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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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I find it completely amazing how just a few short months of healthy living (started January 21st) can actually become a way of life. I have to tell you, at first I thought I would be miserable going out and ordering something "better for you"...rather than the real fat food.......but I'm not. Its tasty too.....anything is, as long as its not the same foods that are cooked at home all the time. Restaurants taste different no matter what. I'm glad that I've had a few experiences now that I was put on the spot to eat without preparing and I made smart choices. This is NOT to say that I am an angel. As you all know I go out on Saturdays with basically no eating rules that night. But, maybe that is what gives me the courage to be good all the other times.

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I find it completely amazing how just a few short months of healthy living (started January 21st) can actually become a way of life. I have to tell you, at first I thought I would be miserable going out and ordering something "better for you"...rather than the real fat food.......but I'm not. Its tasty too.....anything is, as long as its not the same foods that are cooked at home all the time. Restaurants taste different no matter what. I'm glad that I've had a few experiences now that I was put on the spot to eat without preparing and I made smart choices. This is NOT to say that I am an angel. As you all know I go out on Saturdays with basically no eating rules that night. But, maybe that is what gives me the courage to be good all the other times.



First, congrats on the weight loss. Second, WOW, you've really come a LONG way in 2.5 months! Congrats, and keep going:). As for Saturday nights, hey, you have to live. I think that's what makes you be good the rest of the week.

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It's funny how if you, Brenda go without a certain food for awhile and have it, you are in heaven. Me, Menina, on the other hand gets sick and never eats it again! Chinese white rice and steamed vegetables are qutie good, and the soups (except egg drop) really aren't that bad. The hot and sour has a lot of vinegar in it which is a good burner. So if I have to eat anything "fast" I go for hot and sour soup, or chinese vegetable soup. Plus it's cheap. Have to just watch the sodium.


The true test of the healthy lifestyle, I think, comes trying to keep the weight off. But it sounds like your tastes are changing and that's the main thing.



I find it completely amazing how just a few short months of healthy living (started January 21st) can actually become a way of life. I have to tell you, at first I thought I would be miserable going out and ordering something "better for you"...rather than the real fat food.......but I'm not. Its tasty too.....anything is, as long as its not the same foods that are cooked at home all the time. Restaurants taste different no matter what. I'm glad that I've had a few experiences now that I was put on the spot to eat without preparing and I made smart choices. This is NOT to say that I am an angel. As you all know I go out on Saturdays with basically no eating rules that night. But, maybe that is what gives me the courage to be good all the other times.
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It's funny how if you, Brenda go without a certain food for awhile and have it, you are in heaven. Me, Menina, on the other hand gets sick and never eats it again! Chinese white rice and steamed vegetables are qutie good, and the soups (except egg drop) really aren't that bad. The hot and sour has a lot of vinegar in it which is a good burner. So if I have to eat anything "fast" I go for hot and sour soup, or chinese vegetable soup. Plus it's cheap. Have to just watch the sodium.


The true test of the healthy lifestyle, I think, comes trying to keep the weight off. But it sounds like your tastes are changing and that's the main thing.



I find it completely amazing how just a few short months of healthy living (started January 21st) can actually become a way of life. I have to tell you, at first I thought I would be miserable going out and ordering something "better for you"...rather than the real fat food.......but I'm not. Its tasty too.....anything is, as long as its not the same foods that are cooked at home all the time. Restaurants taste different no matter what. I'm glad that I've had a few experiences now that I was put on the spot to eat without preparing and I made smart choices. This is NOT to say that I am an angel. As you all know I go out on Saturdays with basically no eating rules that night. But, maybe that is what gives me the courage to be good all the other times.
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It's funny how if you, Brenda go without a certain food for awhile and have it, you are in heaven. Me, Menina, on the other hand gets sick and never eats it again! Chinese white rice and steamed vegetables are qutie good, and the soups (except egg drop) really aren't that bad. The hot and sour has a lot of vinegar in it which is a good burner. So if I have to eat anything "fast" I go for hot and sour soup, or chinese vegetable soup. Plus it's cheap. Have to just watch the sodium.


The true test of the healthy lifestyle, I think, comes trying to keep the weight off. But it sounds like your tastes are changing and that's the main thing.



I find it completely amazing how just a few short months of healthy living (started January 21st) can actually become a way of life. I have to tell you, at first I thought I would be miserable going out and ordering something "better for you"...rather than the real fat food.......but I'm not. Its tasty too.....anything is, as long as its not the same foods that are cooked at home all the time. Restaurants taste different no matter what. I'm glad that I've had a few experiences now that I was put on the spot to eat without preparing and I made smart choices. This is NOT to say that I am an angel. As you all know I go out on Saturdays with basically no eating rules that night. But, maybe that is what gives me the courage to be good all the other times.
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My very favorite is the General Chicken too. But after being sick for a few days when I ate it last I am cured. Now I have no desire for chinese food, a good thing!


But I so much agree that once your habits do change even when you make a plan to go off of your habits when you go out to dinner or whatever, you end up not going back to your old habits. It has nothing to do with the fear of gaining weight it is just that the desire is no longer there... That is very cool! I am wondering Brenda if this has happened to you on your Saturday night out.


For me however, I do have a planned cheat coming up this week-end! In the inner harbor in Baltimore they have a Phillips Crab House that I just love and we always go to after we compete. It is not the crab which is fine it is this chocolate milkshake kind of liquor drink that I love and will have!! There has got to be 1000 in that thing, but I am going for it anyway!


Brenda, how neglectful of me not to tell you that I think you have done an amazing job and have had a compelte and successful transistion. It has been great to watch this over the time when you first posted until now.

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You know, for those just starting this journey, I think that is one of the most dreaded things...the "not being able to eat what I love" and "having to eat what I hate". But change does comes, just very gradually. I never ever would have thought that I EVER would actually like raw carrots...or steamed broccoli (but it can't be crunchy - I do have my limits :p ), or hummus, or FISH (:eek:)...the changes are many, and continuous. For me, starting out was all about just focusing on portion control...once I got USED to eating less, I could NOT eat the large portions anymore. After I started losing, I simply wanted to explore healthier foods. You get to a point where you know you are going to be successful, and you start being smarter about it.


Some foods that I used to eat in quantity, do now disagree with me, but not that many. And usually it is more related to the quantity than the food itself. Chinese food is one...I can eat one or two bites...and suffer no ill effects, but that's it - much more than that and I'll pay the price with an upset tummy.


To this day I have no problem eating chocolate or sweets...I just limit them. Really greasy foods are the biggest enemy. And then there are those "trigger foods" - those that I will just PIG OUT on. :o So I try to avoid even having them around...but more often, it simply comes down to discipline and using my head.


It's been such an education...one that will stick with me I hope!

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You know, for those just starting this journey, I think that is one of the most dreaded things...the "not being able to eat what I love" and "having to eat what I hate". But change does comes, just very gradually. I never ever would have thought that I EVER would actually like raw carrots...or steamed broccoli (but it can't be crunchy - I do have my limits :p ), or hummus, or FISH (:eek:)...the changes are many, and continuous. For me, starting out was all about just focusing on portion control...once I got USED to eating less, I could NOT eat the large portions anymore. After I started losing, I simply wanted to explore healthier foods. You get to a point where you know you are going to be successful, and you start being smarter about it.


Some foods that I used to eat in quantity, do now disagree with me, but not that many. And usually it is more related to the quantity than the food itself. Chinese food is one...I can eat one or two bites...and suffer no ill effects, but that's it - much more than that and I'll pay the price with an upset tummy.


To this day I have no problem eating chocolate or sweets...I just limit them. Really greasy foods are the biggest enemy. And then there are those "trigger foods" - those that I will just PIG OUT on. :o So I try to avoid even having them around...but more often, it simply comes down to discipline and using my head.


It's been such an education...one that will stick with me I hope!


I'm the same way. I have no desire for some things anymore, and I've expanded my palette and become more creative. I'm the opposite regarding greasy foods and chocolate/sweets though. I've found that about 3 bites satifies, and then I have remove it/throw it away.


I FINALLY broke my plateau...I've been at 136.6 for the past 4 days. Again, I wasn't eating enough. On WW, when you drop into the next tens (ie 140 to 138 like I did), you're supposed to drop a point, so I went to 20 to 19 points, 24 to 23 on days I work out. When I hit 138 and dropped that point, I stopped losing. I added that point back, and I started losing again. I think I probably work out more than your average Weight Watcher, and I need that extra point. A point is about 60-100 calories depending on fiber and fat content.

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Agreed. I found that by adopting more "international" foods from other countries and adopting some of their eating habits it's easy to not gain weight and your tastes do change. I try to do the no wheat/gluten thing. I found different breads I can eat that don't have that (except stay away from Nan which has TONS of calories). I eat "bammy", a jamaican bread made out of casava (yucca) which is a root vegetable. I eat alot of rice, too. I eat white, though as I was raised on that. If I feel like a cheat andi t's not planned, I telll myself "well, I don't have to eat that today I have the rest of my life to do that" and you know, that takes care of it for me. The one day at a time thing (one bite at a time!)


Am doing good on the cardio this week although it's been TOUGH with the work schedule. Planning, planning, planning!


You know, for those just starting this journey, I think that is one of the most dreaded things...the "not being able to eat what I love" and "having to eat what I hate". But change does comes, just very gradually. I never ever would have thought that I EVER would actually like raw carrots...or steamed broccoli (but it can't be crunchy - I do have my limits :p ), or hummus, or FISH (:eek:)...the changes are many, and continuous. For me, starting out was all about just focusing on portion control...once I got USED to eating less, I could NOT eat the large portions anymore. After I started losing, I simply wanted to explore healthier foods. You get to a point where you know you are going to be successful, and you start being smarter about it.


Some foods that I used to eat in quantity, do now disagree with me, but not that many. And usually it is more related to the quantity than the food itself. Chinese food is one...I can eat one or two bites...and suffer no ill effects, but that's it - much more than that and I'll pay the price with an upset tummy.


To this day I have no problem eating chocolate or sweets...I just limit them. Really greasy foods are the biggest enemy. And then there are those "trigger foods" - those that I will just PIG OUT on. :o So I try to avoid even having them around...but more often, it simply comes down to discipline and using my head.


It's been such an education...one that will stick with me I hope!

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Agreed. I found that by adopting more "international" foods from other countries and adopting some of their eating habits it's easy to not gain weight and your tastes do change. I try to do the no wheat/gluten thing. I found different breads I can eat that don't have that (except stay away from Nan which has TONS of calories). I eat "bammy", a jamaican bread made out of casava (yucca) which is a root vegetable. I eat alot of rice, too. I eat white, though as I was raised on that. If I feel like a cheat andi t's not planned, I telll myself "well, I don't have to eat that today I have the rest of my life to do that" and you know, that takes care of it for me. The one day at a time thing (one bite at a time!)


Am doing good on the cardio this week although it's been TOUGH with the work schedule. Planning, planning, planning!


You know, for those just starting this journey, I think that is one of the most dreaded things...the "not being able to eat what I love" and "having to eat what I hate". But change does comes, just very gradually. I never ever would have thought that I EVER would actually like raw carrots...or steamed broccoli (but it can't be crunchy - I do have my limits :p ), or hummus, or FISH (:eek:)...the changes are many, and continuous. For me, starting out was all about just focusing on portion control...once I got USED to eating less, I could NOT eat the large portions anymore. After I started losing, I simply wanted to explore healthier foods. You get to a point where you know you are going to be successful, and you start being smarter about it.


Some foods that I used to eat in quantity, do now disagree with me, but not that many. And usually it is more related to the quantity than the food itself. Chinese food is one...I can eat one or two bites...and suffer no ill effects, but that's it - much more than that and I'll pay the price with an upset tummy.


To this day I have no problem eating chocolate or sweets...I just limit them. Really greasy foods are the biggest enemy. And then there are those "trigger foods" - those that I will just PIG OUT on. :o So I try to avoid even having them around...but more often, it simply comes down to discipline and using my head.


It's been such an education...one that will stick with me I hope!

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Agreed. I found that by adopting more "international" foods from other countries and adopting some of their eating habits it's easy to not gain weight and your tastes do change. I try to do the no wheat/gluten thing. I found different breads I can eat that don't have that (except stay away from Nan which has TONS of calories). I eat "bammy", a jamaican bread made out of casava (yucca) which is a root vegetable. I eat alot of rice, too. I eat white, though as I was raised on that. If I feel like a cheat andi t's not planned, I telll myself "well, I don't have to eat that today I have the rest of my life to do that" and you know, that takes care of it for me. The one day at a time thing (one bite at a time!)


Am doing good on the cardio this week although it's been TOUGH with the work schedule. Planning, planning, planning!


You know, for those just starting this journey, I think that is one of the most dreaded things...the "not being able to eat what I love" and "having to eat what I hate". But change does comes, just very gradually. I never ever would have thought that I EVER would actually like raw carrots...or steamed broccoli (but it can't be crunchy - I do have my limits :p ), or hummus, or FISH (:eek:)...the changes are many, and continuous. For me, starting out was all about just focusing on portion control...once I got USED to eating less, I could NOT eat the large portions anymore. After I started losing, I simply wanted to explore healthier foods. You get to a point where you know you are going to be successful, and you start being smarter about it.


Some foods that I used to eat in quantity, do now disagree with me, but not that many. And usually it is more related to the quantity than the food itself. Chinese food is one...I can eat one or two bites...and suffer no ill effects, but that's it - much more than that and I'll pay the price with an upset tummy.


To this day I have no problem eating chocolate or sweets...I just limit them. Really greasy foods are the biggest enemy. And then there are those "trigger foods" - those that I will just PIG OUT on. :o So I try to avoid even having them around...but more often, it simply comes down to discipline and using my head.


It's been such an education...one that will stick with me I hope!

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OH YEAH!!!!! I could hardly believe my eyes when I got on the scale this morning and saw 125!!!!! That's right, another pound!!! This is 18 total!! Lets keep it rolling!!! The more I lose, the motivated I get and the more I want to lose.


Unfortunately, however, I seem to have hurt my inner ankles. My left one is even a bit puffy. The Curves lady says its because I land on my toes when I run in place and should land flat foot. Does anyone know about this? It just kept getting progessively worse and I even had to take the day off today. What am I doing wrong?

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Awesome job Brenda!


As for the running in place thing, unfortunately, I don't know. I very rarely run in place, but I land on my toes too...landing flat-footed would be awkward, I'd think.


Anybody have fun plans for the weekend? I'm going out with my ex tonight (no, there's nothing there, we're just better as friends than as a couple), I have my sister's baby shower tomorrow (her 3rd and final), and on Sunday I'm doing a 3 hour "spin-a-thon" for charity. Also on Sunday, I need to clean my place, do laundry, iron my cruise clothes. There's one dress I need to try on to make sure it still fits. My mom and I are going shopping tomorrow after the shower, so I can pick up something if needed.

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OH YEAH!!!!! I could hardly believe my eyes when I got on the scale this morning and saw 125!!!!! That's right, another pound!!! This is 18 total!! Lets keep it rolling!!! The more I lose, the motivated I get and the more I want to lose.


ATTA GIRL Brenda!!! You are definitely doing something right!! CONGRATS!!! ;) :)


Unfortunately, however, I seem to have hurt my inner ankles. My left one is even a bit puffy. The Curves lady says its because I land on my toes when I run in place and should land flat foot. Does anyone know about this? It just kept getting progessively worse and I even had to take the day off today. What am I doing wrong?


Landing flatfooted when running in place sounds awkward to me...but then again I don't usually run in place. Does normal walking hurt? Other activities? Check this link and see if you can isolate the problem. And RICE! (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).



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Anybody have fun plans for the weekend? I'm going out with my ex tonight (no, there's nothing there, we're just better as friends than as a couple), I have my sister's baby shower tomorrow (her 3rd and final), and on Sunday I'm doing a 3 hour "spin-a-thon" for charity. Also on Sunday, I need to clean my place, do laundry, iron my cruise clothes. There's one dress I need to try on to make sure it still fits. My mom and I are going shopping tomorrow after the shower, so I can pick up something if needed.


Staying friends is a good thing - most are unable to do so. My ex irritates the cr*p out of me sometimes :D, but we generally get along well enough to sit side by side at our son's school functions (when wifey#2 isn't there of course - she doesn't like me much:p ).


Let's see...weekend plans. Hmmm...well, son is going to Laserquest with a neighbor, so I'll have some unexpected free time tonight. Probably will get in some extra time at the gym. Tomorrow night I've been invited to go out with some girls from work...to a biker bar :eek:. Actually it's an "upscale" one (if you can imagine such a thing) and I know a few people that have been there and said it was not what I would expect. There is a decent band playing, and I love live music, so I may just go!!


Oh - I forgot to mention that my fella's assignment down in GA has been extended...until June. Sheesh.

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Well, Menina had some excitement, but no fun. I was on the way to MIL's for breakast, felt a "bump" from behind..long story short, the car spinning everywhere, I cried out to God for help, felt Him say "Don't let your head hit the windshield, keep your hands on the wheel and stay calm with your eyes open". LONG story short, I was hit by an RV towing a trailer when he made an improper lane change. $10,000 damage done to my car, no physical injuries, etc. But I truly thought I was going to die, I am convinced that God spared my life. Have never been through anything like that before..so emotionally rattled but no rental car until Monday. I can't believe I didn't flip over, it really looked like I was going to end up on the other side of the highway.


My friend Bonnie is lending me her car tomorrow, so I'm going to chll at the beach in the late afternoon.


Awesome job Brenda!


As for the running in place thing, unfortunately, I don't know. I very rarely run in place, but I land on my toes too...landing flat-footed would be awkward, I'd think.


Anybody have fun plans for the weekend? I'm going out with my ex tonight (no, there's nothing there, we're just better as friends than as a couple), I have my sister's baby shower tomorrow (her 3rd and final), and on Sunday I'm doing a 3 hour "spin-a-thon" for charity. Also on Sunday, I need to clean my place, do laundry, iron my cruise clothes. There's one dress I need to try on to make sure it still fits. My mom and I are going shopping tomorrow after the shower, so I can pick up something if needed.

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Well, Menina had some excitement, but no fun. I was on the way to MIL's for breakast, felt a "bump" from behind..long story short, the car spinning everywhere, I cried out to God for help, felt Him say "Don't let your head hit the windshield, keep your hands on the wheel and stay calm with your eyes open". LONG story short, I was hit by an RV towing a trailer when he made an improper lane change. $10,000 damage done to my car, no physical injuries, etc. But I truly thought I was going to die, I am convinced that God spared my life. Have never been through anything like that before..so emotionally rattled but no rental car until Monday. I can't believe I didn't flip over, it really looked like I was going to end up on the other side of the highway.


My friend Bonnie is lending me her car tomorrow, so I'm going to chll at the beach in the late afternoon.


:eek: Holy smokes!! Thank GOD you are okay...I know your nerves must be completely shot Menina. So sorry about the car, but the important thing is you escaped injury. Chilling is exactly what you need. And perhaps a stiff drink!

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Menina, so sorry about the accident, but like happysinglemom said, thank God you're OK. You say you're convinced God saved your life - I had a similar experience when I was 16 - my friend and I should have died. As students at a Catholic high school, our principal, a nun, told us God must have bigger plans for us. Almost 15 years later (it happened April 23, 1993), I'm still trying to figure that out:rolleyes:. I have to say, with my 8 month pregnant sister driving around in the Chicago traffic, that is my biggest fear. EVERYTHING is under construction in the Chicago area, and you know how people drive:eek:. Of course, I never want her to get into an accident, but I worry even more so now that she's carrying a little one.


Brenda, how is your mom doing?


Happy, sorry your guy's assignment has been extended.


Smooth, how was the competition?


Tag, how was your cruise?


One more week til my cruise! I can't wait! I don't remember if I posted this here or not, but we were planning on ziplining in Roatan. A few weeks ago, a woman was zipping tandem with a guide on the same line we were scheduled to do, and her harness broke. The woman died, and the guide sustained some significant injuries, but is going to be ok. The Honduras goverment shut down the line pending further investigation. Even if it were to be up and running by the timer we're there on the 16th, we're not doing it. Honduras standards are half of that in the US. We're going snorkeling and to the beach instead.

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Thanks ladies. I didn't sleep too well last night as I kept thinking about everything but mostly thanking God to be alive. I have no car today so I am hoofing it to the store, etc biking it, etc. I am making "fava beans" it's some mediterranine dish that is supposed to come out like hummus. will let you know.


Happy, sorry about the guy's extension. I can relate. My sweetheart is military and it is TOUGH. We have survived two Iraq tours, one Afghanstan, and now Japan and this is the last one. It's often we cant' communicate for days/weeks depending on what assignment he's on in the moment and if communications are shut down (which happens a lot!). One of the most romantic things he did once was somehow got rigged to a sattelite when he was in the middle of the desert and snuck in a phone call to me to say goodnight and tell me how beautiful the sky looked. It was a 2 minute phone call but meant so much. Better days are ahead for you!


Menina, so sorry about the accident, but like happysinglemom said, thank God you're OK. You say you're convinced God saved your life - I had a similar experience when I was 16 - my friend and I should have died. As students at a Catholic high school, our principal, a nun, told us God must have bigger plans for us. Almost 15 years later (it happened April 23, 1993), I'm still trying to figure that out:rolleyes:. I have to say, with my 8 month pregnant sister driving around in the Chicago traffic, that is my biggest fear. EVERYTHING is under construction in the Chicago area, and you know how people drive:eek:. Of course, I never want her to get into an accident, but I worry even more so now that she's carrying a little one.


Brenda, how is your mom doing?


Happy, sorry your guy's assignment has been extended.


Smooth, how was the competition?


Tag, how was your cruise?


One more week til my cruise! I can't wait! I don't remember if I posted this here or not, but we were planning on ziplining in Roatan. A few weeks ago, a woman was zipping tandem with a guide on the same line we were scheduled to do, and her harness broke. The woman died, and the guide sustained some significant injuries, but is going to be ok. The Honduras goverment shut down the line pending further investigation. Even if it were to be up and running by the timer we're there on the 16th, we're not doing it. Honduras standards are half of that in the US. We're going snorkeling and to the beach instead.

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M, I do know how you feel. After my last brush with death a new attitude emerged from me. It makes you realize what is really important in life, one never knows when your time will come so you start to make the best of what time you have. I am very glad that you are fine, less a crunched car.


I am not even going to tell you guys what I ate this week-end, lets just say I ate non stop and none of it good.... I drank frozen mudslides, cheese cake at the Cheese cake factory and on and on. I am absolutley not getting near a scale, but back on track now that I am back home.


We did not fare too well at this competition, no big suprise. The best dancers in the USA come out for this one. I think we danced pretty well, we were just out danced. Of course a tad bit disappointed because I know we came close, just not close enough. So, we just brush it off, go back to work on it next week...... On the upside, I had to have my gowns taken as a result of all my gym work and everytime I walked past mirror it brought a smile to my face because I loved the way I looked in these gowns!!!


Then, we have decided recently to start to compete in the latin dances and so this week-end I bought a new costume. This costume is tiny and short and that is all the motivation I need to stay on the straight and narrow eating path. (Not to mention this tiny little thing cost me $2,600.) I am having a few alterations done to the dress, when it arrives I will post a picture of it and then everyone will understand what I powerful motivation I will have hanging in my closet.

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We did not fare too well at this competition, no big suprise. The best dancers in the USA come out for this one. I think we danced pretty well, we were just out danced. Of course a tad bit disappointed because I know we came close, just not close enough. So, we just brush it off, go back to work on it next week...... On the upside, I had to have my gowns taken as a result of all my gym work and everytime I walked past mirror it brought a smile to my face because I loved the way I looked in these gowns!!!



I can relate. Such is life in competitive anything. As long as you can walk away saying you did what you do then you have nothing to be ashamed of:).


I posted that I lost more inches in the past few weeks. I last saw my parents on 3/8...I saw them again yesterday, and even though I've only lost an additional 1.4 pounds, they definitely noticed the inches lost. My mom especially kept saying how good I look. And I found out that every time my sister talks to our mom, she's very complimentary towards the way I look. My sister's ready to have this baby and lose the baby weight and then some (she keeps saying "I just want my old body back, and I hated that body"). I've noticed that she's already making dietary changes...wish she would have done it earlier in the pregnancy. We eat lunch together at work and she's swapped her Cheetos for carrots and tomatoes, pretzels for string cheese, etc. We noted that we're now bringing the same lunch:). She really hasn't gained too much more than baby though. She looks like she swallowed a basketball. I just hope my nephew doesn't arrive while I'm on my cruise!

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I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. BUT, I am so happy to hear that you came out of it ok, and probably just a bit stronger now. I agree that everything happens for a reason.....although many times we cannot understand that reason until way into the future. What I do know is that your life was spared and that truly is a gift..... Have a wonderful day at the beach and the biking around. I'm sure it will be a fabulous day. Dream of what new car you can get!! :)


My mom is doing well. She is still very tired, but OK. She is pushing herself to work, etc. I personally believe she should have taken some time off to rest....but that's not my mom.


We had a bit of a scare with my nephew last night. He is 6 and he had to go to emergency room last night with chest pain. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to medication he was given earlier that day. Thank God....he is going to be fine.


Speaking of being bad and eating......I had a bad night last night. We used our gift cert to a fancy steak house and I ate alot!! Today its zucchini, carrots and tomatoes for dinner......going to be really really good and do some working out. I did wear a smoking hot skirt that I bought a few years ago. It was an above the knee black skirt (tight) with a black lace see through blouse with a cami under it, chain belt and high heels. I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe that I lost so much weight that I was wearing one of my "hot" outfits again. Basically I realized even though I WANT a lower number on the scale, I DID IT....I fit into my clothes, I look good, etc. Now I'm going for my personal best and I won't give up!!!


Regarding my ankle.....my MIL who works for a food dr. thinks its a bit of bersitis (spelling).....oh NO!!!...this means no running or jumping until its healed or it can become serious. So I will be riding the bike because although I am pedaling, its not anywhere near as bad as jumping on it. Do any of you have any other ideas for cardio that won't hurt my ankles? I can only think of the bike and I will use my ab machine (but that's not cardio) and hand weights (again not cardio). I'm a bit worried about getting off track....so suggestions would be great.


Smooth.....sorry about the competition......I'm sure you did great though! Can't wait to see your new outfit.

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Brenda, what a great outfit. My "hot" outfit I am aiming for is my brazilian bikini and a leather skirt for when the darling boy comes home in May on leave. Nothing makes a man coming home from the war than seeing his woman doing the feminine thing :). Brenda, now's a good opportunity for you to find "other" means of exercise while you are recuperating. Thats part of the whole lifestyle thing.


Check in with you all later.


No biking today..it's raining!


I made the Fava beans, now just have to make the rest of the "dip". I think it's going to be good. I am learning you can do a LOT with beans and with food prices so high, they are cheap and easy!




I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. BUT, I am so happy to hear that you came out of it ok, and probably just a bit stronger now. I agree that everything happens for a reason.....although many times we cannot understand that reason until way into the future. What I do know is that your life was spared and that truly is a gift..... Have a wonderful day at the beach and the biking around. I'm sure it will be a fabulous day. Dream of what new car you can get!! :)


My mom is doing well. She is still very tired, but OK. She is pushing herself to work, etc. I personally believe she should have taken some time off to rest....but that's not my mom.


We had a bit of a scare with my nephew last night. He is 6 and he had to go to emergency room last night with chest pain. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to medication he was given earlier that day. Thank God....he is going to be fine.


Speaking of being bad and eating......I had a bad night last night. We used our gift cert to a fancy steak house and I ate alot!! Today its zucchini, carrots and tomatoes for dinner......going to be really really good and do some working out. I did wear a smoking hot skirt that I bought a few years ago. It was an above the knee black skirt (tight) with a black lace see through blouse with a cami under it, chain belt and high heels. I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe that I lost so much weight that I was wearing one of my "hot" outfits again. Basically I realized even though I WANT a lower number on the scale, I DID IT....I fit into my clothes, I look good, etc. Now I'm going for my personal best and I won't give up!!!


Regarding my ankle.....my MIL who works for a food dr. thinks its a bit of bersitis (spelling).....oh NO!!!...this means no running or jumping until its healed or it can become serious. So I will be riding the bike because although I am pedaling, its not anywhere near as bad as jumping on it. Do any of you have any other ideas for cardio that won't hurt my ankles? I can only think of the bike and I will use my ab machine (but that's not cardio) and hand weights (again not cardio). I'm a bit worried about getting off track....so suggestions would be great.


Smooth.....sorry about the competition......I'm sure you did great though! Can't wait to see your new outfit.

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