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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Tag....113....that is so fabulous!!! CONGRATS! I think that number is in dreamland for me.....but I sure would love it!!!


I feel bloated today. No clue why. Its not that time. Anyhow, I'm not even hungry.....I have hardly any appetite, yet I feel "fat"....does this make any sense? All I ate today was a banana, a hard boiled egg, and half a stuffed pepper. I even wore a "fat shirt" today. Weird.....

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I have hardly any appetite, yet I feel "fat"....does this make any sense? All I ate today was a banana, a hard boiled egg, and half a stuffed pepper. I even wore a "fat shirt" today. Weird.....


That happens to me once in a while too. I don't worry about it - jsut figure that it is my body making up for something I ate and didn't need!!;)


Congrats also to TAG...113 is not a number I will ever see (unless I am on my way out!!) but I would be happy with about 7 or 8 more pounds darn it. I am happy for you - enjoy!

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I hope it does work for her...a friend of ours met his wife a year ago on eharmony, she ended up pregnant, they got married and are about to divorce with a very ugly custody suit because he is Catholic and she is Wiccan and has done some strange things to the baby.



My SIL is getting married in May, met her BF on E-Harmony, so it can work. I met my second husband at work in a large corp. We we just really friends and it just kind of developed from there. In August we will be married 20 years!
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Interesting...it sounds like they got married because she was pregnant. Chances are it wouldn't have worked regardless of how they met. My old roommate met her husband through eHarmony. I have a friend in Chicago that never got an eHarmony match! I do think I'm going to try it - I have nothing to lose, right? I've tried Chemistry, Yahoo personals, and Match. Yahoo personals was just scary - I never ended up paying because I quit before my trial period was even up lol!


Tag, I'm with the others, 113 is a number I won't be seeing again in my lifetime. I think I was 113 when I was a freshman in high school! I've also read "He's Just Not That Into You." While I found the book hilarious, it wasn't eye-opening for me...I was already doing everything the book said!


I'm at 138 for the third Saturday. I'd really like to be at goal (135) for my cruise. Not sure what to do to step it up...I stay in points, and I've upped my cardio. If I was doing 45 minutes before, I'm now doing an hour. If I was doing 1 hour before, I'm now doing an hour and a half. Been doing this since I hit 138, and I'm not going down.


Ugh, snow...I thought the snow was done, but my car is covered, and it's still snowing. My sister had over a foot up by her!

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He did the "noble" thing..he is very old fashioned man from Colombia, she, in retrospect, was a total fruitcake. I think the thing to do is to just "be out there" enjoying life and then someone comes along when you least expect it.


Bloat..forgot who asked..best thing I have found is to drink hot lemon water..no sugar..does the trick...and also BLACK tea..no sugar..Starbucks makes a good black ice tea, but you have to ask for it "undiluted" as they dilute their ice tea. Those things really do it for me on the bloat.


Am off to a big picnic today, have fun all.


Interesting...it sounds like they got married because she was pregnant. Chances are it wouldn't have worked regardless of how they met. My old roommate met her husband through eHarmony. I have a friend in Chicago that never got an eHarmony match! I do think I'm going to try it - I have nothing to lose, right? I've tried Chemistry, Yahoo personals, and Match. Yahoo personals was just scary - I never ended up paying because I quit before my trial period was even up lol!


Tag, I'm with the others, 113 is a number I won't be seeing again in my lifetime. I think I was 113 when I was a freshman in high school! I've also read "He's Just Not That Into You." While I found the book hilarious, it wasn't eye-opening for me...I was already doing everything the book said!


I'm at 138 for the third Saturday. I'd really like to be at goal (135) for my cruise. Not sure what to do to step it up...I stay in points, and I've upped my cardio. If I was doing 45 minutes before, I'm now doing an hour. If I was doing 1 hour before, I'm now doing an hour and a half. Been doing this since I hit 138, and I'm not going down.


Ugh, snow...I thought the snow was done, but my car is covered, and it's still snowing. My sister had over a foot up by her!

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I am so envious everytime M goes on a picnic!.... Still much too cold here for that, being around 40 degrees but I think at least here we are done with snow.


I did not know that about E-Harmony Tag, that the goal was for lifetime partnership and not just dating. That is absolutley what my SIL wanted so I guess that is why it worked for her. The guy she met was the first one she actually met in person and they were together for about 3 years before they decided to marry. She is just so happy and I am thrilled for her, and her boyfriend is wonderful.... When he proposed to her he first asked my husband, as thier parents are both gone... If he can get past my husband, that is something! Tag can probably say more but do you have a friend you can do E-Harmony with? I understand if 2 join it is much cheaper.


113 would not work for me, I am at 118 with 115 as my goal. Anything lower would not look good on me, I would look sick. I forget what tags height is, but for her height and frame that must work. Tag, I think you told us you are at your goal, correct? Your cruise must be coming up any day now, right?


Chi, that happens to me all the time. I will go 3 weeks with no weight loss at all. But just hang in there and it will start to move again. That is what I do. I remind myself that there really is no alternative and then poof, one day it starts to move again. But, yes I know how terribly fustrating that can be.

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I'm at 138 for the third Saturday. I'd really like to be at goal (135) for my cruise. Not sure what to do to step it up...I stay in points, and I've upped my cardio.


I know the feeling too...I was trying to at least hit 140 before I go visit my sweetie next weekend (he's flying me down - can't wait!!:) ) and the last 3 days I am 141.x....so close, but so slooooowww. Oh well, at least I have 4 days in front of me to do extra workouts/running if I want - I am officially on SPRING BREAK!! YAY!!! (I work for a school division - not a teacher, but we still get a couple of days.)


Am off to a big picnic today, have fun all.
Enjoy M! Hope you have a pretty day!!
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We only compete in the smooth dances. I am beyond the point/age of getting into a latin costume! The first picture is a tango check, the second picture is a oversway in the waltz.


Oh, I dont beleive I even told you guys. The pink dress was a surprise from my husband. He contacted my very favorite designer (who has my measurements)and had that gown made for me. He gave it to me when we got to the hotel the night of the competition. That is why no pictures of the white gown, which I did not wear. We did not get any pictures of the front of the gown which is just unbeleiveable.I had troubles with my heel getting caught in the skirts so right now the designer has it for alterations.

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The pink dress was a surprise from my husband. He contacted my very favorite designer (who has my measurements)and had that gown made for me. He gave it to me when we got to the hotel the night of the competition.


Well it looks just stunning from the side view...how absolutlely wonderful of him!! You lucky girl! :)

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You look absolutely beautiful!! What a great surprise from your husband too. How come some men know just the perfect gift? :rolleyes:


I am still feeling bloated and have zero appetite. Today I have done the picky thing......basically ate nothing. I have literally only tasted some food that I am preparing for tomorrow. Tried the lemon thing......but not the black tea.....Do they make that decaffeinated?

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Brenda, they don't make decaf..I believe it may actually be the caffeine that does the trick..that's why dr's sometimes advise drinking black coffee when you are constipated :)




You look absolutely beautiful!! What a great surprise from your husband too. How come some men know just the perfect gift? :rolleyes:


I am still feeling bloated and have zero appetite. Today I have done the picky thing......basically ate nothing. I have literally only tasted some food that I am preparing for tomorrow. Tried the lemon thing......but not the black tea.....Do they make that decaffeinated?

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He called last night. I didn't answer because my phone was in another room and I was in bed...thought my mom was calling and I didn't want to talk about her setting me up with my uncle's financial advisor lol.


He left a message, and it is plausible. He got that nasty flu on Wednesday and didn't go to work on Thursday or Friday. I'm thinking that stinks, but were you so sick you couldn't call? I guess he left his phone at work on Wednesday so had no way of calling; didn't even have my number. He's like me - only has a cell phone and if I lose or forget my phone, I'm screwed. So maybe one more chance??

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Are u kidding? DO NOT....I repeat....DO NOT believe this guy's line of bull! YOU deserve better!!!! I've been there and done that.....he's full of crap!!


Get this.....I am not weighing myself! Why you ask.....well probably (definately) because I ate way too much this weekend and I need to give the scale time to adjust back to normal. :rolleyes: Yeah, well no point in upsetting myself!


How was everyone's holiday?

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Chi, it is a plausible excuse. I have done what he did on more than one occasion. The only way you will know is if you go out and then make a final judgment on what happened. Eveyone deserves the benefit of the doubt at least once, how many times have you ever done something you truly did not intend to do and people gave you a second chance?


Besides, if he is only a friend at this point..an acquaintance friend..it really doesn't matter if he's a male or a female friend. Stuff happens. The truth is, you really DON'T know the guy enough to know if he is tellling the truth or not.


I'd call him back and not even mention what happened. Because if he is telling the truth and he's truly a great guy, you may screw the chance up of something wonderful by saying something out of hurt or dissapointment. If he's a liar, you'll know soon. It's really not that complicated!


So call him back, don't mention what happened, make plans for lunch of something casual. Show up, look nice, be nice, go home. No expectations, no judgments about him until you get to know him.


Brenda..I hear you about Easter..went to a West Indian picnic on Saturday..oh my, jerk chicken, pork, potato salad, corn, goodies..then at MIL's for Sunday...curried chicken, rice, macaroni pie, homemade icecream!


He called last night. I didn't answer because my phone was in another room and I was in bed...thought my mom was calling and I didn't want to talk about her setting me up with my uncle's financial advisor lol.


He left a message, and it is plausible. He got that nasty flu on Wednesday and didn't go to work on Thursday or Friday. I'm thinking that stinks, but were you so sick you couldn't call? I guess he left his phone at work on Wednesday so had no way of calling; didn't even have my number. He's like me - only has a cell phone and if I lose or forget my phone, I'm screwed. So maybe one more chance??

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I too am staying clear of the scale. I had a great Sunday with my family. My sister made a mango salsa that was wonderful and I took some home to use on Salmon. But then, my husband made a ricotta cheese pie that got the best of me. This morning he brought the second pie to work, whew, glad it is gone!!


Tough call on the guy. My first instint was to agree with Brenda, but M has a point... What do you have to loose?

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I just don't feel you have a right to punish the guy until you find out the truth. Women can be real good at screwing stuff up before we find out what the truth is. Even if you find out he was a dog, you don't need to be mean to him or think all men are idiots because of what he did. Like I say, he has a right to be who he is, do things the way he does, regardless of if you think he's doing things the wrong way or not. Your job is to embrace it or dump it.


Like I said.."show up, look nice, be nice, goodbye, go home"! When you call him I wouldn't mention it. I'd say "Hi xxx, just returning your phone call". No details about what you've been doing, dont' offer info, pause alot..it'll let him spill the beans on what happened.


But I'd keep things light and cheerful.


My first thoughts were the same as Brenda's, but I'm leaning more towards Menina's thoughts now. I think I'll call him back and see what happens.
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I agree with you M. I'm going to call back, ask how he's feeling, and see what happens from there. It IS a reasonable explanation, and I feel that if he wanted nothing to do with me, he wouldn't have even bothered calling to offer the explanation.


For the record, I've NEVER thought that all men are dogs because then that is all that you will attract:)

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Chi, you've got such a great attitude with this. I've never thought that either. You know my famous phrase that people have a right to be who they are. Usually if people attract the dogs it's because they have "unfinished business" in their own life and they somehow end up attracting someone they think will help them resolve that business. It's an unconscous thing.


He'd be a real idiot to play around like that and then have the balls to call you. When you ask him how he's feeling he'll probably be pleasently surprised and think "wow, what a great gal, she's not like all the others who would have read me the riot act". Keep us posted!



I agree with you M. I'm going to call back, ask how he's feeling, and see what happens from there. It IS a reasonable explanation, and I feel that if he wanted nothing to do with me, he wouldn't have even bothered calling to offer the explanation.


For the record, I've NEVER thought that all men are dogs because then that is all that you will attract:)

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At least he DID call...so the excuse may be genuine. You have nothing to lose except a bit of time...otherwise you'll never really know if there was anything there or not. So yeah...call him back.


Easter...well, I was pretty good I guess. I didn't lose anything...but at least I didn't gain. Saturday night was our Easter dinner, and I ate an entire Outback 7oz filet. I mean scarfed it down. I cannot remember when I ate that much meat in one sitting!! But man was it good! I also had broccoli and a little of the yummy brown bread they serve. But I had planned for it, so the scale was friendly the next morning. :p


My nephews spent Sat night with me, so Sunday morning I made some cinnamon rolls that are just to die for. (Used the bread machine for the dough.) They taste exactly like Cinnabon's (which of course I don't eat anymore) but the recipe makes a ton so I took half of them over to my parent's house, where they were instantly decimated. I allowed myself one yesterday morning - I just could not resist. :o Now if I can just get my son to finish up the last 4! They are just staring me in the face...the little evil things. :D

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Those do sound good..if I ate one I'd have a repeat of the "Chinese Food Fiasco"! Smooth...could that ricotta pie be made wheat free and gluten free in the crust? I can pretty much eat anything except those things, and I love bread. I made a homemade pizza with cheese,tomatoes, artichokes and cornmeal crust that worked well but I miss the breads the most.


At least he DID call...so the excuse may be genuine. You have nothing to lose except a bit of time...otherwise you'll never really know if there was anything there or not. So yeah...call him back.


Easter...well, I was pretty good I guess. I didn't lose anything...but at least I didn't gain. Saturday night was our Easter dinner, and I ate an entire Outback 7oz filet. I mean scarfed it down. I cannot remember when I ate that much meat in one sitting!! But man was it good! I also had broccoli and a little of the yummy brown bread they serve. But I had planned for it, so the scale was friendly the next morning. :p


My nephews spent Sat night with me, so Sunday morning I made some cinnamon rolls that are just to die for. (Used the bread machine for the dough.) They taste exactly like Cinnabon's (which of course I don't eat anymore) but the recipe makes a ton so I took half of them over to my parent's house, where they were instantly decimated. I allowed myself one yesterday morning - I just could not resist. :o Now if I can just get my son to finish up the last 4! They are just staring me in the face...the little evil things. :D

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