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the one thing I might never understand....


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Well, I hope you won't always skip mine, & I even have a bit of a complaint today myself. But give me a little while & hopefully my "glass full" side will show up. We were most looking forward to Roatan to do ziplines & see Victor's monkeys. Apparently the engine on the Spirit won't be repaired by March 3, so we won't arrive until 3 p.m. Needless to say, I am HUGELY disappointed right now. But I'll figure something out & get over it. We can do the ziplines in Belize, but I haven't found a tour where I can take my 5 y.o. son. In Roatan, his age was not a problem. So if anyone has any solutions . . .




When we were in Roatan we hired Roatan cab tours. They took us wherever we wanted to go and made sure to take us to the zipline when it wasn't busy so we wouldn't have to line up. The service was awesome and much cheaper than the ship. It was our favourite port!!!

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I agree. Look at the poll I conducted a while back (another board, but who cares.)




Thanks for the link!


I can't believe people actually voted for some of those answers!!! Sadly, though, I think they probably know themselves well enough to know that one of those incidents really would ruin their cruise.


To those of us who have started calling ourselves 'Sunshine Cruisers', on the other hand, while we might not be happy about one of those things** happening, it wouldn't 'ruin our cruise'. That's where the misconception comes in... we DO notice things that aren't perfect, we just choose not to let them 'ruin our cruise'. That's not even to say we don't spend an afternoon dealing with a problem - waiting in line, speaking to one or more people to address the issue - possibly even getting frustrated in the process... but then it's back to enjoying the rest of our vacation, because it's just not worth it to let something prevent us from getting the most that we can out of what we paid for. :)


I think the poll also shows just how different peoples' perceptions can be... the idea that some of those things would even bother someone is beyond me. 'Nude sunbathing'? On the ships where that is allowed, isn't it in a closed off area, well marked, and completely unviewable unless you make the effort to go and find it? Yet, I know that just knowing it was there would upset some people. 'Nonconformity of dress codes' I'll never understand.


As I said, I don't doubt for a moment that these incidents would actually 'ruin' the cruise for the people who voted for them. Should they? That's not my call... I just know they wouldn't for me. I would definitely not whitewash them, though. I've posted many times about a couple of men who exhibited 'Loud abusive behaviour' on one of my past cruises, and I've also posted regarding 'missed ports'. I haven't actually experienced any of the other things... yet... but I see no reason not to talk about them if I do. I have never and will never try to hide that things aren't always perfect... I just also tend to add that when negative things happen, we can choose to focus on more positive things. :)


**'those things'... in this context, I am referring to those items on the list other than 'ship sinking'... which I personally believe is a reasonable reason for saying your cruise was ruined. I do believe, though, that if the question were asked 'would this ruin your vacation?' there would still be some people who would say 'no' as long as nobody was injured. I can't say for myself, since it would depend on the circumstance... but I arrived at my hotel once to find it on fire. It didn't ruin my holiday, but it sure as hell ruined my hotel!! :p

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You're absolutely right, & I actually have a budget filled out of what I think we will pay. I'm just a weirdo, I guess, & like having things paid for in advance. Somehow having the money set aside isn't the same. It's not a big deal, just how I like to do things!


I really can't comment on whether you're a wierdo or not, since I don't know you... :p hee hee


I can tell you, though, that preferring to have things paid in advance does not make you one!! It really does make perfect sense to me... it's just not my preference if it doesn't incur interest or other penalties to wait.


I actually did have a credit card with a big cash balance once. My husband - then my fiance - had a card issued to me on his visa account and then put $1000 on it and instructed me to shop for myself while I was in Florida with my family. :) I didn't even come close to hitting the $1000 mark, but it sure made me feel good that he did it. I'm not sure I'd recommend it as a way to budget, though, since once you spend the balance... you're still able to use the card and rack up more.


It may be possible to tell the purser's office that you want a limit on your onboard spending... does anyone know if they can or will do that? I imagine they wouldn't want to because they'd rather see you spend more money... but I imagine they could 'cut off' a card - you're asked if you want your child's card to have charging priviledges, why couldn't you have your own 'revoked' after your on board account hits a certain point?

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The whole CLUB thing is not serious. For pete's sake...(not as in MR. Pete)...why are you taking this so seriously?


People are completely free to review their cruise and I certainly want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly. My original point was that I personally don't understand why someone would allow something SMALL to ruin their vacation. Some people board the ship looking for problems. One poster said that she began to keep a list of her complaints on day 2. If you focus on the bad, you will see only bad. You miss a lot of the good stuff.


It's not that different than anything in life. Consider this: When you work in an office you are interacting with different people. Some will say it's a great place to work and some will say it is workplace hell there. Each opinion is valid- right? And you begin to notice that the happy workers hang out together and the miserable workers congregate and share job leads. After a while the negative people will have the problems built up in their minds to the point that they can barely stand being there anymore.


The postive people are aware of the problems in the workplace, but they are not going to focus on them exclusively.


And if you can't guess this....I just described my own workplace. I refuse to join the complainers for lunch.


That was a very good way to put it, Jen.

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When I pasted the "Sunshine Cruisers" into my signature, it wasn't to join a clique or try to have any conflict. I'm just the type that if something happens, I try to make the best of it. Usually, it's the "bad things" that happen that end up making the best stories (like getting lost on a trail in the Smokies on what should have been a 2-hour walk rather than the walk until 2 a.m. it ended up being). I can promise I wasn't happy at the time, but I also didn't let it ruin the rest of our time in the mountain. & man, did it make for a great story even 15 years later!


I can also COMPLETELY relate to the person that went without air conditioning for 2 days. I LOVE sleeping in a cold room all covered up & can't stand to be hot. That would be a challenge for me to keep a good attitude, I must admit. I'm sure there are other things that would make a cruise disappointing to me. I just don't think less than 5-star food or bad service are going to ruin it for me.


Earlier in this post, someone suggested that the Sunshine Cruisers was more for the "low maintenance" people, which I am. Some of my very best friends are "high maintenance," and we still get along great. It's just that our views on whether things are wonderful or terrible are just a little bit different.


So there's my 2-cents worth that nobody asked for!!!!




You should meet my husband. I'll say, "Isn't it a beautiful day?" and he'll reply, "Well, so far.":(

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I wish I were more able to find that button!! It's so easy to let things go further than we want them to. :)


If you seriously want that info, I can provide it. Not difficult at all to set up the ignore feature here.


The whole CLUB thing is not serious. .


WHAT??? You mean I've wasted weeks learning the secret handshake and salute??? Kangaloosh!

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If you seriously want that info, I can provide it. Not difficult at all to set up the ignore feature here.




WHAT??? You mean I've wasted weeks learning the secret handshake and salute??? Kangaloosh!


There's a 'real' ignore button? ha ha ha ha ha I just meant in my head!


Kangaloosh!! (can we adopt this as our official club greeting? I love it!) :)

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I had been reading this thread for the humor content, but finally, people justifying the sunshine club has caused me with trepidation to point out what I felt when I saw this happen in the HAL forum. In that case, the fans of HAL decided to have a fun off-topic thread where they all agreed that since they didn't like the negative things that others posted that they would only post cheerleader comments and they all adopted cheerleader avatars. I know for certain that this was done to attack their critics. I have found that HAL had one of the best forums for fairness and open mindedness of any of the CC forums I have regularly visited. Thus when I saw the cheer leader thread and knowing what the meaning of the thread was to certain individuals, I picked up my contrarian attitude and stirred it into their cheerleader pot. (I have seen disgusting cheerleader attitude in the Princess forum, and to a lesser degree in Carnival and RCI and I can't imagine anyone wanting to be thought of like the Princess forum:confused: )


Here is what I posted then


Originally Posted by xpcdoojk viewpost.gif

I don't mean to be a party pooper. BUT.... why isn't this in the floataway lounge where it clearly belongs and why has it been allowed to stay here for so long? Things that drive people nuts while they go Hmmmm.....


BTW, most people associate cheerleaders as those who blindly root for their cruiseline no matter what things the cruiseline may do that are not honorable or right.


I would think that being a cheerleader is admitting that you are not balanced nor open minded.



The funniest part is now months later almost none of them on the cheerleader thread retain their cheerleader avatars. I was attacked visciously, as if I cared.


Here is the thread in its completeness for you sunshiney folks to view and to think about, the way it will make others think about you. I know some of you sunshine people, and I agree with you about cruising more than I disagree, but I can't understand (I believe that is the topic of this thread) why anyone would want to be viewed as a non critical, and unbalanced poster?:confused: I think this is the page where I showed up on the thread for the first time, although, I think the whole thread is fascinating in a strange way. Especially the way the happy cheerleaders attacked me for pointing out the dichotomy.




PS hi Angel/Halos good to see you again. :)


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There's a 'real' ignore button? ha ha ha ha ha I just meant in my head!


Kangaloosh!! (can we adopt this as our official club greeting? I love it!) :)


Yep, it's real. Under "user cp" below the CC masthead then go to "buddy/ignore lists" in the control panels area.


Kangaloosh came from the Adventurers Club at Walt Disney World. It's a real hoot! It's our favorite club at Disney, we go every trip there (and that's a lot of trips for us)

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I had been reading this thread for the humor content, but finally, people justifying the sunshine club has caused me with trepidation to point out what I felt when I saw this happen in the HAL forum. In that case, the fans of HAL decided to have a fun off-topic thread where they all agreed that since they didn't like the negative things that others posted that they would only post cheerleader comments and they all adopted cheerleader avatars. I know for certain that this was done to attack their critics. I have found that HAL had one of the best forums for fairness and open mindedness of any of the CC forums I have regularly visited. Thus when I saw the cheer leader thread and knowing what the meaning of the thread was to certain individuals, I picked up my contrarian attitude and stirred it into their cheerleader pot. (I have seen disgusting cheerleader attitude in the Princess forum, and to a lesser degree in Carnival and RCI and I can't imagine anyone wanting to be thought of like the Princess forum:confused: )


Here is what I posted then


Originally Posted by xpcdoojk viewpost.gif

I don't mean to be a party pooper. BUT.... why isn't this in the floataway lounge where it clearly belongs and why has it been allowed to stay here for so long? Things that drive people nuts while they go Hmmmm.....


BTW, most people associate cheerleaders as those who blindly root for their cruiseline no matter what things the cruiseline may do that are not honorable or right.


I would think that being a cheerleader is admitting that you are not balanced nor open minded.




The funniest part is now months later almost none of them on the cheerleader thread retain their cheerleader avatars. I was attacked visciously, as if I cared.


Here is the thread in its completeness for you sunshiney folks to view and to think about, the way it will make others think about you. I know some of you sunshine people, and I agree with you about cruising more than I disagree, but I can't understand (I believe that is the topic of this thread) why anyone would want to be viewed as a non critical, and unbalanced poster?:confused: I think this is the page where I showed up on the thread for the first time, although, I think the whole thread is fascinating in a strange way. Especially the way the happy cheerleaders attacked me for pointing out the dichotomy.




PS hi Angel/Halos good to see you again. :)



Your description of what a 'cheerleader' is and what those of us who call ourselves 'Sunshine Cruisers' do are not the same thing. I'm not sure why the concept is so difficult for so many people to grasp... we DO see issues and we DO post about them - we just don't let them ruin our cruise. It's pretty simple.


Also, if you think our 'club' was formed to attack anyone, you are most definitely mistaken. I can't comment on the other group you are referring to because I don't know them. This 'club' came up as an afterthough when people began posting and agreeing on this thread - and the actual 'club thread' is in the Floataway Lounge, where it belongs. This thread, however, continues to generate discussions about NCL and differing opinions regarding not only NCL but cruising in general. The hosts have allowed it to stay here for that reason.


I find it rather amusing that we, as a group, are accused of being blind to reality, ignoring the negative, and now of being non-critical and unbalanced... but the people who generally do the accusing are blind to everything in our posts that don't support their opinions of us, they ignore everything we say that doesn't support their opinions of us, and their opinions of us are critical and definitely unbalanced. :cool:

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Yep, it's real. Under "user cp" below the CC masthead then go to "buddy/ignore lists" in the control panels area.


Kangaloosh came from the Adventurers Club at Walt Disney World. It's a real hoot! It's our favorite club at Disney, we go every trip there (and that's a lot of trips for us)


I love the Adventurers Club! I knew it sounded familiar. :rolleyes: Do you think they'd mind if we used it? I already suggested it over in the Floataway lounge!! Maybe we could change it just a little... Cangaloosh maybe? Wangaloosh? :p

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Your description of what a 'cheerleader' is and what those of us who call ourselves 'Sunshine Cruisers' do are not the same thing. I'm not sure why the concept is so difficult for so many people to grasp... we DO see issues and we DO post about them - we just don't let them ruin our cruise. It's pretty simple.


Also, if you think our 'club' was formed to attack anyone, you are most definitely mistaken. I can't comment on the other group you are referring to because I don't know them. This 'club' came up as an afterthough when people began posting and agreeing on this thread - and the actual 'club thread' is in the Floataway Lounge, where it belongs. This thread, however, continues to generate discussions about NCL and differing opinions regarding not only NCL but cruising in general. The hosts have allowed it to stay here for that reason.


I find it rather amusing that we, as a group, are accused of being blind to reality, ignoring the negative, and now of being non-critical and unbalanced... but the people who generally do the accusing are blind to everything in our posts that don't support their opinions of us, they ignore everything we say that doesn't support their opinions of us, and their opinions of us are critical and definitely unbalanced. :cool:


No, I am sure that nobody wants to see themselves the way people who do not know the origins of the club will see them. I feel your pain. :D I never said you were doing it to attack anyone, but the other was. IMHO, you internalize too much of what you read and reflect too little, but again that is JMHO, and the quote was from that thread not to this thread. I know very subtle......:rolleyes:



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When I originally "joined," it was because it was nice to find a post where people thought the glass was "half full." I had NO IDEA this concept would alienate other people or make them think I was "passive aggressive" (which was written somewhere else, not in this post).


If you'd seen any of my posts today, you'd have seen the panic & disappointment of thinking I wouldn't be able to zipline or see Victor's monkeys in Roatan because of revised schedule getting us there in the afternoon. But after contacting Victor, he assures me everything will be fine & I have time to do it all. Yes, I would be EXTREMELY disappointed if I couldn't have done the tour, but I WOULDN'T have let it ruin my trip. Maybe it would ruin someone else's trip & that's fine. I also don't JUDGE or think it's WRONG for someone to hate a cruise because the food was bad. It's their choice, that's all. I don't judge them, I don't write nasty messages to their posts. I don't even wonder if I'd do differently in their shoes.


I just like having a post where people think the way I do. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate or pay attention to posts listing the negative. I appreciate those as well.


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No, I am sure that nobody wants to see themselves the way people who do not know the origins of the club will see them. I feel your pain. :D I never said you were doing it to attack anyone, but the other was. IMHO, you internalize too much of what you read and reflect too little, but again that is JMHO, and the quote was from that thread not to this thread. I know very subtle......:rolleyes:




My pain? ha ha ha ha ha Clearly, you misinterpret my posts as well. I feel no pain in being misunderstood; that doesn't mean I don't want to correct a misunderstanding or speak up when I think someone should. I misunderstood your reference to 'attacking people', and I'm glad to hear you weren't referring to this group, though regardless of your intent, you did post TO this thread. There is no subtlety there; it's just the mechanics of the exercise. :)

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When I originally "joined," it was because it was nice to find a post where people thought the glass was "half full." I had NO IDEA this concept would alienate other people or make them think I was "passive aggressive" (which was written somewhere else, not in this post).


If you'd seen any of my posts today, you'd have seen the panic & disappointment of thinking I wouldn't be able to zipline or see Victor's monkeys in Roatan because of revised schedule getting us there in the afternoon. But after contacting Victor, he assures me everything will be fine & I have time to do it all. Yes, I would be EXTREMELY disappointed if I couldn't have done the tour, but I WOULDN'T have let it ruin my trip. Maybe it would ruin someone else's trip & that's fine. I also don't JUDGE or think it's WRONG for someone to hate a cruise because the food was bad. It's their choice, that's all. I don't judge them, I don't write nasty messages to their posts. I don't even wonder if I'd do differently in their shoes.


I just like having a post where people think the way I do. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate or pay attention to posts listing the negative. I appreciate those as well.



I am so glad to know you're going to make your tour!! YAY!! :)

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My pain? ha ha ha ha ha Clearly, you misinterpret my posts as well. I feel no pain in being misunderstood; that doesn't mean I don't want to correct a misunderstanding or speak up when I think someone should. I misunderstood your reference to 'attacking people', and I'm glad to hear you weren't referring to this group, though regardless of your intent, you did post TO this thread. There is no subtlety there; it's just the mechanics of the exercise. :)



Somehow, I am unsurprised by your post. :p Of course, I have an unfair advantage, I have actually read your posts and understood your point of view.:D



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Ouch..I really htink this should be prefaced with In my opinion..


I find it rather amusing that we, as a group, are accused of being blind to reality, ignoring the negative, and now of being non-critical and unbalanced... but the people who generally do the accusing are blind to everything in our posts that don't support their opinions of us, they ignore everything we say that doesn't support their opinions of us, and their opinions of us are critical and definitely unbalanced. :cool:


I don't think you (not you per se) are blind to reality. I think you just want to ignore it..IMO. I don't think people in the "club" are non-critical..I've certainly been reading a lot of threads lately by them and they are certainly not non critical. And I have certainly not ignored things said in posts, but have responded to them.

I understand just what many of you are saying. That even when things go bad, you are more postiive than others and won't let it ruin YOUR cruise. However, it's what is said to and about people on many threads when it does ruin their vacation. I don't know what they have put into their vacations, or if their is illness in their families and this may be a last cruise. Or it they used 5 years of savings, or whatever. I actually would have no problem if someone wants to have rose colored glasses (I don't agree this group is Pollyanna..I watched the movie again this morning..and Pollyanna doesn't IMO fit this group), but I do seem to have a problem when others are poked fun of or commented on, just because they don't have as high a pain level, and when something goes wrong, for them, it affects how they feel about their cruise.

Go ahead and be cheerful, even when things go wrong for you..but judging by many threads the past week or longer, why attack or judge those that don't have your tolerance.

Keep in mind all the "you's" aren't you, please. I haven't seen the "attacks" or whatever anyone wants to call it from you..but I've sure seen my share from others with the sunshiney ship on this board. And I'm back to where I started..that I think that kind of behavior is more suited to High School.

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but I arrived at my hotel once to find it on fire. It didn't ruin my holiday, but it sure as hell ruined my hotel!! :p

I arrived to pick up my children once at summer camp, with the great news that we were going to vacation at the wonderful Dude Ranch across the lake from the camp. A place they had admired from afar, and always wished we could afford to go there. The car was all packed with everything we need. It was a pretty expensive place, but a wonderful family vacation spot, and I couldn't wait to tell them we weren't going home..we were going across the lake. I wasn't out of the car for five minutes, when I excitedly told them where we were going as we packed their camping stuff in the trunk. Imagine my surprise when they just stood there and stared. No excitement at all. Well, the night before the Dude Ranch in Lake George NY had burned down. I felt terrible for the owners, but I also have to say, it ruined my vacation.


We've since been there (it rebuilt)..but always, we discuss that day I picked them up from camp.


Yup, the ship sinking would ruin if for me.

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I arrived to pick up my children once at summer camp, with the great news that we were going to vacation at the wonderful Dude Ranch across the lake from the camp. A place they had admired from afar, and always wished we could afford to go there. The car was all packed with everything we need. It was a pretty expensive place, but a wonderful family vacation spot, and I couldn't wait to tell them we weren't going home..we were going across the lake. I wasn't out of the car for five minutes, when I excitedly told them where we were going as we packed their camping stuff in the trunk. Imagine my surprise when they just stood there and stared. No excitement at all. Well, the night before the Dude Ranch in Lake George NY had burned down. I felt terrible for the owners, but I also have to say, it ruined my vacation.


We've since been there (it rebuilt)..but always, we discuss that day I picked them up from camp.


Yup, the ship sinking would ruin if for me.


You're absolutely right about my statement of amusement - that was definitely my personal perception of things and should have been identified as such. I usually try to do that, but clearly missed this one. :)


I do agree with you that it's never okay to accuse, attack, belittle, insult... and I rarely intend to - though when I do, I state that I am doing so. While I know that people have seen some things I've said as attacks, whether it was my intention or not, I am sorry. I wish that when people did interpret my posts that way, though, that they would ask me to clarify rather than 'hit back'. Often when people do not intend to offend, if it isn't pointed out to them, they do not realize what has spurred the retaliation they receive... I think your above post is an example... while minor... you pointed out that what I said was just my opinion, and you were right. :)


I have to admit, my vacation would have been ruined if the entire place had burned down. In my case, of course, we just found another hotel to stay in and other than that, nothing was particularly different. I hope no people or animals were injured; that would have made it even worse. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it once it was rebuilt. :)

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If you seriously want that info, I can provide it. Not difficult at all to set up the ignore feature here.




WHAT??? You mean I've wasted weeks learning the secret handshake and salute??? Kangaloosh!


Dues are nonrefundable!!

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I had been reading this thread for the humor content, but finally, people justifying the sunshine club has caused me with trepidation to point out what I felt when I saw this happen in the HAL forum. jc


PS hi Angel/Halos good to see you again. :)



Hi backatcha. :)

and since when have you ever felt trepidation???? :p :p

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