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Wife pregnant/NCL requirements/Cancellation


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I was wondering if anyone had input on this matter. We booked a cruise for the Feb 3rd 14 day cruise on the Pearl just 2 weeks ago. Well we just found out my wife is 6 weeks prenant last week. She had been feeling sick and went to the doctors. We are very happy by this news but our NCL packet arrived last week. It states that if you are prenant you cannot go on a NCL cruise without a sign off from the doctor.


Now, here is where it gets tricky. My wife is still feeling very sick and the doctor stated she SHOULD NOT TRAVEL UNTIL HER 2ND TRIMESTER. The NCL booklet that we got was the first time we saw anything about these pregnancy rules. I know we are going to have to either cancel our cruise or if NCL allows (and if it financially in our favor = much better than cancellation fees) take a cruise at a later date.


Do you think we have any leverage because no where does it state this prenancy stipulation (most have medical waiver before NCL will let you on ship) until you get your welcome aboard packet?


Do you think that because we only booked two weeks ago NCL will take this into consideration?


Also, we have sailed with NCL 4 times before over the last 6 years.

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I would call NCL to cancel the cruise. Since you are within a penalty period they will most likely charge you a fee to cancel. I do not think you will get all of your money back. This happens all the time, people do get sick just before a cruise. If you bought travel insurance they might be able to return all of your funds. Different insurance companies have different policies. If NCL does not return all of your funds one has to just chart it up as a lesson learned to buy travel insurance when you travel.

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Thanks for the reply. I guess cancelling is the one option I know we have and I figure we would be out about $400 per person. I'm counting on this being my worst case scenario. Since I have done some business with NCL I'm hoping they will be somewhat caring (may be wishful thinking).


I'm also somewhat upset about this pregnancy policy. WE HAD NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THIS AND I CAN"T FIND IT ON THEIR WEBSITE. I feel they are somewhat responsible for me not being able to go. If we wanted to go, we could not because there policy forbids us going without our doctors OK. I did not sign off on such a policy. Plus, we booked this cruise only 2 weeks ago so are they really that harmed by our cancellation. Perhaps we can negotiate down from the typical $400/person fee? They are not opened till Monday.

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Congratulations! Are you sure that you need a letter? I would call and double check because I thought that you didn't need one unless you were further along in the pregnancy. I didn't know if you were planning on canceling because of the letter issue or the fact that she isn't feeling well right now. Here is what I found on NCL's faq's:



What if I'm pregnant?

NCL will make every effort to accommodate you, providing you have not entered the 24th week of pregnancy when the cruise ends. Please include your cruise details in an email to the Access Desk with a medical certificate establishing your due date prior to your cruise.

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...but I found the info you need. It is on their travel agent website, not their main website so far as I can see.




NCL will not accept guests who will have entered their 24th week of pregnancy by the time their travel with NCL concludes. A statement from the expectant mother's doctor, stating her due date and fitness to travel must be sent to NCL's Group Event Coordinator Department. NCL will not be responsible or liable for any complications of pregnancy which arise or occur during the cruise.


This is from the passage contract.

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In the "Welcome Aboard" brochure it states


What if I'm pregnant?

"Throught the travel industry, pregnancy is regarded as a medical condition. An expectant mother's application for passage must be accompanied by a medical certificate establishing her due date and fietness to travel, and acceptance is subject to the following conditions:"


Summary of condition are: waiving liability and absolute denial > 24th week pregnancy.


So the first part I quoted is our problem because our doctor states no travel in first trimester, even if we wanted to go. I know it is semantics but since we booked this cruise only 2 weeks ago I find NCL will be playing semantics if they do no better than a credit minus $800.

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I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I just found a little more on the terms and conditions section of their website, but basically what everyone else has already stated. I am nervous that you will have to pay the fee since this area on their website can be viewed by anyone, not just ticket holders.


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Thanks for the reply. I guess cancelling is the one option I know we have and I figure we would be out about $400 per person. I'm counting on this being my worst case scenario. Since I have done some business with NCL I'm hoping they will be somewhat caring (may be wishful thinking).


I'm also somewhat upset about this pregnancy policy. WE HAD NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THIS AND I CAN"T FIND IT ON THEIR WEBSITE. I feel they are somewhat responsible for me not being able to go. If we wanted to go, we could not because there policy forbids us going without our doctors OK. I did not sign off on such a policy. Plus, we booked this cruise only 2 weeks ago so are they really that harmed by our cancellation. Perhaps we can negotiate down from the typical $400/person fee? They are not opened till Monday.


Try surfing to NCL's Guest Ticket Contact Information http://www.ncl.com/csimages/75/492/Combined_Final_Land%20_Sea_TCs.pdf



4. Carrier’s Rules and Regulations.

(g) Special Medical Care; Fitness to Travel: The Guest acknowledges that medical care while on a cruise ship may be limited or delayed and that the vessel may travel to destinations where medical care is unavailable. Therefore, the Guest warrants that the Guest and those for whom the Guest is responsible are fit to travel. Any condition of the Guest that may require special attention, accommodation or treatment of any kind must be reported to the Carrier when a reservation is requested. A medical certificate certifying fitness for travel may be required of any Guest at the Carrier’s request. The Guest agrees not to present herself for boarding under any circumstances if, by the time the Guest will conclude her travel with the Carrier, she will have entered the 24th week of pregnancy. The Guest further understands and agrees that no infants under the age of six (6) months are permitted aboard the vessel. Guests with special needs are advised that certain international safety requirements, shipbuilding requirements, and/or applicable regulations may cause difficulty for mobility-impaired persons or persons with severely impaired sight and/or hearing. Guests requiring the use of a wheelchair must provide their own as any wheelchairs available on the vessel are for emergency use only. For the convenience and comfort of such Guests, they are strongly encouraged to bring a collapsible wheelchair. Guests are advised that standard cabins are not designed to be barrier free and wheelchair accessible. The Carrier reserves the right to refuse or revoke passage to anyone who fails to notify Carrier of any physical or emotional condition which may require special assistance or accommodation, or who is, in the sole judgment of the Carrier or vessel’s medical personnel, as a result of such condition, unfit for travel, or who may require care, treatment or attention beyond that which the Carrier can provide. In such circumstances the Carrier shall have no liability to the Guest whatsoever. Guests may not be able to participate in certain activities or programs either aboard the vessel or onshore at ports of call if to do so would create a risk of harm to themselves or any other Guest.


If I could find it on their web site, you could too.

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"but I found the info you need. It is on their travel agent website, not their main website so far as I can see.


NCL will not accept guests who will have entered their 24th week of pregnancy by the time their travel with NCL concludes. A statement from the expectant mother's doctor, stating her due date and fitness to travel must be sent to NCL's Group Event Coordinator Department. NCL will not be responsible or liable for any complications of pregnancy which arise or occur during the cruise.

This is from the passage contract."

So this info is not even on their main website. We just called the 800 number and booked the cruise. Nothing was stated about all this stuff. I don't know. I think some of this stuff is rather vague. I think I will call them and state my the fact that our doctor will not give my wife persmission to travel. I will also stipulate that this pregnacy restriction was never made available to me prior to booking and is not on the main NCL site. I will also point out the fact that I've been a good customer of NCL and just booked this cruise 2 weeks ago. If I'm going to piss away $800 I would rather do it on the ship in the casino. :)

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"but I found the info you need. It is on their travel agent website, not their main website so far as I can see.


NCL will not accept guests who will have entered their 24th week of pregnancy by the time their travel with NCL concludes. A statement from the expectant mother's doctor, stating her due date and fitness to travel must be sent to NCL's Group Event Coordinator Department. NCL will not be responsible or liable for any complications of pregnancy which arise or occur during the cruise.

This is from the passage contract."


So this info is not even on their main website. We just called the 800 number and booked the cruise. Nothing was stated about all this stuff. I don't know. I think some of this stuff is rather vague. I think I will call them and state my the fact that our doctor will not give my wife persmission to travel. I will also stipulate that this pregnacy restriction was never made available to me prior to booking and is not on the main NCL site. I will also point out the fact that I've been a good customer of NCL and just booked this cruise 2 weeks ago. If I'm going to piss away $800 I would rather do it on the ship in the casino. :)


Be careful though, because the info is on their site. It does take a bit of digging, but it is there.

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"This is one of those times when you need to ask yourself what is really important...baby, money or cruise?"


Well, there is no question as to what the priority is here. I'm not going to risk going on the cruise to save $800 if that is what you are thinking. My only question to the board was concerning if there was an out. Clearly, most here feel there is no out concerning the NCL pregnancy rules that are available if you do a google search.


There also seems to be very little sympathy or weight given to the fact that we only booked this cruise 2 weeks ago so how much can NCL really be out. Well, I guess I can pretty much count on NCL taking the same position.

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Well, there is no question as to what the priority is here. I'm not going to risk going on the cruise to save $800 if that is what you are thinking. My only question to the board was concerning if there was an out. Clearly, most here feel there is no out concerning the NCL pregnancy rules that are available if you do a google search.


There also seems to be very little sympathy or weight given to the fact that we only booked this cruise 2 weeks ago so how much can NCL really be out. Well, I guess I can pretty much count on NCL taking the same position.


I don't blame you for not wanting to be out the money, but I think you are trying to twist NCL's policy to help you accomplish getting your money back. In reality at such an early stage of pregnancy NCL has no way to know of the pregnancy so they would not ask for evidence of being fit to travel.

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If I were you I would just explain the predicament to them and hopefully they will be feeling nice on the day you call :) I am sorry if you thought I personally wasn't being sympathetic, but I didn't want you to go in saying that it isn't stated anywhere just to have them tell you that it is. Like I said, I will keep my fingers crossed for you...and congratulations again!

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Be careful though, because the info is on their site. It does take a bit of digging, but it is there.


How do you get to it? NCL's site is pretty, but so frustrating. I can't find FAQs about anything except family travel.



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(I am not a physician, nor give medical advice as everyone is different)




At the time of the cruise she will be over 10 weeks, Unless you have had issues/complications with pregnancies (as I have) and/or you are high risk for some sort, Go enjoy your cruise... Most people don't even know they are even pregnant until 8-12 weeks .. and the ship has no problems based on the policies until you are OVER 24 weeks...


Shes pregnant not ill .. she can do everything until she is in her last trimester unless she has complications ..


Congrads on your baby, this may be your last chance to enjoy time to yourself & as a couple, add baby and that makes 3 (5 in our case)


If it was me, My rear would be on the ship...



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Did you get the travel insurance? I don't remember seeing that answer.


Just a few more questions:

Does your wife want to cruise? For instance, if the doctor signed the letter would she want to go still feeling sick.


Does the doctor think it is dangerous for her to cruise? For instance, is it risky for the pregnancy itself or is the doctor concerned about "picking up an illness" from the ports?


No flames for this next one please, because I'm sure others have thought the same thing. I'm certainly not trying to encourage you to lie, but....


Would NCL even know that she was pregnant if you didn't tell them???? She certainly wouldn't look pregnant. Depending on why your doctor doesn't want her to travel until the 2nd trimester, if you and your wife feel it is safe why couldn't you go even without a note from the doctor.


Last question, do you think you could move your cruise until after 12 weeks with less of a penalty?


Congratulations on the baby announcement. I hope all goes well! I'm guessing a girl since the baby is causing trouble already!!!

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Be careful though, because the info is on their site. It does take a bit of digging, but it is there.


No too much digging. Two clicks from the main page to FAQs or Terms and Conditions




What if I'm pregnant?

NCL will make every effort to accommodate you, providing you have not entered the 24th week of pregnancy when the cruise ends. Please include your cruise details in an email to the Access Desk with a medical certificate establishing your due date prior to your cruise.

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Pregnancy must be regarded as a medical condition. An expectant mother's application for passage must be accompanied by a medical certificate establishing her due date and fitness to travel, and acceptance is subject to the following conditions:

NCL will not be responsible or liable for any complications of pregnancy which arise or occur during the cruise.

NCL will not accept passengers who will have entered their 24th week of pregnancy by the time their travel with NCL concludes.

For further information, please contact our Ship Coordinator Department.

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How do you get to it? NCL's site is pretty, but so frustrating. I can't find FAQs about anything except family travel.



Here are the links to the terms and conditions, faq's, and ticket contract:





Here is how to navigate to find them on the site:

On the main page to the bottom right you will find something that says "advance guest registration" - click on that (you don't have to have a reservation to enter this part of the site). In the bottom/middle it says "what to know before you go". There you will find the faq's section, the ticket contract, terms and conditions, passport info, prepare for your cruise, etc.


In regards to the OP - I must say that I was thinking the same thing as other cruisers...NCL won't know that she is pregnant, and unless the doctor thinks that she will do the baby harm, I would just go. I don't know how serious her condition is though so I don't want to belittle anything that could be potentially harmful.

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No too much digging. Two clicks from the main page to FAQs or Terms and Conditions




What if I'm pregnant?

NCL will make every effort to accommodate you, providing you have not entered the 24th week of pregnancy when the cruise ends. Please include your cruise details in an email to the Access Desk with a medical certificate establishing your due date prior to your cruise.

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Pregnancy must be regarded as a medical condition. An expectant mother's application for passage must be accompanied by a medical certificate establishing her due date and fitness to travel, and acceptance is subject to the following conditions:

NCL will not be responsible or liable for any complications of pregnancy which arise or occur during the cruise.

NCL will not accept passengers who will have entered their 24th week of pregnancy by the time their travel with NCL concludes.

For further information, please contact our Ship Coordinator Department.

I was trying to be nice to others who aren't as computer savvy as some:o

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Here is how to navigate to find them on the site:

On the main page to the bottom right you will find something that says "advance guest registration" - click on that (you don't have to have a reservation to enter this part of the site). In the bottom/middle it says "what to know before you go". There you will find the faq's section, the ticket contract, terms and conditions, passport info, prepare for your cruise, etc.



Thank you. Now why would someone who is looking for information and FAQS know to click that link prior to booking since it says "booked guests get ready to cruise?" I know I've seen the FAQs before but I could not figure out how to get to that page and never thought to look under something that says "booked guests." Nor would most, I think.



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"At the time of the cruise she will be over 10 weeks, Unless you have had issues/complications with pregnancies (as I have) and/or you are high risk for some sort, Go enjoy your cruise... Most people don't even know they are even pregnant until 8-12 weeks .. and the ship has no problems based on the policies until you are OVER 24 weeks...

Shes pregnant not ill .. she can do everything until she is in her last trimester unless she has complications"


Well, there have been problems in the past with pregnancies. Also, as noted earlier - my wife went to the doctor because she was feeling sick. The morning (all day) sickness has been very severe where she has been staying at home and in bed most of the day. Whether this will be the case on Feb 3rd I don't know. I is my understanding that morning sickness can be severe until the 12th to 16th week of pregnancy.


Would NCL even know that she was pregnant if you didn't tell them???? She certainly wouldn't look pregnant. Depending on why your doctor doesn't want her to travel until the 2nd trimester, if you and your wife feel it is safe why couldn't you go even without a note from the doctor.


As noted above. Right now my wife can barely go to the store and I don't think a cruise ship would help her situation. Based on past history and her current condition I don't think it would be a good decision to go unless things dramatically got better.


Last question, do you think you could move your cruise until after 12 weeks with less of a penalty?

This is the option we will be pushing. I think the March 21st cruise would be our first choice. I have to see what they offer me. It looks like a credit is the only option. I need to know how long we would have to use the credit. I would hate to delay the cruise, lose $800 and then have to delay or cancel it.

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I was trying to be nice to others who aren't as computer savvy as some:o


Hey! I'm "computer savvy," I just couldn't find the d*mn thing! Be nice!


(terrific football game, by the way...)

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I was wondering if anyone had input on this matter. We booked a cruise for the Feb 3rd 14 day cruise on the Pearl just 2 weeks ago. Well we just found out my wife is 6 weeks prenant last week. She had been feeling sick and went to the doctors. We are very happy by this news but our NCL packet arrived last week. It states that if you are prenant you cannot go on a NCL cruise without a sign off from the doctor.


Now, here is where it gets tricky. My wife is still feeling very sick and the doctor stated she SHOULD NOT TRAVEL UNTIL HER 2ND TRIMESTER. The NCL booklet that we got was the first time we saw anything about these pregnancy rules. I know we are going to have to either cancel our cruise or if NCL allows (and if it financially in our favor = much better than cancellation fees) take a cruise at a later date.


Do you think we have any leverage because no where does it state this prenancy stipulation (most have medical waiver before NCL will let you on ship) until you get your welcome aboard packet?


Do you think that because we only booked two weeks ago NCL will take this into consideration?


Also, we have sailed with NCL 4 times before over the last 6 years.

holy cow!!! I do hope you have insurance, but I have a gut feeling you do not. If you can't get the doctor to release her to travel I am afraid you may be stuck. Let's hope he will relent and let her go. If not, can you find someone else who could take over the cruise for you. As a TA, I will say it again: insurance is a must. So many people don't realize what can happen. I know this doesn't do any good now, but maybe it will convince others to think about what can happen. Even sailing with NCL in the past isn't going to help much I am afraid. Good luck and keep us posted. BTW,congrats on the good news.



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