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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Glad it's improving. Pray for storms in Fla..we are under severe water restrictions (can water for like 1/2 hour one time per week) and have been for a year.


After Hurricane Wilma, I lost my entire roof, 3 rooms..I lived with holes in my ceiling for a year and mold until insurance came through. And that was after Ih ad the home remodled and PAID for it out of my pocket. Funny what you can go through when you thnk you can't! What we get in sun we pay for in drought and hurricane weather. So many people are exiting Florida, it's easy to see why.


Well it looks like we are going to be safe this time. THANK GOD!!! Now I just have to pray for no more storms til the river goes down a bit. I hate living here. DH refuses to move. Its tough. Before I moved in....there was 15 years between floods. The latest record I know is....it flooded the year before I bought my home....then after being here 5 years was my first flood, then 6 months later I had a major scare and had to empty my basement and move out......fortunately, it was only a scare....then 2 years after the first flood, we had another flood, even worse. Now another scare. Its crazy!! Alright, I'm done complaining....this too shall pass.


I get on the scale tomorrow! HA! LOL...I am a little nervous since I haven't worked out in a week and a half.

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I can so relate to Barbara. I was a 5'5, 110 pounds until I reached 45. Even after two kids witihin a few months of delivery I bounced back to 110 with no effort on my part. If I told you what I ate in a day it would drive you crazy. So when your body does change and you have no habits behind you to help, at first it can be a shock and hard to turn it around. When I reached 160 and a size 14 the reality set it that thoes days were over and I had to change and my journey began.


Brenda is a perfect example of "watching in action" how to turn around bad habits into good ones and the reward of her actions. Even the complaining and not always listening is a good example of what you will feel and how fustrated you can become as you change your habits, the ups and downs one feels as this transformtion occurs. I am not suprised that you find this thread so motivating.


But of course M is right, you need to commit to some type of physical activity and a change in eating habits if you want to loose the weight. It is not easy, and it is going to be even more difficult for then Brenda due to your age(speaking from experience).It has been years now since I have seen the 160 mark, now I am anywhere between 115-120, it can absolutley be done, once you put your mind to it. Once you commit to this you will immediatley feel great, a real sense of accomplishment and something that you have done for yourself.

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It's freezing here..50!


My church is on palm beach right across from the ocean...I got up early and stopped by on the way to 8am service..sun looked like a huge ball of fire but it was COLD...



50 freezing?!! This is one area you need to toughen up Menina:). It's 9 here is Green Bay, that's right 9.

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Chi..remember I went to grad school in MICHIGAN and lived there for awhile after!


Smooth: great post! Yes, Brenda is a good example and everyone here has been good at forcing her to face reality! Here I am sounding like a shrink again, but ya know a big reason why people don't change is becase it hurts to face reality. Giving support is different than giving sympathy..sometimes the two are confused..like on the fashion board, you'll see women post dresses they have no business wearing and ask for an opnion..nobody ever really dares say "oh that isn't becoming on you, or it's not a flattering style" Instead they say things like "oh, yes, I wish I had pretty eyes like you did, or you are so beautiful wish I had those curves". So then the gal is wearing some dress that may look horrible on her..everyone is always afraid to tell the truth! what's up with that?? What's more important..telling someone they need to exercise and stop eating garbage or being worried what they are going to think about you!!



Well in the dieting thing it's the same..no matter who you blame..your genes..your parents, your hormones..WHATEVER..you are the only one who controls what you put in your mouth!!!!


Smooth, how in the world did you eat your way up to 160?? I've seen your photos, are you kidding?? Who'd have thunk it!


I'm going on my usual Sunday night picnic "solo" at the beach..my darling says he'll be home in May for awhile with me (he's military...so every Sun. night I go to "our picnic spot" :) I bought fresh florida corn the other day, 7 for $1.00 and grapefruits..yum!


50 freezing?!! This is one area you need to toughen up Menina:). It's 9 here is Green Bay, that's right 9.
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Hi Brenda,

I've been wanting to write to you for weeks. You remind me of me. You have been getting some excellent advice here and I have been following the posts. I kept thinking, "I'm going to post and tell her what I'm doing" because I wasn't sure if you were eating Often Enough regularly and then "reward yourself" for your starvation by eating too much at one time. Anyway, I tried to post here and also on the "Best Diet EVER (no wheat no sugar thread)" and they both went away. I just went ahead and wrote the whole story in Word and decided to post it as a new thread: My Handy Plan.


Keep up the good work. You CAN do this!!! Just start saying, "Go Body Go!"


All you girls (darn, I should have written your user names down!) who have been supporting her have been fantastic! You are certainly helping OTHERS too when you continue this thread. The thread name is quite catchy cuz WE ALL FEEL LIKE THAT SOMETIMES! Don't we?


And even when you worry that you've been too harsh or you might hurt our feelings.... You are still doing the right thing (most of the time;) )


Thanks to you all. And Brenda, we're all rooting for you!!!

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Wow.....so you have had it even worse than me. For us it was our entire basement filled to the ceiling. We had to replace the boiler, hot water heater, etc. All of the stuff down there had to be moved to the higher floors, which meant that my house was in a shambles for weeks. BUT, that is nothing compared to what you describe. Here I thought 6 feet of water around my house was a big deal. There was even a photo of me in the newspaper in a row boat. In any case, I am very grateful that my home has been spared this time. We were out earlier today and saw many homes that were not so lucky. I feel for those.


Barbara, I do believe the rest of the group is right. Only you can do it. We (well maybe not me, yet..lol) can all guide you and advise you, but the hard part is up to you. I was just like you. I was a teeny weeny little thing forever. Even after the first 2 children I went down to 108!!! After the third I averaged 120-125. I am totally fine with that weight and am shooting for it. I am at 131 and it has been a hard fight. My hardest thing I am finding now is I miss certain foods and the variety of cooking chicken and vegetables different ways is very very hard. I don't know what we are eating yet tonight....I better get my butt in gear. I definitely don't want to mess up now. Good luck with all your efforts.



Glad it's improving. Pray for storms in Fla..we are under severe water restrictions (can water for like 1/2 hour one time per week) and have been for a year.


After Hurricane Wilma, I lost my entire roof, 3 rooms..I lived with holes in my ceiling for a year and mold until insurance came through. And that was after Ih ad the home remodled and PAID for it out of my pocket. Funny what you can go through when you thnk you can't! What we get in sun we pay for in drought and hurricane weather. So many people are exiting Florida, it's easy to see why.

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Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I will look for your thread.


Hi Brenda,

I've been wanting to write to you for weeks. You remind me of me. You have been getting some excellent advice here and I have been following the posts. I kept thinking, "I'm going to post and tell her what I'm doing" because I wasn't sure if you were eating Often Enough regularly and then "reward yourself" for your starvation by eating too much at one time. Anyway, I tried to post here and also on the "Best Diet EVER (no wheat no sugar thread)" and they both went away. I just went ahead and wrote the whole story in Word and decided to post it as a new thread: My Handy Plan.


Keep up the good work. You CAN do this!!! Just start saying, "Go Body Go!"


All you girls (darn, I should have written your user names down!) who have been supporting her have been fantastic! You are certainly helping OTHERS too when you continue this thread. The thread name is quite catchy cuz WE ALL FEEL LIKE THAT SOMETIMES! Don't we?


And even when you worry that you've been too harsh or you might hurt our feelings.... You are still doing the right thing (most of the time;) )


Thanks to you all. And Brenda, we're all rooting for you!!!

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Well, when I was sitting on the floor scrubbing mold and looking at my ceiling a friend walked in and said she couldn't believe I wasn't in a meltdown..my reponse to her was I could either sit in the corner and bawl all day or face reality and move on..hey..am I sounding more like a marine wife or not...hehe...6 ft around your house IS a big deal..but you know, even if it did come in your home you too would face reality, deal with it, and move on.


Brenda, do you like spicy foods? You might try jerk chicken..plus the heat from it alone can burn a few calories..when my darling made it for me (he is west indian in case you didn't figure that out) it was so potent when he was mixing the rub he put on a gas mask and I had to leave the room! It was more potent in the mixing of it than in the actual eating of it!


The cooking part of it gets easier..remember your a rookie and it always takes a lot of practice! If you have a gas grill you can grill all year round. Try marinating your meats in juices..chicken marinated in lime juice and thyme is excellent..or you could do a lemon garlic juice marinade and some black pepper...add some brown rice..stir fries are good too if you use the oil sparingly or cooking spray..


Wow.....so you have had it even worse than me. For us it was our entire basement filled to the ceiling. We had to replace the boiler, hot water heater, etc. All of the stuff down there had to be moved to the higher floors, which meant that my house was in a shambles for weeks. BUT, that is nothing compared to what you describe. Here I thought 6 feet of water around my house was a big deal. There was even a photo of me in the newspaper in a row boat. In any case, I am very grateful that my home has been spared this time. We were out earlier today and saw many homes that were not so lucky. I feel for those.


Barbara, I do believe the rest of the group is right. Only you can do it. We (well maybe not me, yet..lol) can all guide you and advise you, but the hard part is up to you. I was just like you. I was a teeny weeny little thing forever. Even after the first 2 children I went down to 108!!! After the third I averaged 120-125. I am totally fine with that weight and am shooting for it. I am at 131 and it has been a hard fight. My hardest thing I am finding now is I miss certain foods and the variety of cooking chicken and vegetables different ways is very very hard. I don't know what we are eating yet tonight....I better get my butt in gear. I definitely don't want to mess up now. Good luck with all your efforts.

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Is it ok to incorporate a lean piece of beef each week into my rotation of food? I like london broil alot (especially during grilling season). A few things I feel I am really going to miss and wish I could have are some favorite grill foods like spareribs, bratwurst, sausage, hamburgers and hot dogs. I normally have these foods alot in the summer. Can I still have a hamburger if I use the very lean chop meat? I don't like turkey burgers....and I'm surprised, because I use ground turkey for everything. I just see myself grilling chicken over and over with all different spices and marinades and that is so boring. OR....Is it really just about portion size and not what I eat? I mean instead of eating 2 hamburgers and potato salad, and corn on the cob, etc., would 1 hamburger and a coleslaw made with an oil vinegar dressing on the side be ok? I'm very confused I think with what I can and cannot do. The last thing I want to do is mess up after I've come this far.


OK....I'm a little cranky now.....everyone is eating potato chips.

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We cook on our gas grill all the time, year round, even in the snow. It works for us as our deck is right off of our kitchen. Then of course, at least in our house, the grill is a man thing, so all the more easier for me!! We will also use our George Foreman Grill inside if it is just to cold.


What happens, like we have all said is you dont put that weight on all at once. First it is 5 pounds you can live with, then another 5. You get use to looking at yourself a little heavier and it just creeps up on you until one day poof you are there and then you realize just how large and out of shape you have become.


Today I am making some design alterations on the gown I will wear next week and replace all the rinestones that have fallen off.... I love to do this, it is just so relaxing and I can feel the anticipation building up towards the event..... Poked myself with the sissors and now taking a break until the little blood on my finger goes away....The dress is very white, cant take the risk..... Still, no matter how we score I am so happy that we are returning to the competition floor, I worked very hard to be there and feel darn good about myself.

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Sure, why not a lean piece of beef once a week? Everything to me is about portion size..you just limit the frequency of some of the things..like why not beef 1x per week, fish 2x per week, chicken 1x and meatless meal 1x per week? So you have half a cup of potatoe salad instead of 2 cups..and then maybey ou cut back in another area that day, like one less piece of bread, or you add 3 extra glasses of water..you follow me?


Turkey is a mixed bag for me..I love it..but read that most ground turkey is made out of DARK meat which has more fat.


Hotdogs...haven't had one in maybe 10 years...all the garbage that goes into them! Nitrates are frightening! Sausages..I like those too..but a lot of fat goes into them..Brazilian sausage is to die for!


Spareribs..boil the fat off them first then grill them..but again, this isn't a food you should have regularly.


I'm learning a lot from what you say...I think your "usual" diet is so typically American and people wonder why they got fat!


Grilling...they are doing some funky things with fruits and vegetables on the grill..to me a grilled portobello is as big and to me taste like a burger!


Spend some time surfing the web..look at what other cultures do with foods..look up Jamaica, Portugal, Greece, etc..they do some amazing things with the same kinds of food we eat. I love the lebanese meatloaf..now you could make hamburger patties out of the meat mixture which actually has very little hamburger in it and has all that quinona...healthy!


Food isn't supposed to be boring..supposed to be an adventure!


Potato chips! Gawd,girl! You have the rest of your life to have them! Why do you need them TODAY??!!:D




Is it ok to incorporate a lean piece of beef each week into my rotation of food? I like london broil alot (especially during grilling season). A few things I feel I am really going to miss and wish I could have are some favorite grill foods like spareribs, bratwurst, sausage, hamburgers and hot dogs. I normally have these foods alot in the summer. Can I still have a hamburger if I use the very lean chop meat? I don't like turkey burgers....and I'm surprised, because I use ground turkey for everything. I just see myself grilling chicken over and over with all different spices and marinades and that is so boring. OR....Is it really just about portion size and not what I eat? I mean instead of eating 2 hamburgers and potato salad, and corn on the cob, etc., would 1 hamburger and a coleslaw made with an oil vinegar dressing on the side be ok? I'm very confused I think with what I can and cannot do. The last thing I want to do is mess up after I've come this far.


OK....I'm a little cranky now.....everyone is eating potato chips.

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Well I did not touch even one potato chip!!! I did have a couple pretzels. And that is OK!! Feel good about it too.


We don't really like fish in this house. Only myself and my daughter will eat anything at all. I incorporate a shrimp stir fry or grilled shrimp on occassion, but not that often because I have to worry about feeding DH and DS, so I usually do this when there are leftovers. I don't understand the little guy. When he was 2 or even less, he ate shrimp like crazy....now he spits it out or won't even try it.


Good idea about boiling the spareribs first. I actually used to do this, then I found a BETTER way to make them. I actually put them on the grill in aluminum foil slathered in sauce for almost 2 hours, then take them out at the end to grill them and put a crust on them...they are so soft that way.


The ground turkey I use is ALWAYS ground turkey breast. I do this on purpose to keep it really healthy.


I do make lots of grilled veggies all summer long. I love peppers and onions....especially a nice long hot pepper. Portobellos are yummy, but I only like them as a side dish. I get the portobellos almost every Saturday night as my appetizer. YUMMO!


I think tomorrow night I am going to use my slow cooker. I have a piece of center cut boneless pork.... very very lean .....I think I'll put that in there with a bunch of veggies. It will cook in its own juices....should be delish and it will take care of itself since I have to worry about getting back to Curves, then Easter basket shopping and then a trip to the book fair at the school.


Tonight I whipped up a pot of chicken soup. This seems to work well for me....its healthy and everyone loves it. WIN WIN. Well gonna go finish getting that together. ttyl

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We cook on our gas grill all the time, year round, even in the snow. It works for us as our deck is right off of our kitchen. Then of course, at least in our house, the grill is a man thing, so all the more easier for me!! We will also use our George Foreman Grill inside if it is just to cold.


What happens, like we have all said is you dont put that weight on all at once. First it is 5 pounds you can live with, then another 5. You get use to looking at yourself a little heavier and it just creeps up on you until one day poof you are there and then you realize just how large and out of shape you have become.


Today I am making some design alterations on the gown I will wear next week and replace all the rinestones that have fallen off.... I love to do this, it is just so relaxing and I can feel the anticipation building up towards the event..... Poked myself with the sissors and now taking a break until the little blood on my finger goes away....The dress is very white, cant take the risk..... Still, no matter how we score I am so happy that we are returning to the competition floor, I worked very hard to be there and feel darn good about myself.


Yep - I too cook on the grill occasionally. In fact I grilled myself a nice piece of filet mignon (my favorite cut) last week! Of course I eat no more than 3 or 4 oz for a meal though...so I always have several meals out of one steak. Though I sure don't eat anywhere neat the beef that I used to, sometimes I just get a craving for it!! I doubt that I have it as often as once a week, but I don't see anything wrong with that, as long as you are careful with portion size. Beef (steaks and especially burgers) have a good amount of fat, but they also are very high in protein. When I get a craving for a burger, I get one, eat about a third (no bun) and my son finishes the rest! :p


Smooth - I am so jealous of your dancing! I am a big fan, and occasionally go with my son. He is in a BR dance club at school and helps teach it. He really enjoys it - and of course so do the young ladies at school! I am sure you will look lovely in your dress, and do very well!!

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Well I did not touch even one potato chip!!! I did have a couple pretzels. And that is OK!!


Good going!!! ;)


We don't really like fish in this house.

Oh my gosh have you ever tried blackened rockfish or mahi mahi?? Man...it is hard, I mean HARD to beat that, to me. And this from someone who, 5 years ago, NEVER EVER ate fish! Now I never cooked it myself, haven't gotten that brave yet, but I will eventually. I just can't eat fish that taste, well, fishy. I'll literally gag if there is any "fish" taste or smell. :o So I was very happy to find that there IS some fish that I can enjoy, since it is so healthy!!

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I love grouper and snapper, they have so much "meat" on them..I also like cod and haddock a lot..we get a lot of Mahi down here..had some fish tacos recently..YUM...and swordfish has the reputation of being a "fish" steak...


I think the reason why you don't like fish is that nobody ever cooked it right for you!! I love Jamican escovitched or brown stewed fish..the sauce is yummy...the fish tacos I had were at the cheesecake factory and had some mango and other veggies in them...big chunks of Mahi in them...YUM...


Good going!!! ;)



Oh my gosh have you ever tried blackened rockfish or mahi mahi?? Man...it is hard, I mean HARD to beat that, to me. And this from someone who, 5 years ago, NEVER EVER ate fish! Now I never cooked it myself, haven't gotten that brave yet, but I will eventually. I just can't eat fish that taste, well, fishy. I'll literally gag if there is any "fish" taste or smell. :o So I was very happy to find that there IS some fish that I can enjoy, since it is so healthy!!

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Oh yes, forgot to mention swordfish - also very good! My son ordered swordfish at the "Hook Line and Sinker" when we were in St. Thomas. It was the first time he had ever eaten it, and he said it was the best fish he had ever had. Shoot even fried catfish is darn tasty, though I limit myself to only a bite from my son's plate! :p

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I wish I could grill...and I wish I could eat fish. I live in a condo in Chicago with no balcony, so I can't grill, and I'm very allergic to fish, though I hear I"m missing out. I always say that my parents/friends that are eating fish on Fridays during Lent aren't really sacrificing anything, and they agree:). One thing I tried this year for Lent that I intend to continue to eat afterwards because it is good is Boca soy crumbles. I make a pasta sauce out of this, and my mom made tacos with it on Friday night. I actually like it better than ground beef in these dishes! And it's only 60 calories per serving.


Brenda, I eat beef once or twice a week. If I do eat it, it's a very lean cut, or 95% ground beef. Portion control is key. I posted the other day about my sister's baby shower and resisting cake. I did decide to have a piece - 3 bites worth. I got to have some of the cake, I was satisfied, and I didn't feel guilty. The shower was so nice...my sister and baby got a lot of great stuff. She has another one next month, and the baby's due May 8th. She's having 2 because our family is in Green Bay, but her husband's family and all her friends are in the Chicago area. I have another shower this Friday. I already know they are serving pizza. I have to ask the organizer where she will be getting it from so I can properly plan. I truly believe you can eat just about anything if you "budget" for it, don't overindulge, and it's not an every day thing.


I came home from Green Bay with Deanna Favre's book on beating breast cancer, Sport's Illustrated's special tribute edition to Brett Favre, and the Green Bay Press Gazette's 32 page tribute to Brett. It's a town in mourning lol! Even at church on Sat evening, during the intentions, they offered a prayer of thanksgiving for Brett and Deanna (they belong to the church my parents go to - they got married there!) and prayed for peace, good health, etc in retirement. My cousin gave my sister a Favre jersey for the baby!

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Brenda, glad everything seems to be ok with the flood waters. I have an amusing story about a flood. Back in 86, I was in 4th grade. All summer we had more rain than normal. My school was right on the Des Plaines river. Rain continued into early fall nonstop. It was still nice outside, but we couldn't have recess or do PE outside because the water took over the playground - water was up to the doors. One Friday, we had a half day. During the afternoon, the rain just came! My parents' had backup in their basement. We were in the process of moving, and the new house wasn't done yet. The sump pump and all that stuff wasn't working, so the new house took on a lot of water in the basement, delaying the construction of the new house a couple weeks. My school got flooded - my dad helped clean up and said it was just a mess. We didn't have school for over a week while the district figured out what to do. My school (4-6) and the junior high were both flooded. There are no extra buildings, and a dept store at the local mall had closed about 6 months earlier, so off to the mall for school we went! The grade school was on the first floor; junior high on the second floor! My "classroom" was in the shoe dept! We were there for 3 months while they remodeled the schools.

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Good morning,


So I weighed myself. It is Monday you know! LOL Anyhow, I am 131....stayed the same all week when I was sick. I have a total weight loss of 12 pounds. I feel it should be more by now (7 weeks). Hopefully, this week I will boost the weight loss by starting back at Curves. I am still not 100% physically, but I need to start somewhere.


Fish......One of the main things I don't like about fish is the texture. To me its mushy. Even when I do cook shrimp, I like them cooked well.....technically you are supposed to leave them slightly translucent, but I don't like that...they are too soft for me. But more so, I don't like a fishy taste. No, I haven't tried all different fishes and this is most likely because I don't want to waste money on it and then not like it. My sister wound up trying a few that she likes because her DH ate it and she would sample it from his plate.


Anyhow, I have to get a move on today. Very busy this morning.....Have a great day.

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Brenda, you are doing AWESOME!! 12 pounds in 7 weeks is just fantastic progress!! Kudos to you!!!


Oh, and while I have certainly not tried all fish, the ones that I mentioned are absolutely NOT "mushy"...I couldn't eat fish if it were. Ugh!


I understand you not wanting to order it and find you wasted money. I never would have either, but my neighbor, about 3 years ago, was grilling out one day and we were joining them. I opted for chicken, but he told me I just HAD to try the tuna as it was fresh caught and he was very proud of his grilling technique... :D ...so I tried a small piece, and my little voice inside went "HEY!! This is GOOD!! I could eat this!!" I was so surprised that I liked it! So....fast forward a few months and I was out on a date at my date's favorite restaurant down at the beach, and he said I should try the blackened tuna. Since I love spicy food, I ordered it, and it was very good. BUT, he ordered blackened mahi mahi, and let me try a piece of his, and WOW! That is all I ever get now when I eat there...it is SOOOOO good! And now that I know that, I have tried other fish too, and found many that I love! (And this from a former beef/chicken/pork only fussy eater !! Ha!) The guy from that date broke my heart a few months later, but it was worth it just to find out about the fish!! :rolleyes:

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A big key to fish is the freshness and how it is cooked.


It's best to buy fish ONLY if it is kept on ice in the market..NOT on a refridgerated tray. If it's mushy it's either bad or overdone. If it SMELLS too fishy then it is probably bad. If you can, buy it at a fish market. We have a great Bahamian fish market here, everthing is packed solid in ice in the display case and you can see them bringing it in. At the fish market ask them when the fish was brought in. Same thing if you buy the "fresh catch" of the day in the restaurant. My brother in Brazil always demands they serve him the fish that came in TODAY, not yesterday.


Brenda..I'm glad your doing well but it concerns me you are still beating yourself up that "I should be losing more and faster". I don't want you to fail. But the sadistic part of me almost hopes you plateau for awhile so you can REALLY learn what persverance is about. It's not uncommon to lose al ot of weight then plateu for days or even months. And your body also sorta knows a 'set" weight that it's best at. Sometimes your posts sound like you think you are going to eventually go back and eat the way you used to. You can't and you have to accept it..not sure you're at that place yet? Nonetheless, keep up the good work!


Brenda, you are doing AWESOME!! 12 pounds in 7 weeks is just fantastic progress!! Kudos to you!!!


Oh, and while I have certainly not tried all fish, the ones that I mentioned are absolutely NOT "mushy"...I couldn't eat fish if it were. Ugh!


I understand you not wanting to order it and find you wasted money. I never would have either, but my neighbor, about 3 years ago, was grilling out one day and we were joining them. I opted for chicken, but he told me I just HAD to try the tuna as it was fresh caught and he was very proud of his grilling technique... :D ...so I tried a small piece, and my little voice inside went "HEY!! This is GOOD!! I could eat this!!" I was so surprised that I liked it! So....fast forward a few months and I was out on a date at my date's favorite restaurant down at the beach, and he said I should try the blackened tuna. Since I love spicy food, I ordered it, and it was very good. BUT, he ordered blackened mahi mahi, and let me try a piece of his, and WOW! That is all I ever get now when I eat there...it is SOOOOO good! And now that I know that, I have tried other fish too, and found many that I love! (And this from a former beef/chicken/pork only fussy eater !! Ha!) The guy from that date broke my heart a few months later, but it was worth it just to find out about the fish!! :rolleyes:

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MEANY!!...Yeah that's for you Menina! LOL....can't believe you WANT me to plateau! Geez!!


Anyhow, I went to Curves and I got measured. I was surprised and delighted to find out that my biggest change was in my stomach. I lost 3 inches in my stomach!!!! No wonder I think I look better in dresses and pants. I lost 1/2 inch on my waist and 1 inch on my bust. Everything else....legs, arms, etc. stayed the same. All together it was 4 1/2 inch loss. I got a star on the wall too. Since I started Curves I lost exactly 6.75 pounds...that's 5 weeks....but I didn't work out for one of those weeks when I was sick. I was only able to do 50 minutes today. I was completely winded by the end of this. I guess I am still not 100% well yet.


Well gotta get a move on....time to go to the book sale at school.

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