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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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where did you get those facts from?


there were actually many homosexuals killed without even as much as an arrest.


Same place all facts originate. The Internet. Apparently. Ask Al Gore.


So exactly how many homosexuals were killed in Jamaica as a result of their sexual orientation (excluding drugs and politics), without so much as an arrest? What is the source of your "facts?"


Jamaica is certainly homophobic - so the odds that a groping is actually some sort of sexual pleasure to the groper is nil. I can't speak to the gropee.

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Same place all facts originate. The Internet. Apparently. Ask Al Gore.


1. So exactly how many homosexuals were killed in Jamaica as a result of their sexual orientation (excluding drugs and politics), without so much as an arrest? 2.What is the source of your "facts?"

Jamaica is certainly homophobic - so the odds that a groping is actually some sort of sexual pleasure to the groper is nil. I can't speak to the gropee.



1. almost all of them.:D


2. same place you got yours, internet.:p

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I just cancelled my wife's zip lining tour in Montego Bay as she requested. I do believe everything I am reading on this board. Why have the attitude, that I want to find out for myself what's going on. We are on vacation. If there is any chance of danger, I feel avoid it.

It's like the old saying, when you give someone advice and they say you can get hit by a car crossing the street. If no one gets off the ship and the cruise company can't sell any tours they will have to change the location. I always believe that the port charges are much cheaper in the s..t holes and that's why they stop there.

We made a stop once in Colon Panama. I felt that one needed a machine gun to walk the streets there. It was terrible. We did take a taxi into a free zone where the shopping was. You had to show your passport to get in to that area. Most people didn't even know about it. That was very safe.

We also went to Roatan. If you didn't do water sports, absolutely nothing there. Although it felt safe. I had the feeling that there were no port charges because of the poverty. It all comes down to dollars and cents.

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Perhaps you guys could do so more research and find something better to do together that would make you feel more safe? My husband and I had a great time at the Sandals resort. He got the grope on the way back, but it didn't detract from the very nice relaxing day.

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I wonder how hygenic the gloves they wear are (if they wear any) after they have fondled the packages of a couple of thousand men each day. :eek:



FTLOG! :p They don't put their hands IN your pants!!!!!

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I just cancelled my wife's zip lining tour in Montego Bay as she requested. I do believe everything I am reading on this board. Why have the attitude, that I want to find out for myself what's going on. We are on vacation. If there is any chance of danger, I feel avoid it.

It's like the old saying, when you give someone advice and they say you can get hit by a car crossing the street. If no one gets off the ship and the cruise company can't sell any tours they will have to change the location. I always believe that the port charges are much cheaper in the s..t holes and that's why they stop there.

We made a stop once in Colon Panama. I felt that one needed a machine gun to walk the streets there. It was terrible. We did take a taxi into a free zone where the shopping was. You had to show your passport to get in to that area. Most people didn't even know about it. That was very safe.

We also went to Roatan. If you didn't do water sports, absolutely nothing there. Although it felt safe. I had the feeling that there were no port charges because of the poverty. It all comes down to dollars and cents.


While this is off topic of this forum, I must say that you are grossly incorrect on your assessment of Roatan. My wife and I spent one of our best vacation days ever on that island with a private tour guide from Victor Bodden tours. We ziplined in the jungle (there are several of these), had a terrific bayside lunch, visited an animal farm, ate wild fruits, snorkeled (water sport), and visited the cameo factory, along with getting a personally narrated history and culture tour of the island. Do more research if you go next time, and enjoy. It was a very safe and memorable experience for us, and many, many others I know who have been there.


As you were...

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While this is off topic of this forum, I must say that you are grossly incorrect on your assessment of Roatan. My wife and I spent one of our best vacation days ever on that island with a private tour guide from Victor Bodden tours. We ziplined in the jungle (there are several of these), had a terrific bayside lunch, visited an animal farm, ate wild fruits, snorkeled (water sport), and visited the cameo factory, along with getting a personally narrated history and culture tour of the island. Do more research if you go next time, and enjoy. It was a very safe and memorable experience for us, and many, many others I know who have been there.


As you were...


That's good to hear. I'll be spending a day with Victor next week. :)


As for exodus' comments on Panama, we stayed on the ship while in Colon during our PC crossing cruise. It was a Celebrity cruise and they actually told us that they'd prefer if we didn't get off the ship. I guess the ship had to stop there for whatever reason.

Some people did get off the ship, though very few. At dinner that night, the Maitre'd told us that some folks were a tiny bit late getting back to the ship and the captain was quite nervous.

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wanted to vent/inform a little bit about something that is happening at the cruise terminal in Montego Bay, namely groping of the male passengers


Joe, I kinda of figured you would be used to that coming from N.Y.C. :D


I don't sails or care to ever go back to Jamaica and I really hope that one day the cruise industry will do away with that port.




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Quite typical of Houstonians to blame increases in crime on Katrina evacuees. Atlanta does the same. So do other areas.


So who the hell is committing crimes in New Orleans? Was there an exchange program? Yes, but basically, fact is, crime is up all over.


You expect brownie points for being human? Collect them in Heaven.


If not for Katrina and Federal government failures in New Orleans, and if Rita had stayed the course and a Cat 5, Houston would have been clueless and a disaster area, and Galveston would be gone (again). As it was, they took evacuation warnings seriously.


Many, many New Orleanians will never forget that Bush was vacationing in Crawford,and continued to do so, while the city drown.


No one is blaming Katrina victims. In case you forgot, we took in several hundred thousand evacuees. They are heavily concentrated in the dumpy apartment complexes in southwest Houston where crime was out of control before they arrived. Ask the Houston police who is doing the killings. Ain't no one "blaming" it's a fact.


BTW, most of New Orleans was a ghetto before Katrina. And what's wrong with the president having a vacation? Oh yeah, how is Katrina the president's fault?


I have a friend at work who actually took her son out of the school he was in because of the punka** Katrina students wrecking havoc. They even had the nerve to graffiti on the broad side of the school "New Orleans is taking over".


Oh, and another thing. How long ago was Katrina? We still have "victims" living in FEMA housing who claim they haven't been able to find jobs. Living here just as they did in NOLA.

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No one is blaming Katrina victims. In case you forgot, we took in several hundred thousand evacuees. They are heavily concentrated in the dumpy apartment complexes in southwest Houston where crime was out of control before they arrived. Ask the Houston police who is doing the killings. Ain't no one "blaming" it's a fact.


BTW, most of New Orleans was a ghetto before Katrina. And what's wrong with the president having a vacation? Oh yeah, how is Katrina the president's fault?


I have a friend at work who actually took her son out of the school he was in because of the punka** Katrina students wrecking havoc. They even had the nerve to graffiti on the broad side of the school "New Orleans is taking over".


Oh, and another thing. How long ago was Katrina? We still have "victims" living in FEMA housing who claim they haven't been able to find jobs. Living here just as they did in NOLA.


We? How many did you take into your home?


The evacuees are also victims of Houston thugs, and that's a fact. You are not only way out of line, you are way off topic.

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Ok, I've read and read and then read more and I finally feel that after a zillion pages of posts that I'll throw my 2 cents in and yes, I have the flame resistent outfit on so go for it, I'm immune.


First off, it amazes me that so many people are still "shocked and appalled" at either hearing about these various happenings in Jamaica. Now the newbies to cruise critic are one thing, they haven't been around as long BUT many of the posters that go off on tangents have tens or even hundreds of posts and these threads about Jamaica come up every couple of weeks so it's not like it's "new" to the regulars on the boards.


Secondly, while yes, Jamaica does have a huge poverty level, some of you people act like it's the only place where inappropriate things take place. I'm not a huggie, kiss kiss kind of person, I like my space but if you go somewhere where pat downs are common, then if you know about it before hand then how shocked can you possibly be?? We've travelled a lot over the years and I can tell you that there are many places who do things that Americans for some reason feel "violated" by. But don't let yourself be fooled into thinking it doesn't happen in the US. Last time I flew into Orlando for a nurse's conference I was dressed in a full dress suit and was randomly chosen to have my luggage and my person searched. Of course they didn't find anything and other than the time inconvenience for me, I took it as being unlucky enough to get chosen. With Americans being overwhelmed with racy TV and fashions and everything else, how can a simple yet aggressive pat down intimidate them so much. Get a grip! If that's the worst thing that you ever encounter, you've been really lucky.


Thirdly, as many times as Jamaica comes up on the boards, if you don't want to go there, then don't but don't chose to go there and then gripe about it. Also, Carnival as well as every other cruise line is a business. Their job is to sell vacations that we willingly buy. It isn't their job to "protect" us on any island or in any other country. Why do all the cruise lines still go there?? Duh...because everyone still books to go there.


There are really bad sections of every city in the world and yes people, that includes the US. We aren't immune. Drugs are a huge problem here the same as other places. Why do they pat down guys harder than women??? Because it's statistically shown that although drug buyers cross the gender lines, drug sellers are more predominantly men. I'd rather them pat me down and find nothing than not pat down someone who then brings drugs onboard or on to the US. I seriously doubt that the searchers get up in the morning and think, "hum, how many men can I feel up today".


So bottom line, stop griping, stop blaming the cruise lines or the US or any of the other insane comments on here. If you go, be prepared, if you are going to be offended then don't go or don't get off the ship.

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My wife and I are going on the Conquest May 4th. She booked for herself, alone, the zip lining tour through Carnival. She now wants to cancel it after reading this board. Do you think it's safer if she's part of a Carnival excursion or is it the same as far as searches go?

Thank you.



My advice, again---Do not get off the ship !!!!!!

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[quote name=mprucha;13559254

Last time I flew into Orlando for a nurse's conference I was dressed in a full dress suit and was randomly chosen to have my luggage and my person searched. Of course they didn't find anything and other than the time inconvenience for me' date=' I took it as being unlucky enough to get chosen. With Americans being overwhelmed with racy TV and fashions and everything else, how can a simple yet aggressive pat down intimidate them so much. Get a grip! If that's the worst thing that you ever encounter, you've been really lucky.




People are searched at airports in the U.S. for safety reasons. So you can't compare the two. Being searched in Jamaica is harassment. Two completely different situations. They are not doing this for your safety or to avoid drugs being smuggled into the U.S. they are doing this for profit plain and simple IMO. They invite you into their country so you can spend your money all the while they do nothing about the drug dealers right there in the port area knowing that some will give in and buy. And I'm not saying that people are not breaking the law if they buy it there. If they break the law they should indeed pay the fine. What other country have you visited that have drug dealers right in the port area?

Sure drugs are everywhere...we have been offered drugs in Mexico, St. Lucia, St. Thomas just to name a few. Can you imagine if they had the dealers in those ports standing in port selling drugs?

The drug dogs at the ports and airports are what stop the smuggling of drugs. Not the corrupt police in Jamaica.......

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People are searched at airports in the U.S. for safety reasons. So you can't compare the two. Being searched in Jamaica is harassment. Two completely different situations. They are not doing this for your safety or to avoid drugs being smuggled into the U.S. they are doing this for profit plain and simple IMO. They invite you into their country so you can spend your money all the while they do nothing about the drug dealers right there in the port area knowing that some will give in and buy. And I'm not saying that people are not breaking the law if they buy it there. If they break the law they should indeed pay the fine. What other country have you visited that have drug dealers right in the port area?

Sure drugs are everywhere...we have been offered drugs in Mexico, St. Lucia, St. Thomas just to name a few. Can you imagine if they had the dealers in those ports standing in port selling drugs?

The drug dogs at the ports and airports are what stop the smuggling of drugs. Not the corrupt police in Jamaica.......


Actually most of the people they pull out for random searches are for the appearance they aren't "Profiling". Do you really think that 90 yo Granny that was pulled out of line in front of me at the Houston airport was a security threat?

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Actually most of the people they pull out for random searches are for the appearance they aren't "Profiling". Do you really think that 90 yo Granny that was pulled out of line in front of me at the Houston airport was a security threat?


How many young women were suicide bombers.........


We just had a woman in her 70's here in our town that walked into the bank with a note and said she had a bomb strapped to her. Told them to help her and give her money....

This was 3 weeks ago have not found her yet. Hope it was not a real bomb....

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We? How many did you take into your home?


The evacuees are also victims of Houston thugs, and that's a fact. You are not only way out of line, you are way off topic.


You are the one who took everything off topic with a rant about NOLA. Seems like you can dish it out but......

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