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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Weird: Dollbaby crapped out again! Same thing as last time..all this texting, then bam...gone...and then at 6 tonite a "hey how was your day" text..and he's beeen online all night and nothing. I sent him an email asking him if he shy'd up again..no response.


I dunno..maybe he's showing his age now! LOL



YUM! have fun!
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Texted him and told him he was a chicken. An hour later , "no, I'm not"..claims he has company and how come I didn't let him know I was near him? (The plan was to meet up near me as he works 1 mile from my office).




Ya know that is weird. Once I understand, but twice does not make much sense.
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Smooth: I don't leave until the end of March for my month hiatus, but thanks! :)


What a shocker..dollbaby called and we hooked up late last night...now I know why a young man could be a good thing...I just sorta sat there and oggled him all night..man what a body..and he wears expensive mens' cologne which is such a turn on for me..and when he hugged me...GEEZ!!!!!



Probably gone by now but I just wanted to say have a great week-end Gathina...

No one deserves some R&R more than you.

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No, couldn't fit it in the schedule. Childhood friend in town last night prior to her cruise, so had that..Italian Festival this afternoon, Maria's house to plan the costa rica road trip, "big girl" date tonite with another would-be suitor, church tomrrow , then I'll probably crap out on the beach tomorrow afternoon and collapse!



oh. Thought you were goint to Tampa this weekend.

Dollbabay night out sounds great!

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Last night was fun. I definitely want to see him again, and he said the same.


Hey that sounds GREAT!! Very cool Leslie!!


What a shocker..dollbaby called and we hooked up late last night...now I know why a young man could be a good thing...I just sorta sat there and oggled him all night..man what a body..and he wears expensive mens' cologne which is such a turn on for me..and when he hugged me...GEEZ!!!!!


Oh such fun!!! :D


No, couldn't fit it in the schedule. Childhood friend in town last night prior to her cruise, so had that..Italian Festival this afternoon, Maria's house to plan the costa rica road trip, "big girl" date tonite with another would-be suitor, church tomrrow , then I'll probably crap out on the beach tomorrow afternoon and collapse!


Another "would-be suitor"??? Hmmm....did you fill us in on this one yet???? :p

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Happy: You stay away too long!! LOL


No, didn't eek this one out..met him back in January ..he's from the "waiting list"...we are developing a very nice friendship and we were supposed to go on a Big Girl date tonite but he is a detective and got called to KeyWest on business.



Hey that sounds GREAT!! Very cool Leslie!!




Oh such fun!!! :D




Another "would-be suitor"??? Hmmm....did you fill us in on this one yet???? :p

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Happy: You stay away too long!! LOL


No, didn't eek this one out..met him back in January ..he's from the "waiting list"...we are developing a very nice friendship and we were supposed to go on a Big Girl date tonite but he is a detective and got called to KeyWest on business.


I know. :o I am trying to do better!!!!


Well he sounds nice!! A detective...should be a reliable person at least, right?

Definitely one to keep on the map. :-)


I'm getting ready to take my son off to his ring dance - he is all duded up in his tux!! Not my baby anymore - that's for sure. *sniff*

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Well, reliable yes..the problem is our schedules..I work a lot of odd hours and so does he. But I do hear from him daily and he texts me when he's got breaks,etc. So I guess that's good. Slow is good, no?


I had a meltdown yesterday and called Dogboy and screamed at him in a message and got a screaming message back which I deleted. Yike!


Am trying to focus on myself..2 hour workouts, new clothes. etc. Maybe a "having a dollbaby could be the best revenge" LOL



I know. :o I am trying to do better!!!!


Well he sounds nice!! A detective...should be a reliable person at least, right?

Definitely one to keep on the map. :-)


I'm getting ready to take my son off to his ring dance - he is all duded up in his tux!! Not my baby anymore - that's for sure. *sniff*

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Well, reliable yes..the problem is our schedules..I work a lot of odd hours and so does he. But I do hear from him daily and he texts me when he's got breaks,etc. So I guess that's good. Slow is good, no?


I think slow is the best, actually! Though sometimes that's not what my body wants. :p ;)


I had a meltdown yesterday and called Dogboy and screamed at him in a message and got a screaming message back which I deleted. Yike!


Oh goodness. Well at least you got it out of your system...for the moment anyway. Yes a dollbaby can be the best medicine!

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LOL..well, we had a delightful evening....went to hardrock cafe..drinks in one place, then dinner at a very dark italian place..man..he is a gem..he suggested he come to my house sunday afternoon for dinner so i can cook for him and he'll bring the merlot and the movie..YIKES!!


Dogboy called yesterday..still apologizing..trying to come here..




Well it figures. I'm the worst about trying to keep up, and I come back and not a soul is in the house. ;) :p


Hope everyone is well! M - any detective news??? Hmmmm???? ;)

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LOL..well, we had a delightful evening....went to hardrock cafe..drinks in one place, then dinner at a very dark italian place..man..he is a gem..he suggested he come to my house sunday afternoon for dinner so i can cook for him and he'll bring the merlot and the movie..YIKES!!


Oh my...that could be a VERY interesting evening. ;):D So...did you agree? And what is for dinner? Dessert? :p:p:p


Dogboy called yesterday..still apologizing..trying to come here..


He needs to get a grip. He eff'd up. Big time. Done. Finito.

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Yes, we did agree..but..we haven't spoken since Wed...so I am trying to figure this out and I don't want to call or text him...what to do??

Dinner...he likes Thai food so I am thinking of making this thai fish curry and some other stuff.

Dessert...not Menina ala mode..sorry! LOL

[quote name='happysinglemom']Oh my...that could be a VERY interesting evening. ;):D So...did you agree? And what is for dinner? Dessert? :p:p:p

He needs to get a grip. He eff'd up. Big time. Done. Finito.[/quote]
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Well as far as dogboy goes... She leaves him a voice message, venting fustrations, he calls back and leaves an equally nasty voicemail... Not much later now he calls back full of I am sorries again. He is just too inconsistant to be taken as geniune.

And futhermore, if he really was genuine he would of found a way already to take some leave and already been at her doorstep... To much time has passed and his efforts to reconcile or fix this have been minimal. My conclusion is that he is just full of it!!
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[quote name='rockcod31']You should take a look at kimkins.com. It's an online low carb weight loss plan that worked on my sis FAST! She said it's inexpensive and they even have free weight loss tools.[/quote]

Ummmm.....NOT. Read all about it long ago...pure crap.
No interested parties here. :cool:
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[quote name='Gathina']Yes, we did agree..but..we haven't spoken since Wed...so I am trying to figure this out and I don't want to call or text him...what to do??[/quote]

Hmmm...well, I guess I would just wait and see if he contacts you. And if he waits until the last minute, then dinner is on him!!!

[quote name='smoothdancer'] My conclusion is that he is just full of it!![/quote]

I completey agree.
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ARGGGG. You have no idea how many times I posted this message...

Mouse died on my PC so I moved to another PC... Husband is a programmer developer and our office has more PC's in it than a normal household should... Every time I hit the backspace button I hit the delete key by mistake on this laptop and there goes my post.... Doing it again, cause I really want to say this..

LOL, coming from someone who has no idea what to do on a date... Being married 20 years will do that to a person, but why not text.... I know you are not a "coy" person so just do it.

Hey, we still on for dinner and a movie on Sat night??
Take it from there...

Weird, had such a strange dream last night... Husband met a new girl, and was ending our marriage and we were fighting about who would have the house... It was so intense, was pissed at him this morning it was so real!!!

I am going through some real life changing career moves, and just in general what I want out of life.. I thought I had it figured out over the past 3 years when I walked away from my career and instead put my focus on dance... It is not that we are professional dancers but I felt I needed a new focus in life, and financailly I could afford to do it.... Now this is all cahnging for me again.... Confused, a lot. Would it be ok if I outlined my feelings/concerns for you to get your input, being this is your field, PHD... If OK with everyone else here... I think I need some help. Sure, I could find a professional to help me through this, but it takes so long just to get past the therpist honeymoon stage.... I dont have that much time.

Sorry for the spelling stuf.. I hate this laptop.
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Ok..private eye update..he is doing some weird case in the armpit of Miami tonite..so he's been texting while on "lookout" for whatever person it is they are trying to thug..LOL..yikes..what a flirt..anyways, we are on for Sunday and he reminded me..I love to cook..but it's funny..for someone who cooks from scratch like me, I can't figure out what to make! LOL

Smooth: Some stuff I can address on line, some I can't..but I will give it a shot. I'm humbled you want my opinion..most people can't stand it on here when I shoot from the hip! LOL

[quote name='smoothdancer']ARGGGG. You have no idea how many times I posted this message...

Mouse died on my PC so I moved to another PC... Husband is a programmer developer and our office has more PC's in it than a normal household should... Every time I hit the backspace button I hit the delete key by mistake on this laptop and there goes my post.... Doing it again, cause I really want to say this..

LOL, coming from someone who has no idea what to do on a date... Being married 20 years will do that to a person, but why not text.... I know you are not a "coy" person so just do it.

Hey, we still on for dinner and a movie on Sat night??
Take it from there...

Weird, had such a strange dream last night... Husband met a new girl, and was ending our marriage and we were fighting about who would have the house... It was so intense, was pissed at him this morning it was so real!!!

I am going through some real life changing career moves, and just in general what I want out of life.. I thought I had it figured out over the past 3 years when I walked away from my career and instead put my focus on dance... It is not that we are professional dancers but I felt I needed a new focus in life, and financailly I could afford to do it.... Now this is all cahnging for me again.... Confused, a lot. Would it be ok if I outlined my feelings/concerns for you to get your input, being this is your field, PHD... If OK with everyone else here... I think I need some help. Sure, I could find a professional to help me through this, but it takes so long just to get past the therpist honeymoon stage.... I dont have that much time.

Sorry for the spelling stuf.. I hate this laptop.[/quote]
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It's a crock of you know what, no hijacking allowed here, and nobody cares about Kimkins. Move on to another thread.

[quote name='rockcod31']You should take a look at kimkins.com. It's an online low carb weight loss plan that worked on my sis FAST! She said it's inexpensive and they even have free weight loss tools.[/quote]
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Nothing terribly personal in nature so I think it would be fine here. I will try to outline this the best I can.

I have had a pretty successful career as first a controller and then CFO. 3 years ago I left these positions and went with a consulting firm where my level of responsibility decreased quite a bit, no longer a management role. I got burnt pretty bad at my last position prior to the change and that for the most part drove my decision to go the consulting route, that and it gave me more time to concentrate on our competition dancing.

So now it is coming up on a year I have been consutling with the same company. The controller was moved to a new position in the company and I was pushed to take on the controller role, still as a consultant. The controller was happy with his move and me moving into the position, we work well as a team. Initially I fought against taking on this role and then recently decided to do it. I did a pretty large reorganization of the finance dept, have had some really great touch downs with the company. In the end I found I did miss this role, I can handle the stress again. think I am happy. Lately I have found that I dont have the same drive for dance and as I back away from competition dancing this could fill the void that may soon creep into my life. Here is the problem.

There is one employee at the company that is very verbally abusive to many employees, on occasion has become physically abusive with others (shoving, pushing). If she does not get her way I have seen her break into a sweat, turned red faced. I would call this employee a workplace bully, and she is very good at it. She usually gets what she wants from all of the employees because the are afraid of her and would rather do what she wants than take this verbal lashing. Now she is very very angry with me, feels that she should of been offered this position and is very angry at the level of authority and decision power given to me, not even being an employee, while she has been with the company 10 years.

I just dont know how to deal with this gal or protect the employees that I am responsible for against her actions. So far I always address her in a professional manner no matter how she treats me, I dont back down at all which is something she is not use to, which of course angers her even more. Lately my method has been to carry on like she does not exsist at all. She is a business analysist and has control over a lot of my systems so cant totally ignore her. Finally, upper mgmt knows of the problem and they too do nothing about it. The CFO tells me to be patient that this is complicated but he is working behind the scenes to resolve the situation. The CFO is very passiave and I dont think he is going to do as he says.

So my questions are a few...
What makes a person behave like this? Does this sound like a person that is not stable and could potentially be dangerous? Is in fact there any way to resolve this?
How do I work with this type of personality, how do I help the staff who is constanlty upset about this situation. They spend a lot of time talking about this among themselves. Is this good or should I be stopping these type of conversations.

I have not accepted this position on a permanent basis. I think it would be a shame to walk away from something I want and get past the last job I got burnt at, but I dont know that I am going to be able to resolve the situation.... At a loss, really. Looking forward to your thoughts on this.
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If somebody is pushing and stuff in the workplace, that person should be fired! Of course, if you're a consultant, I don't suppose you can do that.

I'm dealing with a similar situation. I'm a sr manager, and I have an analyst that supports me but doesn't report to me. She reports to the same guy I do. The past two days she's done stuff (in front of the boss) that is completely inappropriate and could be considered insubordination. My counterparts were in shock, but nothing was done...it's just how she is I'm told. We're going through a complete restructure at work, and we're fighting to get this role to report directly to us. I would love for that to happen because if she reported directly to me, it probably wouldn't have happened in the first place, and if it did, I could have done something about it.
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