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What do you do with your dog?


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We are the proud parents of Tucker, a six-month-old boxador. We have always been cat owners and have never had a problem with someone coming into our home once a day to take care of them. With our new addition things have changed a little; first let me say that Tucker is VERY spoiled taking him to a kennel is NOT an option.

We have found a "ranch" about 45 minutes from our home that we will take Tucker to this weekend for a trial. The ranch is very nice with lots of room to run and play with new buddies (10 dog max). The only time they crate the dogs is during mealtime. They have a pool, take the dogs on hikes and in the evenings have grilled treats. At night they sleep on pillows in bedrooms (yes real bedrooms) with one of their buddies. The price is a little high ($45 per night) but not that much more than if someone was going to come into our home three times a day ($14 per visit for a total of $42).

So my question is what do you do with your dog(s) while on vacation? What are you willing to pay to ensure your pet is well taken care of? Has the thought of land vacations in a new RV ever crossed your mind?

You can see pictures of Tucker at the WebShots link listed below.

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We have two rather spoiled dogs, too! We have an adopted ex-racing Greyhound and an Italian Greyhound. Neither of them would survive a kennel! We had used a petsitting service several years ago where they service actually came to your house and picked up your dogs, took them to a host family and brought them back home when you returned from your vacation. Our two hounds always went to the same home and they seemed to enjoy the pampering they received there! However, this service went out of business (it was a franchise) but the woman who always watched Kayley and Hunter, decided to do this on her own. So, we still use her services whenever we go away and it's worked out wonderfully! I sure don't know what we'd do if she ever stopped petsitting....I fear we'd be hard pressed for another vacation again!!!!

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Family members have always taken our dog when we cruise. We now have a family cruise planned next year, so now what do I do? Just last week was talking to a neighbor who is taking their first cruise. They ask what to do with the dogs?? We decided to trade off :D , they will come to my house 3 or 4 times a day, I will go to theirs when they are gone. Talked to them again today and they asked my daughters to watch their dogs so they can plan some weekend trips. Do you know any responsible, trusting teenagers? Good luck with finding a dog sitter and enjoy your cruise.

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Cat-I am very lucky to have a great source of support for my dogs when we travel and otherwise. My DH and I have 2 retired racing greyhounds and the adoption group we volunteer with has a sitting exchange that we belong to where members (including ourselves) sit each others dogs in their homes for a nominal fee ($5/day for members and $10/day for non-members). Of course, you can't beat the price but, the best part is knowing your dog is well-cared for and in a home, not a kennel with other owners who know the specifics of the breed. We just returned from a 5 day cruise last month and our 2 dogs stayed with a couple who adopted a dog we had fostered for 2 months. Another wonderful benefit our group also has is they will organize a search party when someone's dog is lost. These were important factors we considered when adopting because we couldn't bear the thought of leaving our dogs in a kennel. The cats stay here at the house and are looked after by a neighbor.



Southeastern Greyhound Adoption/Greyhound Pets of America


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Since I got my dog Brownie, I've taken two cruises. Brownie is a mix of Chow/Pit Bull/Australian Shepard. She is a very lovable and social animal used to going to the pooch park at least 5 days each week. The first cruise (7 days), she stayed with a friend from the pooch park and had a wonderful time. She now thinks that Rocky's (an Akita) owners are part of her family. When I took the next cruise for 4 days, Rocky and his family were not available, so I took her to a kennel. This kennel is wonderful. She had doggie ice cream everyday and "yappy hour" where she played with other dogs of a similar size and temperment. She loved the place and when I take her there for grooming only, she is always in a hurry to go inside. With the additions of ice cream and yappy hour, it runs about $30 per day. My dog is worth every penny. Here are some links to some of her pictures along with her friends from the pooch park.






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I also have two very spoiled poochies (a wire fox terrier and a border terrier). I board them at a lovely kennel that has an outdoor run aera for every two kennels (each run takes turns using it), a joint area where a few times a day they "play with other dogs of similar temprement and size. We call it doggie camp and they haave always loved it. I board them in seperate kennels becase the WFT is a male and can pick on the BT if he isn't watched. Very alpha male. It is $25 per dog a day. If I coudl put them in the same kennel the 2nd dog woudl only be $18. It is so worth it to spend the $$ not to have to worry about them.

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For my upcoming cruise my parents are coming to stay at my house to watch the dog (and the kids;) LOL). Our cruise next year is a family cruise and I have begun thinking about what to do with the dog already. It will probably have to be a kennel.

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Thank you for posting; I'm glad to see that there are other dog lovers out there. We have talked about having someone come to our house to stay but have been unable to find the right person at a reasonable rate. As for someone coming a few times a day that just won't work for Tucker; he is use to lots of human contact. I really hope he does well at the ranch this weekend and we won't have to worry about this in the future.

I love the idea of networking with other dog owners and have started doing so at doggy class and also plan to join the local kennel club.

Kathy- What dog park do you go to? We go to the one in Upland a few times a month. Although Apple Valley is building a dog park up here I'm not sure if we will use it. Many of the dogs here in the high desert are "yard dwellers" and have no social skills; it will be interesting to see how the city plans to enforce the rules.

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Tucker is a CUTIE !!!! It will be hard to leave him!


I have a housekeeper that my dog just loves! So, on our first cruise I approached her about keeping him for me and it has worked out beautifully!!!

He is almost as much a part of her family as mine and I don't have to worry about him when traveling. But I sure do MISS him!!


She's always asking me...when are you leaving again?

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I have a little silky terrier who is also very spoiled. I paid a fellow employee to come and live at my house while we were on our 10 day cruise. Every day I woould email her from the ship (the pet sitter,not the dog) and she would keep me posted on how things were going. Worked out really well and hopefully will be able to do the same thing next cruise.


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I do not think that the $45 is too steep. I would definetly pay it if the only other reasonable option was a kennel. I have an adorable, spoiled, very sensitive cocker spaniel who does not do well when around other dogs or people that she doesnt know. I would NEVER take her to a kennel, although there are some dogs that dont mind it at all.

I am very lucky to have my mom very close by and little Mirra just goes over there when I am on vacation.

I was recently approached by a friend of mine asking me to move to Seattle with her (which I have always wanted to do), but when it came down to it, I had to say no b/c I wouldnt have anyone I trusted enough to watch Mirra when it came time to vacation! :) I suppose thats a bit overboard, but I just couldnt enjoy a vacation if I was worried about her the whole time.

I certainly hope Tucker likes the ranch - it sounds like a wonderful alternative for our furry children when Mommy or Daddy has to go away!

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We have two dogs (black labs) and two cats. All hopelessly spoiled. My youngest sister usually house sits for us whenever we go on vacation. She'll just stay over during the duration of our vacation. If she can't house sit then we make a reservation with a local pet sitter. We've used them several times in the past and have been extremely happy with the service we received. They always send the same lady and the pets are very comfortable with her. They charge us $16 per day for a visit in the morning and one in the early evening. A kennel would be the absolute last resort and we will do everything we can possibly do to avoid going that route.

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My parents used to dog sit for us all of the time but now we moved 350 miles a way. I have had a housesitter which worked out great, he was my daughter's bf but they have since broken up. Last winter when we went on the Legend, my dog's groomer took care of him. He was old and slept all of the time, unfortunately he had to be put to sleep in May. We now have a very energetic puppy, I hope the groomer will be able to watch her when we go on the Miracle in december. I always worry about my dog when we are gone but they have always had great care.

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We have 2 babies-a Maltese and a Springer Spaniel. They are like our children.


My 26 year old son always keeps them for us. I bought a condo that he rents from me-he will tell you I only bought the condo where the dogs would have a comfortable place to stay when we travel so they will not have to go to the kennel.


I always take them over to his place the night before we leave-and to me that is the strangest feeling to be in the house without my babies there. I take them over the night before because they are not happy campers when they see the suitcases come out.


I will be the one with the picture of my dogs on the mirror in my cabin.

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I have 2 absolutely spoiled chocolate labs named Bear and Moose. These big babies actually sleep with me every night (Bear weighs 98 pounds, Moose is 90 pounds)! Lucky for me, my daughter owns a condo minutes away from my house. When I go on vacation, she just comes over and stays at my house with the dogs.

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I belong to a very spoiled Boston Terrier named Duchess who totally rules my house! She does not do well in kennels. When I go on a vacation she can't go on either my brother or my daughter keep her for me. She loves going to both places so it works out well. I can ask her if she wants to go to Lee's (my brother) or Cindy's (my daughter) and she will grab her leash and run for the door.


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Our 3 Belgians (1 Malinois, 1 Laekenois, 1 Sheepdog) go to 'doggy camp' (a boarding kennel) when we cruise. It is located at our vets. We thought about 'doggy sitter' but the dogs DON'T like strangers in the house.


When we don't cruise for vacation, we camp. The dogs love it!

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We had a neighbor "live" in our house with our three but she got a steady job and a new boyfriend;) So now we are down to two dogs and they go to the vet's kennel aka "the spa" where they are loved and taken care of.. actually I have a better time away because I don't worry about them.. it's a bit steep at 34 a day vs. 150 a week for Mimi the dogsitting goddess but worth the peace of mind:)

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I never will place my pets in a kennel again. My own vet boarded them for just a weekend in his kennel which connected to the animal hospital he operates. When I got them back, they had kennel cough, fleas and intermittant bouts of diarrhea and constipation. They ran in our backyard like they hadn't been exercised in a year!


Lesson learned on my part. I now plan my vacations when I know other family members won't be on their vacation and if they are unable to care for my pets, I will pay what ever it takes to have someone come to my home.

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We take Chip (a Wire Haired Fox Terrier) to the "Bed & Biscuit" kennel. It's new, next to the new vet's office. Costs $15 day (just went up a buck) plus the extras. (Treats, playtime, pupcorn & a movie, etc.) They even added Sat/Sun brunch.


Shadoe (my cat) stays home & I have someone come in & check on her, feed her, etc.

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my ex-husband took our dog to the pound and told everyone,

including me, that he found a home for her in utah.


(he had the house and i had moved into my aunt's place and couldn't

have her at the time but if i'd known he was going to do this

i'd have found a way)


when i found out where she really was, she had been in the

pound for 3 weeks and had been scheduled to be put down the week before

but they gave her a stay because I was also a registered owner.


I had a trip scheduled for 10 days later and knew i couldn't

let her repeat her "pound" experience.

I found a woman who watches about 15 dogs in a rural area

about 20 minutes from my house.

she has a perfect area fenced off, just made for the dogs.

its' huge, lots of nice grass, wading pools,sand.

there are horses and pigs on the property.

The woman only boards dogs who are in her daycare.

(she picks up the dogs, for 6-7 hours and returns them to their home)


when she told me that if I boarded rosie with her, that rosie

would have the run of her house and sleep on her bed,

I knew that was exactly what i wanted.

rosie is very much a mommy's girl and i knew she would attach

herself to this woman.

so I took rosie out to the dog area so we could see how

she did and we tried one day of daycare and she was fine.

when the woman dropped rosie off after my weekend-

rosie cried after her when she left.

this woman has hounds and does hound rescue.


I'm going on a cruise 10/29 and will REALLy be able to

enjoy myself, knowing rosie is in very good hands.


I think of her as my "miracle dog"

she's been my best friend for 10 years

she will be with me until her last day...

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We are going cruising at the end of the month. I have six japanese chins (three of them are just 2 weeks old today). I have a friend from work who is going to stay at my house for the week and in exchange she will get a bottle of some drink she likes (cant remebmer the name) for each dog she watches.

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I wouldn't throw out the kenne option without visiting some first. We've got an absolutely wonderful woman who owns a local kennel and our dog just LOVES her! Sometimes I think Marble would rather be THERE than at home! LOL The kennel owner lives on-site (the kennel is her converted garage--it's air-conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter. DH wants to know if he can stay there since we don't have a/c! LOL) When Marble is there, she actually gets MORE attention from the owner and her staff than she would at home (we both work full-time jobs).


Pennsylvania requires that dogs be vaccinated for Kennel Cough before you take them to the kennel--but I'd do it anyway! It's foolish not to do so! She also gets Revolution (for fleas, ticks, and heartworm) once a month and has NEVER come home with fleas (or anything else). We take her bed with us, her own food, and her favorite toys--never a problem. One time, I forgot to pack dog treats :( in her bag and the owner provided them free of charge.


And every time we pick her up, we practically have to drag her to the car to come home. The kennel owner has become an honorary "Aunt" to our dog, she's truly fabulous. I couldn't say enough good things about her.


The horror stories are, IMHO, from people who have experienced less exemplary kennels! My advise is to shop around and visit a few. Like you, our dog is our "child" and we'd NEVER put a child even in a day-care without visiting it--nor would we put our dog in a kennel without knowing she's in good hands!


Edited to add: Marble is never friendly to other dogs and, because the owner knows this, Marble gets lots of individual attention. She gets walked alone with the owner. When it's 'yard time', Marble gets it alone, etc. In short, the owner and staff are more accomodating than children's day-care centers. (I know because I used to work in day-care!)

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We adopted 2 dogs a few months ago, a 1 1/2 year old Akita (female) is Athena and a 2 year old Akita/Chow mix (male) Zeus, big babies. She's 65 and he's 85 pounds. They were strictly outdoor dogs for the previous owners and we've been initiating them to house living. But sometimes they just want to stay outdoors at night so we let them. We have part of our garage as their "doghouse" they have heated pillows (expensive but worth it). A 5 gallon doggie water cooler and toys galore. There's a door leading to the large backyard for playtime. I have two friends who will take turns checking on them in the morning and evening, but the morning will be easy just making sure they made it through the night :) They're great they come stay for a few hours and play with them and feed them. Much better than putting two very large babies in a kennel. Plus since we just adopted them I'd hate to have them thinking they're being given up again already! They're such wonderful kids (well he is, she can be quite a handful but we love her just as much!)


This is for our trip to St Maartens in October. For our Christmas cruise, I'm looking into doggie camps. Even though they're big furry dogs and used to the outside I just couldn't stand to leave them. The one friend has said she'd stay at the house for that time though!


Our babies, we need to take care of them! :)

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