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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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OK.....I googled. LOL Just to set the record straight, I have NEVER had nor will I ever have camel toe!!!! I may not know everything there is to know about dieting and exercise, but I'm pretty good when it comes to the way I look in clothing. I have a very good sense of style. This is why I find it so hard to find clothing....I'm so picky how everything fits, etc.


Now I didn't mean to imply that you ever had this...ah..."condition"...:p I only mentioned it because I am so long-waisted and I have to be extra-careful of fit. At least now you know what it is the next time you hear the phrase. :D

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I am so GREEN with envy of your success!! :D

Way to go Brenda - you really have this figured out now!!!


Seriously...I tried to do it on my own, but I NEED to follow some type of program. You did the old-fashioned way, and you have every reason to be SUPER proud of yourself.


On the baby front, my sister went to the dr today. She's on bed rest this weekend, and she has to go back on Monday...may have to induce next week. He's already over 8 pounds, and they don't want him to get to much bigger. They said she will definitely not go to her due date (May 8).

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A little late but chimming in here too... I started a new consulting project this week and has been a little crazy, but very challenging and I am really happy with the project.


That is incredible Brenda, Congrads to you big time! I am still holding at 115 and I have absolutley increased my calories and carbs and all is still good. Last week-end I had pizza for the first time in months... it was so good!!


Next Saturday we compete again, this is our first time competing latin and this new costume has my feathers all ruffled! Latin costumes are short and "sexy".... I am so uncomfortable wearing something like this but it is the norm at these competitions. I dropped $2,600 on this little number and I am still trying to deal with it. You know, Gathina says if you have to ask you already know the answer. That is so how I feel, I know the answer but for this time around I think I may just have to get use to it, deal with it...


Asked my husband to take a picture of me in this, use your imagination to add make-up, hair and all that stuff... OK I give you all permission to fire away, be honest. But, you have to love the pooch... she gets very upset when my husband touches me, had to calm her down!!




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Smooth, you look fantastic in that costume! You shouldn't feel uncomfortable in it - you're working it:)


Ha ha, my sister's dog is the same way...I'm surprised they were able to conceive lol!


We're getting NASTY weather here...was going to go out with some friends, but we didn't want to contend with the weather.

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Smooth ... nice costume. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable. It also shows me that you are really skinny!!!!....almost too skinny....take that as a compliment....I long for someone to tell me I look too skinny!!!


Leslie....I hope all goes well with the baby. Keep us posted.


I had a bad bad bad bad bad day yesterday. I fell off the wagon it was so bad. I had 2 beers and a burger and fries. Yes, it was for comfort. I was wound so tight it was ridiculous. I do know its wrong to eat and drink for comfort, but I didn't care. I needed to let loose and just say "screw it...this is how i'm feeling and i'm only human". I thought I would feel totally guilty today and freak out and jump on the scale. Instead....I'm gonna avoid the scale until mid week and then see how I'm doing once I am back on the program. Yeah the day was bad....without getting into it the neighbor that I had the huge fight with, etc.....well I had enough and I flipped her the bird. If you knew me, you would know this was so unlike me. But after I did it, I actually laughed to myself. I stunned her for sure. LOL Alright, so it wasn't appropriate....but, I am only human.


Have a great day all....gotta run....if it doesn't rain it is the baseball parade today.

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Brenda: It is what it is. It's not good or bad, it just is. Yes, i can see the fries and beers and burgers sticking out of your behind. Oh my gosh, you're doomed forever. Don't get on the scale, it probably says you gained all your weight back right?:rolleyes:


NOT. It was a bad day. People are who they were and that's that. So you face reality and move on.


But you are right, you can't do that everytime you are wound up. That's when you take a walk, talk to a supportive friend, brush your teeth whatever.


Drop it and move on..and keep up the good work!


Smooth ... nice costume. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable. It also shows me that you are really skinny!!!!....almost too skinny....take that as a compliment....I long for someone to tell me I look too skinny!!!


Leslie....I hope all goes well with the baby. Keep us posted.


I had a bad bad bad bad bad day yesterday. I fell off the wagon it was so bad. I had 2 beers and a burger and fries. Yes, it was for comfort. I was wound so tight it was ridiculous. I do know its wrong to eat and drink for comfort, but I didn't care. I needed to let loose and just say "screw it...this is how i'm feeling and i'm only human". I thought I would feel totally guilty today and freak out and jump on the scale. Instead....I'm gonna avoid the scale until mid week and then see how I'm doing once I am back on the program. Yeah the day was bad....without getting into it the neighbor that I had the huge fight with, etc.....well I had enough and I flipped her the bird. If you knew me, you would know this was so unlike me. But after I did it, I actually laughed to myself. I stunned her for sure. LOL Alright, so it wasn't appropriate....but, I am only human.


Have a great day all....gotta run....if it doesn't rain it is the baseball parade today.

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Ditto what Menina said. Seriously, at worst you "gained" a pound. Your " gain" would be the same as my cruise gain - only temporary. You're only human. It's not like you're going to go the rest of your life without eating another burger and fries. Back on the wagon today:)

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If anything, I'd think it'd be water bloat from all the garbage and the sodium in the fries.


If its any consolation, now the pressure is on me..my darling is coming home for leave next month, haven't worked out in 3 weeks..finally got the ok now that the accident trauma has passed..but I feel SOO fat..I would love to drop 10 lbs but know that is unrealsitic! Ate my last dish of Oxtails today as my treat. Now on to the gym. I so want to wear my brazilian bikini for him when he comes home!


Brenda, you will recover very nicely, I am sure of it. That wasn't a horrible fall, and you know how to get back on the wagon, so just climb back up and carry on!! :) I really don't think you'll see much of a gain, if any.
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Menina....I am sure your guy will love you in your bikini!!!!....with or without weight loss!!! Only us women notice any extra pounds....men don't see it.


Well I will not tell a lie. I'm still in bad mode.....but loving it. No guilt at all. I have actually decided I am enjoying myself this weekend to recover.....there is much more stress than I can tell on these boards and I had to take a Klonopin....first time in a VERY long time. Today I went out after the parade and we all ate eggs and taylor ham....and I loved every bit of it. I am 100% positive that this is temporary and by Monday I will be me again in full force ready to take on the world to get in shape.


Enjoy the weekend ....I am....its almost time for Italian Ices!! :eek:

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Brenda: If you are taking a Klonipin then that tells me volumes. Don't stay off the wagon too long.


Let me explain the brazilian bikini..it's basically a couple of postage stamps held together by some dental floss. There is one beach here in Miami I can wear it at and everyone else is wearing them. I had two custom made last trip to Brazil in 2005..my BROTHER actually picked them out and made me model them for he and his girlfriend..I figure "hey, he's a guy and won't let me buy something I look hideous in". I hung it out so I can see it daily, and also my short leather skirt and another dress. I am limiting carbs to 69 per day and no wheat/gluten..no real cream in my starbucks..:)


Menina....I am sure your guy will love you in your bikini!!!!....with or without weight loss!!! Only us women notice any extra pounds....men don't see it.


Well I will not tell a lie. I'm still in bad mode.....but loving it. No guilt at all. I have actually decided I am enjoying myself this weekend to recover.....there is much more stress than I can tell on these boards and I had to take a Klonopin....first time in a VERY long time. Today I went out after the parade and we all ate eggs and taylor ham....and I loved every bit of it. I am 100% positive that this is temporary and by Monday I will be me again in full force ready to take on the world to get in shape.


Enjoy the weekend ....I am....its almost time for Italian Ices!! :eek:

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M......Oh my....I could never dream of wearing such a thing. You must be in fantastic shape!!!


So far this morning I am feeling better. Of course its 8 a.m. lol I just need to stay away from all the hoopla today and relax a bit. I am taking the little guy to see Big Foot (monster truck) today. They are having a free demonstration at the Auto Mall nearby. Of course, its raining...but they still have it.


I may try to ride my bike to burn off some of those extra calories from this weekend. I'll probably feel better if I do that.


Have a fabulous day all.

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HI all...beautiful 80 degree day here in Florida!


Brenda: I'm in good shape, but not the way I want to be (will we ever?!). DS is a gem, we talk on webcam and even though I felt like a cow last week he assured me I am still beautiful and it doesn't matter what I look like. Wow..is that love?! I've done good on the food the last couple days. I am taking a supplement called "10 10 20" or something like that, I take a pill in the am and one in the pm..works on appetite and I've used it before when I want to jump start. I went to the farmers market here and got all kinds of veggies, I jerked a chicken and am grilling that now (tons of heat from the peppers which are also good calorie burners). No gym today but am headed to the beach for swimming in a bit.


M......Oh my....I could never dream of wearing such a thing. You must be in fantastic shape!!!


So far this morning I am feeling better. Of course its 8 a.m. lol I just need to stay away from all the hoopla today and relax a bit. I am taking the little guy to see Big Foot (monster truck) today. They are having a free demonstration at the Auto Mall nearby. Of course, its raining...but they still have it.


I may try to ride my bike to burn off some of those extra calories from this weekend. I'll probably feel better if I do that.


Have a fabulous day all.

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the brazilian bikini.....I have seen them worn before and it is one of thoes situations in it is all how you wear it. You just have to wear it with confidence, like we have said before.


I dont think it is bad thing at all to have burgers and fries, or whatever now and then. When I really want something I usually have it, just get back to a normal routine after that. Hope things are going better for you today, Brenda.

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Good morning,


I am definitely getting back on track today. To make up for eating I did a workout yesterday that I don't normally do, since I normally take Sundays off. According to the scale, all is ok. I think stress may have kept the weight down. I can't stop thinking of how my MIL humiliated me in front of 3 of my new friends. These women must think I am a nut case now. I mean they don't know me and my MIL just started spitting lies she heard from my neighbors. Why she would believe the neighbors over me, I have no clue...but that hurt too. I think its very frustrating when we know we are telling the truth, yet we are put in a situation having to defend ourselves. My heart is still pounding from the whole incident. If it was anyone other than my MIL who pulled this I would have made them walk home and never spoken to them again. So now I have to worry if I lost friends over this and this would mean my son lost friends too. So now you probably are getting the idea of why I am sooooo upset and not my usual self with the healthy eating, etc. I guess I am learning that I am an emotional eater.


In any case, I am heading to Curves today. I hope I can do a great job!! Have a wonderful day all.

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Hey Brenda..... cant pick your family, cant pick your MIL.... I am sure your new friends got a handle on your MIL, really what MIL would say bad things less she was a few short of a full deck.


Me, my MIL was great, she passed away last year and I miss her. This is my second marriage and I have 2 boys from a previous marriage... She always treated my kids as her own, was a gem of a lady. I am sorry you have not expereinced having a wonderful MIL, but it is what it is, so try not to let it drive you crazy....


Kind of cool, this past week-end I went to Dallas to visit with my son. On the way back home I went through airport security... The girl looks at my passport picture, looks at me... She did this 3 or 4 times, enough to make me anxious. She then says you look very different and it clicks, oh yea I was much heavier in the passport picture, looked old.. So I tell her yes I have lost some weight... She says "way to go girl, you look good," hands me my stuff and I go through... It was fun but then again kind of scary that she almost did not believe that it was me!!

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I am divorced, 52, 5'2 167lbs, work the night shift, and have alot of stress in my life. I went on a diet and lost 25lbs but slowly gained some of it back. I will be cruising in Sept and would like to lose 30lbs and some inches. The inches I need to lose is around my abdomen. My problem is I work from 6pm to 6am and eat when I can during the night since I work in an large hospital and stay busy. I sleep during the day. Anyone have any suggestions? How do I go from eating during night time hours to eating during daytime hours on my days off? I work 4 days one week and 3 days the next.

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Sailing: I know many on this board do not agree, but I have read several articles that say its the amount of total calories you put in in a 24 hour period and not the hour of the day you put them in. For you night time is when you are the most active, so I would think its best for you to be eating at this time. It may just be the foods you are choosing????? Also, do you do any structured exercise? That was key for me. My body was falling apart. I had an abdomen problem. In one month I lost 3 inches off of my abdomen exercising. It can be done. Good luck!!!!


Smooth......You are very lucky. My MIL likes to pretend she loves me, etc. But you hit the nail on the head. She is unstable......literally. I think that is why she does stupid things sometimes. I can imagine how thrilled you were having people notice the difference just from a passport photo which is usually just a head shot!!! Congrats!!


Enjoy your day everyone!

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I know that was a really weird thing about the passport.... But my son moved out of state about 3 months ago, we are very close and I miss him terribly so all was worth it. Now if I dont go absolutley broke helping him to fund opening a new resturant.


I agree with Brenda, eat when most active. Many years ago working my way through college I worked a midnight shift week-ends and I just flipped by eating habits from day to night. But man I can still remember how hard to was to flip from being up all night, then switching to sleeping at night... My hat goes off to you.


Oh, also my MIL passed away while we were on a cruise and no one knew how to contact us. Poor husband, it was hard on him. She was perfectly healthy when we left. Lesson learned, tell your family how to reach you.

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