some stairs on an NCL excursion in Roatan, Honduras. My husband ran to get Jamie the Asst. Hotel Manager who was running the excursion. He told me I had to go to the hospital to get checked out and assured me the boat would wait until I was back or if I wasn't fit to board my husband had been able to retrieve our things. I was cleared to return to the ship, with torn ligaments in my ankle and when we got to the port 20minutes after we were supposed to leave there was Jamie with a wheelchair. The rest of the time on the ship, the entire staff was as helpful as they could be, from bringing me extra pillows and ice in my stateroom, to helping me manuver around the ship. But I did have to ask sometimes for help, the crew are not psychics.



Hi Michelle


I am so glad that you came over here and shared your experience and if the OP had a similiar situation then I hope that all would agree that some courtesies should have been extended to the OP as they did with you and your accident.

We were all so glad to see you back on board even though I know that you were uncomfortable and unable to do all the things that you had planned.

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I broke my ankle years ago at Waimea Canyon. We were on another cruise line (now defunct). It was not a cruise line excursion. My DH drove us back to the ship ASAP (we had ice in a cooler which helped). At the ship, DH went and found a wheelchair and took me to the medical center. The head of CS called the doctor and nurse, and stayed with me while my DH returned our rental car. I had not eaten since breakfast and was starving (and in a bit of shock and a bit hypoglycemic). I asked the CS rep to go get me food. She brought a sandwich and soda. The doctor did what he could and then told me to stay in the wheelchair and see a doctor on land at the next port for x-rays, etc. (I ended up having to go home because both doctors thought I had a torn Achilles--it wasn't.)


The crew were nice enough and helpful (particularly when asked), but they didn't fawn all over me and act like I was "queen for a day" (as it were). We had to be moved to a larger cabin (from our first and only inside cabin, which was teeny, tiny) because the wheelchair wouldn't fit. The cabin stewards helped my DH move everything and then the new steward delivered meals, etc. when I wasn't up to going out of the room. It took them 2 days to get together flights home for us, but they did help even though we booked our air independently. OTOH, the ship had broken and had to go back to Honolulu, so they had 1800 pax to deal with (and the associated disappointments), including arranging flights home. (The real disappointment was that all pax were allowed to remain onboard for the rest of the week and were refunded 100% of the cruise costs and given certificates for 50% of the $ value of the cruise to be used on a future cruise. We would have stayed onboard and had a blast before completing the rest of our trip on land. With travel insurance, we got all the cruise line refunds and certificates AND a pro-rated refund from the insurer because of my medical claim. BTW, this was another American-flagged ship.)


I guess my long and rambling point is that we weren't there with the OP. We don't know the full situation, so we can't definitively say what the cruise line should have done. We don't know if the OP's expectations of the cruise line were reasonable or if the OP's disappointment in some aspects colored the entire situation. Certainly the cruise line employees should show some empathy and be helpful, but as many have pointed out, they have more than 2000 other pax to consider too. Another question is whether this was a cruise line excursion. If so, then I'd think the excursion provider would have immediately contacted the NCL representatives or the ship. If not, then the cruise line cannot be expected to know the situation unless the OP contacted them.


There's no question that accidents and medical problems can affect a cruise quite negatively. I know that from personal experience. I simply didn't take it as a personal affront that the crew didn't "take care of" me to the exclusion of others. I hope that the OP has recovered and enjoys future cruises or land vacations, wherever they may be.



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And a lot of 1st time posters are just that . . . . . . first time posters. Oh my, in fact, you were, Salty dingo was, I was, in fact everybody is/was.


You may be (and probably are) right, that some 1st time posters are trolls. I think most negative first time posters are not, but are simply stating an OPINION, that some do not agree with or like. And that is exactly what the OP was doing, writing of their "misfortune".


If the post is negative . . . . . the counter opinions start . . . . . and in a lot of cases are not nice. The poster feels attacked/threatened/whatever and never posts again. Everybody loses as a result. Including the supposed experts.




Ridiculous. In other words everybody who posts here has no credibility until their post count reaches a certain number. What would that be SaltyDingo. 5, 25, 50, 1,00 or 2,873?

doc, you know that is not what posters are saying about 1st timers: of course we were all first timers. Most of us asked questions, tried to find other cruising with them, etc. when a first timer comes on with very negative comments of course people are going to be suspecious. In this case I can't see where OP could have expected NCL to do anything for her. She was injured, nothing to do with the ship, but sad for sure, she did have access to a phone number (maybe she wasn't aware of it) and has been mentioned, short of a horrible emergancy (heart attack, death, etc) the ship has a schedule that must be kept.


I really don't think the number of times one posts is the issue as much as the type of first postings.



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Gosh, a black eye and an ear infectioin. Did you go to the Mayo clinic? Did you get an ear transplant?


You know, I don't usually make personal comments, because I don't know anyone here and I don't believe that reading a few posts can change that. I do have to say, though, that you seem to be very mean spirited. First, when people posted with their objective opinions about the situation, you stated that you wished all of them (us) to have bad experiences on future trips, which in itself was a bit nasty. So, since the inference I read was that you didn't think anyone who hadn't had an injury or illness while travelling didn't 'deserve' to comment, I explained that I had, in fact, experienced some extremely painful (have you ever had an ear infection that felt like someone was jamming an ice pick into your skull?) and at times visible injuries and illnesses. As a result, you attack me personally? You're not nice, and I simply don't see how these nasty sentiments contributed to this thread in any way other than to be insulting and negative.

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