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100+ lbs to lose???


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Thank you for your encouragement Rose!!!!!!!!! Please feel free to post here anytime. I have now idea where all my other friends have gone!!!!

I am actually going to talk to my dr. today about thyroid problems. According to all the "experts" at my weight, age and the calories alone that I have cut back to (less than 1500 most days) and exercising 3-5 days a week, I should be dropping at LEAST 2lbs or more a week:mad: . so we will see!!!!!!!!!

rose, congrats on your weight loss for far!!!!!!!, keep up the good work!!!!!
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Thanks, Leah. I usually post on the board "Goal - Aug 15" since my cruise is on Aug 14. I wanted to lose 30 lbs so I have halfway to goal.

Having your thyroid checked is a good idea. My sister was having the same problems you are and she kept telling her doctor she needed her thyroid meds adjusted. He finally listened and since he changed her meds she is losing weight much more easily. She lost 17 lbs in about two months.

Good luck.
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Well I went this am and had my thyroid test blood drawn. I should know something by tomorrow hopefully. My doctor also told me that they have discovered that because of estrogen when women start a diet they plateau in the beginning and then drop weight easier as opposed to men who lose quickly in the beginning and then plateau. He said it is our bodies trying to get our insulin in balance!!!!!!!!!! If your thyroid is okay and you are having a very hard time loosing the weight as I am, then he said try one of the "radical" low carb diets for a few weeks and then go about what you choose as your weight loss plan. So I will see come Monday at the latest I hope!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi girls!! Leah, any word on the test results yet? I'm not sure how you want it to turn out? I know I would be confused as all get up!! Do you want it to be a thyroid problem? Then you have the answer to your riddle on why you are not losing like you think you should? Do you not want it to be the thyroid? It's like you WANT to know why but will it lead to surgery? Either way, I'm praying for a positive outcome!!!!

I miss you all. I've been really crappy at the whole dieting thing and going to the gym. I'm sure I've gained and with less than 12 days to my cruise that really sucks! But I've been soooo busy at work I think - correction - I AM stress eating!! I just have sooo much to do to get ready for being gone so long. I leave next Thursday to drive to Port Canaveral. Board the ship on Saturday the 7th. Get off on the 14th. Drive home (10 plus hours) then wash clothes and leave for Baton Rouge on Sunday to be there for Orientation on Monday and Tuesday at LSU. We finally get to come home and sleep in our own beds on the 18th!! I'm going to miss my hubby and younger daughter terribly and I know that is causing me to eat too.

Hope every one is healthy and well and successful. I'll check in again soon.

Hugs and smooches to everyone!!
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Oh, Vic I am so jealous of you!!!!!!!! Leaving in 10 days!!!!!!!! You will get back in the swing of things when the time is right for YOU!!!!!!!!! I know you will enjoy your trip no matter how much or little you weigh!!! I didn't realize hubby and Jamie(right) weren't going with you. I would be kinda stressed if I was going w/o T and vicki to.

Well dr. called yesterday afternoon and said yes I had hyPOthyroidism. Which means my thyroid is tooo slow which is probably why I am depressed, tired, messed up TOM's, and can't loose the weight. I will start taking meds tomorrow morning and he will recheck my TSH level in 6 weeks. So keep me in your thoughts and/or prayers that this works and that is all it is.

Hope everyone is getting ready for summer!!!!! Last day of school today for T and he is very excited. Talk to you all soon. Miss you all!!!!!!!!!:o
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Hi there!
Yes, I'm in weight-loss mode for our cruise... it's great to have something to look forward to! :p

I dropped 80 lbs 11 years ago, and it came back (brought friends) over the next 6 years. Well, that's stress for you! It's all good, though... I've learned a lot, changed a lot, and am much more emotionally healthy than I've ever been!

So, I've dropped >20lbs so far this year, and I'm now in a good exercise routine, and I've totally changed my eating pattern, and it's looking very good to get this excess off for good!

Starting weight: 272lbs
Current weight: 250lbs
Goal: Between 145-165lbs, depending on where I end up.

This is a lifetime journey for me... I have no real interest in "dieting", and my exercise program is so that I maintain mobility! The older I get, the tougher life is on my joints and feet, so I have to exercise.

I've gone, over the past 5 years, from omnivore, to vegetarian, to vegan. Not to "lose weight", but to improve my health, and to tread more lightly on the earth. I've had some great health improvements! :p

My Dear Hubby is also working on his health... he walks to/from work (1 mile each way), and has changed his eating habits as well, to a pattern that works easily for him (he's also vegetarian, though he occasionally has some dairy products. I can't eat dairy at all). He's dropped about 15lbs so far, I think.

Our short term goal is our upcoming cruise... we hope to be in good enough shape to truly enjoy our shore excursions! :p
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Good Morning Shrinking Beauties!!! :p

I miss you all so! I've been so self-absorbed lately with so much going on that I haven't taken time to post. I do apologize! *ashamed* I haven't really been weighing, but I know that I'm steadily losing...if not pounds, than inches. My sweetie told me the other day that it's time for me to get some new clothes, lol.

Anyway, after next week, I should be around more often, my schedule slows down until mid-July and then picks back up for the rest of the summer. I hope you all are doing well!

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Oh, clothes shopping!
I'm sure my sweetie is starting to think that the shopping will Never End!

Just yesterday, I realized that I was down to just one pair of "business" slacks left! All the rest have gotten too large, and have been donated! So, it was off to Lands End to buy a couple of pair...

And this is after I've done a major Spring/Summer shopping "spree" for things that will fit, as so many things have gotten too large!
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Hi everyone. Gonna be quick here. Computer broken, so I am at the library using one. I have missed all of you sooooo much. I have not gone to the clinic in a few weeks. DH works on commissions only and the last month or so have been SLOW. However, I feel like I have at least maintained. Need to look for a scale to weigh myself. Leah - at least you have answers now. Let us know how it goes. To all the newbies - welcome!!!! PJ, Vic, Leah - miss you guys muches too. Everyone keep up the good work!! Will post more when my computer is fixed. Stacy
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went back to the gym this morning for the first time in awhile. I am at 313, again, but now on the meds I should start seeing something happen. The trainer at the gym made us a new workout routine and it is kinda rough right now but I did it!!!! Plus 15 mins on treadmill. Back to eating healthier starting today too. Will weigh again Friday morning!!!!!!!!

Hope all is well with all of you!!!!!!!!! Drop a line and keep me updated on your progress, I love hearing from all of you!!!!!!!
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Hi everyone, I'm SO glad I found this thread. I'm Brian and two months ago I started Nutrisystem....at the time, I weighed 375 lbs. That's a hard number to type. I quit smoking in October of last year and immediately gained a ton of weight, and since I was already heavy that didn't help.
Anyway, I've been doing nutrisystem for almost 2 months exactly and I've lost 47 lbs.
For excercise I took up golf and bought an excercise bike. I usually do one or the other everyday and sometimes both.
One of the things I will say is that first I was Starving in the evenings, so I ended up having an extra snack (about 100 calories) but after a week or so I cut that out and now when I finish my meal I feel very full and it lasts till the next meal.
Anyway, I want to say Way to GO! To those nearing their goals and, "Don't give up! Each day it gets better!" to those of us still working on it.
Oh yes, I'm 28 by the way...and for those guys out there trying to lose weight, don't forget to check your testosterone levels...mine were low and that was one of the problems.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorchid]Hi all:o I'm Jen, and I will be going on my first cruise on 10/12, and can't wait![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#9932cc]I am currently weighing in @219:( , but down from 234 in Feb, so I guess that's something! I've joined a gym, and work out there at least 3 days a week, more if my husband & I's schedules allow for it. I don't nec. have a "goal" weight, but considering I am only 5'1, I am technically "morbidly obese":eek: and should lose 100lbs, but in all honestly, I'd be happy getting down to 170 again![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#9932cc] I look forward to chatting with everyone, and supporting one another![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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welcome Jen, congrats on the 15 lbs! Getting started is the hardest part. and I understand what you mean...I'm 5'10" and right now am at 328.. I *should* weigh about 170 lbs but I'll be thrilled if I can get to 240.
Has anyone tried any vitamins, herbs, etc to help them lose weight...like green tea extract or coenzyme Q10 or Chromium Picolinate, or Conjugated linoleic acid to help them lose weight?
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Hi bbenson and Jen! Congrats on your weight loss to date. Welcome to our group. It has been a while since I have posted (my computer is sick - I'm at the library now using one of theirs). But I am glad to see that everyone is still on here and striving to loose weight. Keep up the good work. Jen, I too am considered morbidly obese. I never looked at myself that way, but I guess a doctor does. I too will need to loose over 100 lbs. Anyway, my 3 yr old is going nuts in here, gotta run.

Miss everyone!!! Keep up the great work. Stacy
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Welcom Jen. Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. I am 5'4", I just found out, I have been saying most of my adult life that I was 5'2" on a good day. Anyway i am 313 at the moment and most definately morbidally(sp) obese. I "should" weigh about 135 but I am shooting for 170-180. But I have small goals along the way and prizes to go along with them!!!!!!!!!

Stacy, I am sorry to hear about your computer. I am sure Spidey is something else in the library.

PJ, Vic, where are you!!!!!!!! Vic, I am sure you are packing!!!!! Lucky Dog!!!!!!!!!!!! You must post how your trip was when you get home, after you hug daughter and honey, of course......
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hi all. i to battled weight issues for a long time, then one day i was tired of it. i started writing down everything i ate.(how much water, calories fat and what kind, carbs and protien. also sodium). with that in mind i found a diet in mrns fitness mag that was called the ketoses diet. it was 1000 calories a day less than 10 grams of fat and less than 30 grams of sugar carbs. all the while keeping your water intake to a min of 70 ounces a day andno less then 90 grams of protien a day. oh by the way no more diet soda, it contains phenalylnalene( not sure about the spelling) but it is a sweetner that will prevent this diet from working. really it is bad for anyone who is trying to lose weight. there is a diet coke with splenda or make your own sweet tea with splenda. count all your calories drinks, sides etc. weigh yourself every morning when you wake up that is your optimum weight, write it in your journal. it sucks in the beginning and is very hard to do but if your serious about losing you will do what you have to, right. now this diet worked great for me and i lost over 100 pounds very fast! i also worked out a lot (3 to 5 times a week) and did cardio after my workouts. if you say you have a busy schedule and this would be tuff, your right but i did it. i really hope if anything this would be motivation for yall. remember if your unsure about any diet research it before starting to make sure it is right for you. i lost 15 pounds the first week and roughly 7 to 10 pounds after that but i was very aggresive with my workoutslight weights high reps and very little rest between sets. went from a size 42 to a size 34 slim fit wranglers. also i had a cheat meal every week i didnt go over board but i ate something i loved and then back to the diet. good luck all im rooting for everyone of yall!:cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D ;)
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[quote name='sebringcruisers']hi all. i to battled weight issues for a long time, then one day i was tired of it. i started writing down everything i ate.(how much water, calories fat and what kind, carbs and protien. also sodium). with that in mind i found a diet in mrns fitness mag that was called the ketoses diet. it was 1000 calories a day less than 10 grams of fat and less than 30 grams of sugar carbs. all the while keeping your water intake to a min of 70 ounces a day andno less then 90 grams of protien a day. oh by the way no more diet soda, it contains phenalylnalene( not sure about the spelling) but it is a sweetner that will prevent this diet from working. really it is bad for anyone who is trying to lose weight. there is a diet coke with splenda or make your own sweet tea with splenda. count all your calories drinks, sides etc. weigh yourself every morning when you wake up that is your optimum weight, write it in your journal. it sucks in the beginning and is very hard to do but if your serious about losing you will do what you have to, right. now this diet worked great for me and i lost over 100 pounds very fast! i also worked out a lot (3 to 5 times a week) and did cardio after my workouts. if you say you have a busy schedule and this would be tuff, your right but i did it. i really hope if anything this would be motivation for yall. remember if your unsure about any diet research it before starting to make sure it is right for you. i lost 15 pounds the first week and roughly 7 to 10 pounds after that but i was very aggresive with my workoutslight weights high reps and very little rest between sets. went from a size 42 to a size 34 slim fit wranglers. also i had a cheat meal every week i didnt go over board but i ate something i loved and then back to the diet. good luck all im rooting for everyone of yall!:cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D ;)[/quote]

How long did it take you all together to loose the weight?? Have you keep it off, and for how long???? congrats by the way, nice work.
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Great job Sebring! That is quite an accomplishment. I look forward to the day that I can say that I have lost 100 lbs.

Leah, yeah Spidey is a handful here at the library. Last month was REALLY slow in the car business, so DH's paycheck was tiny. Hopefully this month will be better. If not, he will look for another job. As soon as he has a decent paycheck we can get the computer fixed. Since Spidey will start preschool next year, I think I may go back to school myself (around Jan). Would start sooner, but we havent been back in FL for a year yet, so I would have to pay a higher tuition. It seems to always be one thing or another.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great day. We can do this. Dont forget to drink your water!! Love you guys! Stacy

PS. Vic - HAVE FUN!!! Bon Voyage!
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Okay, went to the gym around 4 pm this afternoon, got on the scale. It read 308. That is down 5lbs since Monday!!!!!!!!!!! Pretty happy with that since TOM is STILL HERE. 2 weeks and counting:mad: . Anyway. Have my 6 y/o nephew with us today/night and T is off his ADHD meds for the summer. They came with us to gym to swim, T was STARVING, so we stopped on the way home and got Popeye's chicken. Ate what I would have normally ate and then went to log it. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! 3 pieces of chicken(thighs), 4 biscuits(my weakness) and french fries, 2110 calories, 129 grams of fat.:eek: . I am only suppose to get 1650 calories a day and less than 20 grams of fat!!!!!!!!!! I feel sick to my stomach also!!!!!!!! Not doing this anymore!!!!!!!!

Hope you all have had a great Friday. Maybe I will hear from some of you this weekend. Just hanging around our house doing clean up work. Trying to burn some calories and get some sun:rolleyes: .

Oh I am soooo jealous of Vic. She is off on her cruise tomorrow!!!!!! Hope you have a GREAT TIME!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy yourself!!!!!!!!!!

How is everyone doing?????? Come back and talk to me, please!!!!!!!!!
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