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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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My wife and I are going on the Conquest May 4th. She booked for herself, alone, the zip lining tour through Carnival. She now wants to cancel it after reading this board. Do you think it's safer if she's part of a Carnival excursion or is it the same as far as searches go?

Thank you.

If she decides on an excursion, she will have to be searched when going back to the ship through the terminal building. It makes no difference of the excursion is booked through Carnival or not.


We took the zip lining tour also. We booked through Carnival. We got on the bus at the terminal building and drove straight to the canopy tour site without stopping. I was impressed with the gated security we drove through to leave the terminal area and the gate we drove though to enter the mountains where the zip line was. Though understandably, anyone can go around a gate if they want to bad enough.


We did the zipline, got our picture CD, which I felt was overpriced, but I had no other option for getting the photos I wanted. We then boarded the bus for the return trip. Back out the gate, back down the road, and back to the terminal without stopping. The only inconvenience I suffered was the groping by the large female security officer.


Knowing now that I might be subject to such a search again, would I take another excursion in Jamaica? You bet. We're strongly considering the Sandals Resort should we venture to Jamaica again.

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We took the zip lining tour also. We booked through Carnival. We got on the bus at the terminal building and drove straight to the canopy tour site without stopping. I was impressed with the gated security we drove through to leave the terminal area and the gate we drove though to enter the mountains where the zip line was. Though understandably, anyone can go around a gate if they want to bad enough.


We did the zipline, got our picture CD, which I felt was overpriced, but I had no other option for getting the photos I wanted. We then boarded the bus for the return trip. Back out the gate, back down the road, and back to the terminal without stopping. The only inconvenience I suffered was the groping by the large female security officer.


Knowing now that I might be subject to such a search again, would I take another excursion in Jamaica? You bet. We're strongly considering the Sandals Resort should we venture to Jamaica again.


Just being nosey, whats a Miraphone?

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My wife and I are going on the Conquest May 4th. She booked for herself, alone, the zip lining tour through Carnival. She now wants to cancel it after reading this board. Do you think it's safer if she's part of a Carnival excursion or is it the same as far as searches go?

Thank you.


There is no way my husband would let me book an excursion by myself in Jamaica. Maybe he would if it was a Carnival excursion but ship sponsored excursions have been attacked, im referring to the group last year that were robbed and roughed up. Please rethink this and make sure she is in a group from the ship.

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Here is a review of a cruise I went on that included a stop in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=25344 I just briefly touched on the experience in the review. It was a nightmare. Worst port I have ever been to. I will not ever spend another dime or minute of my time in Jamaica. Jamaica is a hole. The sad thing is, it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. But that doesn't make up for the fact that you are constantly harassed by everyone. I kid you not, there was a guy in a sewer trying to sell me pot. He was in a drainage pipe.. Underground... Trying to sell me pot through the grate.. Now, I've smoked pot. A lot of it, as a matter of fact. And there's not much that offends me. But there's a point when pushy becomes harassment and the people of Jamaica have reached that point. I feel sorry for them because I know that a lot of this is due to political problems, corruption, poverty, etc. I just don't think it is ready for tourism. As long as I'm ranting, Nassau is a hole, too. Nassau has two things to offer. The Atlantis resort and snorkelling, and that's about it. If you don't like either of those things, just stay on the ship..

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Me and my dh went to Jamaica on our last cruise, and my dh was also touched in his private parts by a lady guard at the check out in jamaica, my dh just laughed it off, but I see it is happening to others as well.


Also if I ever go on another cruise and Jamaica is one of the ports, I will make that my own sea day.


Well maybe if enough people complain they will not go there any more.

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were you at least offered a cigarette or nibble on the neck or ear after the throughal groping? if not I would of been compaining more.

lol just joking what a shame I hate jamiaca for this reason I wont eevn go ashore when we are in there ports try not to book a cruise with a stop there but sometimes it is hard

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I have read most of this thread. Since we will be leaving on the Conquest next month, I wanted to do some looking around on my own, so far I found this information to be the most helpful - it is from a Canadian site so some of the info doesn't apply to us Americans on the board, but still good information. May help to explain things a bit or put them in perspective. Joe, hope this helps a bit - jmo think that it is the country and not just a cruise thing. Just trying to help - put the flam throwers away y'all!




if I find any other info on the subject I'll post it here again.

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sorry dude, you're still flawed. dramatic or not, you are are saying they can do whatever they want because you are in their country. if that is true, then what stops them from crossing that line?


I don't think every country has the same idea of a "line" and this is the problem. There are not uniform standards of decency in the world. What stops people from blowing up innocent civilians - just like in Iraq...what stops people from using rape as a tool of war in the Congo? To each of those people, they all feel they are "right" in doing what they do and to hell with who they hurt, kill or whatever. Jamaica feels they are doing what is right for their country, or trying to make a buck or whatever, but you shouldn't think the standard of decency that applies (mostly, anyway) here in the US would stand in another country.


No flames, no harsh whatevers...just a response to your post.


BTW - I am glad at least for the information from the OP (and sorry it happened, to OP & everyone else). Without information and awareness, one is truly lost.

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The State Department does have a website:



No current travel warnings for Jamaica:



No current travel alerts for Jamaica:



Some people love Jamaica, some don't. Those who don't jump on any excuse to dump on a developing nation.

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I am sorry to hear these tales of how people are treated in Jamaica. It really is a beautiful island all though we have only been to Ocho Rios once. The one time we were there was just as bad as some others as I have read.


Yes I understand the people are poor.

Yes I understand there is a HUGE drug problem there.

Yes I understand people have to "make a living".


But to be treated the way some people are, by people who work there, is just plain wrong. To be accosted on the street, or offered drugs while trying to enjoy Dunn's River Falls, or being physically pulled into a shopping stall by the arm telling my wife she HAS to buy something is one thing. But to be treated like a common criminal is a whole different matter.


But it seems there is thread after thread of people who have been to either port who just do not like the experience they had while there. Some have stated that there are problem ports like this all over, and yes, there are some parts of my own town that I would not walk down the street at night. But that would be my decision.


Until enough people who visit either do not get off the ship, or they do not book a cruise that has a stop there nothing will change. And why should it?

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I am sorry to hear these tales of how people are treated in Jamaica. It really is a beautiful island all though we have only been to Ocho Rios once. The one time we were there was just as bad as some others as I have read.


Yes I understand the people are poor.

Yes I understand there is a HUGE drug problem there.

Yes I understand people have to "make a living".


But to be treated the way some people are, by people who work there, is just plain wrong. To be accosted on the street, or offered drugs while trying to enjoy Dunn's River Falls, or being physically pulled into a shopping stall by the arm telling my wife she HAS to buy something is one thing. But to be treated like a common criminal is a whole different matter.


But it seems there is thread after thread of people who have been to either port who just do not like the experience they had while there. Some have stated that there are problem ports like this all over, and yes, there are some parts of my own town that I would not walk down the street at night. But that would be my decision.


Until enough people who visit either do not get off the ship, or they do not book a cruise that has a stop there nothing will change. And why should it?


Well said Huskerdude

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I have read most of this thread. Since we will be leaving on the Conquest next month, I wanted to do some looking around on my own, so far I found this information to be the most helpful - it is from a Canadian site so some of the info doesn't apply to us Americans on the board, but still good information. May help to explain things a bit or put them in perspective. Joe, hope this helps a bit - jmo think that it is the country and not just a cruise thing. Just trying to help - put the flam throwers away y'all!




if I find any other info on the subject I'll post it here again.


I read it. I'm American, but Jamaica's laws don't change because of citizenship. I read that Jamaica has "extemely strict drug laws". Well, if that is the case, why don't they enforce the laws in their own country. Let me ask how a cruise ship pax departing the country is a drug risk? Come on, they are LEAVING! But yet, the dope dealers who try to push their goods are in full force and no one seems to be able to do anything about that.


It's all about money. I'll doubt that if you visit any Jamaican jail that you'll find any Jamaican marijuana pushers. Why would you? They don't have any money. There is no incentive for them to arrest and jail their own citizens. Obviously, they are all out on the streets trying to sell to tourists.


So, their plan is to extort from the "rich" tourists who may here and there on occasion buy a joint or two from a peddler. I bet it's far and few between that tourists actually buy anything.


Another thing-why is this such a problem in Jamaica and not so much on other Caribbean islands? Total corruption. We ought to just say no to Jamaica. It's nothing but a dangerous s***hole :eek:


1200 hundred murders a year! On an island with a pop. of little over 2 million. Come on! I'm in the Houston area with a greater metro pop. of just over 6 million. Our murder rate is only 300-400 per year (currently).


Every one here who has said if we keep buying the product-they'll keep serving it up is right. Just don't do it. Stay on the ship or choose a differnt itinerary.

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If this place is so drug infested, (as you admit) then we shouldn't be going there! If the people Hate the fact that we are "invading their Island", then we shouldn't be going there! If the money the ships and the passengers bring into the area, corporate or not, is not wanted or appreciated, then we should not be going there!

And if cruise lines can't make sure the passengers will be reasonably safe, ESPECIALLY with the authorities, then we should not be going there.


Very well spoken!:)

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Personally I am not dumping on anything. Haven't been there yet. I like to find out info for myself, by research or personal experence. I don't like to always believe ignorence is bliss. Havn't cancled my excursion yet - although this story I found didn't sit too well with me. Thankfully leaving the kids at home.


http://www.internationalcruisevictims.org/LatestMemberStories/Kenneth_Williams.html - from a carnival Conquest passanger last year.


http://www.professionaltravelguide.com/security/jamaica/destinations-103549/ - another informative website about crime and saftey






that's all for now. In my limited reading, I think that Jamaica really doesn't care about you feeling violated after a routine search. They have much bigger problems and you a just a number. As far as Carnival, they have a contract to fill. Maybe they won't renue when it's time or tell Mo bay to clean up their act like Ochos Rios had to do in 2002 or they were going to pull out. Don't really know... anyway just more info out there. Be informed, make your own decision. Happy cruising!!


Joe let us know what you decide to do if anything.

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My take is that if the OP didn't know the possibility of this happening. No one likes it, but it is their way of doing things. Had there been a 'heads up' of this type of drug search, they would have been more mentally prepared. Still doesn't make it pleasant, but at least you could be prepared.


This is how they do it, and it was not a sexual assualt. Seems to me that some workers have a better handle (no pun intended, ok maybe) as to how to execute the procedure. They are going after the tourist as their own drug dealers do not generate the income that we would in this situation, and probably don't have the room in their jails for all the local offenders.


Do I agree with it? No, but they never asked me.


What needs to be taken from this thread is the info provided. This is what is happening. Be prepared. And if you do choose to bring back the ganga, hide it somewhere esle :rolleyes:

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Almost all are drug or political related and not tourist related.


Well heck, that is comforting. Why not take my chances mon? Most of our murders here in Houston metro are really only in specific areas. There are many, many people in my city who purposely avoid going into those area where such killings are rampant. In fact, our murder rate has exploded since Katrina. Remember, we were kind enough to take in those "innocent" victims.

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Well heck, that is comforting. Why not take my chances mon? Most of our murders here in Houston metro are really only in specific areas. There are many, many people in my city who purposely avoid going into those area where such killings are rampant. In fact, our murder rate has exploded since Katrina. Remember, we were kind enough to take in those "innocent" victims.


Quite typical of Houstonians to blame increases in crime on Katrina evacuees. Atlanta does the same. So do other areas.


So who the hell is committing crimes in New Orleans? Was there an exchange program? Yes, but basically, fact is, crime is up all over.


You expect brownie points for being human? Collect them in Heaven.


If not for Katrina and Federal government failures in New Orleans, and if Rita had stayed the course and a Cat 5, Houston would have been clueless and a disaster area, and Galveston would be gone (again). As it was, they took evacuation warnings seriously.


Many, many New Orleanians will never forget that Bush was vacationing in Crawford,and continued to do so, while the city drown.

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