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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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So you and dogboy are talking again?

Male model sounds fun!!


So Now Nick is calling his pills the little pink miracle pills!! Geez, men drive me crazy sometimes... for so long I have been asking him to just address the issue, discuss it with the Doc that he has a good relationship with... He was really happy tonight at our practice session, he told me he has not been able to stretch out his body like this in 2 years. This whole situation has me quite excited... I kind of let myself go, up in weight a good 10 pounds now and right now I wish I had not done this... Not going to worry about it, I will fix it later as I cannot do much about it in a couple of days... Really interesting what motives us all, isnt it.

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Male Model..yep..been hanging for about a month...had fun last night..too much fun..."wine? what wine? who said anything about wine?":D


Dogboy knew I was going to Jamaica to see his family at the end of the month. They have all but excommunicated him from the family...weird cultural stuff.


So you and dogboy are talking again?

Male model sounds fun!!


So Now Nick is calling his pills the little pink miracle pills!! Geez, men drive me crazy sometimes... for so long I have been asking him to just address the issue, discuss it with the Doc that he has a good relationship with... He was really happy tonight at our practice session, he told me he has not been able to stretch out his body like this in 2 years. This whole situation has me quite excited... I kind of let myself go, up in weight a good 10 pounds now and right now I wish I had not done this... Not going to worry about it, I will fix it later as I cannot do much about it in a couple of days... Really interesting what motives us all, isnt it.

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Ok girls, I leave tomorrow night! The first weekend I'll be at Montilemar Beach at the resort, Costa Rica on Mon/Tue then back to Nicaragua until Easter Sunday. Will be thinking of all of you and I will NOT get on the comptuer while I am away! Toodles..M

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Thanks, I bought some trashy, I mean like "True Confessions" magazines to read..I read smut to relax..LOL...


I am hoping to get a lot of clarity while away. I have been through hell the last six months. Maybe i'll have some clarity on Model guy too...he's taking me to the airport tonite and we'll meet Maria there. So we'll see. I'll post from the road if I can. Toodles, all.


Okay M...have a simply WONDERFUL time!!! Have a drinkie-poo for me (that way you can have one extra!! ;):D) !!!
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Have a great trip M! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back :) Hope you get the clarity and everything else you need from this trip.


I had a good night last night;). Stayed over at the guy's place again. We were up until 2:30 talking - he really opened up to me last night. Of course, I'm exhausted, lol! Still not sure where, if anywhere, this is going, but last night was a really good night.

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Thanks..I'm almost packed, etc. There is somethign about leaving the country and really feeling like you've left it all behind! Got a text from PI..said he'd paid the parking ticket that we got on our last date. Funny, it brought up some anger feelings in me..not sure why...but it did.


Oh well, maybe I can find a cabana boy to import and bring home..joking.


Have a great trip M! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back :) Hope you get the clarity and everything else you need from this trip.


I had a good night last night;). Stayed over at the guy's place again. We were up until 2:30 talking - he really opened up to me last night. Of course, I'm exhausted, lol! Still not sure where, if anywhere, this is going, but last night was a really good night.

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I had a good night last night;). Stayed over at the guy's place again. We were up until 2:30 talking - he really opened up to me last night. Of course, I'm exhausted, lol! Still not sure where, if anywhere, this is going, but last night was a really good night.


I know the feeling...but it sounds like you are having a good time, and that is the most important thing!!


Thanks..I'm almost packed, etc. There is somethign about leaving the country and really feeling like you've left it all behind! Got a text from PI..said he'd paid the parking ticket that we got on our last date. Funny, it brought up some anger feelings in me..not sure why...but it did.


Oh well, maybe I can find a cabana boy to import and bring home..joking.


Hey don't joke about such things...a cabana boy sounds simply delightful!!! We could live vicarioulsy through you!! :D


I have not talked to lawyer since he came by my house on Saturday afternoon - he stopped by as he was nearby - looking at deck furniture at a place I had recommended. First time he has been to my house (I'm pretty cautious about that) so now he knows where I live. (Oh...and I stayed over at his house Friday night.) Anyway...I guess I'm just used to more communication - although I have to admit my last boyfriend drove me up the wall with all the calls and texting - it was WAY too much...so this is so very different and I shouldn't complain I guess. :o

He is very busy, and this is his week with his girls as well. He did text me Monday and ask if I wanted to do something on Sunday night - (he has his girls until 3 that day) so we are going to a movie. And I've had a couple of texts from him in between...I guess I'm just not used to not talking to someone all week...although not seeing them all week is actually fine with me - I'm really too busy during the week anyway.


Oh well...I'm kinda like you Leslie...not sure where it's going...but taking it one day at a time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi gals! I'm back!


SOO much to comprehend..Maria's constant words were "Move, move, move, go, go, go..." What a delightful country. I visited catherdrals from the 1700's, 5 beaches, a day on her family's farm (talk about a long nap in a hammock between two palm trees!), a beautiful resort, beautiful people.


People live so well there on so little! Music and dancing everywhere which I gladly partook of..learned merengue, salsa..we also took a ferry boat to a little island and got stranded so we hooked up with a University professor who was an English teacher and trekked around the island, saw Monkeys, you name it..and the finishing touch was spending the night in a 6 room hotel owned by a local family and cost only $6 US dollars per night!


I had the time of my life..got the clarity I needed. Maria's home was incredible..like a milionaire's home but of course it's dirt poor in Nicaragua so it was built on the cheap with US dollars. We must have hiked about 3 miles a day between schlepping the countryside, the cathedrals, the volcanos and all in between. Forget the homemade tortillas, cheese, delightful fresh fruit juices, coffee, etc that we ate daily. Great time!


Happy Easter everyone!!


I'm in Myrtle Beach beach at the ex's vacation house (on a golf course) with m son and 2 of his buds, for spring break. Relaxation and chillin' are my two top priorities for a few days!!! :D

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Hi gals! I'm back!


SOO much to comprehend..Maria's constant words were "Move, move, move, go, go, go..." What a delightful country. I visited catherdrals from the 1700's, 5 beaches, a day on her family's farm (talk about a long nap in a hammock between two palm trees!), a beautiful resort, beautiful people.


People live so well there on so little! Music and dancing everywhere which I gladly partook of..learned merengue, salsa..we also took a ferry boat to a little island and got stranded so we hooked up with a University professor who was an English teacher and trekked around the island, saw Monkeys, you name it..and the finishing touch was spending the night in a 6 room hotel owned by a local family and cost only $6 US dollars per night!


I had the time of my life..got the clarity I needed. Maria's home was incredible..like a milionaire's home but of course it's dirt poor in Nicaragua so it was built on the cheap with US dollars. We must have hiked about 3 miles a day between schlepping the countryside, the cathedrals, the volcanos and all in between. Forget the homemade tortillas, cheese, delightful fresh fruit juices, coffee, etc that we ate daily. Great time!


Welcome back M!! Sounds like you had a ball and got some relaxation in too! ;) I just got home from Myrtle Beach myself. It was my intention to really eat healthy while I was there, but with 3 teens and all the food that was placed in front of them, I ate far more junk than I should have darn it.


The last night we ate at a place called Dead Dog Saloon - I've been there before, and they have GREAT burgers, and I rarely ever eat a burger anymore. So I caved...but I could only eat half of it, so it wasn't too bad. I even had a couple of slices of pizza one night! But I did start off each morning well at least - had my eggbeaters!!


But even with all the food, the days were nonstop - we walked MILES every morning....all over the dang place. Played putt-putt, went to the beach Easter Sunday (I even got sun!) shopped, I ran 4 miles one morning, and even got in a gym workout at the local Golds's. I hardly sat down until we got home each night which was rarely before 11, so it was go-go-go all day. My legs were even tired and I work out a LOT! I wasn't sure what I'd see when I got home after 5 days of being not-so-good, but this morning I was down 2 pounds from when I left! That shows me how much my job, which is a sit-down one, affects my weight, and how greatly it reduces my calorie requirements. Darn it. :(

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Oh sounds like you gals had such great get-aways. I am very envious.

We will not be getting away anytime soon. Aside from just not wanting to spend money right now, my moms health keeps going up and down, in and out of the hospital alot so I am more comfotable just staying close to home.


But anyway on the job front...The bully at work that was really making me so terribly unhappy, much to my suprise was fired today. It has restored my faith in this management team and goes to show that one cannot abuse people and not sooner or later have to face the music for it.

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Ok, I'm off to Jamaica on Thu for two weeks.


Got a call from dogboy out of the blue..I am shocked..I was polite, that was it. Informed me he's retiring from the military and moving back to the Islands in August.


Very weird...I checked with a military colleague at the VA I work with part time and she said that nobody retires with only 5 mroe years to go for full benefits. She thinks maybe he was asked to leave.


I didnt ask him questions. I know I don't want to be with this man and certainly dont want to be with someone who doesn't want me, but man, I've been so depressed this weekend...I shouldn't be..I just had a great vacation and one more coming up, but.....

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Ok, I'm off to Jamaica on Thu for two weeks.


Got a call from dogboy out of the blue..I am shocked..I was polite, that was it. Informed me he's retiring from the military and moving back to the Islands in August.


Very weird...I checked with a military colleague at the VA I work with part time and she said that nobody retires with only 5 mroe years to go for full benefits. She thinks maybe he was asked to leave.


I didnt ask him questions. I know I don't want to be with this man and certainly dont want to be with someone who doesn't want me, but man, I've been so depressed this weekend...I shouldn't be..I just had a great vacation and one more coming up, but.....


Wow.. that IS weird. Sounds like there are many things going on there you don't need in your life - focus on your OWN self, M. Clouds come and go, but there is always a blue sky in the background. Hang in there and have a great time in Jamaica!!! ;)

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Ok, I'm off to Jamaica. I am thinking this will be the last hurrah with the family..have begun distancing myself. Am spending a lot of the time with the model friend, but man, talk about an elephant in the room! We went to the beach on Sunday night and had a lot of silly time, tonite he is making me dinner and I am trying out some of his dishes as he opened up a "mobile" restaurant. I don't know what to think. I keep reminding myself we are only friends and I just think the elephant will come out when it shoudl..but man..the tension!


I leave tomorrow and return May 7. Talk to you all after then, if not before...M


Wow.. that IS weird. Sounds like there are many things going on there you don't need in your life - focus on your OWN self, M. Clouds come and go, but there is always a blue sky in the background. Hang in there and have a great time in Jamaica!!! ;)
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Oh G... Wish I was you.... Sounds like you are having such fun.. Ok some confusion but stil fun....


For me life sucks!! My youngest son, my number one, has bone cancer and after learning this only 2 weeks ago he decided to backpack it across the country rather then do kemo.... I miss him althought when he finds a hot spot he calls me.


What does one say, except... it sucks!!!

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OH smoothe..I feel for you..bone cancer is the worst of the worst..my mother had it and sadly it took her life. Are they sure? Did you get another opinon? Where will he go for treatment??


Well, dinner fell through..got a phone call from a very frustrated man..he had a family emergency and you could tell he was upset about canceling what we now call "sweet time". So he had already cooked and everything and now it will be my lunch for the plane tomorrow when he takes me to the airport. Ths will be interesting as he is taking my now "ex MIL' as well..hmm..


Oh G... Wish I was you.... Sounds like you are having such fun.. Ok some confusion but stil fun....


For me life sucks!! My youngest son, my number one, has bone cancer and after learning this only 2 weeks ago he decided to backpack it across the country rather then do kemo.... I miss him althought when he finds a hot spot he calls me.


What does one say, except... it sucks!!!

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Oh G... Wish I was you.... Sounds like you are having such fun.. Ok some confusion but stil fun....


For me life sucks!! My youngest son, my number one, has bone cancer and after learning this only 2 weeks ago he decided to backpack it across the country rather then do kemo.... I miss him althought when he finds a hot spot he calls me.


What does one say, except... it sucks!!!


Oh MAN! I am SO sorry honey. That is awful. I envy his spirit though. :o

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Alright you are gone to the beaches but my response anyway...

Between Yale and our teaching school, U-Conn, we are quite lucky to have great DR's in the area. With the exception of me, my whole family works for Yale and my mom was succesful in getting a talented "fellow" in the cancer group to take a special interest. She is such a pip, she WILL get someone to take care of her grandson!!


I support his decision. He is camping in rural sites which limits how often he can charge his cellphone... Did here from him yesterday though...LOL he went into town to charge his phone at the train station.


He is traveling with a 30 pound pack that includes a light weight 2 man tent and below 20 degrees sleeping bag. He travels with just a few change of clothes... We have a schedule worked out and I send to the post office where he will be next a change of clothes for him, throws out the old, wears the new... Once his clothes run out I will buy more at the salavation army. I also research for him the campsites where he will be next and tell him his options. Keeps me busy, a good busy... I worry way to much and am learning just to let it all go.


Thanks for well wishes.

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Smooth, I'm really sorry to hear about your son. I like your plan though, and I admire his spirit. This has to be sooo tough though, and I've heard bone cancer is especially awful:( Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


So, I saw on the Carnival board that you booked a cruise? Are you doing the Victory out of San Juan? I just got back from a cruise yesterday. Had a fabulous time, despite the fact I had a 50-year-old cruise stalker. I'm about to give up on the guy from college. I know he's going through a rough time, but things shouldn't be this hard. I almost feel like I'm beating my head against the wall, and I don't want to give up, but I fell for my sanity, I have to. I think we're just not meant to be, which stinks, because I so rarely find somebody that I'm really interested in. I had several guys on the cruise that seemed interested, but they really only wanted to hook up, so I moved on. Thinking about trying eHarmony again. Oh, speaking of eHarmony, a guy that I dated for a few months that I met through that site called me right before I left and wanted to know if I wanted to reconcile. I told him no, he was way to hot and cold for me...very weird.

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Thanks Chi,

We spoke again today, he is in Berkley and really enjoying the area....GURRRR, he lost his cellphone, again. He does this about every 6 months or so.

Yes I dont quite have all the plans down pat yet. I need refundable flights and all so it has to be careful planning this time. But the plan is to go to San Juan for a dance competition and right as the comp end there is a Carnival cruise leaving out of San Juan with great port stops... Sounds like some much needed fun and something to look forward to.


Too bad about the creppy guy on the cruise. Well my SIL just hit her first wedding anniversery from a guy she met on EHarmony and they are just a perfect fit and both so happy, so keep your chin up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am back from the West Indies..Oh my..5 lbs lighter, a whole lot happier, a new man and a job offer to work with the govt in Jamaica..all in the two weeks I've been gone.


Will post more later. Missed you guys!!

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I am back from the West Indies..Oh my..5 lbs lighter, a whole lot happier, a new man and a job offer to work with the govt in Jamaica..all in the two weeks I've been gone.


Will post more later. Missed you guys!!



Whoa!!! Fill us in when you can missy!!! Sounds like you had a VERY good time! :p;)

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I just got back from a cruise yesterday. Had a fabulous time, despite the fact I had a 50-year-old cruise stalker. I'm about to give up on the guy from college. I know he's going through a rough time, but things shouldn't be this hard. I almost feel like I'm beating my head against the wall, and I don't want to give up, but I fell for my sanity, I have to. I think we're just not meant to be, which stinks, because I so rarely find somebody that I'm really interested in. I had several guys on the cruise that seemed interested, but they really only wanted to hook up, so I moved on. Thinking about trying eHarmony again. Oh, speaking of eHarmony, a guy that I dated for a few months that I met through that site called me right before I left and wanted to know if I wanted to reconcile. I told him no, he was way to hot and cold for me...very weird.


A stalker, huh? Well hopefully you left him back at the port. :p I don't blame you on giving up with college boy - you're right - they should be that hard. I've never done eHarmony, I always have had decent results with match. But, I'm going to a double wedding in 2 weeks - 2 gal friends at work that both met their guys on eHarmony, within a few months of them joining together. Give it a shot. Nothing to lose but a few bucks!! ;)


Thanks Chi,

We spoke again today, he is in Berkley and really enjoying the area....GURRRR, he lost his cellphone, again. He does this about every 6 months or so.

Yes I dont quite have all the plans down pat yet. I need refundable flights and all so it has to be careful planning this time. But the plan is to go to San Juan for a dance competition and right as the comp end there is a Carnival cruise leaving out of San Juan with great port stops... Sounds like some much needed fun and something to look forward to.


It's great that you are supporting your son in this...I know that helps him a lot. San Juan cruises are great - I've sailed out of there twice. Good luck on getting everything set up!!

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