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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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You do realize that I would want to die at this point running through bleachers. I would probably make 1 minute instead of 4!!! I am worried about it getting cold out when I am trying to do the whole running thing. More than that, if you remember when I first started Curves I did running on the boxes and I hurt my foot really bad so I had to switch it up to knee lifts, etc. I even forgot that before I decided to try running. Now I had went to the foot doc at the time and she told me that because of the shape of my foot or whatever, that running was not for me. I just realized all this last night. So......I am still going to try, but not really sure how its gonna work out. Even walking quickly may still get my heart going a bit and if I add the bike riding that is still cardio......I just have a lot of kinks to work out, but I know I will.



No - you would NOT actually be "running" - certainly not starting out at least. It's really more like a step mill at the gym - very very good for your legs, and very intense cardio. You start out by simply CLIMBING them at whatever pace is comfortable. "Running bleachers" is nothing like running, and will put WAY less stress on your knees and joints than running. As fro runningin cold weather, any "cold" in the air will disappear after a few minutes - I promise! I have run in 20 degree weather. :eek: Now THAT was cold! Of course, I dress for it...so long sleeves and pants replace my warm weather gear.

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Brenda, ouch! I did not know about your foot problem. If running doesn't work out for you maybe you can find a gym where you can vary your workouts. An elliptical, spinning, even a treadmill will be alittle less stress on joints. But I don't know what you have in your area as far as gyms so that might not be an option.

Check out prevention.com They have articles on how to get a good workout walking. The key to walking or any cardio exercise is to get your heart rate up. But walking can be just as beneficial as running.

On the winter thing, well that is where a gym would come in handy. I am not a gym person though. I have a treadmill that I use during the winter and some 5lb weights to use for upper body work.

And like Chi said get good shoes. Walking or running you will need good shoes.

The Team Training thing sounds like fun. I'm sure if I looked I could find something around here. Maybe through the Y.

We have had frost for our second night in a row. But it is a sunny morning so I think my dog and I will take a walk!

Hope you all have a good weekend!


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Kelly, Team in Training is its own organization. They're in pretty good with Bally's, but Bally's really has nothing to do with the organization - they just lend their pools and spin rooms for training sessions. Team in Training is an endurance training program. They have certified coaches that lead twice weekly group training sessions. The rest of the week you're given a training schedule to follow. In return, you raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The amount varies from event to event, and people from all over the country train for these specific events. I did the Chicago Triathlon with them, and I'm thinking about doing St Anthony's Tri. They aren't necessarily local events. You can train for a 1/2 marathon, full marathon, international distance triathlon (.9 mile swim, 25.4 mile bike, 6.2 mile run), 100 mile bike ride, and a hiking trip. If you do a search for "Team in Training" you should be able to find a local chapter.

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I livedin cold weather for awhile (Michigan, grad school) and enjoyed learning things like skiing, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, things that give a good workout.


It's easy to get stuck in a gym routine. My own opinion is that part of a healthy lifestyle means doing other things, trying new sports, challenging yourself, etc. I met at 7 with the trainer but we got rained out so we are going to try it tomorrow. Now I have to go to the gym today. I think I am addicted to this outdoor routine stuff he has me doing.


Brenda, don't forget there are things like yoga, kickboxing, etc..these things burn calories too..some more than others. You might like the yoga for the stretching part. When I was good at it I'd felt like I had a 1 hour massage after the class. Everything helps!


Brenda, ouch! I did not know about your foot problem. If running doesn't work out for you maybe you can find a gym where you can vary your workouts. An elliptical, spinning, even a treadmill will be alittle less stress on joints. But I don't know what you have in your area as far as gyms so that might not be an option.

Check out prevention.com They have articles on how to get a good workout walking. The key to walking or any cardio exercise is to get your heart rate up. But walking can be just as beneficial as running.

On the winter thing, well that is where a gym would come in handy. I am not a gym person though. I have a treadmill that I use during the winter and some 5lb weights to use for upper body work.

And like Chi said get good shoes. Walking or running you will need good shoes.

The Team Training thing sounds like fun. I'm sure if I looked I could find something around here. Maybe through the Y.

We have had frost for our second night in a row. But it is a sunny morning so I think my dog and I will take a walk!

Hope you all have a good weekend!


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The closest local chapter is in Brookfield, 3hrs away. It does look like they have trainers in the Fox Valley, that's 1 1/2 hrs away.

I do know people who do marathons, triathalons. Maybe in the spring I will connect with someone and challenge myself in a new way.

For me it is not the cold, I grew up in Upper Michigan so I am use to cold and lots of snow. I actually like winter and like being outside. Where we live now the road just gets unsafe. People still drive like the road is bare and it's not. I don't want to be someones hood ornament!


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I hear you!!... I can do a hour on a cross trainer with no issues at all, yet running is close to impossible for me. I have given it a few tries, crash and burn!!


Thinking this through I think there are a few problems.... On a cross trainer you have support, you can hold on to the handles or whatever, yet while running, you must depend totally on your body to hold you up and need to tune into your posture, and sketical stance.... This is all good and I think I may give it a go again. I am constanly putting stress and pressure on my knees from dancing and will go to all ends to protect them. My gym has a padded indoor running track and that is where I will do it... I wont run or even walk on pavement.


Another issue for me... I looked at the coach 5K and they tell you a minute of running a minute of walking... Well I could just not flip between the two. I could not slow it down to a walk after a minute of running... I have to figure this out somehow...


Keep me posted how you make out. Very anxious to hear.

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Another issue for me... I looked at the coach 5K and they tell you a minute of running a minute of walking... Well I could just not flip between the two. I could not slow it down to a walk after a minute of running... I have to figure this out somehow...


:confused: Well you've got me stumped there smooth! Why not?

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OMG Kelly, you had me laughing pretty hard too... Laughing to hard to type right away.

Let me explain this better. I just cant seem to turn the full speed on and off. So my walk ends up being a slow run rather than a walk. Then when I finally get myself back to a walking pace I then cant find the energy to bring it back up to a run. As you can guess I fizzle out pretty quickly because I just wipe myself out!


Story of my life!... There is just no middle ground for me it is either all or nothing! LOL, I can get pretty intense at times, but well that is just my personality.

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I have worked out two solid weeks with this trainer..oh my gosh, I think I am in love with this outdoor routine in the park. For some reason my body is responding better to the physical challenge of the enviornment than the usual gym routine. Like yesterday he had me walking up hills with 10 lb weights on my shoulders..oh my...a whole new set of muscles have come out of hiding all over my body....and who knew you could do so much with a set of rubber bands. It's been nothing to meet him at 5:30 in the morning, by 7:30 I am showered and at work by 8. Have even more energy than before so don't need my espresso at 3pm. It's costing me 300.00 for 6 hours a week, plus I can go to any classes he teaches at the area gyms for free. My butt is shrinking and my sides. An hour of hard cardio walking all over hills takes more out of me than the treadmill with an incline at 15 and it's a peaceful time of day.


Am doing ok..mostly fish, salad, rice, but I was craving carbs real bad this week so ate a few pieces of homemade bread. am trying to stay away from the gluten thing but it's like my body need fuel.

How is everyone else doing?

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Sounds great M! Yeah it's funny how you think you are working every muscle group, and then you try something new and BAM! Happens to me every time I have some time to kill at the gym! :p I would love to be able to get up early and do some workouts, but hard to do right now (my son would sleep though an earthquake if I let him!)...in about 3 years, maybe, although I am a terrible night owl!


I never even made it to the gym today so I am NOT a happy camper. I worked straight through lunch, and just got home around midnight - crisis city today. And have to be back early in the am. Ugh. Off to catch some Zzzzz....

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Hi all.....Well I have been doing well with extra working out. Some days I do a long walk besides my Curves thing, others have done some bike riding. But, of course, a problem occurred. I pulled some type of muscle in my back shoulder area and I was actually crying in my sleep because of the pain. Finally yesterday I had to go for a massage.....something I never do because of the money it costs. However, it was so necessary this time. The woman did such an excellent job. It hurt like hell!!!....but I can tell you that today even though I still feel some ouchy back there, I can move and its not so bad!!! Its a miracle!!! I realize I did this by doing all the extra crunches I do at night.....just great!!! This always seems to happen....I get hurt when I am trying to step it up. I won't be back to the gym until Tuesday due to a baby sitter thing (no school Columbus Day). Hopefully, I will be all healed up by then.


M.....you are amazing! I wish I could afford a personal trainer. Its great to have someone push you!

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Brenda...add some yoga to your routine..you never realize how tight your body is until you try yoga!


I had a nightmare shopping at Kohl's yesterday...is it my imagination or are styles/sizes changing that drastically with jeans, etc. I consistently wear a 10, and I haven't gained weight, so why in the world could I barely squeeze into a 12 Vera Wang. And whats the deal on the Lee jeans slimming you..I couldn't even pull the 10's up at all. I stuck with my usual Levis but even those look weird. I don't get it. I was so upset when I left the store I said screw it. 2 weeks to go on the trip. My clothes are hanging very loose, but I don't understand what the deal is on this jeans thing. I haven't really bought jeans in like 3 years.


Hi all.....Well I have been doing well with extra working out. Some days I do a long walk besides my Curves thing, others have done some bike riding. But, of course, a problem occurred. I pulled some type of muscle in my back shoulder area and I was actually crying in my sleep because of the pain. Finally yesterday I had to go for a massage.....something I never do because of the money it costs. However, it was so necessary this time. The woman did such an excellent job. It hurt like hell!!!....but I can tell you that today even though I still feel some ouchy back there, I can move and its not so bad!!! Its a miracle!!! I realize I did this by doing all the extra crunches I do at night.....just great!!! This always seems to happen....I get hurt when I am trying to step it up. I won't be back to the gym until Tuesday due to a baby sitter thing (no school Columbus Day). Hopefully, I will be all healed up by then.


M.....you are amazing! I wish I could afford a personal trainer. Its great to have someone push you!

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thought I'd stop in and say Hi!


I do not like trying on jeans either. You have to try on so many to find one pair that fit. And the size thing, why don't they just put a ? since it is never the same.


I have not tried yoga but I try to do pilates (dvd) twice a week. I use to do 3 days and probably should go back to that. When I am consistent my body feels so much better. And it is great for the abs. It has worked better for me than crunches.


It is beautiful here today. The leaves are at peak color. I will take a walk later to enjoy it!

Hope you all have a great week end!


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Brenda, your injury might be your body's way of telling you that you're overdoing it. Glad you're resting until Tuesday.


As for the jeans thing, yes, shopping for jeans is a PITA. I think 20-year-olds without hips design these things. I'm a big fan of Lucky Brand Jeans. They're the only premium denim I've found that doesn't cut all their jeans so that I'd have major plumber butt when wearing them. I love the easy rider and classic rider styles. I bought a pair at the Lucky Brand store a couple weeks ago for $110. I was at Costco yesterday, and they had the same darn jeans but in a different wash for $40!!! I couldn't believe it! I inspected, and knowing what I know about Costco, I'm confident I got the real thing. Guess what I'm taking back to the Lucky Brand store!

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Don't get me started on the jeans thing again!! LOL It takes me forever to find jeans I like. However, now that I have changed my body it is a bit easier.....thank God!!!! For everyday jeans I like Gap.....its the fancy ones that are hard to find.


Leslie, Great job on the Lucky jeans!!! Only problem with Costco is you can't try anything on.....but since you have the same jeans they most likely fit great.


Kelly, Do you need alot of room to follow the pilates DVD? I have VERY LITTLE space. Is it hard to follow pilates?

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Brenda, pilates is stretching and core work so you don't need much space at all. If you can lay down and stretch your arms above your head then you have enough space. I have a Denise Austin dvd that has 2 workouts. One pilates and one with more yoga moves. My body feels so much better when I do the pilates one at least 2x weekly.


I could use some new jeans with the weather getting colder. It is nice that I need them because I'd like a smaller size rather than a larger size. But I still don't want to have to spend a day trying them on. Plus there is no where to shop here. Have to drive at least an hour.


It's nice out today so I think I'll take the dog for a walk! She will love that!


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I also like Denise Austin DVD's... Have lots of them. I just cant deal with these power work out DVD's and hers just seem to have the right mix for me.


Our main "smooth" dance coach has relocated and no longer in our state. We were not quite ready to give her up so now every Saturday morning we are up bright and early and make a 2 hour drive to Boston to work with her for 3 hours... Yesterday making the drive the change in the trees was so incredible that it made me so thankful for where we live. On aside line though at first I thought we could not do this 3 hour power dancing and as it turns out my body keeps up quite well... I am pretty happy with that.

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I'm heading back to the gym tomorrow. The shoulder feels much better, although not perfect. So I think I may skip a few of the machines that may re-hurt it. Wish me luck!! Today I went to the park with my son and some friends. I did the paddle boats for 45 minutes......so that was a little exercise....plus the walking. It was a nice day outside today.

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Its funny how when you don't really plan things, things happen. Today I quit Curves and joined Shape Express. It has the circuit like Curves, but it also has the eliptical, treadmill and bikes. I am joined in a 12 week sauna study (infrared thing). They will be tracking my weight and inches throughout the process. I'm very excited that I finally decided to make the move. I don't know what hit me today, but I'm glad I did it!!! Wish me luck with my new cardio machines!!

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Brenda, I think the change in your routine will be good for you. Our bodies get use to the same thing and need to be challenged. The changes I did in mine caused me to lose a few extra pounds. If I keep them off till my cruise at the end of Nov. I will not mind if I gain a few back. I bought the cutest red dress to wear! So I am way excited!


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Brenda, that's so great. Never heard of it (Shape express) but maybe it's the change you needed..


I mee the trainer at the park at 6am again, we power walked up hills mostly..BACKWARDS...oh my gosh I can hardlly move...just when I think I found all the muscles in my body new ones appear. How could just wakling backwards up a hill make such a difference!! Yesterday we did calistehnics mlitary style and my legs felt like scrambled eggs today. I am so glad I went back to this trainer, he noted that I slimmed down quicker this time than I did when we did the gym thing two years ago,he said it's the combinaton of "cardio style" caisthenics with the regular cardio that is making the difference.

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Its funny how when you don't really plan things, things happen. Today I quit Curves and joined Shape Express. It has the circuit like Curves, but it also has the eliptical, treadmill and bikes. I am joined in a 12 week sauna study (infrared thing). They will be tracking my weight and inches throughout the process. I'm very excited that I finally decided to make the move. I don't know what hit me today, but I'm glad I did it!!! Wish me luck with my new cardio machines!!


Excellent!! I think you will find this a greatly improved workout! Enjoy it!! I always do! ;)

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Hi all,


I am so glad I made this move. Already I am happier. I have a new positive attitude.....almost like a fresh start. They are very kind there and have had me working with a personal trainer. I am also in the sauna study and have enjoyed that. Today I am taking a class for the buns and stomach.....I am very excited about that. I really think I may be able to jump start my body again. YIPPEE!!!

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