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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Sorry to go way off topic but after reading your post on another thread I though well Damn, you can help me.


We are doing a end of November QM2 cruise that is a repo that leaving from NYC ends in FLL... The way flights are going I can save $300 if we stay on a few days, so we will. I am only interested in hotels that are 4 star or above. In the past we have stayed at the Largo Mar, that I love but would like to try something different.... Any suggestions? Ok if it is not FLL, Cocco Beach or Hollywood or other areas you may suggest. ( Have not been to either)


Sorry to get off topic, but cant seem to figure this out on my own!

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Smooth: If it were me....


I'd stay at the Delray Beach Marriott in Delray Beach. It is less than 100 yards from the ocean, in a lovely downtown on Atlantic Avenue/A1A. I LOVE this hotel for many reasons. You can see it easily on the Marriot hotel web site.


1. You can walk to EVERYTHING..botiques, the beach, pubs, fine dining.

2. You are about half hour from the FLL airport.

3. I believe it might be 4 stars.

4. You might still get it for an off season rate.

5. It's a big city feel but a small beachside coastal town

6. Across from my fav. local place, "Bostons on the Beach

7. Has a great pool area


I don't like Hollywood (too packed,too touristy), Coca Beach to me is a dump, and everything too spread out in FLL.


You are also just down the street from Boca Raton...10 minutes...Mizner park is lovely, museums, art galleries, and yes also on the beach.


I can't imagine you not liking this place. I usually go there every Sunday night for my picnics! (to that beach).The Pineapple grove area is alsowithin walking distance, too.



On a happy note, I decided to take my future MIL's advice and go to Jamaica with her. Didn't take much for her to twist my arm "Menina, it's only 250.00, you'll stay for free, I'll take you to the hot springs so you can relax under the waterfall, I can make you your fresh fish you like" She is going for 2 weeks, I am going for 1 week. I am SOOO loved !!






Sorry to go way off topic but after reading your post on another thread I though well Damn, you can help me.


We are doing a end of November QM2 cruise that is a repo that leaving from NYC ends in FLL... The way flights are going I can save $300 if we stay on a few days, so we will. I am only interested in hotels that are 4 star or above. In the past we have stayed at the Largo Mar, that I love but would like to try something different.... Any suggestions? Ok if it is not FLL, Cocco Beach or Hollywood or other areas you may suggest. ( Have not been to either)


Sorry to get off topic, but cant seem to figure this out on my own!

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Smooth, you can't go wrong with this place. To me it's one of those "hidden gems" that the tourists haven't wrecked yet LOL. You could also try the Breaker's of Palm Beach, but that's definately 5 star. The Colony Hotel on Palm Beach is also quite nice, or the Chesterfield, but I think for what you want Delray is it. I love the Upper Deck at Boston's, the way the dining room is situated you can see right over the ocean across the street and you can't see the street so it's like you are floating. There's a lot of dining options from fine dining to pub, etc. Let me know what you end up booking it for.


Meanwhile, I've had my mind in Jamaica all day!!


Thank you! Looks wonderful. Just what I was looking for!
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Smooth, you can't go wrong with this place. To me it's one of those "hidden gems" that the tourists haven't wrecked yet LOL. You could also try the Breaker's of Palm Beach, but that's definately 5 star. The Colony Hotel on Palm Beach is also quite nice, or the Chesterfield, but I think for what you want Delray is it. I love the Upper Deck at Boston's, the way the dining room is situated you can see right over the ocean across the street and you can't see the street so it's like you are floating. There's a lot of dining options from fine dining to pub, etc. Let me know what you end up booking it for.


Meanwhile, I've had my mind in Jamaica all day!!


Oh my! The Breakers is definitely POSH!! Never been inside, but been by it many many times. It looks MAHvelous! :)


M, sounds like you are gonna have a great time mon!

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I did book the Marriott at Delray.... Hey I dont know about the stars but @ close to $400.00 a night that is enough stars for me!!


Actually I think we hit off season by a day. On Saturday night the room is 460, the next day which is December 1st, the rate drops to like $200.... So OK... I am looking forward to the stay, so sick of FLL and I so appreicate your help...


Today was pretty stressful. My son and his family lives in Texas right on the hurricane path... It took me all day on the internet to get him a flight out.... finally we got seats for him and family.... That was after I convinced him the had to leave....He lands 3 in the morning, going get him and he will stay with us until it is over. I will try to be there and understand he has left his home not knowing what will happen.....

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Hey, that MIGHT be the weekend of "Garlic Festival" in downtown Delray, which is always a lot of fun.


I am thrilled for you that you booked this hotel, give me an idea of what you want for restaurant options. What dates are you staying there? When I go for my picnic tomorrow night I'll snap a few photos for you so you can see it.


I hope your son fared well with the Hurricane..I lost my roof and had tons of damager from Wilma a couple years ago, but you know, you face it and remind yourself that a home can be repaired. We've really dodged bullets here in my area the last couple years.


Happy: I am so over the moon about this trip. I rented "How Stella Got her Groove Back" and watched it with a glass of wine in hand. Of course, BF already warned me..but hey, I'll be with his mum..by the way, we go to church right next door to the Breakers at Bethesda by the Sea..the church we'll get married in one day. (I hope)




I did book the Marriott at Delray.... Hey I dont know about the stars but @ close to $400.00 a night that is enough stars for me!!


Actually I think we hit off season by a day. On Saturday night the room is 460, the next day which is December 1st, the rate drops to like $200.... So OK... I am looking forward to the stay, so sick of FLL and I so appreicate your help...


Today was pretty stressful. My son and his family lives in Texas right on the hurricane path... It took me all day on the internet to get him a flight out.... finally we got seats for him and family.... That was after I convinced him the had to leave....He lands 3 in the morning, going get him and he will stay with us until it is over. I will try to be there and understand he has left his home not knowing what will happen.....

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Hey, isn't that Thanksgiving weekend? That would make sense why the prices are so high! It might be around the boat parade time too


Great! We will arrive on Saturday Nov 29th and then leave on Monday Dec 1st.


It is too early to tell how my son made out. None of his friends or neighbors are back in Houston yet. They have a good positive attitude though.

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Happy: I am so over the moon about this trip. I rented "How Stella Got her Groove Back" and watched it with a glass of wine in hand. Of course, BF already warned me..but hey, I'll be with his mum..by the way, we go to church right next door to the Breakers at Bethesda by the Sea..the church we'll get married in one day. (I hope)


I love, love, love that movie. I think I may just have to rent it again!


I had a date last night, and I have to say it was pretty darn good. It was a first meet (match) and I generally never like to do a "date-date" for an initial meeting, but I had a pretty good feeling about this guy, so I wasn't too concerned. We went to a popular waterfront oyster bar/restaurant - a very cool place. I had never been there before, but the blackened mahi mahi was by far the best I've ever eaten - dang it was good! He ordered cheesecake for desert, to share (groan!) so I just took small bites. But honestly, it was the drinks that killed me - I just don't drink that much anymore, and boy am I paying the price today - still! I should know better!!

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Wow..what did you drink? Next time you go out ask for a "Caiparhina" (Kye-pah-ree-nya) made with Brazilian white rum, sugar, and limes.


My first date mantra: "Look nice, show up, be nice, goodbye, go home". Did he ask you out again?


I love, love, love that movie. I think I may just have to rent it again!


I had a date last night, and I have to say it was pretty darn good. It was a first meet (match) and I generally never like to do a "date-date" for an initial meeting, but I had a pretty good feeling about this guy, so I wasn't too concerned. We went to a popular waterfront oyster bar/restaurant - a very cool place. I had never been there before, but the blackened mahi mahi was by far the best I've ever eaten - dang it was good! He ordered cheesecake for desert, to share (groan!) so I just took small bites. But honestly, it was the drinks that killed me - I just don't drink that much anymore, and boy am I paying the price today - still! I should know better!!

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Wow..what did you drink? Next time you go out ask for a "Caiparhina" (Kye-pah-ree-nya) made with Brazilian white rum, sugar, and limes.




Hey, I tried one of those last night! It was great!


Ugh, I'm about to give up on men. I met a guy on Friday night that was cute, seemed smart, funny, etc. Then he attempted to shove his tongue down my throat in the middle of the bar. I pulled away and said I wasn't that into PDA lol. So then he said, "well, let's get out of here then." I told him I wasn't leaving with him, he asked why, I said I just met him, and then he disappeared.


I'm having lunch with my ex later. I just wish we could get our acts together.

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Don't give up. Just be "out there" enjoying yourself..when you least expect to meet one is when you meet one.


Ok so the pressure is on..my future MIL and I are busy planning our trip to her other home in Jamaica. The house is somewhere in the mountains near Dunns Rivers Falls (?) which is some sort of hot spring/water fall. It's my first trip there..so of course the boyfriend is like "Oh cool, I'll arrange for my friend so and so to take you around"..and ugh..I am feeling like a whale. I am not, but I feel like one. I visited an elderly man friend of the family this week, old Mr. Roy said, "I can see why he loves you so much, you are beautiful and you really have some meat on your bones!" OH I WANTED TO CRAWL UNDER THE TABLE! I know he didn't mean it like I was fat, and he WAS an "old school Jamaican man", but all I could think was "what kind of meat? pork? beef?!!!!"


I am doing well on the cardio and eating my "native" foods but scale isn't budging and I'd love to lose 10 by time I go on Oct. 23. I am finding myself thirsty all the time and now craving things with splenda..which concerns me..not craving sugar, but splenda! how odd is that! Oh by the way...Balance Bars are on sale at Whole Foods this week..7.95 for a case! It's like .50 a bar so that's a bargain!


Ok so that's my rant..I'm off to my sunday night solo beach picnic. Will try to snap photos for Smooth of the hotel. It's beautiful here right now..sunny and 80's..Menina


Hey, I tried one of those last night! It was great!


Ugh, I'm about to give up on men. I met a guy on Friday night that was cute, seemed smart, funny, etc. Then he attempted to shove his tongue down my throat in the middle of the bar. I pulled away and said I wasn't that into PDA lol. So then he said, "well, let's get out of here then." I told him I wasn't leaving with him, he asked why, I said I just met him, and then he disappeared.


I'm having lunch with my ex later. I just wish we could get our acts together.

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Hey, I tried one of those last night! It was great!


Ugh, I'm about to give up on men. I met a guy on Friday night that was cute, seemed smart, funny, etc. Then he attempted to shove his tongue down my throat in the middle of the bar. I pulled away and said I wasn't that into PDA lol. So then he said, "well, let's get out of here then." I told him I wasn't leaving with him, he asked why, I said I just met him, and then he disappeared.


I'm having lunch with my ex later. I just wish we could get our acts together.


Bars are definitely NOT the place to meet someone. Not that there are not some great people there, but you generally will not find them to be at their best in that environment. Been there done that. Way too many times!! :rolleyes::p

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Wow..what did you drink? Next time you go out ask for a "Caiparhina" (Kye-pah-ree-nya) made with Brazilian white rum, sugar, and limes.


My first date mantra: "Look nice, show up, be nice, goodbye, go home". Did he ask you out again?


It wasn't *what* I drank, it was how much. I generally drink Bacardi and Diet Coke, and I had one at the bar, one with dinner, and one at the bar after dinner. They closed at 11, so we left and went to another spot closer to where we both live, and amazingly they were OUT OF BACARDI (??!!??!) so I ordered a Toasted Almond. So that was FOUR drinks...usually two is my limit. :o Of course that was over 5 hours, but still, my body just doesn't tolerate alcohol like it used to (thank God!). I had a headache and felt awful all day yesterday. But, so did he. Ha.


Yes, he did ask me out again...I think we are going somewhere next weekend. He seems like a very nice guy, so we'll see how it goes.

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Ok..checking in with everyone..Happy and Chi, what's new on the romance front?


Brenda..where ARE you..we haven't heard a peep out of you for weeks!


Smooth..the weather has been DIVINE here..low 80's and dry..


Me..was with future MIL all day shopping and planning for our trip..can't wait to eat all the fish in Jamaica!


It wasn't *what* I drank, it was how much. I generally drink Bacardi and Diet Coke, and I had one at the bar, one with dinner, and one at the bar after dinner. They closed at 11, so we left and went to another spot closer to where we both live, and amazingly they were OUT OF BACARDI (??!!??!) so I ordered a Toasted Almond. So that was FOUR drinks...usually two is my limit. :o Of course that was over 5 hours, but still, my body just doesn't tolerate alcohol like it used to (thank God!). I had a headache and felt awful all day yesterday. But, so did he. Ha.


Yes, he did ask me out again...I think we are going somewhere next weekend. He seems like a very nice guy, so we'll see how it goes.

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Hi all,


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I have been very busy at home and it seems anytime I have been on this site I am posting about my upcoming cruise. I'm so excited about it. Its in 41 days I believe. I am up 2 pounds....no biggie. I'll definitely lose that plus before my trip.


I give you guys credit going out there and dealing with all the dating crap. I do believe you will all find Mr. Right....when the time is right. Just never give up...the same way you all don't give up on looking great and being healthy.


Well time to think about dinner........:rolleyes:

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Hey all...how is everyone doing?


I sustained an injury today - really REALLY stupid thing. I was getting up at work to head out to lunch, and was getting my purse out of my drawer, and stood up, and somehow my left foot got hooked on my chair legs, and I totally fell...over...onto all fours. I swear I felt like SUCH an idiot. Thank goodness the rest of the team had already left for lunch. I got a terrific rug burn on my left knee (thank goodness I didn't rip my pants!!) and my left foot got wacked. As soon as I gathered my wits about me and sat back in my chair - I realized my foot was a little sore, and I looked at it, and I swear there was a 2" wide goose egg knot on top of my foot...and bruising quickly. Sooooo....I decided to skip the gym for lunch, and just ran a couple of errands. I could still walk, but with a bit of a limp. :rolleyes: When I got back, and sat down, it seemed to get worse, so I took off my shoe and put my foot up on my desk for the remainder of the day. Needless to say I did not get a whole lot of work done!! :p


I came home and iced it...it's much better now, but it will probably be a few days before I get back out and hit the road again. I swear - I had such a good run Sunday (ran 5.5 and walked 1.5) I was really looking forward to the next one. :(


On the romantic front - had a 2nd date Friday night - went to see the stupidest movie - Tropic Thunder - okay it was actually kinda funny in a really stupid way :D. Date was fine...not as much fun as we had the first date, but still, what I would call a good date. Talked to him last night...we'll see how it goes. For now, I am staying off match until I see how things work out with him. I'm not much on dating several guys at once. :o

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Oh Happy, that stinks! Hope you heal quickly!


Brenda, when exactly do you cruise? I'm doing back to back cruises October 30-November 8! I think we'll be cruising at the same time.


I'm doing the veggie and lean protein thing this week, maybe next (no bread, fruit, pasta, etc). I had to get rid of the weight I gained, and it's working. I noticed a difference in my pants after the first day! With my cruise right around the corner, I figure it can't hurt to go a little lower than my goal:rolleyes:, and I'll maintain from there.


My sister has amazed me. She's lost 50 pounds since the baby - 10 more than what she gained during pregnancy, and he's only 4 1/2 months old! It's the breastfeeding. I told her once she stops that, she's going to have to exercise and eat better to maintain it. She's already inquired about some healthy recipes. She also realizes they need to change their habits to teach their son the proper way to eat.


The little guy is soooooooooo cute I can't stand it. He really is a happy baby. Poor little guy is teething, so he's uncomfortable. It's cute because you can tell he wants to be happy, but the he realizes he's hurting and gets fussy. He is trying so hard to crawl. He gets up on all fours, but hasn't figured out that he needs to lift his head off the floor. He gets ticked off that he can't figure out how to move! He's extremely close to sitting up on his own. He does if he's holding on to somebody's finger.


As for the love life thing, the guy has been calling me once a week. It's been over 3 weeks since we've last seen each other, you'd think he'd get the hint. When I call him back tonight, I'm going to tell him I'm just not feeling it. My e-harmony membership is up on Thursday, and I'm not renewing. I'm giving up the online thing for a while. I've tried three sites, and it's always the same - great matches and optimism in the beginning, and then they start matching you with guys that aren't even active members anymore. And in a case like match where you do the searching, you start to see the same guys over and over and over again.

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Happy..shouldn't you maybe have a doc look at it? I dunno..better safe than sorry ...I know you're a "tough old broad" like the rest of us :) but hey..it can't hurt to have it looked at?


Chi..did you ever try christiancafe.net? I've known some folks who found decent guys through that. I support you in abstaining from the internet for awhile. I guess when I was single I didn't have the issue of meeting people because it seems in Fla that there are tons of ways to meet people without using the internet. I used to find a place and make it "my place" and frequented there, got to know the regulars. My ex neighbor was the had waiter at a sidewalk french cafe so I frequented there alot and met a lot of nice people.


Ok..I am so over the moon about future MIL's and my trip to Jamaica...I'm still eating my native foods but cut out all starch and rice..but I am eating balance bars alot..7.00 a case at whole foods still. My sweetheart and I are thinking of a cruise believe it or not fo christmas week..but I don't know about being around a lot of kids..anyone got any ideas for other trips we could go on for a week if we dont' cruise? I saw something on travelzoo for London and Paris for 899.00 per person that looked good.



Oh Happy, that stinks! Hope you heal quickly!


Brenda, when exactly do you cruise? I'm doing back to back cruises October 30-November 8! I think we'll be cruising at the same time.


I'm doing the veggie and lean protein thing this week, maybe next (no bread, fruit, pasta, etc). I had to get rid of the weight I gained, and it's working. I noticed a difference in my pants after the first day! With my cruise right around the corner, I figure it can't hurt to go a little lower than my goal:rolleyes:, and I'll maintain from there.


My sister has amazed me. She's lost 50 pounds since the baby - 10 more than what she gained during pregnancy, and he's only 4 1/2 months old! It's the breastfeeding. I told her once she stops that, she's going to have to exercise and eat better to maintain it. She's already inquired about some healthy recipes. She also realizes they need to change their habits to teach their son the proper way to eat.


The little guy is soooooooooo cute I can't stand it. He really is a happy baby. Poor little guy is teething, so he's uncomfortable. It's cute because you can tell he wants to be happy, but the he realizes he's hurting and gets fussy. He is trying so hard to crawl. He gets up on all fours, but hasn't figured out that he needs to lift his head off the floor. He gets ticked off that he can't figure out how to move! He's extremely close to sitting up on his own. He does if he's holding on to somebody's finger.


As for the love life thing, the guy has been calling me once a week. It's been over 3 weeks since we've last seen each other, you'd think he'd get the hint. When I call him back tonight, I'm going to tell him I'm just not feeling it. My e-harmony membership is up on Thursday, and I'm not renewing. I'm giving up the online thing for a while. I've tried three sites, and it's always the same - great matches and optimism in the beginning, and then they start matching you with guys that aren't even active members anymore. And in a case like match where you do the searching, you start to see the same guys over and over and over again.

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Well, he came up with a better plan..turns out he has a "hook up" friend who works for a beach resort in Negril, Jamaica so looks like we are headed there for Christmas and New Years..can't believe I've never gone to Jamaica in my life and now I"m going next month AND December!


Smooth..the weather has been divine in Fla..can't wait to see how you enjoy Delray.


I bit the bullet and called my old trainer today, the Navy seal guy..I looked fabulous the last time I worked with him. I asked for the crash course for the next 6 weeks which will mean 5 hours of weights weekly and 2 hours of cardio daily. We start at 6am tomorrow morning. I'll post my progress, if I'm still alive to report tomorrow night. I'm in good shape now, but reallly want to push myself. I splurged and got a housecleaner and I eat at my future MIL's house almost every day anyway so there's my time for working out so much. Last time he had me do so many stomach exercise I couldn't even roll over in bed for a week it hurt so bad.


A few years back we did a Christmas cruise on Princess and really liked it. I am not sure if this line has a goods Kids program or what, be we really hardly noticed that there we kids on board. Given the opportunity, I would do a X-Mas cruise again.
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Happy..shouldn't you maybe have a doc look at it? I dunno..better safe than sorry ...I know you're a "tough old broad" like the rest of us :) but hey..it can't hurt to have it looked at?


Yeah - you're right M. I called the doc yesterday and they xrayed it this morning. I'll find out this afternoon I guess. Keepin' my fingers crossed for no breaks!!


I guess when I was single I didn't have the issue of meeting people because it seems in Fla that there are tons of ways to meet people without using the internet. I used to find a place and make it "my place" and frequented there, got to know the regulars.


I live in a resort town (well I did, I live right next door to it now) that is filled with places to go...tons. But...hanging at those places, by myself, at my age....nah...even if I wanted to, I don't have the time. When I was younger - yeah - I burned up the town most every night. :D Now, I think the gym probably fills that "socialization" void for me. I had a great 2 1/2 hour workout last night - and yes I was careful - no stress on the foot.


My sweetheart and I are thinking of a cruise believe it or not fo christmas week..but I don't know about being around a lot of kids


I've never been on a Christmas cruise - but I would LOVE to! I've only cruised during the summer since my son could not go during school - and honestly I never noticed a lot of kids. Maybe we were just on the right boat at the right time.

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I splurged and got a housecleaner and I eat at my future MIL's house almost every day anyway so there's my time for working out so much.


Good for you! I did that 2 years ago, and it was one of the best things I ever did!!!


Sounds like you are going to have a great holiday!! I'm jealous!! :)

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