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What do you do with your dog?


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Dammit (my Yorkie) has a housesitter come and stay with him. Since he is quite sure he is human, and is certain those other 4 legged type creatures are some subspecies beneath him:rolleyes: , he certainly isn't going to spend time in a kennel with "them"
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[quote name='Host Caroline']My son has an Australian Cattle Dog.. and no one, absolutely no one, had ever heard of the breed.. His name is Bamboo and he's a cutey- about 7 months old... how big do they get?????[/QUOTE]
I've seen several at the shelter I volunteer for, most were females ranging from 35-50lbs depending on their diets :) They are a nice medium size dog full grown and have great agility traits, too. Most that I've come across were extremely loving, too. Your son is very lucky!!!
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Our 10 year old Standard Poodle, Maddie, stays with relatives. We are extremely grateful that Maddie is loved while we're away.

Maddie was boarded at a "country-club" type kennel once. She was treated to massages, a whirlpool, etc. When we picked her up after our vacation, she had conjunctivitis that was so severe her eyes were actually sealed shut. The kennel operators had 4 contact phone numbers for us, the name, address and phone number of the NY hotel and no one contacted us. We were livid. She has never been back to a kennel.

We also take Maddie on vacations because we hate leaving her. She's a major joy in our lives. She's had perfect health all her life. We visit pet-friendly hotels/vacation rentals and rent a pet-friendly oceanfront house in the Outer Banks the first week in October each year. She loves to run on the beach. Maddie even has her own bedroom at this house - :D.

I love the fact that so many of you have rescues or shelter dogs. Unfortunately, I have major allergies, therefore I have to be selective with breeds. If I could, I would adopt every dog at our local SPCA. I just love them!
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Our 13 year old lab/collie cross stays at our daughter's house when we go on holiday and he loves it there. We were due to sail on Triumph last Saturday but our flights were cancelled due to Hurricane Frances and we had to cancel our cruise.
On Monday morning our Ben took a stroke and has been very poorly only starting to walk yesterday and drink on his own. He still hasn't eaten and the vet is quite concerned about him today. We're trying everything to tempt him to eat.
So maybe we weren't meant to be on that cruise ship. Makes you wonder.
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Are you sure it was a stroke your dog had. A dog I had several years ago expereinced stroke-like symptoms one day. He was 12 at the time. He had a condition called -- Canine Vestibular Syndrome. They synptoms minick a stroke, but isn't one. And it clears up on its own in a few days to a few weeks.
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My Boxer, Dixie, is four years old, and I saved her from her former owners who were going to put her down when she was 2. When I go somewhere and she can't come with me, I board her at her veterinarian's office. They have a boarding facility there. She get's a 24 square foot run, raised sleeping platform, elevated food and water bowls, and she gets a premium dog treat twice daily. She sleeps on her own dog bed, and has lots of her own toys. Most importantly, they take her out 4 times a day to play and to "do her thing". I feel guilty because when I pack up her bag to go she gets really excited.

The bottom line is to ask to tour anyplace that you will board your dog. If they do not require current vaccination (including kennel cough), if they will not let you tour the areas where the dogs are housed, and if they will not provide references, you do not want to board your buddy with them.
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Hi Caroline
Australian cattle dog is the same as a blue or red heeler.

If its a blue its a grey blue colour with brownie colour like a mask on it face.
Red I think orangey colour with like white tips and white mask from memory.

We have had two blues. Size depends on whether male or female. Head comes up to around your knees. And the males can be very keg like. Round and solid. Very bright dog. You can teach them anything. But the yard!!!!!!
Ours use to drag our pot plants around, dig holes and was very very naughty for the first two years. Brillant guard dog but friendly as well.

We no longer have them as this was a long time ago.

We know have a ****zu. Little fluff puff!! Charlie doesnt have a brain his head but is the cutest little guy ever.

As we will be gone for 6 weeks we are having a friends son (30) come and stay in our house. He is bringing his dog with him.

He will also look after Oscar. Our two year old himalayan cat. Who believes the house is his and every one should bow to him including us and the dog!!!

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Hi Caroline, Kailee is 3 years old now and she comes up to just above my knees. She is very smart and very very possesive. She hates men and wheels! But she is a great watchdog, and loves kids and other dogs, so the neighbor kids can come in the yard and check her water and feed daily while we are gone. She has some chow in her too.
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[size=3][color=darkred]Hstrybuf: We have a 9 yr. old yellow lab and he's still a baby also! Or so he thinks. He also thinks hes a lap dog and at 110 lbs. hes too big! :p We love him to pieces....and hate leaving him. He stays at a kennel which is also his doctor. They take very good care of him, but we still miss him. Doing a 14 nighter next year, it will probably kill us to leave him, but I take pictures of him with us! Sick I know, but can't help it.[/color][/size]
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Hi beaming 90

Dont know why but Australian Cattle Dogs all latch on to wheels of any type.
Could be they where breed to round up cattle by nipping at the heels thus the term blue heeler. Jemma our first blue use to attack the lawn mower wheels and I am sure if we had kids then she would have been attached to bikes as well!

They are so clever. We took ours to obdience classes and did the agility thing as well. More for exercise then anything else. Now we have got a dog who doesnt even know his name!!!!!!! We can call by the cats name and as long as its in the right pitch he comes running. I would love another bluey but our yard is really small know and they need room!

I dont know how I am going to go being away from him for so long. He really is my little baby! Kids are off at school all day and he my new toddler.


ps I wonder what happened to my post. Typed in the breed of my dog which is spelt like a swear word and know has stars.????????? Strange!!
And someone has added hi caroline at the top????
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Sorry Beaming 90,
I thought you where talking to me! My name is actually Caroline as well and I too had Australian Cattle dog.

And then I write ps how did someone write hi caroline in my post. It was like I was writing to myself! Know I realise I was writing to Caroline (host)
I did it myself. How totally stupid am I!!!!!!!

Really need to lay off the blonde hair streaks. Sheesh!

Caz (Caroline)
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We are very lucky that my mother loves to take my big baby (110 lbs.) german shepard/dobbie... We tried the kennel once when he was a 1 1/2 but he ending up getting hives - he has never been back. We also own a fifth wheel camper which he loves - We can't leave the yard without him - so rv around the country isn't a bad idea, although I do love a vacation that I don't have to cook or clean -
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[QUOTE] We also own a fifth wheel camper which he loves - We can't leave the yard without him - so rv around the country isn't a bad idea, although I do love a vacation that I don't have to cook or clean - [/QUOTE] Krittie67,
That's the same thing your fur baby said about traveling in the RV...
[i]He[/i] loves a vacation where [i]He[/i] is pampered & [i]He[/i] doesn't have to cook or clean either!
Notice who the emphasis is on? :D
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We are going on a cruise and will be gone a total of 13 days. None of the places I have contacted are willing to let them play together with supervision and we do NOT want them in the same cage together as our Chi is much bigger than little Shi Tzu and they love one another but sometimes he just gets a little rough with her. They say it is a liablility issue and even though I am willing to sign a waiver to let them play together as this is a LONG time to be away from us and not be allowed to play together?

I contacted a vetenarian boarding place and they had the nerve to tell me they would charge 13 dollars per dog and they would NOT be allowed to play together nor would they ever be allowed outside to play??They would be in this little cage and they would have food and water and nothing else?I just can NOT believe they can board these dogs under these circumstances and I am sorry to say I gave them an earful and told them they should NOT be boarding any dogs under these circumstances.

I just wish I could find a realiable dog sitter who would come to my house and take them out and play with them, make sure they have food and fresh water.etc. I think I am going to become a "pet sitter" as I am sure there has got to be a big demand for people who really love dogs.etc.

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Australian Cattle Dogs are awesome dogs. I volunteer with a dog rescue group, we have no shelter so we have many people who foster dogs in their homes until we find their forever home. I fostered a blue heeler in my home for 9 months. He was probably one of the smartest dogs I've ever seen. But they do need lots of space. He would just run circles around my tiny yard, and I walked him constantly. We used to laugh because he would walk around my house 'on his rounds' as we would say, but to me he always looked like he was rushing around because he was running late for an appointment. He HATED airplanes or helicopters. If he was outside and one flew over, he would jump and jump and try to 'snag' it from the sky. It was a riot to watch. If I had more room I probably would have kept him, but he has a wonderful home now.
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I adopted Molly, a 3 year old German Shepherd, from a Shepherd rescue group a little over a year ago. She was chained to an abandon home when they found her and she tried to chew through the chain. She filed down some of her teeth and has no canine teeth as a result. She lived in a kennel for a year when we came upon her and adopted her. That same year I lost two dogs to old age and was hesitant to have another dog and we are so glad we adopted her.

Problem is we hate to leave her and we take several trips a year. Since my kids are all grown and out of the house she is our "baby". Luckily, my son lives close by and has a house (and a couple of dogs of his own). She stays with him and her "cousins" when we go away.

Our last cruise on the Glory we had her picture with us in a frame (yes, we are nutty). The room steward made a towel animal that looked just like her and put it next to her picture.
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple]Well things did not go well at the "Ranch". Tucker is home and we are not in Vegas:( [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080]We dropped Tucker off yesterday around 9am and got the call around 1:00 that he was not doing well. Seems he was having some serious separation anxiety and didn't want the staff to touch him. We were told that he was fear aggressive and even snapped at a couple staff members. Although this was his second visit to the ranch this was the first time he had been left. Tucker enjoys playing with new buddies but when it comes to people other that Mack and I he is not very social. I had no idea he was so dependent. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080]At this point we will need to work on human socialization before we can even think about leaving him with someone else. It's nice to have a dog that is so loyal but it is a huge problem that currently he has no need for people. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080]The RV thing is looking better all the time. [/color][/size][/font]
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[size=3][color=darkorange]Cat: Sorry to hear that Tucker had a bad day. :mad: At least you did a trial run and didn't leave him on your way to a cruise. Poor little guy, makes you want to hug him even more. I'm sure he didn't understand being left. Maybe RV'ing would get him some more "people skills" that would help in the future. Keep us posted as to how you guys are all doing. :) [/color][/size]
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Our 9 year old Sheltie, MacGyver, was attacked by another dog while protecting our son 5 years ago and has had health problems on and off since then, including several surgeries. He has to have 6 inch thick orthopaedic pads or those egg crate things so he will not develope pressure point problems on areas that have had much surgery and will no longer grow fur. Hence, I do not want to leave him anywhere but home for fear we will end up with another open wound that will not heal. So I leave him at home in the TV room, with the floor covered in 6 inches of foam padding and foam steps to the sofa and I have a friend come by twice a day to feed him and the outside cat and our four parrots.

We bought a used travel trailor 15 months ago and one of the reasons was so we could take "Mac" with us. However, we have only used it twice for 2 days each. Glad we did not buy a new expensive one. Hopefully we will make the time to use it more often but we have just been too busy. We do love the travel trailer and having Mac with us and he love traveling with us, too. Our first trip was to a Thanksgiving family reunion and recently we went to the coast and stayed at a nice RV park that accepted pets under 30 pounds.

Hope you find a good solution.
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i am so glad someone asked the definitive question...what do we do with our pets while we cruise...in my case, i believe that my prayers were answered...my 3 year old cookerpoo, brenda, is my "soulmate"...when i went on my first cruise, i had noone to ask to take care of my dog for a period of two months as we were also making a european tour..even the person who had told me that she could take care of my dog for one month, decided taht she could not, and my friends were starting to feel guilty, that they could not offer but gave me many suggestions...and so on.

as i had run out of options...it was the week before we were to leave for our cruise... and not wanting to lay a quilt trip on my friends, because of my dog...i looked to find a animal shelter that was outside of the city...i had the address, and i stood on the spot, but i could not find the shelter...i approached a lady who was standing at the front gate of her house, who gave me directions to the animal shelter....and offered to drive me and brenda there...to our surprise the shelter was closed ...and the lady asked me if i would come back the next day...i was so overwehlemed with self pity, for me and my dog, that i told her that i had to, because i had to put my dog in a "home".

this lady offered to take care of my dog, along with her two great danes...and she does it every time i leave the city, which i do every year...brenda has found a second home...we cruise again this november, and she will be taking brenda again...i feel we are blessed to have found her...it was no accident.
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My two dobermans are far too spoiled to go to a kennel. I have a house sitter come and stay with them. I pay my house sitter very well but I still come out ahead since we also have two cats and three horses. I've found a terrific college student who is willing to come on very short notice if necessary. I think my dogs believe she's just part of the family.
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