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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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M...Jamaica sounds wonderful!!!! Sounds like a perfect relaxing vacation. I wish I could afford a housekeeper!!


Lesley, Yes, we will be sailing at the same time. I am sailing November 1st. I will be on RCCL Explorer right out of NJ. I'm so excited!!!! I still want to lose a few pounds......I guess we all want that because we expect to gain a few while there. UGGGHHHH....but I will definitely not obsess over it while I am away.

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I had one before but had to cut the budget awhile ago..now I'm so swamped with work, etc I can do it again.


I met Linton the trainer at the gym at 5:45..an hour of weight and stomach work and I felt like I could vomit, then I did a half hour of the treadmill..normally I do an hour. His response was, "Well Doc, you said you had 6 weeks so this is what you have to do". I know he's right, it's been two years that I worked out to that intensity. I don't think I can roll over tonite in bed. In a sadistic way, I feel great! So back at it tomorrow at 6, am going to try and get in the gym at 5 when it opens.


Brenda, I doubt you'll gain weight on the cruise..just a hunch..because you are conscicous of what you are doing. I've only been on 3 cruises, but I always like the fitness class challenges where you win the tshirt for attending the deck walks,etc.


Good for you! I did that 2 years ago, and it was one of the best things I ever did!!!


Sounds like you are going to have a great holiday!! I'm jealous!! :)

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Girl, you are so funny. Some people would have said "I was so happy I went out and ate a cheesecake!" :) This is great news.


My body conked out around 3pm yesterday..it HURT to even lift my arms...and my rear end has muscles I never knew existed...Now keep in mind I was in decent shape to begin with...so after a few more weeks of torture I should be in excellent shape. He gave me the day off from training so tomorrow morning we are meeting at a VERY hilly park for cardio and stomach stuff. I am enjoying this challenge!


I am fished out..my friend Dorothy started a catering business and gave me some fish, then an elderly man I look in on called and HE has fresh caught fish he is making for me for lunch today, and THEN I was invited to a fish fry tonite! It's not filleted, all on the bone so the fish are "smiling" at you!


The doc FINALLY called me this afternoon - no broken bones!! THANK GOD!!

I was so happy I did 65 min (265 flights) on the stepmill after work!!! I set a new personal record! :D

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Gotta love that feeling. First time my trainer worked my upper body I was sore for a week - it hurt to drive!


I'm back to my "skinny" weight:D. I discovered the wonderful world of Trader Joes. So much good stuff. I save money on individual items, but I end up spending more because I have to try new stuff. Love their salsa and hummus!


M, I get what you're saying about making a place "your" place. However, that's just not feasible in Chicago. There are so many bars, restaurants, cool hang-outs, that we always end up going to a different neighborhood, different style of place, etc. I met a guy at the gym this morning. He took my number. He said he's out of town for the next week, but he'll call next weekend. And I finally talked to the other guy and said it wasn't working for me. We've been playing phone tag for the past few weeks - it's been ridiculous! And we haven't seen each other in 4 weeks. Can't imagine the discussion was that much of a surprise. He said he was busy at work with all the hurricane stuff (he's an attorney for an insurance company), and that I was busy too. I said if we were really into each other, we would have made time for each other.

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I don't know if I always agree with "if we are into each other we'll make time" thought. I know in my work and everyting else I do I have to sometmies put people off..not because I don't want to, or don't want to see them, it's just the way it is. I can imagine the guy is working round the clock. On the other hand, 4 weeks?? Even when I've been that bad I at least call and check in and tell someone I haven't forgotten them and remind them Ill be coming up for air soon!


So how'd you get back to your skinny weight? Glad Trader Joes is in your area, even though you pay more the quality if by far better, esp. on meats and fish so it's worth cutting back in other areas.


I am fished out..people made me way too much fish this weekend!



Gotta love that feeling. First time my trainer worked my upper body I was sore for a week - it hurt to drive!


I'm back to my "skinny" weight:D. I discovered the wonderful world of Trader Joes. So much good stuff. I save money on individual items, but I end up spending more because I have to try new stuff. Love their salsa and hummus!


M, I get what you're saying about making a place "your" place. However, that's just not feasible in Chicago. There are so many bars, restaurants, cool hang-outs, that we always end up going to a different neighborhood, different style of place, etc. I met a guy at the gym this morning. He took my number. He said he's out of town for the next week, but he'll call next weekend. And I finally talked to the other guy and said it wasn't working for me. We've been playing phone tag for the past few weeks - it's been ridiculous! And we haven't seen each other in 4 weeks. Can't imagine the discussion was that much of a surprise. He said he was busy at work with all the hurricane stuff (he's an attorney for an insurance company), and that I was busy too. I said if we were really into each other, we would have made time for each other.

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A week or two, yeah, we're busy. But I'm not THAT busy that I couldn't make time in 4 weeks. But, even if we had seen each other during that time, I still just don't feel it, you know?


Hey, I always thought that you were already married. Not that it matters, just thought you were hitched.


I actually find TJ's prices lower than our grocery stores around here. A decent amount so. They just have more "fun" things like the vegetarian lasagna, delicious gazpacho soup, etc. Every time I go I have to try something(s) new, so I ended up spending what I save:rolleyes:


I got back to my skinny weight by following WW points, but limiting myself to lean protein, healthy fats and oils, and veggies. No fruit, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc. My body responds very well to this type of eating. I'm going back to regular WW points next week. I'll return to the "strict" way of eating the week before my cruise so I can indulge a bit on the cruise.

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I truly hate when you type a whole post and go to post it and then it just disappears!!!! :mad: Anyhow, I need the support of you all right now. I want to be my skinniest now. I am up a couple pounds from my skinniest and I need to lose that....BUT I also want to lose a few more pounds. Basically, right now I want to lose a minimum of 5 pounds in the next month. 3 pounds puts me at my skinniest and I want a 2 pound cushion. Now I have a plan.......but not sure if I can physically push myself that much. I now workout 1 hour a day at Curves and do some ab exercises at night......just a few sets. In any case, I want to work out for 2 hours a day. I just am not sure I can do it. Ideally, I'd like to do the whole 2 hours all at once at Curves and then just do the normal abs at night. But, I don't know if physically I can handle it. So I may have to attempt to push myself to working out a 2nd time when my husband comes home from work. Its not going to be easy. He will not be happy with getting extra responsibility of watching the little guy and I will most likely be exhausted by this time. So I am really going to try to figure a way to get through 2 hours in the morning. I really want this. I have to keep thinking its not forever........the extra working out that is. My lifestyle change is forever. Alright, wish me luck.

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Chi, not hitched yet..feels like it but not..I think July..although I am starting to think being single isn't so bad, sure can do a whole lot without the hassles.


Brenda: Maybe you could do your "second" hour at home by doing a video, or something similar. Obviously you look fantastic now, so not sure why you feel you need the "cushion" for the cruise. Just don't plan on gaining weight, is all and do all the walking, etc. you can while you are there. I guess I fear that if you put too much pressure on yourself to "be your skinniest" then if you don't maintain that you will beat yourself up merciless, you know?


I met the trainer at the park at 5:45 and we did 5 miles of running/walking mostly HILLS. It really made a difference doing it with a partner but right now it seems another whole set of muscles in my butt have been discovered that weren't there last week. But it's good.

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I DID IT!!!!!!!

I can't begin to tell you all how happy I am with myself. I went to Curves today....worked out for one hour....took a 3 minute bathroom/water break and did another full hour!!! My legs hurt a bit, but I am so proud of myself. Now I know that I am doing everything I can to be the best I can be by vacation. I hope I can keep this up!!!


5 miles uphill???? That would kill me!!

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Doesn't it feel great?! It's funny how pain can actualy feel good!


I got a nice note from the bf today reminding me how beautiful he thinks I am andhe knows other men want me..I thought "HUH? This guy has been on a ship WAY too long".but it was a nice impetus to keep working out.


I DID IT!!!!!!!

I can't begin to tell you all how happy I am with myself. I went to Curves today....worked out for one hour....took a 3 minute bathroom/water break and did another full hour!!! My legs hurt a bit, but I am so proud of myself. Now I know that I am doing everything I can to be the best I can be by vacation. I hope I can keep this up!!!


5 miles uphill???? That would kill me!!

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Doesn't it feel great?! It's funny how pain can actualy feel good!


I got a nice note from the bf today reminding me how beautiful he thinks I am andhe knows other men want me..I thought "HUH? This guy has been on a ship WAY too long".but it was a nice impetus to keep working out.

I would kill to hear that just one time from my husband.....seriously, just once.

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Yikes! I do wonder how lnog he'll keep it up sometimes!


This morning on the phone I told him I was getting my hair cut and he said he wanted me to get it cut real short with a fade on the sides (my hair is long now). I said, "Oh no my face will look so fat" and he said "No, that's not the point of your face looking fat, my point is it will be different and you will look beautiful. I'm thinking, HUH??????????:eek:


I would kill to hear that just one time from my husband.....seriously, just once.
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Well if I were you, I would only cut my hair that way if its what "you" want!!!!! It does grow back, but it takes a long time. Enjoy him paying all this attention to you.....I hope it lasts for you!!


I did another 2 hours today at Curves. I have to tell you, today I am even more exhausted than yesterday. I feel dead.......but so glad I did it. Day 2 ....success.....

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Congrats on the loose fitting clothes!! I too LOVE THAT!!!


Curves lady told me I am doing too many weights and gaining too much muscle....I don't see it......but she says when I do the machines she can see the muscles in my legs, etc. and this is the reason I am not losing weight. :confused: So I did one hour of the whole Curves circuit....including weights and cardio...then I did 1/2 hour of running around like a nut doing cardio. LOL Couldn't do anymore cardio than that. I was dead!!

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Congrats on the loose fitting clothes!! I too LOVE THAT!!!


Curves lady told me I am doing too many weights and gaining too much muscle....I don't see it......but she says when I do the machines she can see the muscles in my legs, etc. and this is the reason I am not losing weight. :confused: So I did one hour of the whole Curves circuit....including weights and cardio...then I did 1/2 hour of running around like a nut doing cardio. LOL Couldn't do anymore cardio than that. I was dead!!


That's a crock. For one thing, "seeing muscles" is a GOOD thing!!! For another, you can definitely burn fat while gaining muscle. I've done it. I don't know what she's smoking. :rolleyes:

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Love that feeling indeed..I can hardly move but man, it is such am impetus to keep rolling. Told the man I bought some new clothes for Jamaica, he said he wanted to see me in some photos of them "before" I went. I told him I would take photos of me in them while there, he said "NO honey, you don't understand...I want to see you in the clothes BEFORE you go". Hmm..I am loving this jealousy thing...I wonder how long this is going to last?!!


That's a crock. For one thing, "seeing muscles" is a GOOD thing!!! For another, you can definitely burn fat while gaining muscle. I've done it. I don't know what she's smoking. :rolleyes:
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When I belonged to Curves they told us not to come everyday (we did.) But they say that so your muscles rest a day. I have read that the only muscles you should work out daily are abs. Is this true? They also told us not to work out longer than the 30 min. That if we wanted more we should do cardio but to walk/bike/run.

Another thing to think about is it might be time to change up your routine. When I started running outside I lost a few extra pounds. Now that it is to dark in the morning I am back on the treadmill. I walk/run, weights, walk run, weights till I've done 3mi. and have my upper body work done. I started this 3 weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs. I only do this on MWF. On Tu, TH I walk the dog 2.5 & do a 20 min. pilates video.


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I am 64 and I do 3 circuits at Curves, 6 days a week, plus dancing 3 or 4 nights a week. It works for me.


Brenda, you are a very lucky girl to be able to afford two hours a day at the gym. We should all be so lucky.


I have a pretty fabulous life and giving exercise an hour a day is a real blessing for me. Of course, I don't count dance as exercise. That is romance. ;)

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When I belonged to Curves they told us not to come everyday (we did.) But they say that so your muscles rest a day. I have read that the only muscles you should work out daily are abs. Is this true? They also told us not to work out longer than the 30 min. That if we wanted more we should do cardio but to walk/bike/run.

Another thing to think about is it might be time to change up your routine. When I started running outside I lost a few extra pounds. Now that it is to dark in the morning I am back on the treadmill. I walk/run, weights, walk run, weights till I've done 3mi. and have my upper body work done. I started this 3 weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs. I only do this on MWF. On Tu, TH I walk the dog 2.5 & do a 20 min. pilates video.



Abs are like every other muscle..they need rest. Smaller muscle groups tend to heal faster tho, so you can hit them more often..maybe 2-3 times a week.


Or you can be like me and have enough body fat not to have to ever worry about seeing them and skip the crunches all together lol...

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Abs are like every other muscle..they need rest. Smaller muscle groups tend to heal faster tho, so you can hit them more often..maybe 2-3 times a week.


Or you can be like me and have enough body fat not to have to ever worry about seeing them and skip the crunches all together lol...


I've read and heard both ways - some say abs can be worked every day, some say they need a days rest. I'm no expert, for sure, but I work mine every day, and have for years.

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I guess I do need to do more of the cardio.....its unfortunate that that is the part that I HATE!!!! Most people are telling me that I am crazy for trying to be thinner....but I don't think so.


M.....I would want to surprise the guy with the new outfits on vacation if it were me...

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