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My Mariner Trip 12/16 - 12/23

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Day 4 Grand Cayman


Once again the phone served as our alarm clock, and the food followed shortly there after. We were two for two on room service. This was becoming a wonderful way to live! Breakfast at your door, stepping off the ship into the sunshine and a new adventure, a wonderful dinner awaiting you upon your return – ahh the good life!. If only I could stop those signs from changing in the floor of the elevator each day reminding me that time was indeed quickly passing, I’d be set!


I had looked forward to this day the most because of the rave reviews of Grand Cayman on the Ports thread and specifically the excursion we signed up for: Rays, Reef and Rum Point offered by Nativeway. I knew we didn’t want to miss the Stingrays, my hubby and I love snorkeling, and Rum Point was touted as one of the nicest beaches on Grand Cayman. After getting off the ship and dodging yet another photo opportunity, we found our group and the NativeWay guy checked our name off the list. This was the only tour where we had to give a credit card number to reserve our spot although we did pay in cash at the end of the tour. We waited about 15 minutes to make sure we had everyone and boarded two vans to get to the boat. It was about a 15 minute drive, and we made our way to the boat dock and boarded “Trippin Out”. We had a full tour (probably right around their max of 25 people) and Ethan found a spot at the front to enjoy the ride.



The ride out took about 20 minutes and our first stop was the snorkeling. They had masks, snorkels and fins for everyone to use. Their equipment was in better shape than we had on our snorkel trip in Nassau – and although we brought two of our own masks and snorkels, I was glad they had fins. You just hop right in off the boat. It wasn’t that deep – maybe 10 feet, but the water was a bit choppy that day. It took a bit longer to get the boys into their gear than I had hoped, so I was one of the last people off the boat. Total time in the water at this stop was probably about 30 minutes. Someone asked if my pictures from Jamaica were with the water proof disposable camera – yes that is all I took for that day and this one as well. It worked great in the sun, but some of the pictures I took that had shade didn’t turn out that well. I was just too worried about getting my nice camera wet on these two days. Here are some snorkeling pictures. I’m sorry to say that I wasn’t that impressed with the snorkeling. I was hoping for more fish. The reef was very nice, but I guess I don’t have the background/knowledge to appreciate the reef – I just wanted pretty fish!! The tour lists this stop as the amazing Barrier Reef – I wouldn’t know the difference, but it just wasn’t that amazing to me.


Back on the boat to our next stop Stingray City Sandbar. Now this place was incredible. When I saw the amount of other boats and their passengers in the water, I thought that we would have a slim chance of seeing a stingray. What is so bizarre is that you hop out of the boat, in the middle of the sea, and you are standing in only waist high water –yes, that would be a sandbar, but dumb old me was easily impressed! We kept our snorkel gear on as it was really cool to float while breathing through your snorkel, and see the stingrays clearly as they swim right past you.


They were everywhere! There were a lot of them, and the tour guys would “catch” one for you to see and take pictures with. My traumatized 9 year old did just great, and really loved it. The tour /Nativeway guys were very informative and helpful. They also gave you some squid to feed them (no, I didn't offer Ethan as an appetizer) – hold it out in a fist, and the stingray will come over it and suck it up like a vacuum. They must have been a bit full as they weren’t interested in my bit of squid. I was amazed at how beautiful and clear the water was.


Evan and hubby "holding" a Ray




One of the professional Ray Wranglers - don't try this at home!


The amount of time spent here was adequate/appropriate and we all boarded “Trippin Out” for our next stop – Rum Point Beach. The lunch menu was passed around, and orders taken (included in the price) so it would be ready upon our arrival. The fish and chips were very good, and Ethan had the chicken wings, and my husband tried the Jerk Pork Sandwich and enjoyed it. We pulled up to the dock and just walked down the little pier to the beach and the picnic tables where our lunch was waiting. It is not a private beach, but it was not very crowded. It was smaller than I thought, but very pretty. The boys played in the water some, but time went quickly, and we were on our way back.


Rum Point


I could live here!


We settled our bill upon our return and were impressed that the Nativeway guy gave me back the $10 I accidentally overpaid. We tipped, and said our thanks, and boarded the vans to get back to the ship. There has been a lot of concern about this tour making it back in time for the Mariner. Yes, the traffic was heavy, and our guy took a detour around that took a while, but were back by about 2:40 – last tender at 3:30. We got in the wrong line at first - we were almost on our way to trying our Carnival when we realized the Mariner line was a bit further down and thankfully not as long!

I wish we had more time at Rum Point, but we got to make the ship! Although the snorkeling wasn't "all that", I still I feel we got a much better experience overall, let alone for the money, compared to the ship sponsored excursions I looked at. Nativeway was professional and delightful, and I would recommend them! The water was just gorgeous and I was thrilled that the boys got to experience the Rays. Although they were big Jamaica fans, the “swimming with the rays” is the experience they brag about to their friends.

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I am so sorry this took so long :o - and it isn't all that great either! Holy Cow it is hard to get a moment around here the last few days!


Thanks for your kind words of encouragement, and letting me re-live our vacation! :D I'll start on Cozumel soon - really I swear!

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I will be sailing on this cruise in March with my DH, DD (8), DD (5), and 12 other family members! I was wondering if you could tell me if you guys got a soda card, what it was good for and what beverages they had at breakfast, lunch, and dinner that were include without the card. I'm trying to decide whether to buy a card for one DD the other will not drink soda. Also is there anything that you didn't take that if you were going again you would pack? this is the best review I've read-thanks for taking the time!

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I will be sailing on this cruise in March with my DH, DD (8), DD (5), and 12 other family members! I was wondering if you could tell me if you guys got a soda card, what it was good for and what beverages they had at breakfast, lunch, and dinner that were include without the card. I'm trying to decide whether to buy a card for one DD the other will not drink soda. Also is there anything that you didn't take that if you were going again you would pack? this is the best review I've read-thanks for taking the time!


Thanks! You're going to have a blast! We did buy the soda card for the boys and my husband. It was good for Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite (I think that's it) at all meals and on the Promenade (where they also got Shirley Temples with the card) and the pool and other bars. They even used it at Johnny Rockets and the bar in the big theater.

Orange Juice is free at breakfast through room service and in the Windjammer. Soda is not free when ordered through room service. I drank Lemonade at the Windjammer, but it is not available in the dining room. It was well worth it for the boys since they were only $4 a day plus 15% = $32 and my husband's was $6 a day plus the 15% - $48 for the week.


I did bring a bunch of stuff! I bought a cheap .99 bottle of pump soap for the bathroom I was happy with all week not having to use the bar soap sitting on the sink. Benedryl, lots of first aid stuff like pepto, etc., just in case, tons of spray sunscreen, bug spray for tubing in Jamaica, an extra backpack for excursions. My own plug in alarm clock. Didn't need my own beach towels. I'll think some more on that - but nothing that I wish I had brought that I didn't thankfully.


Thanks for this great review! We'll be on Mariner in July, this is really getting me geared up!


I love looking at your pictures. They definitely get me so excited. I can't wait for my own experiences!!!! For now I'll just live vicariously though yours. I look forward to your next installment.


Thanks! I think I need to talk more about how great the ship is too!!



I also am a huge Disney fanatic (I go on the dis quite a bit too) and I'm actually getting married at Disney, following the same cruise you just went on! I have never been on a Disney cruise so I wasn't spoiled on it before this one so I should be set... plus you make it sound like so much fun. You're getting me so excited! Can't wait for more!


Congratulations!!! That is awesome getting married at Disney! I love to just look at all the pic's on the Disboards, but it makes me want to go back! :) Have a wonderful wedding and honeymoon!

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Well it took ya long enough!!! And I thought people in the south were slow.....sure blame the kids.;) It's all about priority...Breath...sleep...eat...CC....bathroom...kids.:D Well I'm glad someone had a good time in Grand Cayman. If I had to give a review for this port day I am afraid all I could write about is the plumbing on the Mariner. Oh folks the plumbing on the Mariner....it's grand...not a problem at all!!:D and it's free with the purchase of a cruise at regular price

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Well it took ya long enough!!! And I thought people in the south were slow.....sure blame the kids.;) It's all about priority...Breath...sleep...eat...CC....bathroom...kids.:D Well I'm glad someone had a good time in Grand Cayman. If I had to give a review for this port day I am afraid all I could write about is the plumbing on the Mariner. Oh folks the plumbing on the Mariner....it's grand...not a problem at all!!:D and it's free with the purchase of a cruise at regular price


LOL - you make me laugh Ron. :) I'm sorry about your up close and personal time with the Mariner's bathroom spacious accommodations and amenities. :( Did the gals go out and spend your money anyway that day?

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LOL - you make me laugh Ron. :) I'm sorry about your up close and personal time with the Mariner's bathroom spacious accommodations and amenities. :( Did the gals go out and spend your money anyway that day?


KK and Staci went shopping. training for teenager girls. Staci came back with a beautiful saphire and diamond ring. She said she got a great deal. When she told me how much I forgot how sick I was for a few seconds. :eek: Then as suddenly as it left it came back. It is a beautiful ring. She is teaching the girls well! Hey it may snow here this weekend. We may get a flurry or two!! Time to shut down the city!

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Day 5 Cozumel

That darn sign on the elevator says Friday. I remember when we boarded on Sunday, how sad I would be as the signs changed, and the week drew to a close. This is our last big day in the sun and Cozumel was the stop. We enjoyed sleeping in and leisurely walking down to the pier (no tenders here). The Voyager had docked right next to us and it was amazing to see these two sister ships side by side.


Our plan was to take a taxi to Paradise Beach – a highly recommended hangout by CC’ers on the Cozumel board. The guacamole was billed as heavenly, and I was looking forward to a strawberry margarita! They have water trampolines and other fun stuff for the boys and beach loungers for the us – what more could you want? We made our way through the stores to get out to the taxi line, LINE??? Oh noooooooooooooo. This line wound around and ended up by a sign with all the stops and fares with a Mexican dude trying to get the right number of guests into each taxi. Sounds like a good plan, but I think they hired some of my panicked Jamaican friends to help out. It was pretty chaotic with people trying to be civil and wait in line, while others just walked right up and pushed their way in. We made quick friends with another couple who looked a bit dazed and confused like us – but going to Paradise Beach, and we commandeered a van – and we were on our way! It was about a 15 minute ride and we were in Paradise! An eager waiter finds us some chairs (all the ones at the water line were taken L) and informs us that this is his section, and he will be serving us for the day. We buy activity bracelets for the boys for $10 each and they are in the water immediately. My husband and I get settled in for our time to relax – it was a bit overcast, but amazingly warm. There are umbrellas every two or three chairs which was nice!


We order our drinks and guacamole, and enjoyed. Later, the boys each ordered chicken sandwiches with fries, and there was so much there that Dh and I just nibbled on the leftovers and were full. I videotaped a lot of the boys playing – wish I had a better picture of the beach area to share, but it is very nice. The only other place I considered was Chankanabb Park which does the dolphin swim, but it also has nice grounds and more cultural things to see. But we were ready for a relatively low cost day with no plans but to enjoy, and we were not disappointed! After a while, I wandered around and ran into about 4 CC families and got to meet the owner of Paradise Beach, Tom who is originally from Canada and quite the celebrity on the Cozumel forum on Cruise Citric. He was very nice, and told us that indeed this was warmer weather than usual – thanks Tom! I also enjoyed my 15 minutes of free internet service at the bar, and looked around their little gift shop. The bathroom facilities were large and clean and they had a changing area. I had planned to partake of the alleged fabulous massages, but never made my way over.


Some Friendly locals at Paradise Beach


Soon it was time to settle our bill (credit cards accepted, but 15% tip automatic with the credit cards – we would have done that anyway – service was great) and there were plenty of taxis waiting to take us back to the pier. So for the day, it was about $30 for taxi’s, $20 activity bracelets, $70 for food and drinks and as they say, memories – priceless.


What is exactly in that drink, Ethan?


At the pier, DH and Evan decide to get back on the ship, while Ethan asks to spend his cruise money (that kid’s pants are always smokin’ from the huge hole burning in his pocket!) and we set out to find the perfect ring. Yes, ring. I don’t know if he has seen his sports heroes on ESPN sporting some major bling or what, but he is determined to find his own round piece of glory. We looked in the shops that are all clustered together there on the pier. This was an adventure because as you know, once you step inside one of these little stores, the owners are determined no-one will be empty handed upon your departure, especially them! “Ahhhhh –this one is right for you!” they would insist as my son picked out the gaudiest looking ring I had ever seen. “How much is it?” I would ask – “75 dollars” at which Ethan would just grimace. “But it is real silver and authentic stone” they would implore. After going through this scenario many times, and secretly loathing many of his choices, we came upon a nice little silver band with a green onyx looking inlay. I swear that some of the rings he liked were meant for girls, but he was mesmerized by their flashy style. I held my breath as I asked how much. “35 dollars” Now Ethan only had about 15, so I told the gal I would give her $20 cash for it. “25” she said, and as I pulled out my money, another American sucker was born. Could I have gotten it down lower – yes – but I was sooo ready to be done and happy Ethan found something only slightly embarrassing to show off to his friends.

It was a sad walk back up the ramp as we left our last day of our vacation in the sun. Goodbye paradise.


But don’t linger too long – it’s Lobster night!

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I have to laugh about the days of the week in the elevators. My boys tried for 4 nights to see when they changed the day of the week. The 5th night they were able to catch them being changed out. A highlight for them. They said they never noticed the banners changing in the promenade. Anyway, I thought this something funny to share.:D

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I wait for the updates to this thread and will be almost as sad as you are Colorado when it ends!


Soda card - great deal for the kids and if you are a big soda drinker. We actually took some mini liquor bottles on board and would get a free soda and mix our own drink - not recommending smuggling, but you know...

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Great job! We'll be on in Feb with SunWorshiper and Kittymom65. Your stories make me want to go borrow some kids to bring with.....nah. Thanks for the pep talk on Jamaica. We have been there twice and always take a boat trip to DRF, trying to avoid any land-based problems. Maybe next time we'll be more adventurous! Can't wait to read the rest, although the thought of the end of the cruise coming is already bothering me.

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When you travel with a group or family with kids, and you are the planner, it is hard not to feel the weight of responsibility for everyone having a great time.


I can definitely relate to that...as I'm the default travel planner for trips. We've traveled with family and friends in the past...and you always want to make the best decision for all involved. When it is just DH and me, it's not as stressful...but when there is a group of us, we know that the trip will likely determine if they will do "whatever" again...so it is definitely more stressful.


I actually took a look at the Mariner for our upcoming December cruise. As of right now, there are 10 of us planning to cruise. I ended up going with the Carnival Splendor for several reasons (proximity of airport to the port, 24 hour pizza/ice cream, brand new ship, experience the last two Carnival cruises (surprisingly price wasn't really a deciding factor...as the rates between the two were comparable)).


DH and I may try Royal Caribbean again in the near future...we sailed years ago on one of the smaller ships.


Thanks for the great review!

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I loved reading about your trip!! We were also on a Disney cruise-The Magic back in 2004. We wanted to do another, but the prices are too much. Now our DDs are 12 and 15, so we thought we'd give Royal a try. We will be on the Mariner in august on the eastern route. The Magic will be in California, so I think we will be ok! We can take 2 RCI cruises for the price of 1 Disney! We have heard great things about the Mariner and can't wait til we sail! Thanks again for your post!!:)

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Colorado Mom - great report and photos - it sounds so similar to our trip next month! We are former Disney cruisers and are going on first RCI cruise to Western Caribbean! We have also booked the Tubing in Jamaica and the Stingrays in Grand Cayman with Nativeways! Sounds like we've picked good tours and our kids (11 and 8) should enjoy! A couple of questions - was it worth $40 for the slide at Labadee. I'm sure our kids would enjoy it, but seems expensive! Was there a lot of waiting in line? Also for the private tours, if you don't mind me asking, how much did you tip? Also at the tubing, did you tip the tubing guides in addition to the private tour guide? Also, did your kids use the clubs and did they enjoy them? My kids loved the Disney clubs and spent a lot of time there and are hoping RCI clubs are just as fun. Thanks for the super reports. We can't wait!

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Hey ColoradoMom!!! Great review!!! Even if it did take you longer to complete than the Harry Potter sequals! Do you think you can cut and paste it all together and post it on the "All things Mariner of The Seas" Thread. It is by far the best review I've ever read and I think those that look at that thread will enjoy it!!!:D

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