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Have you Known Someone Be Put Ashore Early


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I'm just curious as there is a lot of confrontational talk on here, and the answer always seems to be "RCCL will disembark you at the next port if you don't follow their rules" This refers to underage drinking, children being rowdy, smuggling booze, being drunk, for breaking ANY rule etc.


Now I'm not encouraging anyone breaking the rules (I for one keep to them), however I'm just curious, how many of you have witnessed or had direct experience of someone being put ashore. I don't mean you heard it from your mothers neighbours aunts cousin!

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I witnessed this on our Carnival Liberty cruise in december. A young couple returned from the beach still in their beach clothes only to find their luggage on the dock and security waiting for them. I am not sure what their offense was but the sure looked pathetic wheeling their luggage down the pier with their heads hanging down,

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I didn't see it personally but it was verified by the captian at a question and answer session. On our last cruise there were eight people put off at our first port of call for various reasons and four more put off three days later (on Thanksgiving).


I'm not sure how regularly it happens-if it had happened before on any of our cruises we didn't hear about it.

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I was on a cruise where some kids and their parents were put ashore. It was on the Mariner a few years ago on a President's Day week cruise (lots and lots of kids). One of the kids decided it would be cool to throw deck chairs overboard and got some of his friends to help him. I guess it was all caught on camera and the kids and their parents had to leave the ship. It was either in St Thomas or St Maarten.



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We saw a father and son put off a Carnival ship a few years ago after a fist fight at the main pool. The young man had been a problem most of the week seemed to be the ring leader of a group of teens that were out very late at night hanging in the halls and around the bar areas of the ship. Did not feel the least bit sorry for them that their vacation was cut short.

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I was on a cruise where some kids and their parents were put ashore. It was on the Mariner a few years ago on a President's Day week cruise (lots and lots of kids). One of the kids decided it would be cool to throw deck chairs overboard and got some of his friends to help him. I guess it was all caught on camera and the kids and their parents had to leave the ship. It was either in St Thomas or St Maarten.




I saw that on You Tube!!!

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I saw that on You Tube!!!


Do you have a link?


I'm glad to hear that the cruise lines are in fact removing people that are disruptive. It makes things much more enjoyable for that aren't trouble makers.

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I also wonder if any of the stories have any substance of truth! lol It seems there is a story from 'someone' from almost every sail. Two sails we were on had the same story, 'a kid(s) tossed lounge chairs overboard in the middle of the night' & the family was put off the ship the next day.


Funny thing is, on our July 07 cruise to Bermuda there were 2 older drunk-nasty men fighting while off the ship at the naval dockyard (destination dockyard- tuesday evening). Friends of ours told us about it 'blow by blow' and they were mortified to see these men act the way they were. Next I personally saw them drunk-nasty tripping over their feet @ The Quest.......and they werent put off the ship??


I've decided that the stories are entertaining, until I see something for myself, I use the 'stories' over and over to make my kids aware of what can happen- but truthfully, it is all hearsay lol

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Last year we cruised on Freedom of the Seas. When we were in Jamiaca, we were late leaving from Montego Bay, and I soon saw why. I was watching out the balcony when I saw one of the RCCL personnel get off the ship and hand a passport to a Jamaican policeman. When she got back on board, they pulled up the gangplank and away we went. Later in the week when we met with the women on board who helps you book future cruises, I asked her about what I saw. She told me that they left behind a passenger who had been arrested for buying marijuana from one of the locals.

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I saw a drunk (and the 2 elderly women with him) put off after muster and before sailing from Miami. I think that was the shortest cruise ever!

I love this :p Thanks for my laugh of the day.


A friend of mine who owns a B&B in Slidell, LA, was on a cruise ship out of Miami lat year during Spring Break. The college crowd was getting a little out of hand so the Captain warned them to tone it down or he would fly all of them back home "at their parents expense." The night before the ship arrived in the last port-of-call the Spring Breakers had a party where they did quit a bit of damage to several cabins. That morning the Captain had them escorted off the ship, brought to the nearest airport and flew them all home COA :p (Cash on arrival) :p and then he called their parents to let them know that the luggage would be following.


Tim told me that these college kids all got a wonderful send-off. Eveyone was lined up along the balconies clapping and shouting as the kids were being escorted off the ship.

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I was put off a ship in St. Maarten in January 2006. We were aboard RCI Radiance of the Seas.....to make a really long story shorter, my 19 yr old son brought a friend along on this cruise who was also 19 and we had known him for 10 yrs. Turns out you never really know someone until you are with them 24/7. He was , evidently, on medication for ADD and a few other things and had decided not to take it ( I had no prior knowledge of his conditions) as a result of him trying to jump off the back of the ship we were put off to find our own way home. $3500.00 later we had a flight booked from St. Maarten to Miami then another $1500.00 later we had our flight booked home to St. Louis. I in no way blame RCI for putting us off...it was the right thing to do, although I was freaking out trying to figure out how we would get back to the states, RCI was very helpful in making the travel arrangements. Moral to this story is to never take responsibility for anyone elses child, and if you do make sure you ask the right questions about medical conditions/ medications. As a result of this situation I am not longer able to travel on RCI with a minor in my custody. If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer them.....Incidently, I do realize that ADD does not cause most people to react this way , but this kid had more problems than just that.

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Do you have a link?


I'm glad to hear that the cruise lines are in fact removing people that are disruptive. It makes things much more enjoyable for that aren't trouble makers.


No, actually someone posted the link on one of these boards and that's how I saw it. I just tried to search you tube for it but came up empty.

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I was put off a ship in St. Maarten in January 2006. We were aboard RCI Radiance of the Seas.....to make a really long story shorter, my 19 yr old son brought a friend along on this cruise who was also 19 and we had known him for 10 yrs. Turns out you never really know someone until you are with them 24/7. He was , evidently, on medication for ADD and a few other things and had decided not to take it ( I had no prior knowledge of his conditions) as a result of him trying to jump off the back of the ship we were put off to find our own way home. $3500.00 later we had a flight booked from St. Maarten to Miami then another $1500.00 later we had our flight booked home to St. Louis. I in no way blame RCI for putting us off...it was the right thing to do, although I was freaking out trying to figure out how we would get back to the states, RCI was very helpful in making the travel arrangements. Moral to this story is to never take responsibility for anyone elses child, and if you do make sure you ask the right questions about medical conditions/ medications. As a result of this situation I am not longer able to travel on RCI with a minor in my custody. If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer them.....Incidently, I do realize that ADD does not cause most people to react this way , but this kid had more problems than just that.


Wow! I'm impressed and you don't blame RCI for doing what was right. I personally applaud you.


Just so that I'm clear, you can no longer sail RCI again with a minor because of this incident? Seeing that you appear to be a responsible individual, I'm sorry to hear that.

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I was put off a ship in St. Maarten in January 2006. We were aboard RCI Radiance of the Seas.....to make a really long story shorter, my 19 yr old son brought a friend along on this cruise who was also 19 and we had known him for 10 yrs. ~~~>

Wow, what a story & I agree with the other poster who said the kids parents were largely at fault for allowing him to go in the first place.


I always told my kids I was only responsible enough for THEM! lol

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Wow, what a story & I agree with the other poster who said the kids parents were largely at fault for allowing him to go in the first place.


I always told my kids I was only responsible enough for THEM! lol


He actually lived with his grandparents. I just felt so stupid for not even thinking to ask about medical conditions, but my son had gone to school with this kid for years and he had spent nights in our home so I really didn't think anything of it, that is why anytime I get the chance to put my story out there I do, just to warn parents who want to let their kids bring a friend to do their homework first.

RCI was incredibly nice to me, I could see in the officers eyes when they told me they would have to ask us to leave that they felt bad for me and the situation I was in, they let me use the ship phone in my cabin to make as many calls as I needed with no charge to me. They made all my travel arrangements to get me out of St. Maarten that same day so as not to have me encur the cost of a hotel overnight. A purser loaded all my luggage onto a cart and walked us to a cab they had waiting at the end of the pier. The whole ordeal was very tramatic, not only for me but for the officers involved that night. Here is a bit more detail about what happened:

My son called our cabin at about 11pm and he was so shook up I could barely understand him, then he handed the phone to someone who told me to get to deck 12 immediately. Upon my arrival there I saw my son was very distraught. He said Krammer ( the kids actual first name ...shoulda been a clue huh?) had just jumped from deck 12 to deck 11 on the outside of the ship and now he couldn't find him. He said Krammer wanted him to follow but my son had been on several cruises before and had not lost all sense of good judgement so he went to get help. As I was speaking to the Co-Captain on deck 12 a crew member walked up and told him they had found foot prints on the deck railings.....at this time the whole ship was put on lock down and the captain turned the ship around to search the waters for Krammer. About 5 minutes later someone came to get the Co-Captain and he disappeared. He radioed to the crew member who was still with us to bring us to deck 2 in the crew quarters but not to let us in until he gives them the okay. Once we arrived on deck 2 we were escorted in to an area that is very hard to discribe. It is on the back of the ship with huge open port windows and a lot of really thick ropes wrapped up...anyway , as we got in there the Co-Captain pointed out one of the open air windows and as I stuck my head out there he was! Krammer was outside on the back of the ship standing on what appeared to be a 2ft by 2ft platform of some kind. I tried to talk to him , but he just kept saying he was going to jump. At this point he got aggravated with me almost fell. I then told all the officers that were there that they needed to find someone else to talk to him and I made my son come sit in the corner away from the port hole with me. There was no way either of us was going to be able to ever get that vision out of our minds is Krammer actually fell or jumped so there was no way we were watching.

The ship was stopped and rescue boats were sent out in case he did jump. After about 4 hours of him being out there, the Captain comes into the area in his robe and slippers, he sticks his head out there and tells Krammer he has 30 seconds to get his ass back in this ship or he will personally come out there and throw him off the back of it.....and yes within about 10 seconds Krammer climbed back in. We were then escorted to our cabin by security and were visited by many of the ships higher ranking personelle. 2 security guards were placed outside our door and at 9am I received a call to meet in the captains office where they told me I would need to leave the ship. The only reason my son and I were put off is because on RCI anyone under the age of 25 ( or 21 I can't seem to recall) is considered a minor and could not be put off alone.

To answer a question.....yes on RCI I can not be responsible for any minor for the rest of my cruising days!

This all could have been much worse...there was talk of me possibly being charged the cost of fuel and the cost of putting the life boats out.....or , of course, he could have actually jumped!

My son has had no contact with this kid since we returned. I paid for this whole trip as a gift ot my son. I did call his grandparents and asked them for a credit card # so we could get our flights changed from Miami to St. Louis which they did pay...however, on that Saturday his grandpa called me to ask me when I would be sending the money for that bill.....once I apologized for the colorful language I was about to use....I asked him if he was out of his &^%$# mind! If it wasn't for his grandson hanging his tootie off the back of ship I would still be on deck sippin' a cocktail!

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I also wonder if any of the stories have any substance of truth! lol It seems there is a story from 'someone' from almost every sail. Two sails we were on had the same story, 'a kid(s) tossed lounge chairs overboard in the middle of the night' & the family was put off the ship the next day.
I was sitting next to three RCI officers in the Windjammer on that cruise and they had a good 15 minute conversation about it. They mentioned how there were over 1,200 kids on board the cruise and they had to throw a few off because of the deck chair incident. They also had the why don't parents have better control of their children conversation as well. I went to the casino and a bunch of the casino staff were talking about it too. Unless this is something that the staff talks about on a weekly basis, I really think this happened on the cruise I was on.



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WOW! I would have been so :mad:


Actually I was numb for a while....I did have really bad nightmares for a while as well. I also thought I would never cruise again as I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to look over the side of a ship again without having flashbacks.....I didn't get angry about it for a few months......you know how things happen and people say you'll be laughing about this someday???....well every now and then someone in our family will make a silly joke about it, and every time I go on a cruise now I always have to endure the " don't get kicked off" remarks, but it will never be a laughing matter to my son or I....in fact he and I have never even discussed it after that day. It was traumatic then and still is now when I relive it all:(

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