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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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I think there are so many myths about muscles resting a day, how long do they rest for, etc.


You see a lot of the same people in the gym, day after day, month after month who never look different, I think because they don't vary the routine or work hard enough. There's a difference between walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes and just walking, versus 30 minutes of walking and you are sweating. I hate cardio too, but it's really what you have to do to burn the fat. You can do alot of other execises too that help the ab area. We do a lot of things for the "sides", too, which help.


Linton the trainer and I have been meeting at a big park every morning at 5, then I do an hour after him at the gym nearby. I feel great.Today we did alot of running UPHILLS..and a lot of military style exercises. I am liking this routine a lot, I get tired of seeing the gym and the things he is teaching me are things I can do anywhere in the world without equipment. But man I am working hard!! So the variation is good, otherwise I lose motivation real fast.


Brenda...I agree with you on the clothes..I think he is a little jealous that I am going without him..his best friend is a cop in Kingston and they'v been pals since childhood..he is going to be taking me around Jamaica for a couple of days during the trip and he knows how flirtatious west indian men can be..those guys wear their heart out on their sleeve. I know his friends will play it up good..LOL



I guess I do need to do more of the cardio.....its unfortunate that that is the part that I HATE!!!! Most people are telling me that I am crazy for trying to be thinner....but I don't think so.


M.....I would want to surprise the guy with the new outfits on vacation if it were me...

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I guess I do need to do more of the cardio.....its unfortunate that that is the part that I HATE!!!! Most people are telling me that I am crazy for trying to be thinner....but I don't think so.


M.....I would want to surprise the guy with the new outfits on vacation if it were me...


Intense cardio, and what you eat, are the two things that will impact your weight loss the most. I think the problem may be that you are not doing the "right" kind of cardio. "Running around" like they have you do there - I have my doubts that that is much of a workout. You REALLY need to get access to an elliptical, a stepmill, or a treadmill - preferably all three!! BUT....what is your BF%? If you are down to 14 or 15%, then you don't need to lose any more. That is in an athlete's range. If you haven't had it checked, you need to.

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I wish my BF% was that low!!! Last checked....months ago, it was about 25%. That is just ok. I think tomorrow I am going to bike ride (a real bike outside) and skip the gym. I think I do need to change it up a bit.


M....I think I forgot the boyfriend wasn't going with you....now I understand more why he wants to see the clothes...definitely jealous....but to me that is a compliment in itself.

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I wish my BF% was that low!!! Last checked....months ago, it was about 25%. That is just ok. I think tomorrow I am going to bike ride (a real bike outside) and skip the gym. I think I do need to change it up a bit.


Actually 25% is good. If it's been "months", have it checked again. Make sure you have a reasonable and healthy goal. Bike riding is good, but it's not really much of a cardio workout unless you are working hard - up hills, for at least 1/2 hour or more. So if you can find some hills, then yeah - that would be a good workout. It' very flat where I live, so for me, outside biycling is just for fun. :)



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Brenda, you are in the optimal range. Optimal is the healthy range. Getting into low is just as bad as getting into the moderately high. Unless of course you are an athlete. Why do you want to be in the low so bad? How much do you weigh now? I remember awhile back someone mentioning having a plan for when you've lost enough. Don't put your health at risk to be alittle skinnier. To skinny is as unhealthy as overweight. I am saying this out of concern for you. I just want you to be realistic about your goals and not make yourself sick.


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Hear hear! I agree totally! Remember, even if you do lose even more, it is going to be just as hard to stay that low.


Brenda, maybe it's time to try some new things, like Happy said. Why not try something like a yoga class, or a spinning class? Many communiites have neighborhood rec centers that offer such classes at a good price. I am loving this early am routine with the trainer at the park. It's dark when we arrive but I'd forgotten what a nice time of day that is, so quiet, you can hear all the little critters, and it's fairly cool (for Florida) temperature wise. It's made me enjoy working out again. I tell you, I am SO tired, but in a contented kind of way. I have a whole new appreciation for the military but man..my pants are HANGING off me after one week and I haven't really changed too much with my eating, just eating my normal fruits, vegtables, rice, fish and that's about it.


Happy, thought of you yesterday, found a mom and pop greek restaurant near work, the hummus was to DIE for..wow!


Brenda, you are in the optimal range. Optimal is the healthy range. Getting into low is just as bad as getting into the moderately high. Unless of course you are an athlete. Why do you want to be in the low so bad? How much do you weigh now? I remember awhile back someone mentioning having a plan for when you've lost enough. Don't put your health at risk to be alittle skinnier. To skinny is as unhealthy as overweight. I am saying this out of concern for you. I just want you to be realistic about your goals and not make yourself sick.


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It is going to be just as hard to stay that low.


Truer words were never spoken! ;) And great idea on the spinning classes - they are AWESOME. Brenda if you can find a good spinning class, with a good leader, you will love it, and you'll be wondering how you could ever go back to the "running around" at Curves. :p


Happy, thought of you yesterday, found a mom and pop greek restaurant near work, the hummus was to DIE for..wow!


Ha! Yeah...it's time for me to make some more!


By the way, gotta tell you guys about the fantastic green beans I cooked the other night. Take about a pound of green beans, snap off the ends only (leave them long), and put in a large bowl. Drizzle about a tablespoon of olive oil over them, and add a good heavy sprinkling of salt and pepper I add a LOT of pepper!!). Slice up a red onion (not white or yellow!!) and add to the beans, toss everything well. Pour out onto a large sheet of foil, cover with another sheet and fold up the edges to make a cooking packet. Cook on the rack in the oven, for 30 min, at 400. Flip the packet at 15 min. When you take them out and open them....man oh man....smells awesome, and they taste....mmmm mmmm good!!!

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Spinning is GREAT. I am thinking of trying "Birkam" (sp?) yoga...the yoga where they turn the heat up in the room real high. Anybody try that?


Brenda, we do come down hard on you but only because we care..who knows, if we all hadn't ganged up on you last Jan maybe you wouldn't have done so well! I guess I'd challenge you to think about the "real" reasons why you want to be so skinny. I told you this along time ago, no matter how skinny you are if you think you are a big fat pig inside your head you will always be a big fat pig. Skinny doesn't always mean healthy, and it doesn't always mean happy. I can show you lots of skinny people who you would think have it made, and they are some of the most depressed people I've ever met. Just another spin to offer you (no pun intended!)



Truer words were never spoken! ;) And great idea on the spinning classes - they are AWESOME. Brenda if you can find a good spinning class, with a good leader, you will love it, and you'll be wondering how you could ever go back to the "running around" at Curves. :p




Ha! Yeah...it's time for me to make some more!


By the way, gotta tell you guys about the fantastic green beans I cooked the other night. Take about a pound of green beans, snap off the ends only (leave them long), and put in a large bowl. Drizzle about a tablespoon of olive oil over them, and add a good heavy sprinkling of salt and pepper I add a LOT of pepper!!). Slice up a red onion (not white or yellow!!) and add to the beans, toss everything well. Pour out onto a large sheet of foil, cover with another sheet and fold up the edges to make a cooking packet. Cook on the rack in the oven, for 30 min, at 400. Flip the packet at 15 min. When you take them out and open them....man oh man....smells awesome, and they taste....mmmm mmmm good!!!

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Spinning is GREAT. I am thinking of trying "Birkam" (sp?) yoga...the yoga where they turn the heat up in the room real high. Anybody try that?


Brenda, we do come down hard on you but only because we care..who knows, if we all hadn't ganged up on you last Jan maybe you wouldn't have done so well! I guess I'd challenge you to think about the "real" reasons why you want to be so skinny. I told you this along time ago, no matter how skinny you are if you think you are a big fat pig inside your head you will always be a big fat pig. Skinny doesn't always mean healthy, and it doesn't always mean happy. I can show you lots of skinny people who you would think have it made, and they are some of the most depressed people I've ever met. Just another spin to offer you (no pun intended!)


What she said. Brenda, why do you feel the need to be so skinny? You've set a goal, and when you hit it, you create another lower goal weight - you keep on doing this - why? You've accomplished what you set out to do. Maybe you gained the 3 pounds because your body has reached its low weight. I know I can lose down to 125, but I can't maintain it. I'd have to be so limited in my eating and be a slave to the gym, and that's not how I want to live. There is such a thing as too skinny. Now, I have no idea what you look like, so I'm not saying that you are too skinny, but you have to be careful. Too skinny is downright unattractive, and it can make you look older than you are:eek:. And too skinny can be as unhealthy as overweight.


I agree with the others that you need to mix up your workout routine. I love spinning! It's very challenging, and you torch a lot of calories. Capoiera is another fun class (Brazilian martial arts modified for a cardio class). If you want to ride your bike, you can get a great workout even without hills. I do 20 mile rides and burn over 1000 calories according to my heart rate monitor. You just have to focus on speed and form...you can't just tool around. You might want to invest in a heart rate monitor.

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Why do I want to be skinnier?......I guess honesty is best here......In any case its because I have been skinnier than I am now.....not just recently either.....Before I got pregnant with my 3rd child (he is 6 now), I weighed 108 pounds. I LOVED the way I looked then. Now I got down to 119 and as of yesterday I was just about to hit 121. This to me is just unacceptable. I don't like being this weight. I do think I look fat. I am sure Menina is right.....it may be in my mind.....but I don't know how to change that. I wish I knew how to make my stupid computer work and I could post a pic so you could see what I look like.......I can't figure out Kodak EASY share. LOL....yes, this is funny. Today I am not going to Curves. I need a break from the place. I am going to attempt a little jog and a bike ride. I don't know at what intensity I can do these things, however, I know if I am sweating and my heart is pumping, that it is a good thing.


The green beans sound yummy. I usually saute mine with fresh garlic, a couple cherry tomatoes, olive oil and fresh herbs.


Well gotta get a move on. Enjoy your day all.

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Before I got pregnant with my 3rd child (he is 6 now), I weighed 108 pounds. I LOVED the way I looked then. Now I got down to 119 and as of yesterday I was just about to hit 121. This to me is just unacceptable. I don't like being this weight. I do think I look fat. I am sure Menina is right.....it may be in my mind.....but I don't know how to change that.


In the end, it is YOU that must decide what is the right weight, of course. I'm not trying to beat you up....honest. I just want you to be sure you aren't aiming past the point of being healthy. I too have others telling me I look fine, but I know how I look naked!! :p But you seem to be caught up in the numbers...and that is NOT what your guage should be. It is very possible that the numbers are playing with your mind....you have a very different body now, and maybe more muscle than you had pre-baby?? Your 'ideal' weight is BOUND to be different now. Again - I STRONGLY encourage you to have your body fat checked (you can buy a good monitor for under $50) so that you have some facts to back up that nagging mental image of yourself you seem to be dealing with. :o


I am going to attempt a little jog and a bike ride. I don't know at what intensity I can do these things, however, I know if I am sweating and my heart is pumping, that it is a good thing.


Yep - that is a very good thing!!

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Well, the reality check here is that when you are 30 and weigh 108 lbs, you still will NOT look the same when you are 43 and weigh 108 lbs. The way you change it is just accept yourself the way you are. Don't get skinny to get more attention from your husband, your friends, or think your life is going to be better when you are 108 lbs.


The other truth is, nobody cares if you weigh 108 lbs. Your husband and friends don't care. They don't care what you look like. If they don't make an issue of it, why should you? You are healthy. That's the main thing. The reason why people have eating disorders (and I am NOT suggesting you have one) is because they are deeply insecure people and have tremendous issues with control. It's a laymean's defintion, I'll spare you all the psychological stuff behind it that deals with ego strength, etc.


The reality is you are 43 and things are never going to be the way they used to be. Gravity happens, wrinkles appear, sagging occurs, it's just the way it is. Enjoy being healthy and that you can wear nice clothes and eat good food. So many people can't do what you have done.





Why do I want to be skinnier?......I guess honesty is best here......In any case its because I have been skinnier than I am now.....not just recently either.....Before I got pregnant with my 3rd child (he is 6 now), I weighed 108 pounds. I LOVED the way I looked then. Now I got down to 119 and as of yesterday I was just about to hit 121. This to me is just unacceptable. I don't like being this weight. I do think I look fat. I am sure Menina is right.....it may be in my mind.....but I don't know how to change that. I wish I knew how to make my stupid computer work and I could post a pic so you could see what I look like.......I can't figure out Kodak EASY share. LOL....yes, this is funny. Today I am not going to Curves. I need a break from the place. I am going to attempt a little jog and a bike ride. I don't know at what intensity I can do these things, however, I know if I am sweating and my heart is pumping, that it is a good thing.


The green beans sound yummy. I usually saute mine with fresh garlic, a couple cherry tomatoes, olive oil and fresh herbs.


Well gotta get a move on. Enjoy your day all.

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Well, the reality check here is that when you are 30 and weigh 108 lbs, you still will NOT look the same when you are 43 and weigh 108 lbs. The way you change it is just accept yourself the way you are. Don't get skinny to get more attention from your husband, your friends, or think your life is going to be better when you are 108 lbs.


The other truth is, nobody cares if you weigh 108 lbs. Your husband and friends don't care. They don't care what you look like. If they don't make an issue of it, why should you? You are healthy. That's the main thing. The reason why people have eating disorders (and I am NOT suggesting you have one) is because they are deeply insecure people and have tremendous issues with control. It's a laymean's defintion, I'll spare you all the psychological stuff behind it that deals with ego strength, etc.


The reality is you are 43 and things are never going to be the way they used to be. Gravity happens, wrinkles appear, sagging occurs, it's just the way it is. Enjoy being healthy and that you can wear nice clothes and eat good food. So many people can't do what you have done.





Why do I want to be skinnier?......I guess honesty is best here......In any case its because I have been skinnier than I am now.....not just recently either.....Before I got pregnant with my 3rd child (he is 6 now), I weighed 108 pounds. I LOVED the way I looked then. Now I got down to 119 and as of yesterday I was just about to hit 121. This to me is just unacceptable. I don't like being this weight. I do think I look fat. I am sure Menina is right.....it may be in my mind.....but I don't know how to change that. I wish I knew how to make my stupid computer work and I could post a pic so you could see what I look like.......I can't figure out Kodak EASY share. LOL....yes, this is funny. Today I am not going to Curves. I need a break from the place. I am going to attempt a little jog and a bike ride. I don't know at what intensity I can do these things, however, I know if I am sweating and my heart is pumping, that it is a good thing.


The green beans sound yummy. I usually saute mine with fresh garlic, a couple cherry tomatoes, olive oil and fresh herbs.


Well gotta get a move on. Enjoy your day all.

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OK....I do know that I look good. Sounds conceited, but its really not. I just know because I can tell by the looks and comments I get. However, I am striving for a personal best. I have a goal that by the time I am 50 (I am 44 now), I want to be in the best shape I have ever been in my life.


Unfortunately, that is not going so well today. LOL....yeah, I can laugh about it......I tried the whole jogging thing. What I want to know is how can a person work out intensely at the gym for 2 hours and only be able to jog for.......are you ready for this?.......jog for 4 minutes???!!!! That's right I said 4 minutes. I wanted to die after those 4 minutes. So back home I went to get my bike. Peddling as fast as I could I could only manage 20 minutes on that. Now I feel so out of shape, yet I know I am in good shape!!!! I guess its just a different workout that my body is so not used to????? I walked in the door and said out loud "I suck.". So now I am heading upstairs to try an exercise show I DVR'd the other day. I don't know if I have enough room to do it....I have very little free space, but I'm gonna give it a try. I'm desperate to find something new that will work for me. Bike riding may be it....I just have to build up to more time.....BUT....my BUT hurts!!!! LOL

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Well, you can techincially "be" in good shape but at the same time "not be"..meaning your heart rate. Check out buying a monitor, I use one. I thought I was in good shape, until I learned I really wasn't working up to my heart rate potential. I have died this week running up these hills with the trainer, etc but my clothes are falling off after one week.


Another thought I had was, and this works for me, is to "set a challenge" with some other people. I used to participate in the Team in Training program which I just loved, plus I met a lot of nice people. We have a thing here called "walk fit" with the parks/rec program where you can compete for prizes based on how far you walk, etc. I guess maybe you need to shift the exercise focus to variety and having fun.


So you look good and know it. That's not conceited. You get looks and comments. That's great.


But what in the world are you talking about "it's not my personal best". Geez louise, there you go again not accepting yourself. Your personal best is RIGHT NOW for TODAY..not when you are 50. None of us may make it to 50!! But today where you are is your personal best as you are better today and healthier today than you were 5 months ago. I bet 6 months ago you couldn't RUN 1 minute and today you did 4. So that's your personal best for today.


OK....I do know that I look good. Sounds conceited, but its really not. I just know because I can tell by the looks and comments I get. However, I am striving for a personal best. I have a goal that by the time I am 50 (I am 44 now), I want to be in the best shape I have ever been in my life.


Unfortunately, that is not going so well today. LOL....yeah, I can laugh about it......I tried the whole jogging thing. What I want to know is how can a person work out intensely at the gym for 2 hours and only be able to jog for.......are you ready for this?.......jog for 4 minutes???!!!! That's right I said 4 minutes. I wanted to die after those 4 minutes. So back home I went to get my bike. Peddling as fast as I could I could only manage 20 minutes on that. Now I feel so out of shape, yet I know I am in good shape!!!! I guess its just a different workout that my body is so not used to????? I walked in the door and said out loud "I suck.". So now I am heading upstairs to try an exercise show I DVR'd the other day. I don't know if I have enough room to do it....I have very little free space, but I'm gonna give it a try. I'm desperate to find something new that will work for me. Bike riding may be it....I just have to build up to more time.....BUT....my BUT hurts!!!! LOL

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Oh yeah you are so right. Back in January I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air. Now I move around life with ease. I love the way I feel. I love the energy and the strength that I am gaining. I guess I'm just really hard on myself. But aren't we all our own worst critics? I do wish I had a friend who was into all this working out, etc....but noone wants to move!!!!

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Brenda, probably lots of your friends want to move but wanting to do something and doing it are two different things. You have changed from wanting to doing, congratulations on making that change in your life!


I am 48 and use to walk and do alittle running on a treadmill. This year I did the couch to 5k program. I amazed myself that "I" could run 3mi!! It is a 8 or 10 week program. Just type in couch to 5k and you'll be on your way! The thing about Curves is that you don't get a real good cardio workout. It was good for you to start but now that you are in better shape your body is ready for a change. You could keep working out there 2 or 3 days a week for the weights doing the circuit 3 times each day. And not worry so much about the cardio while you are there. Then do the couch to 5k program 3 days/week.

Running really helped my belly flab. I look thinner at 120 than I did at 115 so watch your body not the numbers on the scale. Don't get hung up on what you use to weigh. When I was 33 I weighed 105. I ate like crap and did little exercise. I weigh more now but I am in much better shape.

Remember it is not about being skinny, it is about being healthy and yes your personal best!


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What a great post! You've come a long way baby! :)


I believe the Team in Training thing also has one for walking and cycling. I found it to be a great way to meet others who shared the goal of being healthy and working toward a good cause. We used to have group runs, etc.


Seems like all of us are encouraging Brenda to TAKE ON A CHALLENGE! You think you are in good shape until you really start working and you feel like you are going to die. I only did the treadmill at the gym today for an hour, but man, I can hardly MOVE from all the uphill running, etc at the park this week. Tomorrow morning we are meeting at 7am. This change in routine has really motivated me alot. Maybe you can sneak soje exercise in other ways..have you ever biked to the grocery store or to do errands, etc?




Brenda, probably lots of your friends want to move but wanting to do something and doing it are two different things. You have changed from wanting to doing, congratulations on making that change in your life!


I am 48 and use to walk and do alittle running on a treadmill. This year I did the couch to 5k program. I amazed myself that "I" could run 3mi!! It is a 8 or 10 week program. Just type in couch to 5k and you'll be on your way! The thing about Curves is that you don't get a real good cardio workout. It was good for you to start but now that you are in better shape your body is ready for a change. You could keep working out there 2 or 3 days a week for the weights doing the circuit 3 times each day. And not worry so much about the cardio while you are there. Then do the couch to 5k program 3 days/week.

Running really helped my belly flab. I look thinner at 120 than I did at 115 so watch your body not the numbers on the scale. Don't get hung up on what you use to weigh. When I was 33 I weighed 105. I ate like crap and did little exercise. I weigh more now but I am in much better shape.

Remember it is not about being skinny, it is about being healthy and yes your personal best!


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Alright, now I'm excited. I found this couch to 5k thing online. It looks doable to me. Especially in the beginning its mostly walking. I can walk!!!! So I will do this 3 days a week and also do Curves for the weights. I will be starting on Monday. I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!! Thank you so much.....finally I may have found something I can do!!!

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YAY!!!!!!! Good for you!!


Hey, nobody has heard from Smooth...she needs to check in!



Alright, now I'm excited. I found this couch to 5k thing online. It looks doable to me. Especially in the beginning its mostly walking. I can walk!!!! So I will do this 3 days a week and also do Curves for the weights. I will be starting on Monday. I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!! Thank you so much.....finally I may have found something I can do!!!
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I tried the whole jogging thing. What I want to know is how can a person work out intensely at the gym for 2 hours and only be able to jog for.......are you ready for this?.......jog for 4 minutes???!!!! That's right I said 4 minutes. I wanted to die after those 4 minutes. So back home I went to get my bike. Peddling as fast as I could I could only manage 20 minutes on that. Now I feel so out of shape, yet I know I am in good shape!!!! I guess its just a different workout that my body is so not used to?????


Yep. That's exactly what I was talking about. That "cardio" at Curves is really not doing anything for you now. You need to bump things up so that you can make some REAL progress on getting that heart in shape! :D


Alright, now I'm excited. I found this couch to 5k thing online. It looks doable to me. ... Thank you so much.....finally I may have found something I can do!!!


Oh good! I know SO many people that used the Couch-2-5k program to start running - it's a terrific site. Also - I cannot believe I did not mention this earlier Brenda. :rolleyes: Do you have a school nearby, one with a stadium?? One of the best cardio workouts I do is running the bleachers. I often take my son and some of his buddies with me and we all see just how long we can last. It's an absolutely fantastic workout, and it doesn't cost a cent!!

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Yep. That's exactly what I was talking about. That "cardio" at Curves is really not doing anything for you now. You need to bump things up so that you can make some REAL progress on getting that heart in shape! :D




Oh good! I know SO many people that used the Couch-2-5k program to start running - it's a terrific site. Also - I cannot believe I did not mention this earlier Brenda. :rolleyes: Do you have a school nearby, one with a stadium?? One of the best cardio workouts I do is running the bleachers. I often take my son and some of his buddies with me and we all see just how long we can last. It's an absolutely fantastic workout, and it doesn't cost a cent!!

You do realize that I would want to die at this point running through bleachers. I would probably make 1 minute instead of 4!!! I am worried about it getting cold out when I am trying to do the whole running thing. More than that, if you remember when I first started Curves I did running on the boxes and I hurt my foot really bad so I had to switch it up to knee lifts, etc. I even forgot that before I decided to try running. Now I had went to the foot doc at the time and she told me that because of the shape of my foot or whatever, that running was not for me. I just realized all this last night. So......I am still going to try, but not really sure how its gonna work out. Even walking quickly may still get my heart going a bit and if I add the bike riding that is still cardio......I just have a lot of kinks to work out, but I know I will.

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Brenda, I personally am not a fan of running. Since I have asthma, it's the hardest on my lungs. That said, I'm thinking about training for another triathlon in April next year, so I'll be training through the winter months. Two things are very important - one is getting fitted for the proper shoe. Go to a real running store. They will watch you run, and based on your stance, will fit you with the right shoe to give you the proper support when you run. Second is clothing. I actually don't mind running in winter. I have winter running gear, and while the first few minutes are cold, once you get warmed up, it feels great! I have long-sleeve dry fit shirts, a windbreaker, a waterproof fleece, and both medium and heavy weight running tights. I also have dry fit gloves and a mask thing (necessary because of the asthma).


For the run portion (a 10K in triathlon I'm planning on doing), I'm planning on following a run/walk program. Run a minute, walk a minute. One of my friends is doing the Chicago marathon next weekend, and she's actually become a lot faster doing this over running straight through since she's not running to the point of exhaustion and then walking slowly.


Hey M, if I do train for this tri, I plan on doing it through Team in Training. I did the Chicago Tri with them a few years ago. A lot of my friends are planning on doing the St Anthony's tri in Tampa, and they're trying to convince me to join them. I just dread the thought of training for the run. Don't mind the swim; love the bike.

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I loved Team in Training because you met everyone with varying skill levels, and I especially liked the group training run/walks.I met some fantastic people..many SINGLE people at that time of my life..but I found through a group like that you not only get some good training but meet like minded people who are decent as they are working for a good cause. It's a nice way to meet 'work out buddies". I remember once I was starting to lost motivation, one day Bruno, the coach showed up at my door and we ran 6 miles together..that's when I had only been running 3! I think work out buddies are great motivators. A few weeks ago I ran into an old atty, friend at the gym and ended up on the cardio machines for 2.5 hours as we got to yakking!


Brenda, I personally am not a fan of running. Since I have asthma, it's the hardest on my lungs. That said, I'm thinking about training for another triathlon in April next year, so I'll be training through the winter months. Two things are very important - one is getting fitted for the proper shoe. Go to a real running store. They will watch you run, and based on your stance, will fit you with the right shoe to give you the proper support when you run. Second is clothing. I actually don't mind running in winter. I have winter running gear, and while the first few minutes are cold, once you get warmed up, it feels great! I have long-sleeve dry fit shirts, a windbreaker, a waterproof fleece, and both medium and heavy weight running tights. I also have dry fit gloves and a mask thing (necessary because of the asthma).


For the run portion (a 10K in triathlon I'm planning on doing), I'm planning on following a run/walk program. Run a minute, walk a minute. One of my friends is doing the Chicago marathon next weekend, and she's actually become a lot faster doing this over running straight through since she's not running to the point of exhaustion and then walking slowly.


Hey M, if I do train for this tri, I plan on doing it through Team in Training. I did the Chicago Tri with them a few years ago. A lot of my friends are planning on doing the St Anthony's tri in Tampa, and they're trying to convince me to join them. I just dread the thought of training for the run. Don't mind the swim; love the bike.

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