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The Nerve!!!


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OK got that down too.


Funny thing is all and all he is a happy boy. But he thrives on attention and likes to be in control. I think part of it is toddlerhood. Don't know what all the other parts are though. We'll get through it I adore him way too much.

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I just love kids, especially when I see them having a temper tantrum I think its cute and will smile at them. when my daughter was little and had a few temper tantrums basically crying and screaming I would tell her go ahead and scream, come on louder, I can't hear u, she would just look at me scream then stop and we would continue shopping or what ever we were doing.

u shouldn't be embarrased if your kids are acting up, doesn't mean you are a bad parent. but they do know they get your attention if they do it. or they know thats how the can get to leave. I put my daughter in gymnastics at a young age to help tire her out because she had so much energy, and got her to draw for her quiet time( gave her crayons and paper) to this day she still will draw for her quiet time and she is 19 years old . we have a very good relationship and some good conversations.


my daughter has always been one of the pickest eaters, and never liked staying long at a diner table but she learned to sit there with us till dismissed from the table. and always brought something for her to do.


I am looking forward to seeing the kids on the cruise, you are welcome to sit at my table. just watch out for my mom she loves them too. we try to tell her not to talk to the kids as that beats out all the training of not talking to strangers.

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I just love kids, especially when I see them having a temper tantrum I think its cute and will smile at them. when my daughter was little and had a few temper tantrums basically crying and screaming I would tell her go ahead and scream, come on louder, I can't hear u, she would just look at me scream then stop and we would continue shopping or what ever we were doing.

u shouldn't be embarrased if your kids are acting up, doesn't mean you are a bad parent. but they do know they get your attention if they do it. or they know thats how the can get to leave. I put my daughter in gymnastics at a young age to help tire her out because she had so much energy, and got her to draw for her quiet time( gave her crayons and paper) to this day she still will draw for her quiet time and she is 19 years old . we have a very good relationship and some good conversations.


my daughter has always been one of the pickest eaters, and never liked staying long at a diner table but she learned to sit there with us till dismissed from the table. and always brought something for her to do.


I am looking forward to seeing the kids on the cruise, you are welcome to sit at my table. just watch out for my mom she loves them too. we try to tell her not to talk to the kids as that beats out all the training of not talking to strangers.

Ah the world needs more people like you. The fastest way to get my son out of his tantrum is to totally ignore it. It's also the fastest way to get the complaint that that parent doesn't parent her child. Well I do. My son thrives on attention and gee by picking him up and walking him out of whatever room deck whatever we're in is giving him lots of attention. Now if I'm in Walmart and he throws a tantrum and I just keep shopping it's usually over with real quick. But it depends on the environment I'm in if I choose to totally ignore or pick him up and walk out. :( But you and your mom would be perfect because I could put a mouth full of food in my mouth while someone else talked to him. :D
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It happens all over this board.

Apparently, if you have a small child that in any way, shape, or form, could possibly disrupt a complete strangers vacation, you need to take that into consideration, and they would most appreciate it if you would just stay home and not vacation at all!




OK, I'm going to chime in here as one of those who would rather you stayed at home with your small children.


Only you can decide what your child can handle in the form of all day tours. Should you take the enjoyment of strangers into consideration for your vacation? Yes. Would you take a child who screams and yells to see a movie? If you did take a small baby and it started acting up and screaming would you take it outside so as to not interfere with other's enjoyment of the movie?

Ever child, of any age, is different. As is every parent. Some are responsible and some are not. We have been on a few cruises and several land based vacations, we go to Disney here in FL at least ever couple of months (without children), and I see maybe 10% of the children acting in uncontrolled disruptive behaviour. If your child can act responsibly, and you as the parent can control them or remove them from interfering with others, then why shouldn't you take your child?

Sadly it's the people who ask these questions who are normally the responsible parents, and who teach their children responsibility. The ones who let their children run wild typically don't bother to ask because they really don't care.


So make up your own mind if your child can handle it. There is nothing wrong with getting advice from people, especially from the tour operators, but ignore those who condemn every child simply for being a child.


That being said, enjoy your cruise and your tours, whichever you decide.

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OK, I'm going to chime in here as one of those who would rather you stayed at home with your small children.


Only you can decide what your child can handle in the form of all day tours. Should you take the enjoyment of strangers into consideration for your vacation? Yes. Would you take a child who screams and yells to see a movie? If you did take a small baby and it started acting up and screaming would you take it outside so as to not interfere with other's enjoyment of the movie?

Ever child, of any age, is different. As is every parent. Some are responsible and some are not. We have been on a few cruises and several land based vacations, we go to Disney here in FL at least ever couple of months (without children), and I see maybe 10% of the children acting in uncontrolled disruptive behaviour. If your child can act responsibly, and you as the parent can control them or remove them from interfering with others, then why shouldn't you take your child?

Sadly it's the people who ask these questions who are normally the responsible parents, and who teach their children responsibility. The ones who let their children run wild typically don't bother to ask because they really don't care.


So make up your own mind if your child can handle it. There is nothing wrong with getting advice from people, especially from the tour operators, but ignore those who condemn every child simply for being a child.


That being said, enjoy your cruise and your tours, whichever you decide.


I'm confused. The first line of this post says 'I'd rather you stayed at home with your young children' but the rest seems open minded and ends with the idea that a parent should make their choice based on their child and ignore people who say... well... what the first line says... :confused:


Other than that first line, though, I agree with all of it!! :)

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Oh, and remember, to make the magic 'sit through dinner' potion, it's two parts rum and three parts warm milk... :eek: (JOKE!!!)


Is that for me or the toddler?


I agree that you know your child better than anyone else, but do please keep your fellow passengers in mind. I have a 19 month old and have been considering what tours to take him on during our cruise in May. Our son is very well behaved and has always done well on planes, we've only had to leave a restaurant once because of our baby, etc. But I think I personally will pass on the all day tours with him that are not private. If you haven't been on long car rides with him/her before, I recommend taking a few and see how your little one does. Take a 5 hour trip somewhere on roads with LOTS of turns, stop every 30 minutes or so and take him/her out for 10 minutes, and see how s/he does. If you can do this for a couple weekends without a problem, then I would say go for it. If it is meltdown city even once, then either give the tour a miss or take a private tour.

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I just love kids, especially when I see them having a temper tantrum I think its cute and will smile at them. when my daughter was little and had a few temper tantrums basically crying and screaming I would tell her go ahead and scream, come on louder, I can't hear u, she would just look at me scream then stop and we would continue shopping or what ever we were doing.

u shouldn't be embarrased if your kids are acting up, doesn't mean you are a bad parent. but they do know they get your attention if they do it. or they know thats how the can get to leave. I put my daughter in gymnastics at a young age to help tire her out because she had so much energy, and got her to draw for her quiet time( gave her crayons and paper) to this day she still will draw for her quiet time and she is 19 years old . we have a very good relationship and some good conversations.


my daughter has always been one of the pickest eaters, and never liked staying long at a diner table but she learned to sit there with us till dismissed from the table. and always brought something for her to do.


I am looking forward to seeing the kids on the cruise, you are welcome to sit at my table. just watch out for my mom she loves them too. we try to tell her not to talk to the kids as that beats out all the training of not talking to strangers.


Yes, we have taken to letting him scream it out.


Thankfully, all of his temper tantrums have been restricted to home, so far.....and it does seem that he "wears himself out" and/or is starting to realize that his tantrum isn't getting him what he wants.


These tantrums suck too because I know for a fact that he totally forgets what he was originally pissed or frustrated about after the first 3 minutes....

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OK, I'm going to chime in here as one of those who would rather you stayed at home with your small children.


Only you can decide what your child can handle in the form of all day tours. Should you take the enjoyment of strangers into consideration for your vacation? Yes. Would you take a child who screams and yells to see a movie? If you did take a small baby and it started acting up and screaming would you take it outside so as to not interfere with other's enjoyment of the movie?

Ever child, of any age, is different. As is every parent. Some are responsible and some are not. We have been on a few cruises and several land based vacations, we go to Disney here in FL at least ever couple of months (without children), and I see maybe 10% of the children acting in uncontrolled disruptive behaviour. If your child can act responsibly, and you as the parent can control them or remove them from interfering with others, then why shouldn't you take your child?

Sadly it's the people who ask these questions who are normally the responsible parents, and who teach their children responsibility. The ones who let their children run wild typically don't bother to ask because they really don't care.


So make up your own mind if your child can handle it. There is nothing wrong with getting advice from people, especially from the tour operators, but ignore those who condemn every child simply for being a child.


That being said, enjoy your cruise and your tours, whichever you decide.


My gripe about the response that OP got, on the other board, was that every response assumed that the child was going to be a hellian. None of the responders assumed that, since OP would consider taking her 20 month old on this excursion, maybe she felt her baby could handle it.


Personally, we ARE doing the cosol tour in St. Lucia. I am very confident that DS's temperament can totally handle this tour (6 hours). We've also, already, planned the first 2 days of the cruise so that DS can rest. So he will be in tip top shape for the Cosol tour.


We are also considering doing Eli's Eco tour at another stop. that tour is longer (8-9 hours, I think) and I am not completely "sold" on doing it, because it might be too long.


For all other ports of call, I am looking into 3-4 hour tours that start around 1 pm. DS naps from 10-12 so I know he will be rested and the 3-4 hour time frame is something I know he can handle.


But, again, my beef is that other posters don't even begin to consider that these parents DO take into consideration the type of things that I have mentioned above. They just moan and groan about taking a child on a shore excursion, like your child is the bird flu, reincarnated....

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All I hope is that each parent take what their child(ren) can handle into consideration. There was one person on that thread on the RCI board who quite clearly stated that they don't care how much they interfered with others vacations and that was wrong. I know that my son might be an absolute angel that day and might handle it like a champ. He might also be the devil himself and ruin everyones day so I wouldn't book a tour. But that is my son. I would say that most people wouldn't have my son and most of my friends toddlers would probably handle that tour.


I would say that most children do make a change somewhere between there first and second birthday so depending on how far out they are booking the tour make sure they can cancel just in case their children do make a change and could no longer handle the tour without a possible more then likely major meltdown.

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sas80, we'll probably be on the same van with Cosol. His reply e-mail to me said that all children are welcome on his tours. We won't complain, honest!




Awww, you're sweet!


My baby is perfect! he never cries or complains! We put him to bed and he just turn over and goes to sleep! :D:rolleyes:


Okay, the putting to bed part is actually true (really) but he is definitely not perfect!


Actually, I do believe that he will be able to handle this shore excursion without a problem. He will probably fall asleep on our shoulders at some point, and you may hear him say "what's that?" A LOT - but, all in all, we expect him to be fairly well behaved!

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Kids are kids, just like they are supposed to be. We adopted our daughters from Russia two years ago, so we are tryling to get them to develop a sense of humor and sense of fun. They no longer have to worry about having enough food, or what will happen to them. They still have rules and know the meaning of "no," but they know that they can also be just plain kids when appropriate.


Too many people on these boards and in life forget that they were kids once too. I'm still fighting growing up. I know that growing older is mandatory, but growing up is optional! ;)

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Well I know my expectations aren't too high believe me I get the stares. But I'm not the parent who will ignore it and keep eating my dinner. Now on the playground I'll ignore it. And in Walmart I'll ignore it.


I'm hoping if I just plan on bringing him out to run around between course maybe it will work out. I don't know if he'll have ADHD I know that in rare instances parents can say that their child was born with it or had it in utero. I can't say that. He is however a hyper two year old boy and that is probably normal. I can always have a couple of course at the same time even if I don't finish them I can at least have tastes. (I'm not used to eating all that food anyway.) This is where the walkie talkies will come in so that DH can say next course is served or where are you so we can swap and I can eat. ;)


BTW my mom thinks he's smart I just hope the next stage is easy because this one sure has been hard. Everyone keeps asking when I'm having the next one and I'm like year right.


I hope I come back from this cruise with all types of advice for the parents of a tough toddler like mine.



I have a tough Toddler just like you! Spirited, and has been from day one. Extremely challenging, but I tell you, on a cruise she's like a whole different person. This last cruise, we ate in the dining room every night, she was polite, quiet, didnt throw anything, didnt bang her silverware. She was amazing. We got tons of compliments on how well behaved she was. By the way, she is 2 also. We go out alot at home and its hit or miss, sometimes she'll be good and other times horrible. We just remove her when she acts up and try as best as we can to teach her manners. I cant tell you how many times DH and I have eaten in shifts or had to get our meal to go.


Its very true that some children are easier than others. Only 10% of kids temparament is "spirited" so basically 90% of kids are easier to raise than ours. Bear with it, it will get easier as he gets older, still challenging but easier. You may be surprised by how well your son does on the cruise, I sure was. Dont be afraid to try the tours or the dining room, your son may be so caught up in the new surroundings that he will behave like an angel.



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I have a tough Toddler just like you! Spirited, and has been from day one. Extremely challenging, but I tell you, on a cruise she's like a whole different person. This last cruise, we ate in the dining room every night, she was polite, quiet, didnt throw anything, didnt bang her silverware. She was amazing. We got tons of compliments on how well behaved she was. By the way, she is 2 also. We go out alot at home and its hit or miss, sometimes she'll be good and other times horrible. We just remove her when she acts up and try as best as we can to teach her manners. I cant tell you how many times DH and I have eaten in shifts or had to get our meal to go.


Its very true that some children are easier than others. Only 10% of kids temparament is "spirited" so basically 90% of kids are easier to raise than ours. Bear with it, it will get easier as he gets older, still challenging but easier. You may be surprised by how well your son does on the cruise, I sure was. Dont be afraid to try the tours or the dining room, your son may be so caught up in the new surroundings that he will behave like an angel.



So good to hear from a parent going through what I'm going through and you have a girl yet. :D Right now mine is napping and he is such an angel. :) My husband thinks that all the lights and atmosphere will help his behavior. I do think that most of the day will be good and he will love the cruise. It's so funny because sometimes he is so good and people do pay him compliments. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Oh yeah I do "I want what I want when I want it!" :p
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Is that for me or the toddler?


I agree that you know your child better than anyone else, but do please keep your fellow passengers in mind. I have a 19 month old and have been considering what tours to take him on during our cruise in May. Our son is very well behaved and has always done well on planes, we've only had to leave a restaurant once because of our baby, etc. But I think I personally will pass on the all day tours with him that are not private. If you haven't been on long car rides with him/her before, I recommend taking a few and see how your little one does. Take a 5 hour trip somewhere on roads with LOTS of turns, stop every 30 minutes or so and take him/her out for 10 minutes, and see how s/he does. If you can do this for a couple weekends without a problem, then I would say go for it. If it is meltdown city even once, then either give the tour a miss or take a private tour.


The 'formula' is for anyone who needs it!! ha ha ha


I think this is a great idea for anyone considering a long bus tour!! For everything I've ever posted about having an 'easy' child, she's definitely not perfect either, and this is the one place where we might have had an issue. She's always been so calm and quiet in restaurants, theatres, etc., but long car drives were definitely a problem. She'd get bored, plain and simple, and I'd entertain. Thank goodness for laptops and dvd players, but before we had either, most of the time I'd sing. I'd be hoarse by the time we got to my inlaws' house after a little over two hours straight of singing!! I wouldn't have dreamed of taking her on a bus tour.


Even now, though she's fine reading books or watching movies on trips to Grandma's or plane rides, we've asked her if she's interested in some of the bus stuff and she declines. She even chose not to go to the San Diego Wild Animal Park because it involved extra driving.


Sharon, the more I read your posts, the more I wish we were going to be on your cruise. You are so concerned for others and how your son will affect them, I wish we could be some of the people who wouldn't mind and could maybe even give you a hand. :) By the way... while I said I was sure he'd grow out of the 'hellion' stage... don't expect him to stop thinking 'I want what I want when I want it' any time soon... isn't that just a gender thing? :p (**apologies to all the men reading; this is just a joke)

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OK, I'm going to chime in here as one of those who would rather you stayed at home with your small children.


Only you can decide what your child can handle in the form of all day tours. Should you take the enjoyment of strangers into consideration for your vacation? Yes. Would you take a child who screams and yells to see a movie? If you did take a small baby and it started acting up and screaming would you take it outside so as to not interfere with other's enjoyment of the movie?

Ever child, of any age, is different. As is every parent. Some are responsible and some are not. We have been on a few cruises and several land based vacations, we go to Disney here in FL at least ever couple of months (without children), and I see maybe 10% of the children acting in uncontrolled disruptive behaviour. If your child can act responsibly, and you as the parent can control them or remove them from interfering with others, then why shouldn't you take your child?

Sadly it's the people who ask these questions who are normally the responsible parents, and who teach their children responsibility. The ones who let their children run wild typically don't bother to ask because they really don't care.


So make up your own mind if your child can handle it. There is nothing wrong with getting advice from people, especially from the tour operators, but ignore those who condemn every child simply for being a child.


That being said, enjoy your cruise and your tours, whichever you decide.


Dark Jedi - I haven't seen you around in a while! (Totally OT) There was a thread not that many months ago with a formal picture of a dress (chain mesh I think) worn to the dining room. I just have to say that I wish I had the guts AND the body :D

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don't expect him to stop thinking 'I want what I want when I want it' any time soon... isn't that just a gender thing? (**apologies to all the men reading; this is just a joke)


No need to apologize. It is a genetic defect that is controlled by the same gene that causes compulsive remote control-itis and male pattern refrigerator blindness (can't see anything that is right there, in front of you). I've learned to accept this defect, luckily my wife has too!



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No need to apologize. It is a genetic defect that is controlled by the same gene that causes compulsive remote control-itis and male pattern refrigerator blindness (can't see anything that is right there, in front of you). I've learned to accept this defect, luckily my wife has too!




You are so funny!! I should add that you are also very fortunate. If your 'male pattern blindness' is restricted to the refrigerator, thank your lucky stars!! My husband is lucky he can find his shoes without help - and that's when they're on his feet!!! :p

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Sharon, the more I read your posts, the more I wish we were going to be on your cruise. You are so concerned for others and how your son will affect them, I wish we could be some of the people who wouldn't mind and could maybe even give you a hand. :) By the way... while I said I was sure he'd grow out of the 'hellion' stage... don't expect him to stop thinking 'I want what I want when I want it' any time soon... isn't that just a gender thing? :p (**apologies to all the men reading; this is just a joke)

To some extent and depending on where and when I'll probably ignore the tantrum if I think it will last a minute. If it's out on the pool deck or maybe in the buffet area and it's not to crowded (I'm hoping I can get his meals at more off times but that is just a hope to make it easier on all of us -less lines), I usually know when it's a doozy and when it's a quicky. Today in Wal-mart trying to get some shopping done he was giving me a doozy but I needed to get the shopping done and I was not going to go to the store every day because he couldn't handle it in one trip. I'm just tired and want the packing over with so I had it with his walking and put him in the cart and just let him tantrum and didn't care what any one thought. Now that I wouldn't do on the cruise. Maybe because of the cruise line I'm going on but I don't think it's fair for my son to wreck havoc on someone else's vacation. Now when he is being sweet as pie, and he can be, and someone wants to be nasty, well then I'll throw it in their faces. LOL


No need to apologize. It is a genetic defect that is controlled by the same gene that causes compulsive remote control-itis and male pattern refrigerator blindness (can't see anything that is right there, in front of you). I've learned to accept this defect, luckily my wife has too!




Now for this comment. Yup genetic and he takes after his father. :D His father has finally admitted it too. Still trying to figure out if I can fast forward the Tivo better how come I'm not allowed to touch the remote?:confused:

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Now for this comment. Yup genetic and he takes after his father. :D His father has finally admitted it too. Still trying to figure out if I can fast forward the Tivo better how come I'm not allowed to touch the remote?:confused:


Congtratulations!!! Admitting there's a problem is the first step to recovery!! Good luck. Hey, on the bright side, at least you've got Tivo - so when he's not around you can watch the shows you've recorded while he was holding the remote! :)

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Congtratulations!!! Admitting there's a problem is the first step to recovery!! Good luck. Hey, on the bright side, at least you've got Tivo - so when he's not around you can watch the shows you've recorded while he was holding the remote! :)

Naaah he always deletes when he's finished watching. :mad: So I always transfer my programs to the computer.

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I didn't read everything yet. Last summer I took my two girls ages 7 and just turned 3 at the time on Cosol tours. We didn't request a private tour but when we met the group were informed that we would have our own van for the 6 of (me, dh, two girls, my sister and 18 year old niece). We had Cosol's brother for our driver and he was awesome. The van had a carseat for our 3 year old (not the best but okay enough).


At the stops we were with all the other people on the tour just during riding time that we were alone. Cosol came and checked on us a few times. He told me he gave us a van to ourselves thinking the kids might prefer that rather than listening to language he couldn't be sure of. At one stop there was a special drink and Cosol ran over to us to make sure we knew not to let the kids have it and had cold water in his hands for them. Not once did my 7 year old dd complain, throw a tantrum or anything like that. My 3 year old dd ended up falling asleep the last 30 or so minutes but otherwise was great the entire trip. The other people seemed a bit amused by the kids and one remarked how attentively they listened to the speaker at the volcano vs some of the other guests.


My 7 year old absolutely loved the tour and keeps saying we have to go back to St. Lucia to do the tour again. I think the food offerings were mostly to her likings. We did miss out on swimming due to rain but even then my 7 year old didn't complain but other adults did.



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