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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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We just got back today from our Conquest cruise and wanted to vent/inform a little bit about something that is happening at the cruise terminal in Montego Bay, namely groping of the male passengers by the local port authorities.


I have been on many cruises (both Navy & cruiseline) and have had port calls to more than 40 countries and I have never been treated more disgustingly in a port than this last cruise when we stopped in Montego Bay, Jamaica.


After spending the day spending money in this port I (and almost every other male passenger returning to the ship) were separated from the women passengers and forced to go through a "pat down" search by the local authorities where the "frisker" actually grabbed our penises and testicles through our clothes and squeezed them.


I should mention that all I (we) were doing was returning to the ship. We had not done anything "wrong". We were not drunk/stoned or even loud.


The more I think about this the more flabbergasted I become and the madder I get at Carnival for taking me to a port where I was treated so shabbily. For the life of me I do not understand why Carnival allowed us to be treated that way without some protest on their part but they did not even have anyone present in the terminal to oversee their passengers being fondled.


Oh, I should also mention, to add insult to injury, the "searches" were filmed by some British television crew doing a documentary on how Jamaica treats tourists.


Can someone tell me why Carnival is still sailing to this port and/or why anyone would book a cruise that includes Jamaica as a port call if the local authorities treat cruise ship passengers like this?



Thanks for the heads up.;)

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Thanks for the information. I am sorry my assumptions were wrong. I had hoped that at least one cruise line had "stepped up". I guess Carnival is not alone in it's turning a blind eye to the ill treatment of it's passengers by the Montego Bay authorities.


You said that you dont feel your search was invasive. Do you think it was warranted? Were you engaged in some sort of activity that you feel justified your being searched? Just curious.

Having had only limited experience with Jamaica (my family and I took a taxi to an all-inclusive for a day pass), I really can't say whether the searches were warranted. I don't know the severity of the drug problem which have been cited as justification for the searches.


Do you fly? Have you ever been selected to have your bags searched or to be patted down? In your words, were you engaged in some sort of activity that you feel justified your being searched? I'm guessing not, as most people aren't. However, in the interests of security (or so we're told), all must be subjected to these measures. I don't (and never did) pack knives in my backpack, but I'm searched for them since 19 travelers used them for ill intentions. Similarly, I've never attempted to smuggle drugs, but I can understand being searched for them in a country where their use is commonplace.


As some have opined, "When in Rome, do as Romans..." Consider the reverse case. If you lived in Jamaica, these behaviors would be normal, day-to-day experiences, and the gracious, sensitive treatment that American police and security officers give would be a surprise, albeit for a different reason. I'm headed to Europe later this year, and fully expect security protocols and measures to which I am not accustomed. Does that make them wrong? No, just different.

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i've been to jamaica by air and sea...


never had a problem...

actually i've been offered more drugs in mexico.

even more at high school when i was there, so

make a decision for your self befor casting the entire country as a drug laced grope fest.


do they have a drug scene.... of course..

everywhere has a drug scene.


but there are some of the hardest working people in the world living there.

it is a beautifull country. If many don't want to go... great. maybe cruises that stop there will be less crowded..


I do feel for those that felt violated, but their problem is with a few apples out of thousands. Remember your visiting another country.. not disney's its a small world ride


I love to travel and see how other places are... good and bad..

so if you hated it... its great that you say why and "warn" others what to watch for. But to insult the entire island is way too much..

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Hi everyone. I am usually just a lurker, but I now feel the need to post my experience and opinions. My wife and I were also on the 17 Feb Conquest voyage. I have visited Jamaica 3 times now (once for a week in Mo Bay) and I will not be returning. I had the same experience (minus the tv cameras) as the OP. I think what some people are failing to comprehend here is that the pat down "search" was more like groping. The security personnel squeezed my genitalia. No, not so hard that it hurt, but there is no need to squeeze anything during a search.


I agree with some of the earlier posters who believe this is simply about money. This is not about security. If it truly was a concern, then the women would also have been searched.


I will be writing a letter to Carnival expressing my concerns. I hope others who have had a similar experience will do the same.

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OK--I have to point out that your entire post is flawed and should be summarily dismissed.


They DO have the right to touch you. They do have the right to pat you down. You are in THEIR country. You have to play by their rules. If it means that less drugs get back on the boat, then pat EVERYONE down. I have no problem with that. I have nothing to hide, so go right ahead. It is no more fun for them than it is for you. Trust me, I know.


Also, you said that we don't pat people down at airports and cruise terminals. Have you flown in the past 7 years?


I just did a month ago, and got the full pat down, a bomb swab and my shoes checked. It happens. it is accepted. You waive the right to a pat down by going through security. You can choose not to have it done, but by doing so, you will not be allowed through the security checkpoint.



Your post says that it's all because they're worried about someone smuggling a little weed? So I assume you think it is OK to do that? You don't seem overly concerned. It is ILLEGAL! There is no minimum acceptable amount of drugs. If it is illegal, then all acceptable measures shall be taken to find it.


Back off my soapbox


so you are o.k. with them doing a cavity search on every woman that passes through? or every twelve year old boy and girl, because it's their country? your post is flawed also. jsu because you're in their country doesn't give them the right to do as they wish with whomever they like. :rolleyes:


and if they were so worried about the legality of the "weed" they would make an effort to stop all the dealers on every corner.



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so you are o.k. with them doing a cavity search on every woman that passes through? or every twelve year old boy and girl, because it's their country? your post is flawed also. jsu because you're in their country doesn't give them the right to do as they wish with whomever they like. :rolleyes:


and if they were so worried about the legality of the "weed" they would make an effort to stop all the dealers on every corner.




Thank You!

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so you are o.k. with them doing a cavity search on every woman that passes through? or every twelve year old boy and girl, because it's their country? your post is flawed also. jsu because you're in their country doesn't give them the right to do as they wish with whomever they like. :rolleyes:


and if they were so worried about the legality of the "weed" they would make an effort to stop all the dealers on every corner.





I agree- we were approached with offers of weed several times in the walk from the pier up to a shopping center, maybe 100 yards. The security/local police need to clean out that area if they are concerned.

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The camera crew as stated was from Britain and in no way does the permission granted through Carnival extend to another film company.

I realize that, I was answering in regards to questions 3&4 below from the standpoint of CCL being inlolved in a video/photo issue.Complaining to CCL about a video crew is not CCLs problem as CCL has it covered in their contract .....


3.Did you report this behavior to any official on the ship?

4. Are you going to inform Carnival of the behavior through a letter or email to Carnival Execs.?

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We weren't groped, but I've never felt more unsafe. We were walking down the main strip full of shops and a friend and I got separated from the group. A Jamaican man walking in the opposite direction called me a "White B*tch" as he walked by. Needless to say, I won't be back!

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Having had only limited experience with Jamaica (my family and I took a taxi to an all-inclusive for a day pass), I really can't say whether the searches were warranted. I don't know the severity of the drug problem which have been cited as justification for the searches.


Do you fly? Have you ever been selected to have your bags searched or to be patted down? In your words, were you engaged in some sort of activity that you feel justified your being searched? I'm guessing not, as most people aren't. However, in the interests of security (or so we're told), all must be subjected to these measures. I don't (and never did) pack knives in my backpack, but I'm searched for them since 19 travelers used them for ill intentions. Similarly, I've never attempted to smuggle drugs, but I can understand being searched for them in a country where their use is commonplace.


As some have opined, "When in Rome, do as Romans..." Consider the reverse case. If you lived in Jamaica, these behaviors would be normal, day-to-day experiences, and the gracious, sensitive treatment that American police and security officers give would be a surprise, albeit for a different reason. I'm headed to Europe later this year, and fully expect security protocols and measures to which I am not accustomed. Does that make them wrong? No, just different.


I dont really think we are comparing apples to apples here. As far as I know, no pot heads have ever hijacked a cruise ship and crashed it in to anything.


I think there is a world of difference between checking people in airports for items that can be used as weapons to hijack jets and checking people in a cruise terminal for drugs they may have purchased from the many, many local drug dealers.


Personally, I do not like being treated like a criminal, especially when the only thing I am guilty of is spending my money supporting the local tourist industry. You may feel different about that.

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My DH and I were on the Feb 10 - 17 Conquest. We were returning to the ship about 3 PM and found long lines to get back on board. We both got into line when I was being waved to a shorter line. I grabbed my husband and said come on, that line is shorter. We both realized at the same time that they were segregating the men and women. The women's line was moving faster. After going through the metal detector and belongings being xrayed they were searching about every third woman and I was the one that was searched. It was done respectively, but I was uncomfortable. I had never been patted down before. :o

They would not let the women wait in the terminal for their men. We had to wait outside in the light rain. My husband said all of the men were patted down. Luckily he wasn't groped like some others here. I was so glad to get back on the ship.

I assumed this was normal, but I still didn't like it. I'm not sure our day at Sunset Beach and shopping in the terminal was worth it. A day on the ship lounging around would have been just as good. (And $200 cheaper.)

I will stay on the ship if I return to Jamaica.

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I get the feeling that issues concerning Jamaica raise the collective blood pressure more than any other cruise destination. I'm grateful for all the information positive and negative, and I can then make my own decision based on the feedback.


I think we'll spend our day sunning on deck and enjoying the ship's amenities.......

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We were also patted down on our cruise in Dec 07. My question is, if the Jamacian Govt is so concerned about drugs on their island, why weren't we seached for drugs when we got off the ship. It sounds like a money making procedure to me. I was not happy about the pat down manner.

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I do not understand why I am constantly misquoted but here I go again.



Maybe this is why???



I had the great fortune of meeting a man named Sebi on my last trip, who said, "imagine your family is hungry, without clean clothes and living in awful conditions then rich people invade your island". A small amount of the island population sees any jobs or money from the tourist industry as most of the profit goes to the large corporations running the hotels, resteraunts and even gift shops are becoming corporate (squeezing out the independently owned shops). It is a love-hate mentality and I would be hard pressed to say I wouldn't feel the same if in there position.


You stated that this native Jamaican said that the people feel resentful of 'rich people invading their island'.


Most all other Caribbean islands are poor too. Most other islanders realize that if they treat tourists well, they will return and spend more money.

If the Jamaicans don't benefit from my spending money there, (your words) then my being there does them no benefit anyway, so why bother going if they see none of th ebenefit of my tourist dollars AND I or my family members may be manhandled by authorities..

There is a big world out there, with lots of places to see where I won't feel unwelcome.


I truly understand the 'love/hate' mentality thing. Anyone who lives in a tourist area (as I do ) understands that. BUT when the tourists invade our beaches every summer...we don't make them feel unwelcome. Neither do the people in all the other Caribbean ports I've visited.


I can deal with people harassing me to sell me things to make money. I can deal with crime in certain areas (because we have plenty of it here right in the US...you just have to be a little street smart and do your best to avoid it) BUT I won't go someplace if there's a good chance I'll be treated as if I'm invading someone's space/place.

I'd rather go where I'm welcome.


There have been enough reports on these boards over the years to make me feel that Jamaica just isn't at the top of my 'must see' list.

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Maybe this is why???





You stated that this native Jamaican said that the people feel resentful of 'rich people invading their island'.


Most all other Caribbean islands are poor too. Most other islanders realize that if they treat tourists well, they will return and spend more money.

If the Jamaicans don't benefit from my spending money there, (your words) then my being there does them no benefit anyway, so why bother going if they see none of th ebenefit of my tourist dollars AND I or my family members may be manhandled by authorities..

There is a big world out there, with lots of places to see where I won't feel unwelcome.


I truly understand the 'love/hate' mentality thing. Anyone who lives in a tourist area (as I do ) understands that. BUT when the tourists invade our beaches every summer...we don't make them feel unwelcome. Neither do the people in all the other Caribbean ports I've visited.


I can deal with people harassing me to sell me things to make money. I can deal with crime in certain areas (because we have plenty of it here right in the US...you just have to be a little street smart and do your best to avoid it) BUT I won't go someplace if there's a good chance I'll be treated as if I'm invading someone's space/place.

I'd rather go where I'm welcome.


There have been enough reports on these boards over the years to make me feel that Jamaica just isn't at the top of my 'must see' list.


Um actually if you read what I wrote, I did not say what you interpreted...People don't get why some Jamacians can be so aggressive. That is what Sebi was talking about. It was my own interpertation for the latter part of the statement...Most other islanders are not as poor as Jamaican's are.


And I take issue with locals here not making tourist feel unwelcome..I loved in Portland ME for 3 years before I moved to GA, and trust me, go into any bar, go to any beach and some locals would let you know of their dislike for you. Same goes for tons of tourist spots all over the US

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It's Jamaica, Mon. Not the USA. For those who think the USA isn't known world-wide as having a drug problem, take the blinders off.


Those being groped probably fit the profile or otherwise qualify. I have never been patted down. They do inspect my backpack.


It isn't like they don't inform you coming and going what you may encounter. Get over it. Or is it, perhaps, that druggies can't read?






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We've been to Jamacia several times, NEVER liked it. Beautiful country but the rudest people I have ever seen. If we get off the ship, it will just be in the shopping area at the pier. Probably if you take one of the excursions, or go to one of the all inclusive resorts, you will be just fine otherwise go with caution. I wish the cruise lines would just drop them all together.



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It's Jamaica, Mon. Not the USA. For those who think the USA isn't known world-wide as having a drug problem, take the blinders off.


Those being groped probably fit the profile or otherwise qualify. I have never been patted down. They do inspect my backpack.


It isn't like they don't inform you coming and going what you may encounter. Get over it. Or is it, perhaps, that druggies can't read?



Well, agreeing to be searched certainly does not mean that pax agree to having their private areas fondled and groped. And from what I've read, all the "druggies" are Jamaican. Why don't the cops round up the dealers and dopers posted on every corner? Why pick on the tourists? Like I stated before, these people are reboarding a cruise ship. They are not being processed into San Quentin.


I find it kind of ironic that Jamaica does NOTHING to stop ILLEGAL dope pushing within it's own borders, but doesn't hesitate to harrass and violate citizens from other countries AS THEY ARE LEAVING THE ISLAND :rolleyes:

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OK--I have to point out that your entire post is flawed and should be summarily dismissed.


They DO have the right to touch you. They do have the right to pat you down. You are in THEIR country. You have to play by their rules. If it means that less drugs get back on the boat, then pat EVERYONE down. I have no problem with that. I have nothing to hide, so go right ahead. It is no more fun for them than it is for you. Trust me, I know.


Also, you said that we don't pat people down at airports and cruise terminals. Have you flown in the past 7 years?


I just did a month ago, and got the full pat down, a bomb swab and my shoes checked. It happens. it is accepted. You waive the right to a pat down by going through security. You can choose not to have it done, but by doing so, you will not be allowed through the security checkpoint.



Your post says that it's all because they're worried about someone smuggling a little weed? So I assume you think it is OK to do that? You don't seem overly concerned. It is ILLEGAL! There is no minimum acceptable amount of drugs. If it is illegal, then all acceptable measures shall be taken to find it.


Back off my soapbox


NO ParrotHead79.Her post is NOT flawed and should NOT be summarily dismissed !!!!!!! What is going on here with so many people supporting such reprehensible treatment of a person ?

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Oh, and let me add this-why are the Jamaican authorities sooooo concerned that people are taking pot OUT of their country. Seems kind of backwards to me. I've always thought that the concern should be having it brought into a country. Why doesn't the government shut down the marijuana farmers? Lord knows- they're growing a ton of it.

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It's Jamaica, Mon. Not the USA. For those who think the USA isn't known world-wide as having a drug problem, take the blinders off.


Those being groped probably fit the profile or otherwise qualify. I have never been patted down. They do inspect my backpack.


It isn't like they don't inform you coming and going what you may encounter. Get over it. Or is it, perhaps, that druggies can't read?


1. Jamaica is known for there widely usage of hemp, no need to drag the USA in to it.:rolleyes:


2. What profile does one look like to get groped? Is it a tourist, coming from a excursion in a bathing suit?:confused:


3. Maybe when you get your beans squashed:eek:, you'll understand what the op went threw, but a "back pack inspection" doesn't qualify.;)

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