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My Parents Just Got off the Fantasy - Bad Experience with some pax


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LHP......you mentioned 4 groups in 2008. Do you know if any large group will be on Conquest on the 9-14-08 sailing? I have tried "google" but nothing came up.


I don't have any groups down for that week on the Conquest..but then again with sailings that far away...something could always come up.

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The problem I think with posting LHP's calendar is that there would be too many comments about various groups. Many groups are no problem - we sailed with the Black Gay & Lesbian group (through a site called Songmaster) and these folks were fantastic -really nice people. But a lot of people here might see a name like that and make assumptions, or generalizations, and the next thing you know people are yelling discrimination and things get ugly. It would be a great feature on the site if there were a comprehensive list of groups on each line's forum as a sticky that is kept updated - the trick would be keeping the comments in line.



As usual, you are right on the nose. That is exactly why I tried to use the example of Goths. To 99% of people cruising, not a problem. Just a bunch of people dressed in black....to our son, disasterous.


Since Cruise Critic already has a "group" listing (just not complete)...I wish we could get that to be comprehensive. Until then we are on our own.


Each individual has the right to decide what will or won't diminish their vacation. What bothers some people, will not bother others. That fact should be embraced without all the name calling. I am sure the Motley Cruise will be a blast...if that is what you are into. Just because I would not have a good time there, doesn't mean all the folks on that cruise "are bad and I am good". "These people" are no better or worse than "those people". Just different. And those differences bother individuals to varying degrees. When that degree is strong enough to diminish the cruise experience....they should avoid those groups.


It simply means we have different tastes. Everyone's preferences should be respected.


But then, the only perfect world is on the cruise ship...and that is only if you aren't on there with the wrong "group". :D

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First, YES, a man fell overboard. See this web site:





Second, debark was delayed on 1 Dec due to the luggage coming off the ship in "mixed" containers. Every container had mixed numbers in it instead of one container having all #3s and the next container having all #4s, etc. This resulted in the SeaCaps having to sort each piece of luggage to the correct location. WHY did this happen? It was reported to me that the majority of the "Cash Accounts" on the ship "removed" their tips from the account. Your Room Stewards and Dinning Room Stewards are the "luggage fairies" who take your luggage from your rooms and "sort" it for Debarkation. This is called "pay back." It was also reported to me that the shops sold more booze in 3 days than they normally do in 5. I could go on, but I will stop here.

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It was also reported to me that the shops sold more booze in 3 days than they normally do in 5. I could go on, but I will stop here.


Not doubting you...just curious as to how you become aware of facts like this:confused:

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First, YES, a man fell overboard. See this web site:





Second, debark was delayed on 1 Dec due to the luggage coming off the ship in "mixed" containers. Every container had mixed numbers in it instead of one container having all #3s and the next container having all #4s, etc. This resulted in the SeaCaps having to sort each piece of luggage to the correct location. WHY did this happen? It was reported to me that the majority of the "Cash Accounts" on the ship "removed" their tips from the account. Your Room Stewards and Dinning Room Stewards are the "luggage fairies" who take your luggage from your rooms and "sort" it for Debarkation. This is called "pay back." It was also reported to me that the shops sold more booze in 3 days than they normally do in 5. I could go on, but I will stop here.


Hi there darling!! I have wondered where you were. I thought the 14 day transatlantic may have sapped all your strength!!


Email me when you get the chance, we need to chat!!

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Hi! You guys do a great job down in NOLA!! We couldn't have been happier with our embarkation. Debarkation wasn't really all that bad, just seemed to take a while for it to get going. Now we know why!! My question is this, I had pre-paid all of my gratuities, and had my receipt in my binder. When I went down to check on my balance (we really like those Funship drinks! LOL:D ) the pursers desk was showing that I had only paid gratuities for 2. I went back to my cabin and got my receipt, took that back down to PD, and they removed the gratuities showing on the account. Does that mean that I may have gotten my steward or anyone else "in trouble"?:confused: I never even thought about it, I just knew I had pre-paid, and didn't want to pay twice. We gave out thank-you cards with cash in them on the last night to our steward, our waiter and his asst., the maitre' d, and the camp Carnival staff, in addition to pre-paying. Please tell me I did not add to the chaos by removing the erroneous tips!:o

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No, you did not. The stewards are "informed" of WHO has removed their tips, by name and cabin number. You did the right thing by ADDING a little extra to those hard working people who deserve it. On behalf of all of them, I thank you.

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I have been on two CC group cruises with The Saints and Sinners, and am booked for a back-to-back with them on the Destiny in October.


We are delightful. :)


We do wear matching t-shirts on the day of departure as an aid to meeting old friends and getting to know new ones. We have a lot of fun, and when we do wear our shirts, people come up and ask who we are and how can they become a part of our group.


So, to the poster who said they cringed whenever they saw matching t-shirts, we're not all like that, so please don't stereotype us. As Jeff (Jessemon) so wisely pointed out to the OP (who admitted the obnoixious people her parents encountered might not even have been members of the Blues Cruise), it was unfair to denigrate them in the title of the thread with her unfounded assumption I've read that most blues fans are well-educated, affluent upper-middle class white folks.:)

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I have been on two CC group cruises with The Saints and Sinners' date=' and am booked for a back-to-back with them on the Destiny in October.


We are delightful. :)


We do wear matching t-shirts on the day of departure as an aid to meeting old friends and getting to know new ones. We have a lot of fun, and when we do wear our shirts, people come up and ask who we are and how can they become a part of our group.


So, to the poster who said they cringed whenever they saw matching t-shirts, we're not all like that, so please don't stereotype us. As Jeff (Jessemon) so wisely pointed out to the OP (who admitted the obnoixious people her parents encountered might not even have been members of the Blues Cruise), it was unfair to denigrate them in the title of the thread with her unfounded assumption I've read that most blues fans are well-educated, affluent upper-middle class white folks.:)[/quote']


You are so correct about not all groups being the same.


Every cruise has some kind of "group" on it to different degrees of size.


Groups like the Saint and Sinners (while t-shirt wearing they may be) don't (generally) dine "as a group"...so no worries about a certain dinner time being taken over. They know (or get to know) one another, without "moving as a group".


They just happen to be a bunch of folks who love cruising...like us!!

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I don't have any groups down for that week on the Conquest..but then again with sailings that far away...something could always come up.


Since you have such a good handle on the group situation you would be a good choice as a "Host" for such an area on CC that would track and post groups for the greater benefit of us all. :)

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To the OP: I'm sorry that your parents were subjected to what they heard and saw during their cruise. Hopefully they either reported the incidents during the cruise or take the advice of this thread and contact Carnival and report it in the near future. Also, I have read and agree with all of your posts. Having a DD4 I have become much more sensitive with the actions of others around us.


LHP: No flaming. Let me first say that I agree with your writings on this thread and feel that it was very unfortunate that the OPs parents were subjected to a few individuals acting out of line although, if you don't mind, I do question your definition or understanding of "pornography". When looking up the definition of "pornography" it states that it is "Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal." While profanity it certainly inappropriate at any time, as you have stated, and especially around children, I'm having a hard time correlating the meaning of profanity to "pornography". Children, that we are speaking of, are not at the stage yet of being sexually aroused. Would you mind further explaining?

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To the OP: I'm sorry that your parents were subjected to what they heard and saw during their cruise. Hopefully they either reported the incidents during the cruise or take the advice of this thread and contact Carnival and report it in the near future. Also, I have read and agree with all of your posts. Having a DD4 I have become much more sensitive with the actions of others around us.


LHP: No flaming. Let me first say that I agree with your writings on this thread and feel that it was very unfortunate that the OPs parents were subjected to a few individuals acting out of line although, if you don't mind, I do question your definition or understanding of "pornography". When looking up the definition of "pornography" it states that it is "Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal." While profanity it certainly inappropriate at any time, as you have stated, and especially around children, I'm having a hard time correlating the meaning of profanity to "pornography". Children, that we are speaking of, are not at the stage yet of being sexually aroused. Would you mind further explaining?


No flames....


What you described is the classbook definition. But as we all know, our society does not live by classbook definitions. We live and run our government on "evolving" defintions that change as our level of acceptance changes. One can use the word pornography to relate to many things that are not pornographic by definition. (IE Hooters) Unfortunately, "profanity" does not adequately describe what happened on this ship. In our society today, "profanity" is nothing. It used to be horrible..but now it is used on TV every 5 seconds and as a result has lost its "true definition". This is why I use the word pornography because (at least for a few more years) it does have some meaning of distaste and distain...as something that should be avoid around minors at all cost.


But even sexual arousal for this age is not out of the question. We are talking about anyone under the age of 18 as being a minor. I don't know what age children you have been around lately, but since kids today are getting pregnant by the age of 13...it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see just how young their little minds start thinking that direction.


But this isn't just about sexual arousal...it is about protecting children from being intimidated, young ladies (12+) sexually harassed, demeaned and degraded which is the purpose of this language. The music CDs which are 18 and only labels on them are "words" only. And yes, sexual words are there not only to arouse, but to intimidate, demean and degrade. There in lies the danger.


Words matter. Sometimes not just the word itself, but the manner in which it is intended. This very same group who think nothing of intimidating, demeaning and degrading young ladies sexually and yes, young children age 12) .... would "riot" if someone demeaned them with a word they hate.


So yes, sexual harassment is pornography (while perhaps not by strict definition) and whether it is physical or verbal should never be tolerated around children.


My biggest fear is that if this is not gotten under control now, how far down will it slide? The experts will tell you that "actions" start with words. Since we talking about being "trapped" on a cruise ship for 5 days .... what happens when those words move to action. What happens when "just the words" don't intimidate enough. Don't give the abuser the rush to their insecurities that they crave??? Do you want to be on that ship with them, when that time comes? I don't and I am an adult.


I will gladly change the "word" from pornography to profanity...if I thought it would convey a strong enough message...but I just don't think it does.

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Since you have such a good handle on the group situation you would be a good choice as a "Host" for such an area on CC that would track and post groups for the greater benefit of us all. :)


oh no....as I told Host Mach...there isn't enough Valium in the Western Hemisphere to put up with "us". :D

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Im out of Popcorn, have to go out and get some, be right back. :D





Over 100 posts and there has been very little "popcorn" material...just some honest discussions. I am finding it very refreshing for a change!!!



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In January I will be sailing with an Firefighter/EMS group also a sight impaired group. I was looking forward to the fireman group :rolleyes::rolleyes: (I hear they are usually pretty buff!!) And I figure if I need help its good to have the EMS group!!


And hopefully for their sake while I'm lounging by the pool in my suit I will be in the company of the sight impaired group.


But after reading reviews now I'm concerned with leaving out of San Juan with the locals??:(


But this is my first cruise and I'm going to have a good time no matter what!!!

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No flames....


What you described is the classbook definition. But as we all know, our society does not live by classbook definitions. We live and run our government on "evolving" defintions that change as our level of acceptance changes. One can use the word pornography to relate to many things that are not pornographic by definition. (IE Hooters) Unfortunately, "profanity" does not adequately describe what happened on this ship. In our society today, "profanity" is nothing. It used to be horrible..but now it is used on TV every 5 seconds and as a result has lost its "true definition". This is why I use the word pornography because (at least for a few more years) it does have some meaning of distaste and distain...as something that should be avoid around minors at all cost.


But even sexual arousal for this age is not out of the question. We are talking about anyone under the age of 18 as being a minor. I don't know what age children you have been around lately, but since kids today are getting pregnant by the age of 13...it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see just how young their little minds start thinking that direction.


But this isn't just about sexual arousal...it is about protecting children from being intimidated, young ladies (12+) sexually harassed, demeaned and degraded which is the purpose of this language. The music CDs which are 18 and only labels on them are "words" only. And yes, sexual words are there not only to arouse, but to intimidate, demean and degrade. There in lies the danger.


Words matter. Sometimes not just the word itself, but the manner in which it is intended. This very same group who think nothing of intimidating, demeaning and degrading young ladies sexually and yes, young children age 12) .... would "riot" if someone demeaned them with a word they hate.


So yes, sexual harassment is pornography (while perhaps not by strict definition) and whether it is physical or verbal should never be tolerated around children.


My biggest fear is that if this is not gotten under control now, how far down will it slide? The experts will tell you that "actions" start with words. Since we talking about being "trapped" on a cruise ship for 5 days .... what happens when those words move to action. What happens when "just the words" don't intimidate enough. Don't give the abuser the rush to their insecurities that they crave??? Do you want to be on that ship with them, when that time comes? I don't and I am an adult.


I will gladly change the "word" from pornography to profanity...if I thought it would convey a strong enough message...but I just don't think it does.


Excellent explanation. Thanks! Maybe that's what I was hoping :) . Agree fully.

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In January I will be sailing with an Firefighter/EMS group also a sight impaired group. I was looking forward to the fireman group :rolleyes::rolleyes: (I hear they are usually pretty buff!!) And I figure if I need help its good to have the EMS group!!


And hopefully for their sake while I'm lounging by the pool in my suit I will be in the company of the sight impaired group.


But after reading reviews now I'm concerned with leaving out of San Juan with the locals??:(


But this is my first cruise and I'm going to have a good time no matter what!!!


Fortunately, there are far more positive sailings than negatives on the Destiny. The negatives one just seem to be talked about more. We have cruised from San Juan and it did have a more "international" feel to is. The other people at our table did not speak any English (that they admitted to) and that was different. But no big deal. We just used the universal language of a smile and hello as we came and a smile and goodbye when we went. We still have a great time.


Go and have a great time and enjoy those "buffed bodies"!! ;)

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I'll probably get flamed for this, but, personally, I detest the "popcorn" comments. I think they are incredibly rude and add absolutely NOTHING to the discussion. If someone doesn't want to read and/or participate in a thread, just click "back" on your browser. If you have nothing to add, then don't post.


Sorry. One of my pet peeves on this board. :mad:


Back on topic: I don't want to cruise with ANY group simply because I don't believe it's fair to all the other cruisers that areas of the ship may not be available to them due to group activities.


Off topic: I'm afraid I don't understand the "prepaid" comments about tips. Don't we all prepay these days? Aren't the tips simply added to your S&S account? So, how can you "prepay" AND have the tips added?



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I'll probably get flamed for this, but, personally, I detest the "popcorn" comments. I think they are incredibly rude and add absolutely NOTHING to the discussion. If someone doesn't want to read and/or participate in a thread, just click "back" on your browser. If you have nothing to add, then don't post.


Sorry. One of my pet peeves on this board. :mad:


Back on topic: I don't want to cruise with ANY group simply because I don't believe it's fair to all the other cruisers that areas of the ship may not be available to them due to group activities.


Off topic: I'm afraid I don't understand the "prepaid" comments about tips. Don't we all prepay these days? Aren't the tips simply added to your S&S account? So, how can you "prepay" AND have the tips added?




Some people elect to pay for their tips when they pay for the cruise. They are not added to their Sail and Sign. However, they can not be changed like you can on the Sail and Sign.

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