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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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He is in the USMC but floating on a carrier ship. I've read that book..I did a year rotation at the Miami VA and someone gave it to me. That's when he was in Iraq. He's done two tours there and 1 in Afghanastan but we were only pals back during Afghanastan. My mom was in a hospital in Boston dying and his unit ended up on the Price is Right while we were watching it on TV. She was doped on many meds but told me I should marry him and have multicultural babies. I thought it was funny but she said it two days later then died 4 days after that and that's how we ended up together.


He didn't make it, I was so sad the whole week as I had no phone call about details, finally he got through last night and they canceled his trip to the conference due to "security reasons" and I think it had something to do with the thing in Somalia as some of the ships seem to be positioned with that. Arrrgh..said to plan for January.


Gathina, where is your honey serving right now? I am sure you've said before but my premenopausal memory is taking a break right now. A book I read and recommend for those with loved ones serving in Iraq or Afganistan is. "Down Range - to Iraq and Back" by Bridget C. Cantrell and Chuck Dean. It helped me to have some insights into what to expect when DH came home from Iraq. He went with a unit from Seattle and we live in Wisconsin. So I did not have access to briefings/talks... frg stuff. DH was with a combat stress control unit and they recommended the book.

I hope you both have a good visit and enjoy your time together.


I'll be leaving in 12 days for our cruise! Saying I am excited does not even express how I feel. We always do a pre & cruise weigh in so I'll let you know how that goes.

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I put on a pair of pants that I had not worn in awhile. They were always just alittle tight. Yesterday they fit so good! Better than when I bought them! That was great since the scale is so up and down from water/bloat depending on where or what I've eaten.


Happy, I think those 10 are the worst to get rid of! But if you keep at it they will go. I kept telling myself that the alternative was to quit and gain more and be more miserable with myself. Wearing those pants yesterday was a huge payoff! I am so glad I did not quit!


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Hey Brenda, I was wondering if you got back to your pre cruise weight?

I leave early Saturday morning, like 2am! I did a weigh in today so I know where I was. When I get back it will be interesting. I know I'll retain water. The difference in the food and how they cook. Plus I will have a few more drinks than I would at home.

Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving!


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Kelly, I thought you were in Michigan...where at,again? I went to Univ of MI for grad. school..what happened to the Wolverines!


I am having Tgiving at extended family's home.last year was the first one I had with them, why was I thinking we'd have turkey..ha..we had fish, jerk chicken, oxtail and ribs and all sorts of stuff! Same thing this year, then we sit around and play a board game called "loudy" which is like Chinese checkers. Am going to try and walk in the park before I go there.


Brenda, where are you? We are all rooting for you! My Thangksivng advice to all is to take "little bites" of everything. And pass on the stuff you can get every day, like rolls and butter, etc.!


Hey Brenda, I was wondering if you got back to your pre cruise weight?

I leave early Saturday morning, like 2am! I did a weigh in today so I know where I was. When I get back it will be interesting. I know I'll retain water. The difference in the food and how they cook. Plus I will have a few more drinks than I would at home.

Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving!


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Hi Gathina, I'm originally from the Upper Peninsula of MI. A small town there. I live in NE WI now. Another small town.

Sorry I can't tell you anything about the Wolverines. I've never been a sports follower. I'm an hour away from Green Bay and people talk about he Packers like they're family!


I hope you & your honey will be able to get together sometime soon. I was lucky when DH was gone. We got to instant message alot.


I agree with skipping the normal stuff on Thanksgiving. I did not even make mashed potatoes last year. It was only DH & I so I could get away with that. I did turkey but did roasted garlic mashed sweet potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce (it has bourbon and orange zest in it) really flavorful, and sauteed brussel sprouts. If we would have been with family that would not have gone over well. Especially the brussel sprouts! I come from canned vegetable people! YUCK! Sorry to you lovers of the can.


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Hi all.... I haven't been around because I wasn't feeling well. Almost 2 weeks ago I had an episode.......we'll call it that. Anyhow, 2 days later it landed me in the emergency room with quite a scare. The docs thought I could be bleeding in the brain. I wasn't.....I'm gonna be fine. I do have high blood pressure which caused the episode. Basically it was EXTREME pain on one side of my head, neck, shoulder, arm, etc. and I couldn't bare it or move for hours. I had numbness in the side of my jaw afterwards but it feels fine now. I am on blood pressure meds as my blood pressure shot up to 168/108. I am now getting back to normal and plan on going back to the gym on Monday.


Good news is I am only up 2 pounds which is not even noticeable....so basically I lost the cruise weight.


I am cooking for Thanksgiving and I will not lie and tell you we are cutting anything out. I'm going to live it up for the holiday.....watching my salt intake of course. Since I'm the one cooking its much easier to monitor. We are having shrimp, clams, pigs in a blanket, egg rolls, cheeses, pepperoni, crackers, sundried tomatoes, roasted peppers, etc....for apps. For dinner I am making turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed onions, candied mushrooms, peas, homemade cranberry sauce, tossed salad and of course dinner rolls. Then we'll move on to dessert....LOL Yeah, its a day filled with eating around here. I hope you all have wonderful plans for the holiday and are spending it with someone you love. Be happy, be healthy.........Happy Thanksgiving.

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Brenda, glad to hear you are feeling better. Is there a history of HB in your family? One of my sisters is having this same issue. At least you are eating healthier now than you were. Plus you are exercising.

Your right about cooking and being in control of what goes into it. When I watch Emeril cook I think, I would never be able to eat his food. He uses so much salt!


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It sounds like you had a TIA....is that what they called it??


Your Thanskgiving sounds very Italian. Mine will be very west Indian..fried whole snapper, curry goat, oxtail, ribs, jerk chicken, rice, beans, yellow yams, salads, Sorrell, juneplum juice, and other vegetables. I am briniging two lowly desserts LOL.


Hope everyone has a great holiday..M


Hi all.... I haven't been around because I wasn't feeling well. Almost 2 weeks ago I had an episode.......we'll call it that. Anyhow, 2 days later it landed me in the emergency room with quite a scare. The docs thought I could be bleeding in the brain. I wasn't.....I'm gonna be fine. I do have high blood pressure which caused the episode. Basically it was EXTREME pain on one side of my head, neck, shoulder, arm, etc. and I couldn't bare it or move for hours. I had numbness in the side of my jaw afterwards but it feels fine now. I am on blood pressure meds as my blood pressure shot up to 168/108. I am now getting back to normal and plan on going back to the gym on Monday.


Good news is I am only up 2 pounds which is not even noticeable....so basically I lost the cruise weight.


I am cooking for Thanksgiving and I will not lie and tell you we are cutting anything out. I'm going to live it up for the holiday.....watching my salt intake of course. Since I'm the one cooking its much easier to monitor. We are having shrimp, clams, pigs in a blanket, egg rolls, cheeses, pepperoni, crackers, sundried tomatoes, roasted peppers, etc....for apps. For dinner I am making turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed onions, candied mushrooms, peas, homemade cranberry sauce, tossed salad and of course dinner rolls. Then we'll move on to dessert....LOL Yeah, its a day filled with eating around here. I hope you all have wonderful plans for the holiday and are spending it with someone you love. Be happy, be healthy.........Happy Thanksgiving.

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My dad had high blood pressure and died of a sudden heart attack at age 50.....I don't want to repeat this!!


Regarding a TIA.....it was undetermined because I waited 2 days to go to the hospital.....but it is possible. My mom has a history of TIA's....she started about my age. UGGGHHHHH.......


Very strange food you are eating M.........but if you like it, go for it!!! For me I have to have turkey....I would feel cheated if I didn't......well really I have to have the mashed potatoes and stuffing....LOL

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Yes, I actually do like it..but you might like this..in Brazil we used to marinate our turkeys in champagne, though of course we don't celebrate thanksgiving there.


The best part of the west indian meal is the dessert..rum cakes with fruit soaked in rum for months, homemade rum icecream, etc..I feel drunk already!


My dad had high blood pressure and died of a sudden heart attack at age 50.....I don't want to repeat this!!


Regarding a TIA.....it was undetermined because I waited 2 days to go to the hospital.....but it is possible. My mom has a history of TIA's....she started about my age. UGGGHHHHH.......


Very strange food you are eating M.........but if you like it, go for it!!! For me I have to have turkey....I would feel cheated if I didn't......well really I have to have the mashed potatoes and stuffing....LOL

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Hey everyone - hope your holiday is going well so far!!! I'm baking of course! Pignoli cookies and my brother's favorite - chocolate cake. Almost done though - I am headed to the gym for a quick workout so that I can eat a little bit at dinner at least!!!! :p

Happy Thanksgiving! The gym is open today????? YOU GO GIRL!!!

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I went to the park yesterday in the early am and hiked for an hour, though the trainer wasn't there. We had a great thanksgiving..lots of chicken, organic foods, fresh juice made from pineapple, passion, and strawberries. Homemade rum cake, ginger beer from scratch, then of course curry goat,oxtail, roasted beets, rice and peas. Victoria's husband played old love songs from the 40's and 50's, we sat on the patio after and played cards and trivia. Really fun evening! I ate a lot, but I think it was a bit more "healthy" than traditioanl American thanksgiving. I love the ginger beer..it's actually just a lot of fresh grated ginger and water and sugar..YUM

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI everybody! Ugh, it's snowed 3 times this week! I hate this weather!!! Luckily I'm heading down to Ft Lauderdale tomorrow!


Kelly, how was the cruise? I sailed on the Miracle the same week 2 years ago when the Miracle was in Tampa, and it was what restarted my cruise addiction! I just realized you are an hour from Green Bay. I was in Green Bay over Thanksgiving, and I might be going up there next weekend. My parents live there, and I'm a HUGE Packers fan!


My mom told me that Weight Watchers is changing their program again. She's getting the new info next week. I'm curious to see what it has to say.

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I'm off the wagon lol! I've been traveling so much for work, and I've been sooo busy when I'm home. The work trips are the worst - vendors entertaining us with lots of food, drink, etc. And we get back to the hotel so late that it's a real struggle to get up in the morning to work out! But, I'm only up 3 pounds (the 3 pounds I gained on the cruise, lost, and then gained again). After Christmas, I should be OK. Until I have my trade show in London at the end of January!

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LONDON! My favorite city outside from Rio!! Oh you must have scones with clotted cream while you are there.


I remember how hard it was to work out when traveling. What I am liking about doing the outdoor training at the park as I've learned a whole new set of things to do that don't require a gym or equipment. Maybe you can do some walking somewhere??


I'm off the wagon lol! I've been traveling so much for work, and I've been sooo busy when I'm home. The work trips are the worst - vendors entertaining us with lots of food, drink, etc. And we get back to the hotel so late that it's a real struggle to get up in the morning to work out! But, I'm only up 3 pounds (the 3 pounds I gained on the cruise, lost, and then gained again). After Christmas, I should be OK. Until I have my trade show in London at the end of January!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys..... My life has been filled with bad stuff. My daughter and I were in a bad car accident that totaled her car last Friday. We hit an 18 wheeler......they don't move. In any case, we are OK...thank God....car totaled.....I honestly don't know how we walked away with only cuts and bruises.....a true miracle. My head smacked the windshield before the air bags saved us......my daughter was bleeding from her mouth and received cuts and bruises on her chest. Since then we have been crazy trying to figure out a car situation. It is now going to cost her $5700 in insurance!!......other quotes were close to $8,000.......and she didn't have any money saved so another $220 for a lease. I guess I just needed to share all I've been through with you all. I'm feeling really down right now....not looking forward to xmas at all. I am afraid too that I am going to mess up all the progress I have made with the diet and exercise.


Thanks for listening.

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Brenda, I am sorry to hear about your DD's car. But most importantly you are both ok! God protected you both!

It seems so many people are going through really hard times this year. We are too but it would be to depressing to write about now. I keep thinking God has brought us this far, He will continue to give us strength & peace as the days go on. Plus I keep thinking of those I know that have cancer and know this is their last Christmas. It keeps everything else in perspective for me.


As far as your healthy new lifestyle. I think you have the tools and knowledge to get you through this. Both the stress you are under and the Christmas season of eating. If you blow a few days it won't be that awful. Just get back to what you know is right. You survived your cruise without any lasting damage. This will be the same.


I think maintaining my weight is just as hard as losing it. Sometimes harder because you don't get that "high" of seeing the numbers on the scale drop.




Leslie, I go to GB pretty often. Anytime we want to shop for clothes. Not that is is a shopping mecca but compared to here it is. I would not mind living there. Still small enough but bigger than here.


The cruise was relaxing, we really needed it. I am so glad that we did not cancel and went.

We missed one port, Grand Caymen. To high of waves for tendering. It was the first time we missed a port. It did not put a damper on our fun at all. We had some rain to but again it did not stop us from enjoying our vacation.

I gained 3lbs, lost it by the next week. I am sure it was just water. But I would not have been surprised if I would not have gained more for all I ate and drank!

The night after we got home I told DH I was going to sit by our piano and see if anyone would come and play for me before dinner, or if anyone would come and take my drink order. He only laughed! I enjoyed a martini (violetta one night and chocolate something on some others) before dinner. So spoiled!


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Cars can be replaced. PEOPLE CANNOT.


When you think about the worst thing that you went through in your life and you never thought you'd get throught it...guess what..you got through it and this one you will too. Did they do a CT scan of your head, I hope??


I wish I had your problem with the eating thing. My problem is when I am depressed I don't eat at all. I may have caught the bf cheating on me. Long story, still trying to unwravel the mess so I am not looking to the holidays either. Worst of it was that my "future MIL" uncovered part of it and he outward lied to her too.


Better days are ahead for all of us!



Hi guys..... My life has been filled with bad stuff. My daughter and I were in a bad car accident that totaled her car last Friday. We hit an 18 wheeler......they don't move. In any case, we are OK...thank God....car totaled.....I honestly don't know how we walked away with only cuts and bruises.....a true miracle. My head smacked the windshield before the air bags saved us......my daughter was bleeding from her mouth and received cuts and bruises on her chest. Since then we have been crazy trying to figure out a car situation. It is now going to cost her $5700 in insurance!!......other quotes were close to $8,000.......and she didn't have any money saved so another $220 for a lease. I guess I just needed to share all I've been through with you all. I'm feeling really down right now....not looking forward to xmas at all. I am afraid too that I am going to mess up all the progress I have made with the diet and exercise.


Thanks for listening.

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Kelly, this is the first Christmas I am not going to London. I am going in Jan. I think. I will miss the day-after sale at Harrods and I love Selfridges. I have bought some of my cutest clothes at the charity shops.


Brenda, I am sorry to hear about your DD's car. But most importantly you are both ok! God protected you both!

It seems so many people are going through really hard times this year. We are too but it would be to depressing to write about now. I keep thinking God has brought us this far, He will continue to give us strength & peace as the days go on. Plus I keep thinking of those I know that have cancer and know this is their last Christmas. It keeps everything else in perspective for me.


As far as your healthy new lifestyle. I think you have the tools and knowledge to get you through this. Both the stress you are under and the Christmas season of eating. If you blow a few days it won't be that awful. Just get back to what you know is right. You survived your cruise without any lasting damage. This will be the same.


I think maintaining my weight is just as hard as losing it. Sometimes harder because you don't get that "high" of seeing the numbers on the scale drop.




Leslie, I go to GB pretty often. Anytime we want to shop for clothes. Not that is is a shopping mecca but compared to here it is. I would not mind living there. Still small enough but bigger than here.


The cruise was relaxing, we really needed it. I am so glad that we did not cancel and went.

We missed one port, Grand Caymen. To high of waves for tendering. It was the first time we missed a port. It did not put a damper on our fun at all. We had some rain to but again it did not stop us from enjoying our vacation.

I gained 3lbs, lost it by the next week. I am sure it was just water. But I would not have been surprised if I would not have gained more for all I ate and drank!

The night after we got home I told DH I was going to sit by our piano and see if anyone would come and play for me before dinner, or if anyone would come and take my drink order. He only laughed! I enjoyed a martini (violetta one night and chocolate something on some others) before dinner. So spoiled!


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