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I made this pork tenderloin tonight and it was great! It's 4 WW points - 178 calories per 1/4 pound serving.


2 3/4 pound pork tenderloins

1 tbsp 1% buttermilk

3 tbsp dijon mustard

2 tsp fresh thyme

1 tsp fresh ground pepper

1/2 tsp salt

2/3 cup bread crumbs


Preheat oven to 425. Tie the two pork tenderloins together. Mix the buttermilk, mustard, thyme, pepper, and salt in a bowl. Coat the tenderloins with this mixture. Spread the bread crumbs over the tenderloins. Bake at 425 for 60 minutes.

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Lesley, Congratulations!!!! What great sizes you are in!!!! I don't blame you for being so proud of yourself! Good luck with that last 5 pounds too!


Menina, How wonderful that you live right (near/on) the beach. I would LOVE that! Walking on the beach would be so joyful and is awful a great workout! Lucky you!!


I feel a bit better today....still too sick to function in the real world, but at least now I see light at the end of the tunnel. I still have a little pain left in my muscles, but they should be better by either tomorrow or Wednesday, so that is also good news.


Now for my really good news! I haven't weighed myself since last week when I complained, moaned and cried. Well I not only lost the pound that I gained back, but I lost an additional pound! I am down 12 pounds!!! I am now 131. This is only 2 pounds to my FIRST goal......being anything that starts with a 12----!!! WOO HOO!!! A few more pounds and I will start to fit back into my some of my clothes!! I'm so excited. Hopefully by April I will have lost enough to do some summer shopping.


Well still weak, so gotta run. ttyl :)

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Brenda glad you are feeling better.


The beach last night was chilly for me..we are lucky to have so many beaches for free close to my home and the county does a great job of maintaining them....I like to go to Palm Beach and sit on the benches along the sidewalk overlooking the ocean...it reminds me a lot of the beaches in Rio. It's kinda my Sunday night routine, when my DS is here we like to take a picnic.


Brenda, here's my Monday Menina Challenge :) I dare you to NOT weigh yourself until next Monday!! Are you up for that or would you rather we keep chewing you out for weighing yourself so much????




Lesley, Congratulations!!!! What great sizes you are in!!!! I don't blame you for being so proud of yourself! Good luck with that last 5 pounds too!


Menina, How wonderful that you live right (near/on) the beach. I would LOVE that! Walking on the beach would be so joyful and is awful a great workout! Lucky you!!


I feel a bit better today....still too sick to function in the real world, but at least now I see light at the end of the tunnel. I still have a little pain left in my muscles, but they should be better by either tomorrow or Wednesday, so that is also good news.


Now for my really good news! I haven't weighed myself since last week when I complained, moaned and cried. Well I not only lost the pound that I gained back, but I lost an additional pound! I am down 12 pounds!!! I am now 131. This is only 2 pounds to my FIRST goal......being anything that starts with a 12----!!! WOO HOO!!! A few more pounds and I will start to fit back into my some of my clothes!! I'm so excited. Hopefully by April I will have lost enough to do some summer shopping.


Well still weak, so gotta run. ttyl :)

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Menina....I waited 4 days before I weighed myself! I think for me that is pretty darn good! If I am better and I head to the gym this week I am due to get weighed......so that would be before next Monday.


I want to live near the beach! I hate the cold!!!


I may have to see a dr. I really can't understand why my fever is still there even when I take Motrin......?????

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Why would you say you're due to get weighed? You just weighed yourself today? I second Menina's challenge...go a whole week without weighing yourself!


:confused: Maybe she means "due" to get weighed at Curves...in addition to her weighing at home? Generally when you are working with a trainer on a specific program, they do weigh you at least once a week.

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Geez... This is a special event!... I would stick with the Wednesday weigh in, then try to only go on the scale every Wednesday after that...


Thats a tall order, it would be hard for me but I dont freak out when the scale moves up or down either. I am up a pound today, rightly so... I was not on track this week-end so I expected this to happen. I always look forward when Monday rolls around when this happens so I can just call it a new week. I know my triggers, what will send me down the wrong path and I generally will avoid thoes triggers, just not this past week-end!

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At Curves..the day you signed up....which for me was the 5th.....when you go in the next month on the 5th, they weigh you and measure you and put a star on the wall.


I didn't know they did that...kind of cool. OK, so I'll modify the challenge. Like Smooth said, stick to the Wednesday weigh-in. Go get weighed on Wednesday, but then wait unti the 12th to weigh yourself again! How are you feeling?

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Good idea.


Brenda...what's the point in weighing yourself so frequently? So you can reserve the right to beat yourself up?


I still think you're too paranoid about food, scale fluctuations, etc. My only concern is that one day you're going tos ay f*** it and then just go off the deep end with the eating.


Sorry..if you don't follow the advice that we gave on the weighing..which is also the advice you read almost everywhere on the internet, etc..then you lose the right to complain about the scale fluctuating and it's not going to fly with any of us!


Wed.is a good day to weigh in..because if you overdo it on a weekend then you've got a couple of days to come off the bloat.


Brenda: yes living in Florida is great but it's a very hard place to live as it is such a transient community. Plus, some people think it's like being on vacation all the time..the reality is I go to the beach very little. People here aren't the friendliest and everything "weird" a in the news always happens here..because it's like the criminals escape to Florida to "start live over in the sun" it seems.

Contrary to what the "experts" say on the fashion board, we don't wear white all year aound and many people wear hose even..I always laugh because the only ones you see wearing white are the sunburned tourists while the rest of us are bundled up in sweaters freezing when the temp dips to 50!




Geez... This is a special event!... I would stick with the Wednesday weigh in, then try to only go on the scale every Wednesday after that...


Thats a tall order, it would be hard for me but I dont freak out when the scale moves up or down either. I am up a pound today, rightly so... I was not on track this week-end so I expected this to happen. I always look forward when Monday rolls around when this happens so I can just call it a new week. I know my triggers, what will send me down the wrong path and I generally will avoid thoes triggers, just not this past week-end!

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Good morning,


Well I am better again today......but I am still sick!! This is crazy! I guess I just have to accept it though. If it wasn't in my chest I could probably work out a little, but I would be out of breath in 2 minutes flat (if that), so with that being said, I may not even get to my weigh in tomorrow. It was going to be my first star! :mad: Well you never know what a day can bring, maybe after a shower I will start to feel more normal. We'll see. The muscles are almost all healed up too....so that's a good thing.


M....I went to visit a friend in Florida once....I think it was October or November. Anyhow, me and my children were jumping in the pool at his apartment complex and we noticed the children getting off the school bus....they were all wearing jackets. :confused: We couldn't believe the way people feel temperatures so differently. If it makes you feel any better, people where I live are not the friendliest either! I think people just suck! LOL Me, I try to be nice to everyone and I never understand people with "attitude". Oh....I like no hose. LOL

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Brenda, it did take my husband a good five days to get over this thing and a bit longer for his chest to clear so just hang in there. By the way, I am curious how long is your membership at Curves?


I do think people in New England are reserved and stay to themselves. My son and daughter in law(from Texas) moved to NE and after about a year moved back to Texas. She was just so unhappy and felt people here were so unfriendly and snobbish. I guess living here all my life we dont even realize it.

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My Curves membership is for one year. However, there is only a small penalty for canceling early if I chose. It would be $10 for every month that I already attended.....because if I joined monthly, the fee would have been $10 more each month. But then I wouldn't have gotten the first month free.

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Brenda, I was talking to someone at the gym on Friday that had it for 2 weeks! The morning weather guy on the news I watch was out for a week and a half. Whatever's going around is taking a long time to get over.


So today is a sad day. I'm a diehard Packers fan, and Brett Favre announced his retirement:(

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My son had this for over 4 weeks...so I hope it is not the same thing he had!! And my girlfriend, her kids, and her boss also had it...lasted several weeks for them as well. Ugh. I've still got some congestion, but I was able to do my cardio yesterday, and a 1.5 hour workout last night, no problem. Thank goodness...I start getting a little crabby after 3 days of no gym. :o



By the way, I found a great tortilla wrap the other day. 80 cal, 3 gms fat, 8 gms protein, and 14 gms (!!!) fiber. The brand is La Tortilla Factory, and they are a decent size. I fill mine with 3 oz of chicken and 2% cheese for a really yummy and nutritious lunch. Fiber is always a challenge for me, so I am really glad to have discovered these!! :)

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Where did u find these tortillas?


I think I got them at Harris Teeter, but I'm not 100% positive. I only shop at Teeter, Food Lion, and Farm Fresh...so it's possible it was one of the others. Next time I go grocery shopping I'll look for them and let you know. :)

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Good idea.


Brenda: yes living in Florida is great but it's a very hard place to live as it is such a transient community. Plus, some people think it's like being on vacation all the time..the reality is I go to the beach very little. People here aren't the friendliest and everything "weird" a in the news always happens here..because it's like the criminals escape to Florida to "start live over in the sun" it seems.

Contrary to what the "experts" say on the fashion board, we don't wear white all year aound and many people wear hose even..I always laugh because the only ones you see wearing white are the sunburned tourists while the rest of us are bundled up in sweaters freezing when the temp dips to 50!


I grew up in S. Florida, we moved around quite a bit - lived in Palm Beach Gardens, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach...my sister was born in Boynton. I loved it!! We went to the beach every day...to Singer island. It was idyllic in those days. :) I still remember our house on Military Trail...back then it was the boonies!! Times have changed though. I always thought I would move back...in fact my brother, my sister, and my parents all did, for a while at least. My brother is the only one that decided to make it his permanent home - he is in Ft. Lauderdale. I probably would go for living in say...Islamorada, or Largo...but South Fla has changed enough that I am content to visit occasionally...but I always love it when I go...and hate to leave. I love the warmth...and the humidity somehow doesn't seem as bad to me down there!! :rolleyes:

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I agree with Menina on the paranoia. I'm also concerned that you view this as a "diet" rather than a "lifestyle change." I've seen several references here that lead me to that conclusion...use of the word diet, eating the "yum yums" after you lose the weight, etc. If you do this, you'll go right back to where you were.


That said, great job on the weight lost so far. I just want you to keep it off:)

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Are you kidding? I have one home and and an office in palm beach gardens, the other is in Miami beach (a shoebox, basically). Moomie In Law lives in Lake Worth. I am at the University tonite for a class but received a calll she's making turkey legs and collard greens tonite so guess where I'm stopping on the way home!


The unfriendly thing..well, they did a survey for Delta a few years ago on the rudest passengers and across the nation the flight attendents voted that the WORST passengers were on the NJ/NY-West Palm route..not everyone is like that of course but New Yorkers here tend to stick out a little bit by their mannerisms, etc.


I grew up in S. Florida, we moved around quite a bit - lived in Palm Beach Gardens, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach...my sister was born in Boynton. I loved it!! We went to the beach every day...to Singer island. It was idyllic in those days. :) I still remember our house on Military Trail...back then it was the boonies!! Times have changed though. I always thought I would move back...in fact my brother, my sister, and my parents all did, for a while at least. My brother is the only one that decided to make it his permanent home - he is in Ft. Lauderdale. I probably would go for living in say...Islamorada, or Largo...but South Fla has changed enough that I am content to visit occasionally...but I always love it when I go...and hate to leave. I love the warmth...and the humidity somehow doesn't seem as bad to me down there!! :rolleyes:
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Well there is a difference between reserved, which I find New Englanders are, and rude. Last summer we sailed on a short Cunard cruise out of NY where most of the passangers were from NY. They were absolutley horrible, demanding and no manners at all..... This cruise came off of our "to do again" list.


Regarding the diet frame of mind... some take longer than others. I will admit that when I was at about the point Brenda is at right now I was still thinking diet. But just by changing your habits even if you are thinking they are short term to loose weight the habits do change and you stick with them. I think we all handle and view the change in our own way. I use to be a very heavy smoker and when I quit I never looked at it as permanent and thought of it more as one day at a time... Can I go one day without a cig, and then can I go two days and on and on. I never picked up cigs again but if I were to think of it as long term, I think forever would of been too much for me to handle and perhaps not of been as successful as I was in kicking the habit.

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Are you kidding? I have one home and and an office in palm beach gardens, the other is in Miami beach (a shoebox, basically). Moomie In Law lives in Lake Worth. I am at the University tonite for a class but received a calll she's making turkey legs and collard greens tonite so guess where I'm stopping on the way home!


The unfriendly thing..well, they did a survey for Delta a few years ago on the rudest passengers and across the nation the flight attendents voted that the WORST passengers were on the NJ/NY-West Palm route..not everyone is like that of course but New Yorkers here tend to stick out a little bit by their mannerisms, etc.



Really is a small world isn't it! :p I will at least make it down to Jacksonville within the next few weeks...my BF is down there for work (technically Kings Bay, GA, but that is almost Jax) and I'll be flying down to visit soon I hope.


As far as New Yorkers...I've met nothing but friendly people up there every time I have gone. Of course, most of them were probably tourists!!:D

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The 12 step philosophies of AA, NA, etc. follow this one day at a time approach. If you read the 12 steps it's really a life management program.


Overeaters Anonymous (OA) does this too...I don't think they give out diet plans, I think they just talk about their food issues in the meetings and how they use the one day at a time approach. I knew a nurse that went through it and lost like 200lbs by doing her own healthy lifestyle plan and going to the meetings. She was beyond morbidly obese.


Smooth, that's a really good way to look at it; one day at a time. I'm just not like that:). Thanks for reminding me that not everyone thinks like me:D
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