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Another tip question.


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A few years ago on one of my cruises I decided that I would remove the tips from my S&S card and give them out in cash instead. I rationalized that it would be a nice and personal gesture to those who served me.


When I went to the Pursers desk to ask that the tips be removed the very first question the purser asked me was, "Has there been a problem with the service." I explained to her that everything was fine. In fact, my steward was one of the best I had ever had. I just wanted to tip him and waitstaff individually. Of course she removed my tips as I asked.


A couple of days later my steward, Josef, asked me if I was unhappy. I was puzzled and said of course not. I was having the time of my life. It took another day before I figured it out. I ended up asking one of the assistant stewards and she confirmed that Josef was called in by the Hotel Manager and asked if he knew why the tips were removed.


I felt like a heel.


Looking back, I realize how self serving it was to remove the tips just so I could feel important doling out the money on my own. It didn't occur to me that that the people who did their best to take care of me during the cruise would be put in an awkward position because of it.


Naturally I tipped using envelopes and I'm sure that it was appreciated. But removing the tips did nothing for the steward or waitstaff but put them in an uncomfortable position just so I could feel like a big shot.


As it turns out, I wasn't a bigshot.


I was a jerk.


Today I leave the tips in place. I would not hesitate to adjust or even remove them if I felt it was warranted. (And after 13 cruises that has not yet happened.) And we also give extra if it's warranted.


The tipping system is not perfect. I know there are many who believe it should be built into the cost of the cruise and maybe that's true. But the people who depend on the tips didn't make the rules and, at least the way I see it, shouldn't be punished for it.


I'm sure this will fall on a lot of deaf ears, but I really believe in taking care of the people who take care of me. If it costs me $10.50 a day (or $31.50 when I sail with the family) it's a bargain.


And it's still the right thing to do.


At least for me.

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But removing the tips did nothing for the steward or waitstaff but put them in an uncomfortable position just so I could feel like a big shot.


I often question why people have even thought how tipping should make them feel.


The people are working for your cash. They really don't care how you feel.


I know my boss doesn't. He's never once removed my direct deposit just to hand me an envelope instead, just because it would make him feel good.

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Exactly...it IS a personal choice on how and who to tip. I remove the tips the first day and REWARD the people who deserve it. I have never been on a cruise where I tipped less than the suggested amount.

I have never tipped in a restaurant, hotel or casino BEFORE services are rendered.

To each his/her own.



What is the tipping policy onboard?spacer.gifService Gratuities


For your convenience, we automatically charge the gratuities for dining and stateroom staff to your onboard Sail & Sign account. The total amount is $10.00 per guest, per day (our recommended guideline) as follows:


$ 3.50 Per Day Stateroom Services

$ 5.50 Per Day Dining Room Services

$ 1.00 Per Day Alternative Services: distributed to other kitchen and hotel service staff

For Cruises-To-Nowhere, gratuities of $10 per guest, per day must be prepaid.


Our Staff is totally committed to exceed your expectations in every way possible. If you are not satisfied with the service you receive, we encourage you to contact the Purser’s Information desk while onboard. This will allow us to address your concerns in a timely and appropriate fashion. At your discretion, you may adjust the gratuities at any time.


For beverage purchases, fifteen percent of the bill is automatically added to the Sail & Sign charge. Room Service staff may be tipped as service is rendered. Tipping your Maître d’ is at your discretion, based upon the service you receive.



So do you take rolls of quarters and give one to specific crew you see working in the buffet? They're part of the auto tips. If you removed the autotips that went to the buffet workers and didn't give them individual tips (and I'll bet you didn't), then you DID tip less than the suggested amount.


There are people who provide services for you that you don't necessarily interact with. Do they not deserve anything?


Do you remove the automatic 15% from any bar purchase?


You are NOT tipping BEFORE services are rendered!


You know, if people would just take as much time to understand the whole concept and procedure as they do whining about the autotips, perhaps 99% of this silly debate could be avoided.


But that wouldn't be any fun, would it? :rolleyes:

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So do you take rolls of quarters and give one to specific crew you see working in the buffet? They're part of the auto tips.


I don't remove the bistro portion...


If you removed the autotips that went to the buffet workers and didn't give them individual tips (and I'll bet you didn't), then you DID tip less than the suggested amount.


Like I said above, I don't, so I didn't !


There are people who provide services for you that you don't necessarily interact with. Do they not deserve anything?


Yes, and I'm sure they are paid a wage for it...do you want me to tip (reward) the mechanic for fixing a railing?


Do you remove the automatic 15% from any bar purchase?


Of course not, why would I do that ?...in fact I take care of (reward extra) to a waiter or waitress who takes care of me.


You are NOT tipping BEFORE services are rendered!


You are correct...that would be a bribe !


You know, if people would just take as much time to understand the whole concept and procedure as they do whining about the autotips, perhaps 99% of this silly debate could be avoided.


If the same old posters would just understand that not eveyone tips the same way, then other opinions would be respected. I dont recall "whining" about the auto-tips, I merely choose not to use it for all my tips.


Once again...it's my choice...tip they way you want. I remove the tips asap so there is less of a reason for the hotel manager to think they were removed for poor service. I also explain that to the purser and my stewards when I meet them on the first day, as I slip them their first bribe.


If you like the auto-tip method, use it...I don't.


Don't assume everybody who removes tips does so to avoid tips. Some may, I don't.

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you aren't tipping before the services are rendered.... your bill is not charged until the final day of the cruise. Nothing is charged until the final day of your cruise... your grats will be charged at that time, the end of the cruise :)


How do you figure?:confused:


If I have $300 cash put down I can clearly see on the TV account,that they have debited the $10 per day.They don't wait until the end of the cruise to take it away,otherwise one could spend it all before.

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How do you figure?:confused:


If I have $300 cash put down I can clearly see on the TV account,that they have debited the $10 per day.They don't wait until the end of the cruise to take it away,otherwise one could spend it all before.


You are in a way correct. They will actually put a hold on that amount. (which is your deposit credit or cash) But they won't charge it until the last night.

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You are in a way correct. They will actually put a hold on that amount. (which is your deposit credit or cash) But they won't charge it until the last night.


So I am correct in saying that you do not have control of that money.You cannot spend it can you? If no,then its considered spent?

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Exactly...it IS a personal choice on how and who to tip. I remove the tips the first day and REWARD the people who deserve it. I have never been on a cruise where I tipped less than the suggested amount.

I have never tipped in a restaurant, hotel or casino BEFORE services are rendered.

To each his/her own.



And when did you ever tip on a cruise before service was rendered?


You may remove the tips up and including the last day.


You are not charged for the tips until AFTER the cruise has ended.


The crew do not receive your tip money until AFTER the cruise has ended.


How is that before?????



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A few years ago on one of my cruises I decided that I would remove the tips from my S&S card and give them out in cash instead. I rationalized that it would be a nice and personal gesture to those who served me.


When I went to the Pursers desk to ask that the tips be removed the very first question the purser asked me was, "Has there been a problem with the service." I explained to her that everything was fine. In fact, my steward was one of the best I had ever had. I just wanted to tip him and waitstaff individually. Of course she removed my tips as I asked.


A couple of days later my steward, Josef, asked me if I was unhappy. I was puzzled and said of course not. I was having the time of my life. It took another day before I figured it out. I ended up asking one of the assistant stewards and she confirmed that Josef was called in by the Hotel Manager and asked if he knew why the tips were removed.


I felt like a heel.


Looking back, I realize how self serving it was to remove the tips just so I could feel important doling out the money on my own. It didn't occur to me that that the people who did their best to take care of me during the cruise would be put in an awkward position because of it.


Naturally I tipped using envelopes and I'm sure that it was appreciated. But removing the tips did nothing for the steward or waitstaff but put them in an uncomfortable position just so I could feel like a big shot.


As it turns out, I wasn't a bigshot.


I was a jerk.


Today I leave the tips in place. I would not hesitate to adjust or even remove them if I felt it was warranted. (And after 13 cruises that has not yet happened.) And we also give extra if it's warranted.


The tipping system is not perfect. I know there are many who believe it should be built into the cost of the cruise and maybe that's true. But the people who depend on the tips didn't make the rules and, at least the way I see it, shouldn't be punished for it.


I'm sure this will fall on a lot of deaf ears, but I really believe in taking care of the people who take care of me. If it costs me $10.50 a day (or $31.50 when I sail with the family) it's a bargain.


And it's still the right thing to do.


At least for me.


There are some that insist that the crew are not questioned when tips are removed. But I have seen no definitive proof that they are not questioned.

My opinion, as I have no proof either way, is that they are questioned if tips are removed. It is such an easy and simple customer service tool, I can't imagine any company not using it.

Also some say they can keep any cash they receive and do not have to report it even tho auto-tips were removed. Again, no proof either way, but I find that hard to believe. It goes against basic employee security procedures, i.e. the company SHOULD know when an employee handles any customers money on the job. And I believe the employees do tell mgmt. when they receive cash in lieu of auto-tips. Why? Because how better could an employee show they did nothing wrong and the customer was happy, than showing or reporting the cash tip they received. Otherwise, all mgmt. knows is the customer removed the tip and the employee says there is not a problem. That's too inconclusive to satisfy mgmt. for long.


My recommendation, leave the auto-tip unless service stinks. Add cash or not for the outstanding.



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There are some that insist that the crew are not questioned when tips are removed. But I have seen no definitive proof that they are not questioned.

My opinion, as I have no proof either way, is that they are questioned if tips are removed. It is such an easy and simple customer service tool, I can't imagine any company not using it.

Also some say they can keep any cash they receive and do not have to report it even tho auto-tips were removed. Again, no proof either way, but I find that hard to believe. It goes against basic employee security procedures, i.e. the company SHOULD know when an employee handles any customers money on the job. And I believe the employees do tell mgmt. when they receive cash in lieu of auto-tips. Why? Because how better could an employee show they did nothing wrong and the customer was happy, than showing or reporting the cash tip they received. Otherwise, all mgmt. knows is the customer removed the tip and the employee says there is not a problem. That's too inconclusive to satisfy mgmt. for long.


My recommendation, leave the auto-tip unless service stinks. Add cash or not for the outstanding.




First of all I agree with you to leave the auto tips on. But I really have a hard time believing that when someone removes the tips from their sail and sign that the employees get questioned. Now if they removed them along with a complaint.....then absolutely!

If the theory holds true.. the reason they started the auto tips was so the employees would not get stiffed on the last night. Of course the cruiseline advertises it as being more convenient for the customer. In reality it makes it inconvenient for the stiffers. Back in those days did the employees have to turn in their cash tip? Unless I'm wrong I don't believe so. So then if they got stiffed they got stiffed because the cruiseline would not know. Unless there was a complaint of course.

I truly believe the company changed to this policy to help their employees get what they deserve. They know from history that the people who are cheap will just remove the tips and not complain. And they know when they have a real problem with an employee....

But as long as the cruiseline gives that option for people....they can utilize it any way they want. Right or wrong.

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Thank you Lucy!


We'll take some "Thank You" cards along to cram a little extra in (if warranted). We don't mind chasing folks down to say good-bye. (Of course, on RCCl, you never have a problem finding them because they want to make sure they see you so they can get their envelopes.)


My wife and I have always felt that getting acquainted and having fun with your cabin attendent, waiter, asst. waiter and head waiter are one of the most enjoyable parts of the cruise so a proper Good-bye is important.


Thanks again for clarifying the tipping process on Carnival.




I got the vouchers on my last RCCL cruise, and then I lost them. I wa so embarrased. I told my cabin steward that I had lost them, but she told me not to worry, because she could collect her tips with or without the voucher. They would get a printout of who had tipped them.


As far as the auto-tips at Carnival, I was a little bit put off by them, but then after I realized how easy this system is compared to the other options, I've become a fan of this system.

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You do have control. If you feel you didn't think it was deserved you will not be charged at the end of the cruise.



Let me ask a different way.


I put $140 down for my wife and I as we board.We spend zero all week except on the last night we decide to buy $140 worth of photos.Will the charge be allowed or denied?

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Let me ask a different way.


I put $140 down for my wife and I as we board.We spend zero all week except on the last night we decide to buy $140 worth of photos.Will the charge be allowed or denied?



It will be denied because that money is on hold for tips. But up until the last night you can go to the pursers desk and have the tips removed.


The staff do not receive the money until after you have gone.


So while they are "holding" the money for the tips, no tips are actually given until after the cruise is over.

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Let me ask a different way.


I put $140 down for my wife and I as we board.We spend zero all week except on the last night we decide to buy $140 worth of photos.Will the charge be allowed or denied?


I honestly can't answer that question. We have never put a cash deposit down. I know when you spend your deposit money that you put down with your card they will do another transaction to cover further expenditures.

So I believe skylock may be correct....

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First of all I agree with you to leave the auto tips on. But I really have a hard time believing that when someone removes the tips from their sail and sign that the employees get questioned. Now if they removed them along with a complaint.....then absolutely!

If the theory holds true.. the reason they started the auto tips was so the employees would not get stiffed on the last night. Of course the cruiseline advertises it as being more convenient for the customer. In reality it makes it inconvenient for the stiffers. Back in those days did the employees have to turn in their cash tip? Unless I'm wrong I don't believe so. So then if they got stiffed they got stiffed because the cruiseline would not know. Unless there was a complaint of course.

I truly believe the company changed to this policy to help their employees get what they deserve. They know from history that the people who are cheap will just remove the tips and not complain. And they know when they have a real problem with an employee....

But as long as the cruiseline gives that option for people....they can utilize it any way they want. Right or wrong.



I agree with you as to why auto-tips came to be. Something HAD to be done. And if the stiffers are embarrassed into tipping, so much the better.

But things evolve, And I can't imagine any company leaving such an easy CS weathervane tool just lie there fallow. In the old envelope on the last nite days I'm sure as you are that the employees did not have to report their tips. Just as I'm sure that they in fact did report their tips, albeit in complaints about getting stiffed form.

But that was the old days and things evolve. Today I'm sure the company tracks their earnings as closely as possible. Its the 21st. Century and ain't nuttin like it wuz.





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Let me ask a different way.


I put $140 down for my wife and I as we board.We spend zero all week except on the last night we decide to buy $140 worth of photos.Will the charge be allowed or denied?


1. There is a certain amount required for a cash deposit, $200.pp for a 7 day cruise, so you would not have $140 down and need $140. for tips.


2. Do you actually do cash S&S or is this just a hypocritical question?


3. If the charge was denied, you STILL have the option to scoot right over to the Purser and have the tips removed. Thereby recovering your cash prior to anybody being tipped anything, EVER!


You do have control of the cash or credit card amounts until the cruise has ended. END.



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I agree with you as to why auto-tips came to be. Something HAD to be done. And if the stiffers are embarrassed into tipping, so much the better.

But things evolve, And I can't imagine any company leaving such an easy CS weathervane tool just lie there fallow. In the old envelope on the last nite days I'm sure as you are that the employees did not have to report their tips. Just as I'm sure that they in fact did report their tips, albeit in complaints about getting stiffed form.

But that was the old days and things evolve. Today I'm sure the company tracks their earnings as closely as possible. Its the 21st. Century and ain't nuttin like it wuz.






Could be they do.... not sure why though....but my point was I see no reason why they would be questioned if someone removed their tips unless there was a complaint.

Let's be honest.....they know who their best employee's are. Could be those best employee's just got the luck of the draw and got a few stiffers this week.......I don't see them in any way questioning and putting them in a awkward position;)

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So do you take rolls of quarters and give one to specific crew you see working in the buffet? They're part of the auto tips.


I don't remove the bistro portion...


For all you people who say you remove "a portion" of the tips, how is the purser supposed to know WHO's tip you removed? Do you actually tell them the $9/day you removed is supposed to be for the dining room and the cabin steward? Are you certain that the remaining $1 you left on there actually goes to who you want it to? Or is it possible that 55% of your tip goes to the dining room staff whether you tip $10 as suggested or $1 per day?

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For all you people who say you remove "a portion" of the tips, how is the purser supposed to know WHO's tip you removed? Do you actually tell them the $9/day you removed is supposed to be for the dining room and the cabin steward? Are you certain that the remaining $1 you left on there actually goes to who you want it to? Or is it possible that 55% of your tip goes to the dining room staff whether you tip $10 as suggested or $1 per day?



You tell them when you remove the tips. You say I want to remove x amount from the dining room staff because I ate elsewhere on formal night. Or I want to remove x amount from the room stewart because in 4 days I only had ice once that I didn't have to get myself. They take that information down, but what they actually do with it, I have no idea.

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I'm surprised that it hasn't really been brought up yet, but I swore I read on one of the posts on the CC forum, that if you were to remove the auto-tip in favor of tipping as you go, just the act of removing them would reflect negatively on your room steward / waiter / etc, and is held against them for promotions and a raise.

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I'm surprised that it hasn't really been brought up yet, but I swore I read on one of the posts on the CC forum, that if you were to remove the auto-tip in favor of tipping as you go, just the act of removing them would reflect negatively on your room steward / waiter / etc, and is held against them for promotions and a raise.


It's already been brought up on this thread.......Some believe....some don't.......

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2. Do you actually do cash S&S or is this just a hypocritical question?


3. If the charge was denied, you STILL have the option to scoot right over to the Purser and have the tips removed. Thereby recovering your cash prior to anybody being tipped anything, EVER!


You do have control of the cash or credit card amounts until the cruise has ended. END.




#2. I never do cash as a rule, yet I like tipping in cash. The reason I asked is an upcoming cruise I have over $250 per cabin in OBC plus I have a bunch of fun ship dollars,so I am thinking about leaving the auto tip on :eek: just to use a portion of it as it might be difficult to spend it all otherwise. We have private tours booked and 2 of 3 cabins don't drink or buy photos.


#3.That is a good point,so your money is taken daily but not truly spent until the last day.

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