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Kicked Off Ship


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Just off the Majesty of the Seas (11/26 - 11/30), with 100 kids on board -- can't recall hearing or seeing any major incidents; all the kids I saw were very well-behaved, even when roaming in groups. From what I heard from staff, the two previous cruises (4-day and 3-day during Thanksgiving week/weekend) had about six hundred kids each and they were very happy to see those two voyages come to an end!


As for the families being removed over the menu switching/trashing incident referenced earlier? I'm willing to bet that it wasn't about the incident itself, the inconvenience or the tarnishing of RCI's reputation. It sounded to me as if the straw that broke the camel's (or in this case, the Hotel Director's) back was taking the evidence of what happened to the parents and getting nothing but grief and verbal abuse instead of backup and support.


Y'see, this is where I think behavior has changed -- not in the kids, but in the parents. If I had ever done something like that as a child and someone confronted my parents with evidence, my parents would have been horrified, embarrassed, apologizing up down left and right for any inconvenience my actions had caused and promises to do whatever it took to make amends.


And then, behind closed doors with me, there would have been








I can't even begin to think of the punishment I would have received. First, for doing what I did in the first place. Second, for publicly embarrassing my parents with my behavior. Third, for whatever other reason. And then those amends promised by my parents? I'd be the one out there making them, and everyone would know what I did.


But what do you get today? Parents screaming right back that their kids couldn't possibly have done anything that bad and that the accuser is just overreacting. I'm glad RCI has decided that argument or further dialog with such parents is meaningless and opting to remove them from the cruise environment.


(By the way, I've got an elementary school teacher friend looking over my shoulder for a moment. Even though she's never cruised, she's now a HUGE fan of RCI -- and I think you can imagine why!)

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As for the families being removed over the menu switching/trashing incident referenced earlier? I'm willing to bet that it wasn't about the incident itself, the inconvenience or the tarnishing of RCI's reputation. It sounded to me as if the straw that broke the camel's (or in this case, the Hotel Director's) back was taking the evidence of what happened to the parents and getting nothing but grief and verbal abuse instead of backup and support.


Y'see, this is where I think behavior has changed -- not in the kids, but in the parents. If I had ever done something like that as a child and someone confronted my parents with evidence, my parents would have been horrified, embarrassed, apologizing up down left and right for any inconvenience my actions had caused and promises to do whatever it took to make amends.


And then, behind closed doors with me, there would have been








I can't even begin to think of the punishment I would have received. First, for doing what I did in the first place. Second, for publicly embarrassing my parents with my behavior. Third, for whatever other reason. And then those amends promised by my parents? I'd be the one out there making them, and everyone would know what I did.


But what do you get today? Parents screaming right back that their kids couldn't possibly have done anything that bad and that the accuser is just overreacting. I'm glad RCI has decided that argument or further dialog with such parents is meaningless and opting to remove them from the cruise environment.


(By the way, I've got an elementary school teacher friend looking over my shoulder for a moment. Even though she's never cruised, she's now a HUGE fan of RCI -- and I think you can imagine why!)

I think the crux of much of this thread has been the parents not taking responsibility for instilling proper behavior in their kids. It is easier to let the kids take over and then blame the school, cruiseline etc. for picking on their kids. Kids always test limits and the parents who are supposed to reinforce limits. Time out, taking away tv or electronic games, grounding or having to work off a parent's restition can work or something creative aimed at your child (we made our daughter listen to Neil Diamond when she was young for punishment)

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It does HAPPENS! Maybe not in Labadee but people with children are asked to leave the ship. We were on the Conquest - September 2005 and there were a group of people traveling with children. These children were constantly running up and down the stairs, literally knocking people down. They were warned several times to keep their kids in line. Either they refused to do so or their children didn't listen to their parents. When we landed in Cozumel, our second to last of port of call, these people got off the ship with their children, luggage and all. We didn't see them for the rest of the voyage. Good riddance as far as I am concerned.

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I can't even begin to think of the punishment I would have received. First, for doing what I did in the first place. Second, for publicly embarrassing. Third, for whatever other reason. And then those amends promised by my parents? I'd be the one out there making them, and everyone would know what I did.


But what do you get today? Parents screaming right back that their kids couldn't possibly have done anything that bad and that the accuser is just overreacting. I'm glad RCI has decided that argument or further dialog with such parents is meaningless and opting to remove them from the cruise environment.



And this is why when we were younger we would have NEVER done some of the things kids do today. Today with both parents working and they want to be friends with their kids and make up for the guilt they feel for working they over indulge and under discipline. I also had a little fear of my parents when I was young and a little fear goes a long way....once I was an adult they were my closest Friends!!!


Good for RCCI I hope it will be a lesson for many who let their children run wild on ships!

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And this is why when we were younger we would have NEVER done some of the things kids do today. Today with both parents working and they want to be friends with their kids and make up for the guilt they feel for working they over indulge and under discipline. I also had a little fear of my parents when I was young and a little fear goes a long way....once I was an adult they were my closest Friends!!!


Good for RCCI I hope it will be a lesson for many who let their children run wild on ships!

Your explanation of many of today's parents' behavior explains my pointes better than I did.
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I totally understand that I was the responsible adult, but in all honesty I should have taken more of an interest into who my son was bringing and asked some other parents of my sons friends their opinions about this kid. I don't mean that I didn't care at all who he brought only that I never took the time to ask the RIGHT questions....is he on any medications/ does he have any behavior problems/any food allergies/ ect.... Honestly we were so caught up in the planning and excitement of cruising again it never even occured to me to ask these questions which is why I shared this story so maybe other parents who think they are doing a wonderful thing for their child and his/her friend can be prepared. Anyone under the age of 25 is considered a minor on RCI and the adult they are traveling with must sign a document stating that they are responsible for said person, I just want parents to research ll the facts first as I never want anyone to go thru what we did.

Also, his grandparents are in denial about him and his condition. The Saturday after we came back ( while we should have still been on the cruise) his grandpa called and asked me when I would be sending the money for the airfare they put on their credit card:eek: after I first apologized for the colorful language I was about to use....I asked the man if he was out of his #@%!* mind! If it hadn't been for his grandson hanging his tooty off the back of the ship I would be sitting on a deck still soaking up the sun. They did tell me they would reimburse me for the cruise and the $700.00 I spent getting the kid from Miami back to St. Louis ( incidently, my dad told me to leave him in Miami.....once I got him to the states he was no longer my problem!) and I never , ever heard from them again!

Thanks to everyone for the support. It has been almost 2 years since this happened and it was not easy to admit that I made such an error in judgement. Again, I can't stress enough how supportive and helpful the staff at RCI were thru all of this, I could see in their eyes that they felt really bad for me in this situation...afterall...this "kid" wasn't really a child he was 20 yrs old and fully capable for taking responsibility for his actions....I was just an inocent bystander trying to do something nice for my son. I knew what the rules were when I signed for him so I'm not trying to shift blame...believe me after 2 yrs I still blame myself for not doing my homework!


I know you blame yourself what happened on the cruise 2 years ago. You might have felt better if the grandparents had been brought up on criminal charges charges of endangering the welfare of the boy under their care -- as they failed to inform you of his condition and of the medications he needed to take regularly --, and civil charges to reimburse you for all you lost due to the sudden interruption of the cruise. There is also the matter of defamation of your charachter -- for example, you indicated that Royal Caribbean forbade you to ever bring a minor on board a cruise in the future, and their records will always hold you at fault for what happened.

You knew the rules when you decided on the cruise, but what happened were matters beyond your control.:eek:

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some people whether parent s or not.. are not

capable of controling their children in a crusie

enviorment..they d take Freesytle Cruising to a whole

new level..:mad:


if parent s can t teach their children the consequence s

for their action s..then perhap s best to teach the

parent s..ie, kick their dumb a** s off the ship..:p


perhap s this may just seem like a social issue onboard..but,

with these type of children it can easily turn into a much

severe safety issue..

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some people whether parent s or not.. are not

capable of controling their children in a crusie

enviorment..they d take Freesytle Cruising to a whole

new level..:mad:


if parent s can t teach their children the consequence s

for their action s..then perhap s best to teach the

parent s..ie, kick their dumb a** s off the ship..:p


perhap s this may just seem like a social issue onboard..but,

with these type of children it can easily turn into a much

severe safety issue..


While I understand your impatience with young people and with parents who consistently deny that their own would ever be involved in pranks, etc. (I get sick to my stomach when I hear the phrase "boys will be boys" to explain their young people's wrongdoing), I fail to see how your reply recognizes that many parents, etc. face problems beyond their control. Before you make generalities, listen to some ofthe people who have posted on this thread.:mad:

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During the second day of our cruise on the EOS in July 2001 we witnessed a family of four being "off loaded" allegedly due to their 16 year old son partaking of some "whacky tobbacky". Our travel agent, who traveled onboard with us, learned that the family was warned once, then released after a second incident. I'm still curious how one would explain the early arrival home to neighbors and friends?

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During the second day of our cruise on the EOS in July 2001 we witnessed a family of four being "off loaded" allegedly due to their 16 year old son partaking of some "whacky tobbacky". Our travel agent, who traveled onboard with us, learned that the family was warned once, then released after a second incident. I'm still curious how one would explain the early arrival home to neighbors and friends?


Anyone want to bet that they told everyone that the cruise was so terrible that they demanded to be let off early and flew home determined never to sail with RCI again?:rolleyes: If the neighbors really know them, they'll probably figure out the real reason anyway.;)

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I know you blame yourself what happened on the cruise 2 years ago. You might have felt better if the grandparents had been brought up on criminal charges charges of endangering the welfare of the boy under their care -- as they failed to inform you of his condition and of the medications he needed to take regularly --, and civil charges to reimburse you for all you lost due to the sudden interruption of the cruise. There is also the matter of defamation of your charachter -- for example, you indicated that Royal Caribbean forbade you to ever bring a minor on board a cruise in the future, and their records will always hold you at fault for what happened.

You knew the rules when you decided on the cruise, but what happened were matters beyond your control.:eek:


Though I'm very sympathetic to this poster, what happened to her does not constitute defamation of character.


And why would this poster feel "better" if the grandparents were brought up on criminal charges? Geez, how would putting a couple of old folks in jail solve anything? Those grandparents were probably overwhelmed with that kid and were probably doing the best they could under the circumstances. They should have ponied up with more financial reimbursement imo, but we also don't know both sides of the story or any other factors.

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some people whether parent s or not.. are not

capable of controling their children in a crusie

enviorment..they d take Freesytle Cruising to a whole

new level..:mad:


if parent s can t teach their children the consequence s

for their action s..then perhap s best to teach the

parent s..ie, kick their dumb a** s off the ship..:p


perhap s this may just seem like a social issue onboard..but,

with these type of children it can easily turn into a much

severe safety issue..

Have heard of at least 2 times where kids set fires on ships including igniting the roller ball track (caught on video surveilence) on Explorer. That's a HUGE safety issue and the rest of us the ship do not need to have these kids actions put us in an unsafe situation. The kids and their parents were kicked off the ship. Wonder if the parents learned a lesson.


So far, I have not heard of parents suing RCCL and then running to the media for being kicked off a ship -- I thinks the cruise company's contract is probably very well drafted by very savvy lawyers.

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Though I'm very sympathetic to this poster, what happened to her does not constitute defamation of character.


And why would this poster feel "better" if the grandparents were brought up on criminal charges? Geez, how would putting a couple of old folks in jail solve anything? Those grandparents were probably overwhelmed with that kid and were probably doing the best they could under the circumstances. They should have ponied up with more financial reimbursement imo, but we also don't know both sides of the story or any other factors.


Not sure what you mean by "both sides of the story" but what I have posted are the facts of the situation I endured. Never in a million years would I have ever even considered any kind of legal recourse, as I have stated many times thru my posts...I should have asked better questions before I took the responsibility for another person. Lets all remember, as well, that although his grandparents did not inform me of his condition they may have thought he did! Yes he was a minor as far as RCI was considered but he was 20 yrs old and in the USA that is considered an adult. I simply want other parents to be forwarned what could happen if you assume control of another person's child.

One poster asked how someone would explain being home early....for me...I was still in a state of shock for about 3 days after I returned home and there were very few people who knew I was home.....it was literally months before I could even talk about it to anyone other than close family members who went thru that day with me while I was terrified about how I was going to get us home. Incidently, RCI did let me make as many ship to shore calls as I needed to make before I left the ship with no charge, which I thought was very nice of them!

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I think the crux of much of this thread has been the parents not taking responsibility for instilling proper behavior in their kids. It is easier to let the kids take over and then blame the school, cruiseline etc. for picking on their kids. Kids always test limits and the parents who are supposed to reinforce limits. Time out, taking away tv or electronic games, grounding or having to work off a parent's restition can work or something creative aimed at your child (we made our daughter listen to Neil Diamond when she was young for punishment)


That is cruel and unusual punishment - my apologies to the Neil Diamond fans!! HA HA Bet she never did whatever it was again.:p


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I've read thru 190 posts, I intend to keep reading. I agree that if anything happens to cause safety concerns or even the choas & financial cost to rccl because of children's antics then the family should take responsibility or be put off. This thread has developed another discussion regarding children out of school which directly concerns my family as we're cruising in January & our kids (and their friends who are going with us) will all miss a week of high school.

This is the first time we will be taking our children out of school for a family vacation. I wasn't able to vacation much with my family as I grew up, we actually had 1 vacation my entire childhood, which I deeply cherish. My parents goal was to vacation at retirement so they saved all their lives for that. When they retired my mom became ill & passed away 2 months later, never getting to travel. That has changed the way I parent.

While school is very important, the family time is even more important. We are not a family that can vacation when school is not in session anyway, I am actually more in demand in my job when school is out as I own a daycare center. Our kids will miss 3 days of some classes & 2 days of others classes as they are on a rotating schedule.You cannot tell me that a week out of school, with the responsibility to make up the school work, is going to mean more than what it will mean to spend time as a family. (no offense to you wonderful teachers!) Also one of my sons will miss a total of 5 days for two scheduled school trips, one a biology trip & another so he can sing at the Kennedy Center, of course he will have to make up the work.

Am I going to let my kids & their friends go as a group to the teen club, participate is scheduled activities, go to the pool, yes! However, rules will be discussed & the kids will have meals with us when not participating in alternate supervised meals as well as spend alot of family time together as well, a little balance basically. For those that have made blanket statements I only respectfully ask that you do not consider ALL kids or ALL parents to be inept to rules & others considerations. I have no reason to believe that my kids will cause any trouble because their past behavior has proven they are responsible, however, we continue to be parents that keep letting them know what will happen if they even think about straying off course.

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Nice post Rcclbound. I'm not a parent yet, but I couldn't agree with you more. It is important for children to holiday with their parents, and if means they miss one week at school once a year so what! As a child I suffered acutely with asthma and often missed a couple or more weeks a year. I was always able to catch up.

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I've read thru 190 posts, I intend to keep reading. I agree that if anything happens to cause safety concerns or even the choas & financial cost to rccl because of children's antics then the family should take responsibility or be put off. This thread has developed another discussion regarding children out of school which directly concerns my family as we're cruising in January & our kids (and their friends who are going with us) will all miss a week of high school.

This is the first time we will be taking our children out of school for a family vacation. I wasn't able to vacation much with my family as I grew up, we actually had 1 vacation my entire childhood, which I deeply cherish. My parents goal was to vacation at retirement so they saved all their lives for that. When they retired my mom became ill & passed away 2 months later, never getting to travel. That has changed the way I parent.

While school is very important, the family time is even more important. We are not a family that can vacation when school is not in session anyway, I am actually more in demand in my job when school is out as I own a daycare center. Our kids will miss 3 days of some classes & 2 days of others classes as they are on a rotating schedule.You cannot tell me that a week out of school, with the responsibility to make up the school work, is going to mean more than what it will mean to spend time as a family. (no offense to you wonderful teachers!) Also one of my sons will miss a total of 5 days for two scheduled school trips, one a biology trip & another so he can sing at the Kennedy Center, of course he will have to make up the work.

Am I going to let my kids & their friends go as a group to the teen club, participate is scheduled activities, go to the pool, yes! However, rules will be discussed & the kids will have meals with us when not participating in alternate supervised meals as well as spend alot of family time together as well, a little balance basically. For those that have made blanket statements I only respectfully ask that you do not consider ALL kids or ALL parents to be inept to rules & others considerations. I have no reason to believe that my kids will cause any trouble because their past behavior has proven they are responsible, however, we continue to be parents that keep letting them know what will happen if they even think about straying off course.


We have taken our son with us on most of our cruises, and he was in grade school at the time. We try to have a good rapport with his teachers every year and have never had a problem allowing him to bring his school work along for him to do (1 cruise I even video taped his mom working with him and took it in to school for his classmates to see) and we always have him do a special project on the ports of calls to present to the class.

On our last Mariner cruise, Capt Johnny typed an excuse note for him to take to school with him (his teachers got a really good laugh).

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My parents goal was to vacation at retirement so they saved all their lives for that. When they retired my mom became ill & passed away 2 months later, never getting to travel. That has changed the way I parent.

Very powerful statement and this is a point of view that I consider often - even more so as I get older and my kids grow up.

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I've read thru 190 posts, I intend to keep reading. I agree that if anything happens to cause safety concerns or even the choas & financial cost to rccl because of children's antics then the family should take responsibility or be put off. This thread has developed another discussion regarding children out of school which directly concerns my family as we're cruising in January & our kids (and their friends who are going with us) will all miss a week of high school.

This is the first time we will be taking our children out of school for a family vacation. I wasn't able to vacation much with my family as I grew up, we actually had 1 vacation my entire childhood, which I deeply cherish. My parents goal was to vacation at retirement so they saved all their lives for that. When they retired my mom became ill & passed away 2 months later, never getting to travel. That has changed the way I parent.

While school is very important, the family time is even more important. We are not a family that can vacation when school is not in session anyway, I am actually more in demand in my job when school is out as I own a daycare center. Our kids will miss 3 days of some classes & 2 days of others classes as they are on a rotating schedule.You cannot tell me that a week out of school, with the responsibility to make up the school work, is going to mean more than what it will mean to spend time as a family. (no offense to you wonderful teachers!) Also one of my sons will miss a total of 5 days for two scheduled school trips, one a biology trip & another so he can sing at the Kennedy Center, of course he will have to make up the work.

Am I going to let my kids & their friends go as a group to the teen club, participate is scheduled activities, go to the pool, yes! However, rules will be discussed & the kids will have meals with us when not participating in alternate supervised meals as well as spend alot of family time together as well, a little balance basically. For those that have made blanket statements I only respectfully ask that you do not consider ALL kids or ALL parents to be inept to rules & others considerations. I have no reason to believe that my kids will cause any trouble because their past behavior has proven they are responsible, however, we continue to be parents that keep letting them know what will happen if they even think about straying off course.


Taking students out of school for family vacations has become such a problem in our area that those absences are now considered "unexcused" and the students are not allowed to make up their work. They get zero's on all missed assignments.


Now that parents are aware of it, they have resorted to lying to the schools about their kids' absences. Great lesson to teach your kids, huh? Can't get by when following the rules? Then just LIE about it. Makes me ill.

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