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water on board


Where do you get your water from on board?  

221 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you get your water from on board?

    • I bring my own on board with me
    • I'll buy bottles from RCI
    • I'll fill up my water bottle only in restaurants/windjammer
    • I'll fill up my water bottle in my cabin

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Why I don't drink the water from the cabin....


Place a clean washcloth under the tap in your room. Turn on the cold water and let it run for 30-60 seconds. Look at the washcloth.


If you see what I noticed on the past couple of cruises... a brown stain, you'll avoid the water.


P.S. -- It's MUCH MUCH worse if you run HOT WATER on a clean cloth for some reason. With hot water, it looks like someone ran out of toilet paper...

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Why I don't drink the water from the cabin....


Place a clean washcloth under the tap in your room. Turn on the cold water and let it run for 30-60 seconds. Look at the washcloth.


If you see what I noticed on the past couple of cruises... a brown stain, you'll avoid the water.


P.S. -- It's MUCH MUCH worse if you run HOT WATER on a clean cloth for some reason. With hot water, it looks like someone ran out of toilet paper...


Have never tried your experiment, but do you really think that the water in the kitchens/windjammer comes from a different source? What water do you use for showering?

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Why I don't drink the water from the cabin....


Place a clean washcloth under the tap in your room. Turn on the cold water and let it run for 30-60 seconds. Look at the washcloth.


If you see what I noticed on the past couple of cruises... a brown stain, you'll avoid the water.


P.S. -- It's MUCH MUCH worse if you run HOT WATER on a clean cloth for some reason. With hot water, it looks like someone ran out of toilet paper...



I always read and thought that since they use a filtering system, the water would be clean and ok to drink. In the past I have used the water from the faucet to take pills or just drink in general. I will test this theory in January on Explorer. Maybe the pipes is what the problem is and not the water per se' when it leaves the filter.??

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If I'm leaving from a port where it's easy to put a case of water into a duffle and bring it on board, I do it.


If not, I get bottled water on board or buy it at port stops.


However, I do use the ship's ice cubes, ice tea, shower and brush teeth with the water.


I'm just a little concerned/and ignorant about how the ship's water is purified and if it's recycled or ????? With more information, I might just leave the water ashore.


Perhaps someone knows more about the water purification process on a ship and could enlighten us.





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I always read and thought that since they use a filtering system, the water would be clean and ok to drink. In the past I have used the water from the faucet to take pills or just drink in general. I will test this theory in January on Explorer. Maybe the pipes is what the problem is and not the water per se' when it leaves the filter.??


When we went on that scientific thing on the Explorer, we asked the EXPERT about the drinking water. She said all the tap water was good to drink. We have never had a problem with drinking water. I would never go to the trouble of carrying water (except for my initial bottle) or buying water on board.


Of course, if you don't want to use the tap water (which is perfectly OK to drink), there are other sources. Just use a sanitary method of transferring the water to your bottle, please.

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When we went on that scientific thing on the Explorer, we asked the EXPERT about the drinking water. She said all the tap water was good to drink. We have never had a problem with drinking water. I would never go to the trouble of carrying water (except for my initial bottle) or buying water on board.


Of course, if you don't want to use the tap water (which is perfectly OK to drink), there are other sources. Just use a sanitary method of transferring the water to your bottle, please.


Do the washcloth test on your next cruise. After seeing what I saw... taking a shower was a scary thought.

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I have never had a negative experience with the quality of water on any of the RCI ships I have cruised on. I buy water bottles when going ashore from RCI. I drink the water from the cabin faucet and have never noticed any off color odor or unpleasant taste. It is not cold out of the tap, but a little ice in the glass takes care of that.


I'm on vacation. I'm not going to carry water bottles on board or lug a personal water bottle around. I will pay a few $$$ for a cold bottle of water to take ashore. I cringe when I see people putting their water bottles up against dispensers in public areas whether on a ship or on land. Not the greatest way to stay healthy or keep others healthy.



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I have never had a negative experience with the quality of water on any of the RCI ships I have cruised on. I buy water bottles when going ashore from RCI. I drink the water from the cabin faucet and have never noticed any off color odor or unpleasant taste. It is not cold out of the tap, but a little ice in the glass takes care of that.


I'm on vacation. I'm not going to carry water bottles on board or lug a personal water bottle around. I will pay a few $$$ for a cold bottle of water to take ashore. I cringe when I see people putting their water bottles up against dispensers in public areas whether on a ship or on land. Not the greatest way to stay healthy or keep others healthy.




I've been on Grandeur, Majesty, Brilliance, Explorer, and Enchantment. All ships discolored a washcloth to some degree. Enchantment was the worst, hot water caused a near deep dark brown stain to form in 30 seconds. Cold water on the Enchantment developed a noticeable stain in 60 seconds.

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I will drink lemonade, tea, juices, mixed drinks, etc. that are all prepared onboard using the tap water and will eat and drink from dishes washed in the tap water. So, I might as well drink the water, too. If you really think it's that bad for you, you might as well not go on a cruise ship.

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I will drink lemonade, tea, juices, mixed drinks, etc. that are all prepared onboard using the tap water and will eat and drink from dishes washed in the tap water. So, I might as well drink the water, too. If you really think it's that bad for you, you might as well not go on a cruise ship.


I will easily cruise again. I'm not telling anyone to NOT drink the water on the ship.


It is my opinion that the water piped to the cabins is not the same quality-wise as what they use in the food establishments. And... I really hope it isn't just an opinion! Because the self-proven fact of the water in the cabins is scary. I have proven to myself that I wouldn't want to drink water from the cabin sink. It is an easily repeated procedure ANYONE can do:

  1. Place clean white washcloth under the tap
  2. Run HOT water on it for one minute
  3. Watch to see if a stain builds
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for COLD water
  5. Look at washcloths and judge for oneself if they'd drink the water

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I will easily cruise again. I'm not telling anyone to NOT drink the water on the ship.


It is my opinion that the water piped to the cabins is not the same quality-wise as what they use in the food establishments. And... I really hope it isn't just an opinion! Because the self-proven fact of the water in the cabins is scary. I have proven to myself that I wouldn't want to drink water from the cabin sink. It is an easily repeated procedure ANYONE can do:

  1. Place clean white washcloth under the tap
  2. Run HOT water on it for one minute
  3. Watch to see if a stain builds
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for COLD water
  5. Look at washcloths and judge for oneself if they'd drink the water

I do not think some home faucets may pass the tests either.:eek: Why do you think they sell filters?

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Did you try pouring bottled water on those same washclothes to see if they produced a brown stain? Perhpas it was the washclothes!


Well... considering the lovely shade of yellow in the glass on my last cruise... I'll lean toward it being particles in the water. But alas... I don't have to convince anyone. Do the exercise yourself on your next cruise. Anyone... feel free to.

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I've been on Grandeur, Majesty, Brilliance, Explorer, and Enchantment. All ships discolored a washcloth to some degree. Enchantment was the worst, hot water caused a near deep dark brown stain to form in 30 seconds. Cold water on the Enchantment developed a noticeable stain in 60 seconds.


I guess I had better re-evaluate and limit my exposure to ice cubes surrounded with alcohol...just to be safe. :D

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Well... considering the lovely shade of yellow in the glass on my last cruise... I'll lean toward it being particles in the water. But alas... I don't have to convince anyone. Do the exercise yourself on your next cruise. Anyone... feel free to.

On all our cruises we have NEVER had anything but crystal clear water in our glasses. But you do whatever makes you happy just as those who feel the need to clorox every surface in their room.


By the way do you order water when you go to a restaurant? Some places might also be suspect. This is not a judgement of anyone.

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All the water on the ship comes from one source, the Desalinization Plant which converts sea water into fresh water. Thy usually are reverse osmosis systems. I believe the water is perfectly safe to drink and have never heard on anyone getting sick from it.

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On all our cruises we have NEVER had anything but crystal clear water in our glasses. But you do whatever makes you happy just as those who feel the need to clorox every surface in their room.


By the way do you order water when you go to a restaurant? Some places might also be suspect. This is not a judgement of anyone.


Sigh. In any restaurant, I order a soda pop. On a cruise ship, I drink water in the dining rooms. In the Windjammer, it's coffee or lemonade. I used to think that even a slight stain on a washcloth was "okay" and I still drank the water.


There is NO WAY will I ever suggest drinking the water after my results on the Enchantment:


I was prepping to shave, threw a washcloth under the faucet and turned on the hot water. I went to grab something from outside the washroom and returned to be staring at a DARK BROWN CIRCLE on the washcloth. I was disgusted. I thought someone had wiped something or bloodied it and the stain didn't come out in the laundry room. I flipped the stain inside, threw the washcloth on the floor and got another one. I inspected it! It was clean and white. I put it under the faucet and watched in amazement at how quickly another DARK BROWN CIRCLE formed. That was hot water. I removed the cloth, turned the water to cold and stuck the cloth under (at a different spot) and watched another BROWN CIRCLE form. This one formed more slowly but it was still quite there. And yes, I let the cold water run for a bit before I did this...


On other ships, I've noticed a slight discoloration of a cloth under the same situations and it didn't phase me, but now... the thought of drinking the water from the faucet in the cabin is worrisome.


But apples to oranges, onboard or ashore, whatever. YOU can drink the water as much as you want from a cabin, I won't anymore. I even used to post here that they say it is able to be consumed. I don't need to convince anyone of anything. I KNOW what I've seen firsthand. And I think people can judge for themselves when they're onboard by doing just what I suggested. Run one of the provided clean white washcloths under HOT and COLD (since the water comes from different pipes). It could vary from ship to ship, cabin to cabin. The individual can be the judge, but how I wish I would've taken pictures now ... seems some people DO want to judge what I'm reporting.


And no... I'm not about to run around on ship testing the water at various spots for particulate matter. I'll leave that for the sewer smell searchers. But water quality DOES cross my mind when I'm onboard. I just seem to hope on the nice side that the water served at my meals, out of ice machines, drink machines, and served in the dining room doesn't go through the same pipes as what I get in my cabin. I guess I could be gullible there as well.

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Well - although we buy water onboard sometimes before a port, sometimes we don't - depends on how much we think we'll need.


As far as the water in the bathrooms...oh, good grief! You should see the water where I work: tastes bad, smells, and if you put it in a clear glass and look through you'll see a million particles (I call them floaties).... So, I put it in a Brita filter and that takes care of most of it. When the filter starts to get old I can tell because it tastes like blah!!! I have not had the water onboard, in my cabin, dining, where ever, ever taste like the blah I have tasted. So - I would drink it without hesitating!

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Well - although we buy water onboard sometimes before a port, sometimes we don't - depends on how much we think we'll need.


As far as the water in the bathrooms...oh, good grief! You should see the water where I work: tastes bad, smells, and if you put it in a clear glass and look through you'll see a million particles (I call them floaties).... So, I put it in a Brita filter and that takes care of most of it. When the filter starts to get old I can tell because it tastes like blah!!! I have not had the water onboard, in my cabin, dining, where ever, ever taste like the blah I have tasted. So - I would drink it without hesitating!


Well, I'll count you as an informed as a consumer. Drink away then.

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All the water on the ship comes from one source, the Desalinization Plant which converts sea water into fresh water. Thy usually are reverse osmosis systems. I believe the water is perfectly safe to drink and have never heard on anyone getting sick from it.


Bobster is absolutely correct. ALL the fresh water on the ship is desalinated on board and in most cases, probably cleaner/purer than most folks drink at home.

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Might be clean... the pipes in between the desalination systems and the cabins though...



I am not sure the laws on ships, but in the US water must pass the test when it comes out of the tap. (ie in your home)


People are scared about what they see and smell in water, but some of the "best" looking and smelling water comes from those purple pipes (reclaim water) and I would only drink that water if there was no other and I had not had water for days.

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First of all let me explain that I am a nut when it comes to water!! It's not one of my favorite drinks and I know drinking water is good for you but I just don't like it. I drink flavored water sometimes and bring about 2 eight packs on the ship. If that runs out, I buy the bottled spring water on the ship mostly for taking pills. I never even drink the purified water like Aquifina, etc. I NEVER drink the water on a ship and even brushing my teeth makes me gag. On the other hand, my sister drinks it by the gallons and loves the ship's water! I even give my dog bottled spring water and since doing that, her water dish stays crystal clean. I know this is a mental thing!:D

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