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WW Online - need accountability!


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Ok, you are my last hope, and I do hope you can help me be accountable. I hate losing weight. I put myself back on WW AGAIN, and this time it has to stick. I have 20 pounds to lose before my trip in November. I'm down 57 pounds from my pregnancy, but still have a bit to go.


Does anyone find themselves obsessing about food while being on WW?


Thanks in advance to all.

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Hi Liz! First, congratulations on losing 57 pounds! That's amazing!!! :) And the rest is very doable before November.


Yes, some days I totally obsess about food. Other days, it's just fuel. Since I found out about my high cholesterol, I'm doubly motivated to stick to my healthy eating plan (I correct everyone who says I'm on a diet) and do my exercise. I fully intend to reach my goal this time and STAY THERE.


So I've been doing more internal work lately. First, I'm looking at what I've been getting out of being fat. My father, who was 6'4" and well over 200 pounds used to regularly beat my sister and me until my mom finally divorced him when I was 9 or 10. I haven't seen him since, but I think there must be something deep inside that doesn't ever want to be small and helpless again. No one has ever hit me since, and I don't need to weigh as much as your average linebacker to be safe. :rolleyes:


I also had a marriage end suddenly and without warning. I was depressed for a long time and truly woke up one day and realized that I had gained 50 pounds. Just to ensure that no man would ever look at me again, I gained another 50 for good measure. :o That's also in the past and something that I don't have to keep dragging into my present.


I'm working on changing negative thought patterns, and am planning to post notes where I'll see them every day to remind myself that I deserve to be fit, and that I'm getting healthier and stronger every day. There is so much evidence that what we tell ourselves is self-fulfilling. So instead of saying "I'm going to gain 10 pounds," why not focus on the good time you're going to have with your family and how much easier it will be to play with your baby (and your hubby ;) ) when (not if) you've lost those last 20 pounds? You CAN do it!! You DESERVE it!! And what a wonderful gift to teach your child how to eat right so that he/she doesn't have to struggle with weight issues later on!

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Welcome, Liz! You are doing FANTASTIC to have lost 57 lbs. I know you will get those last 20 off. Please check in with us. As you can see, we all have our struggles. I went totally off program last week in a fit of despair over my bad start. But what can you do, but get back on again. Even though I wasn't losing weight at first, I felt so much better exercising and eating right. This past week with a few binges and zero exercise, I have felt awful - stomach aches, no energy, etc. - just very BLAH!


Last night was our annual dinner at the bank, and it was a full Chinese Banquet -12 courses, very exotic food that I have no idea how it was prepared. It was definitely an experience, but I didn't feel too good this morning.


But I will keep at it. I also get a ton of points, and I need to look at how I'm using them. I think sometimes because I have so many, I think it's okay to make a not-so-good choice for them. So this week I'm going to focus on being more disciplined.


Back on the scale tomorrow morning! I'm going to reset my starting weight - again - and go from there. Have a great week!

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Well, my body seems to be in a hold-and-drop pattern. Last week was the hold week. This week I dropped 4 pounds! :D :D :D My total since I started on January 13 is 14.5 pounds. Some days (and weeks) are certainly more challenging than others, but no journey is without its detours and roadblocks. Let's keep marching toward our goal and we WILL get there!! Have a GREAT week!

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I lost another lb, so 3 more to go until goal weight. 17 days until our cruise. Perhaps I'll make it?


Someone asked if I started running as a weight-loss regime. Not really. I was hoping that would be the result, but I did it purely for the exercise. And, I love to eat and knew I couldn't continue to do so without a lot of exercise. I wasn't doing anything physical and wanted to be part of a program that was also social. So I joined a running club. I've been running for 6 years. I didn't join to run races, but after my first year, I ran my first half marathon. I have run a half marathon every year since. This year, on May 4th, I'm running my first full marathon.


When I'm training, I have to eat a lot. I guess it's good because I don't gain weight during that period. But, I will have to be VERY careful if I stop running for any length of time because I think it would catch up to me easily.


I have made some wonderful friends from that club and we have now branched out on our own and run by ourselves. We all say the real reason we run is so we can eat.


Good luck to everyone with your weight loss goals. Where there's a will, there's a way.

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3 lbs to go - I know you can make it! And I'm so jealous that your cruise is almost here. Mine is still 5 months away (which is probably a good thing considering how badly I'm doing on WW this time around :o ). I'm also starting to feel like I'd better do more exercise just to be able to maintain, much less lose! I have never had this much trouble getting the scales to go down!


Will you train during your cruise? I don't know how long it is, but I would guess you have to keep up the training if you're doing the full marathon in May. My hat's off to you!

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True to my current pattern, I only lost half a pound this week. I had a bit of a binge on bread and cheese yesterday, but I'm back on track today. I want to increase my exercise this week. Last week I slacked off a bit, so I need to be more disciplined in that arena.


How are things going for everyone else???

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I was down just under a pound. Not exciting, but better than the last couple of weeks. Then a crisis happened at work, and I have been so stressed all week that I did not keep up with what I ate - I don't think it was a ton, but back to the late-night snacking (and not nearly enough water). I'm getting back in the gym (and pool) this weekend to get back on track.


We're going to Beijing over Easter weekend, and while I don't expect to drop a dress size by then or anything, I do want to be back to exercising and feeling good. I'm excited about the trip, but I always worry about the food over here. For one thing, it's definitely NOT WW friendly. And then we worry about the meat and produce quality.


But, we are splurging and staying at a really nice hotel (Grand Hyatt), and I've heard they have good western style food as well as Sichuan and Japanese restaurants. So we may just eat at the hotel more than we normally would when traveling. One cool thing they do is they'll pack us a picnic lunch which we can take to the Great Wall. Since we're not going with a group we'll be able to spend more time there and really enjoy it. I hope the weather cooperates.


How's everyone else doing? I need some inspiration!! :)


rewob, it looks like you've got less than a week until your cruise - Have a great time!


Bogota, if you stay on your pattern you should be down big time this coming week; hope the scales are kind!


Liz, how are you doing?

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Yes. Thanks. We leave on Thursday and are really excited now. Three of us have done our packing. Trying to get my DS to pack is quite the chore. He's 17 and such a procrastinator. I won't be impressed if he does it all Wednesday night and announces that we have to go shopping for last minute stuff.

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I'm down 3 more pounds this week. That puts me in a new category and I now get 2 fewer points per day. :o I may start dipping into the flex points more than I have been. But that's what they're there for, no?


Can someone tell me about activity points? I don't seem to have that info in the WW books that I saved, and I don't have the little slide rule card to figure how to count the points. But exercise points give you more food points, right?


Rewob, have a fantastic time on your cruise! Let us know all about it!


AndyB, what a wonderful trip you have coming up! You'll certainly be walking a lot, so that will help. I guess you will just have to make the best choices you can and maybe leave some food on your plate. That's the challenge of traveling and not having control over how your food is prepared. But have a fabulous time!!

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Down 1.4 pounds!! :D I have no idea how, because I was really bad last week. Probably hormonal. Oh, well, I'll take it.


I'm making a concerted effort to drink lots of water this week; today was pretty good.


As for activity points, the WW Online site lets you use them only on the day you do the activity, no accumulation like flex points. If you do 20 minutes of strength training, for example, you get 2 points, so if you went 2 points over your daily allowance that day, you'd break even. If you were under your daily points, you don't get to use those 2 activity points tomorrow. So maybe you can use activity points to make up for the 2 daily points you just lost (congratulations, by the way!).


Other 2-point activities:

25 minutes on the elliptical machine

25 minutes brisk walking (treadmill)

30 minutes swimming (slow)


I'll be happy to look up anything in particular you want.

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I lost another lb, so 3 more to go until goal weight. 17 days until our cruise. Perhaps I'll make it?


Someone asked if I started running as a weight-loss regime. Not really. I was hoping that would be the result, but I did it purely for the exercise. And, I love to eat and knew I couldn't continue to do so without a lot of exercise. I wasn't doing anything physical and wanted to be part of a program that was also social. So I joined a running club. I've been running for 6 years. I didn't join to run races, but after my first year, I ran my first half marathon. I have run a half marathon every year since. This year, on May 4th, I'm running my first full marathon.


When I'm training, I have to eat a lot. I guess it's good because I don't gain weight during that period. But, I will have to be VERY careful if I stop running for any length of time because I think it would catch up to me easily.


I have made some wonderful friends from that club and we have now branched out on our own and run by ourselves. We all say the real reason we run is so we can eat.


Good luck to everyone with your weight loss goals. Where there's a will, there's a way.


3 lbs from goal! That is awesome. I am 6 lbs from goal and so excited that the end is in sight.


You are doing great...! Keep it up!

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Down 1.4 pounds!! :D I have no idea how, because I was really bad last week. Probably hormonal. Oh, well, I'll take it.


I'm making a concerted effort to drink lots of water this week; today was pretty good.


As for activity points, the WW Online site lets you use them only on the day you do the activity, no accumulation like flex points. If you do 20 minutes of strength training, for example, you get 2 points, so if you went 2 points over your daily allowance that day, you'd break even. If you were under your daily points, you don't get to use those 2 activity points tomorrow. So maybe you can use activity points to make up for the 2 daily points you just lost (congratulations, by the way!).


Other 2-point activities:

25 minutes on the elliptical machine

25 minutes brisk walking (treadmill)

30 minutes swimming (slow)


I'll be happy to look up anything in particular you want.


I love my weekly meetings but I also use the online tools. I preplan my future day with my point tracker. Then I can just look and see "..oh yeah, that is what I am eating for my snack ( or lunch or whatever ). It helps immensely. I also bought the electronic points calculator as it is only $8 or something and I use it when I grocery shop all the time.

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Congrats on the loss!! I know you'll do great this week. You've got a plan, and that's a big step in the right direction.


Thanks for the info on the points. It's definitely incentive to do the exercising every day. And of course I still have the flex points. I used some of them last week. Somebody ordered Girl Scout cookies and then put them out for everyone to eat. I did fine until they opened the box of Samoas--little bites of coconut, caramel, and chocolately heaven. I ended up eating two tiny cookies for 4 points. But I stopped at two. Any other time, I would have eaten the whole box.

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Hi! I do WW online and there are some great posters on the WW boards who give great support. I think there are some cruisers as well. I know there are some WI threads.


I've been doing the WW online since January. I've only lost 11 lbs, but that is alot for me, as I'm in my 50's and slow to lose. I get alot of feedback there and lots of good advice.


I'm hoping to shed at least 5 lbs before next month's cruise!

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Phooey. I gained 2.5 pounds this week. I ate some of my Flex Points, but not a lot. I didn't exercise every day, but did do 3 or 4 days. However, I was extremely stressed and cranky this week, so maybe that caused my body to hold on and/or gain. Whatever the reason, I'm not going to let it derail me. No journey is complete without a stumble here or there. I am getting stronger and healthier every day.


Hope everyone has a great week!

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Well, I had a small loss - 0.4 pounds. Somehow that put me in a lower points bracket. I don't have high hopes for this week, with the trip starting on Thursday. Just going to try to maintain.


Bogota, looks like you had one of your off weeks - I'm sure you'll bounce back this week. Just hang in there!


Great week, everyone!

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WW Online had a neat little thing today about indulging in cocktails, and which ones are more WW friendly. While I'm not a big drinker, a cruise is one of those times I'll indulge. Thought I'd share some fun planning facts. Here are a few with WW points, from highest to lowest:


Frozen Mudslide 19 :eek:

White Russian 7

Pina Colada 7 :(

L.I. Iced Tea 6

Margarita 5

Martini 5

Rum & Coke 4

Cosmopolitan 3

Mojito 3 :)

Vodka Tonic 2

Bloody Mary 2 (drink your veggies :D )


Some were 4 oz, some were 6 oz, but even considering the ship drinks may be a different size (or strength), it's good to see the comparison.

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A loss is a loss. Good for you!


Have a wonderful time on your trip! You might surprise yourself and be so busy walking and sightseeing that you come back lighter. You never know!


p.s. My gain put me back in a higher points range. The big dilemma was whether to go back up and use them. In the end, I decided to add one more point to this week's eating. ;-)

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WW Online had a neat little thing today about indulging in cocktails, and which ones are more WW friendly. While I'm not a big drinker, a cruise is one of those times I'll indulge. Thought I'd share some fun planning facts. Here are a few with WW points, from highest to lowest:


Frozen Mudslide 19 :eek:

White Russian 7

Pina Colada 7 :(

L.I. Iced Tea 6

Margarita 5

Martini 5

Rum & Coke 4

Cosmopolitan 3

Mojito 3 :)

Vodka Tonic 2

Bloody Mary 2 (drink your veggies :D )


Some were 4 oz, some were 6 oz, but even considering the ship drinks may be a different size (or strength), it's good to see the comparison.



Think I'll stick to my white wine and champagne - 2 pts/glass

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I was back up - 1.4 pounds. Pulled my knee somewhere along the line, so I've had to be really careful the past few days - come down wrong on it and my leg just gives. But started feeling better today - I'm going to try getting back on the treadmill in the morning (may wait a few days before getting on the elliptical).


Beijing was great, but we're glad to be back. We also went to Xian (where the Terra Cotta Warriors are), and while I was packing and unpacking I was wishing we were on a cruise. The food choices were also limited.


That's my last vacation travel before our trip home in July (which ends with our cruise), so hopefully I can stay on program better for the next 3 months.


Hope everyone has a great week!

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I'm down 2.5 pounds this week. So I'm back to where I was a month ago. Phooey. A whole month wasted. I need to get motivated again and get back on track with the treadmill. I'm going to the States in a couple of weeks for a quick trip and would love to be able to buy some new jeans in a smaller size.


Glad you had a good trip, AndyB. Welcome back!

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