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Our Cruise on Carnival Miracle sucks

Abigail 2008

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I'm sorry she had a bad experience. Hopefully it wasn't all bad. I can understand how the scratching sound would bother someone. Apparantly the significant other doesn't snore :)


This will be our first cruise and first real family vacation. Travelling with two young boys (ages 5 and 6) will be interesting and I am hoping that they enjoy Camp Carnival. I booked this cruise before I found out about the Cruise Critic website and I have to say that I am ADDICTED. I chose this cruise after comparing with RC leaving from NJ. I don't want to fly with the kids just yet.


Although I haven't sailed yet, I can honestly say that I have some good points about this cruise.

1. It's a vacation and I will not be at work

2. It's our first real FAMILY vacation

3. The kids have a safe place to play and make friends

4. The waterslide is very kid-friendly as I was very worried as to what we were going to do if there was a pool slide. My kids cannot swim very well on their own so this is additional peace of mind.

5. I don't have to cook.

6. I can sit my fat butt in a beach chair and enjoy the day

7. Did I mention I don't have to work?

8. I have already been upgraded from a 6A to 7A Obstructed view balcony. (More peace of mind if the kids go overboard they land in a boat!)


I cannot wait for this cruise. I just wanted to thank everyone who posted their opinions (good or bad) so I know what to expect.


P.S. I already have the boys packed :p

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In reading the posts on this thread, I just couldn't let this go without chiming in. I was on this cruise and, as you can see by my cruise history I am a pretty experience Carnival cruiser. I have to say that this was probably one of the most dissapointing cruises I have taken, with the exception of the Holiday many years ago. The ship itself is probably not at issue as I would equate it with any other ship in the line. I believe what affects someone's time on a ship is dependant upon the itinerary, the fellow cruisers, general staff, their specific staff such as waiter and room steward, etc. Over all, it is the experience itself that determines whether or not someone has a good time and that can vary from week to week and ship to ship. With that in mind, I belive the OP experienced exactly the issues listed and the only reason they didn't post again was due to the "bashing" they have recieved from subsequent posts, which were really unbelievable.


I, too, heard the scraping noise and it wasn't the anchor, as sometimes we were moving when it occurred. I was in the wrap aft Cabin 7347, not on Riviera, and still experienced this sound. It was as though someone was scraping the lounge chairs on the deck above, constantly, and I know that wasn't the case. Did it ruin my trip? No, but it was bothersome. And I have no way of knowing how loud it was for someone on Riviera so I would not be in a position to judge whether or not it could have ruined my trip if I experienced exactly the same sound as the OP did. This cruise was made up of mostly senior citizens and over-all rude people that were more concerned about eating their way through the week rather than being curtious to those around them. I've never seen such a cluster@#!* on Lido during breakfast and lunch. Our waiter at dinner was definately nothing special and our room steward actually walked in on us getting dressed one day and wouldn't leave when my husband told him to. Yes, that's right. We were both standing there in our underwear and instead of instantly leaving, he proceed to try to explain away is faux paux. The karaoke host was an absolute joke and the over-all ship activities were the most dissapointing I've ever experienced on a Carnival cruise. Alternatively, we loved Nick and Nora's (wish every meal tasted like that without the extra cost) and the weather was great. (There - something positive to satisfy the "loyals").


I now believe the itinerary had a lot to do with the demographic on the ship. Going from a Wednesday to the following Thursday apparently attracted those that were retired and could afford to take almost two weeks off of work. It wasn't something that I thought of when I booked but will keep that in mind the next time I book a cruise. The other factor is the number of at-sea days. The more ports you're in, the less everyone is trying to eat all at the same time. This was the first cruise I've taken where this was a factor and will keep that in mind for future bookings as well. All in all, my husband and I had a nice vacation. Our room was what I believe to be the best on the ship and really made a difference in our over-all cruise experience.


Now, with all that being said, I would simply like to point out to everyone on this board that not everyone's experience is going to be the same and just because someone has a bad experience, doesn't mean that they're "trolls" and that they're full of s#!*t. People use this board for many reasons but mostly to help them decide on which cruise would best suit them. If, by posting my negative experience, someone decides that a certain ship is not for them then fine. I think the only way a forum of this sort is of benefit is if it is completely open to everyone's input, not just those that agree with the "loyals".


thank you for providing quality information about your sailing. I don't think any of us (I know I don't) think someone who posts negative things is a troll. However, someone who only registers for the site to post one very lopsided (Miracle sucks!) opinion and no more posts does fall into the troll realm...

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dbbcruiser I agree with you 100%. While on our cruise we experienced the same type of behavior with the SENIOR group.... When we were on our 8-day cruise on the Liberty we did not experience such rude people. As for the clanging noise it could be that the ship is still having some mechanical problems. On our last sea day the ship started vibrating really bad, the ship listed quite a bit, and almost came to a complete stop in the middle of the ocean. So I know this ship had some mechanical issues in January. The Cruise Director just apologized and said, "we experienced a slight malfunction". We were on deck 7 so we felt the list very well and at one point I thought I was going to slide off of the bed, and by the way the seas were very calm at that time. My sister-in-law was in one of the shops and did not feel a thing.

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This is what I don't get, why are they all lies? Every complaint she had does not sound made up to me. But since they never posted before they are automatically a troll? I never understand this mentality that anyone who had a bad time and posts here has to be a troll.


My last two Carnival cruises have been charters and when they announce that we'll be on Carnival the following year, so many people boo.When we get home and I read the message boards for our charter, there would be several people with valid complaints about lack of service etc. Didn't happen to me, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.


There is not a mentality here that "anyone" who has a bad time and posts here is a troll. In fact, I've read countless negative reviews which were not met with disbelief or insults.


There are internet trolls, that is a fact, and they frequent all types of message forums. Not all folks who post one post which happens to be negative are trolls. But most trolls do have few posts and they are always negative and designed to be controversial. Many never return, but some do come back to bait members with insults and outrageous claims just to enjoy the chaos that ensues.


While it's ridiculous to assume that all negative posts are written by trolls, I find some of the posters here who label anyone who suspects a troll to be a "cheerleader" or "paid employee of Carnival" to be every bit as absurd. People who always believe anything that they read are pretty gullible, and they are the types that the trolls love to get going in their defense. They probably get a kick out of the "troll defenders". I'm not directing these comments towards you; I'm just making a general observation.

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My dh and I were on Her in October '06. We enjoyed ourselves on every level. The food was amazing and the service impecable. The entertainment was out of this world and the cruise director was very organized and hosted all the shows. I will agree that the casino was a bit smokey, but we aren't huge gamblers and didn't spend much time there. I wish I could close my eyes and wake up on the deck of the Miracle with a Bahama Mama in hand. Someone on this board said, and I agree 100%. a "bad" day on board is so much better than a good day on land.



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There is not a mentality here that "anyone" who has a bad time and posts here is a troll. In fact, I've read countless negative reviews which were not met with disbelief or insults.


There are internet trolls, that is a fact, and they frequent all types of message forums. Not all folks who post one post which happens to be negative are trolls. But most trolls do have few posts and they are always negative and designed to be controversial. Many never return, but some do come back to bait members with insults and outrageous claims just to enjoy the chaos that ensues.


While it's ridiculous to assume that all negative posts are written by trolls, I find some of the posters here who label anyone who suspects a troll to be a "cheerleader" or "paid employee of Carnival" to be every bit as absurd. People who always believe anything that they read are pretty gullible, and they are the types that the trolls love to get going in their defense. They probably get a kick out of the "troll defenders". I'm not directing these comments towards you; I'm just making a general observation.




The OP may have lurked on this board for a long time and never had any need to post. Usually people who have a negative experience are more inclined to register and post than someone who had a positive experience.


If you look above, there was another poster who was on the same cruise that verified everything that the OP complained about. Nothing the OP complained about sounded far-fetched. It's possible they didn't feel the need to post again due to all the bashing they received.

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The OP may have lurked on this board for a long time and never had any need to post. Usually people who have a negative experience are more inclined to register and post than someone who had a positive experience.


If you look above, there was another poster who was on the same cruise that verified everything that the OP complained about. Nothing the OP complained about sounded far-fetched. It's possible they didn't feel the need to post again due to all the bashing they received.


I don't really know if the OP is a troll or not, and never stated an opinion either way. I'm just saying that because trolls are a fact of internet life, it's not that outrageous for people to be skeptical of posters who fit the typical troll profile. There are those who apparently believe anything they read and get downright nasty at the mere suggestion that a certain post be taken with a grain of salt. Considering that a certain number of people are in fact trolls, it's not completely out of the realm of possibilty for people to "wonder aloud" about a poster. I often picture the true "troll" reading some of the posts defending them. I visualize them laughing out loud, saying "Thanks for the defense ---- SUCKER!!!!"


You have to admit that the thread title was pretty inflammatory. Not "Disappointed in my Miracle Cruise" or "Bad Experience on Carnival Miracle," but "Carnival Miracle Sucks." I think the poster knew full well it would stir the pot - and that is one of the hallmarks of an internet troll.


On the other side are those who call everyone who posts anything negative about Carnival a "liar." One in particular comes to mind. Doesn't matter what your complaint, or how many rational posts you have made in the past. One criticism and he posts "Why are you lying?" Too funny.

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I'm not going to take either side on this one. OP had a bad cruise. All was later backed up with supporting testimony. Some had the "perfect" cruise...


What I'm getting at here, is that nobody will ever experience the same thing the exact same way as someone else. Sorry Op's cruise sucked. Congrats on other's fabulous, life-changing experiences. I work in customer service. After all is said and done... any experience is only as good as you make it. If it's horrible for you, please try not to make it horrible for others, too.


That being said, I am 110% sure that my first cruise on April 1 of this year will be the best experience of my life. It's all up to me to make it memorable.

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You have to admit that the thread title was pretty inflammatory. Not "Disappointed in my Miracle Cruise" or "Bad Experience on Carnival Miracle," but "Carnival Miracle Sucks." I think the poster knew full well it would stir the pot - and that is one of the hallmarks of an internet troll.


This is exactly right.

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I'm not going to take either side on this one. OP had a bad cruise. All was later backed up with supporting testimony. Some had the "perfect" cruise...


What I'm getting at here, is that nobody will ever experience the same thing the exact same way as someone else. Sorry Op's cruise sucked. Congrats on other's fabulous, life-changing experiences. I work in customer service. After all is said and done... any experience is only as good as you make it. If it's horrible for you, please try not to make it horrible for others, too.


That being said, I am 110% sure that my first cruise on April 1 of this year will be the best experience of my life. It's all up to me to make it memorable.


True, and that's why this site exists. So that posters can relate their own experiences, not just so posters can vent or praise without reader feedback. It's set up so that no matter what the tone of the OP or the experience of the OP, others can chime in with their "fabulous, life changing experiences" as well as their disappointing ones.

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I find it funny how one ship and someone posting a bad review about this ship can really get people upset. I did not have my greatest cruise on this ship but I surely did not let it ruin my cruise. I just find it funny how defensive people get over this ship. I am not cruising Carnival next only because they do not offer the cruise I want, but I do plan to cruise Carnival again.


I do agree that a bad day on a cruise is better than any good day at the office. :)

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I find it funny how one ship and someone posting a bad review about this ship can really get people upset. I did not have my greatest cruise on this ship but I surely did not let it ruin my cruise. I just find it funny how defensive people get over this ship. I am not cruising Carnival next only because they do not offer the cruise I want, but I do plan to cruise Carnival again.


I do agree that a bad day on a cruise is better than any good day at the office. :)


But, don't you see ~ that is the difference right there. You are not coming on here and saying "Miracle Sucks" with a "mad face" icon on the post. You said it was not your greatest cruise and went on to list some things that disappointed you. Very believable and valid.


The OP's post does not come across to me as believable or valid. Add to that the fact that they never came back to clarify any of their points. I've seen plenty of posters who get "bashed" that come back and try to explain their position, which tends to lend credence to their original post (at least for me). But the ones who post ONCE ~ all negative ~ in a very inflammatory manner ~ and then never return..............those are Trolls in my book.

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I own the Dairy Queen here on Bridge av. When you come down to visit them stop in and say hi.
My brother lives "down the block" from you on Bridge Ave-a few doors down from Fire/Police Dept. My parents live on Twilight. Brother's law office is on Lake Avenue. Dad is "head" of BHIA. Small world! Next time I am down I will get an iced crumb cake from Muellers and then trek down and get a chocolate dipped cone from your DQ! ;)
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To quickly chime in here, I too was apparently on the same sailing as the OP (Southern Caribbean itinerary, departing 2/27/08), and had some similar issues with the trip. I mean:


- Hey, I lost too much money in the casino!

- I overslept most days - Darn interior cabins!

- They didn't have any caffeine free diet coke at the... Oh wait, they did this time. Never mind.

- The weather wasn't perfect the first two sea days. I signed on for perfect weather, darnit!

- I didn't hook up with the hot, single, uninhibited, insatiable, 20-something blonde woman of my dreams. (I suspect that was because those were few and far between on this ship. Otherwise it would have been a given. Seriously. Would I kid you? Next cruise, definitely... ;) )

- I picked up an upper respiratory infection during the trip. Must have been something I ate. :p


On a more serious note:


- The casino *was* indeed very smokey. There were non-smoking tables, but not always opened, and not for all games. People were smoking at most of the slots, even the ones designated non-smoking. Didn't help my respiratory problems.

- The ship *did* seem a bit crowded to me at times, particularly the lido deck and restaurant during lunchtime, and the lobby during formal nights when the line to the late dinner seating competed for space with the photographers.

- On the other hand, the disco was lightly attended most nights and the DJ didn't seem to know yet just how to read a crowd and lure people onto the dance floor.

- I wasn't impressed with the one of the comedians, and didn't see the other.

- And I heard a light scraping noise once or twice from my cabin - I thought it was from the deck below, moving something heavy around. But it was mostly ignorable. (And didn't stop me from sleeping late most days -- see above...)


So yes, there were things to complain about. But honestly, I've never been on a cruise where there *wasn't* something to complain about. And there was *far* more good stuff about this trip than the bad. In fact, overall, I'd say it was the *best* cruise I've been on. (I may even finish writing my review one of these days... :p )

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I do like the other people say and judge for yourself. We read all the reviews on the Freedom. How it was so ugly,bad service smokey all over, very bumpey. We cruised it end of Feb. We LOVED it! Best Cruise we have been on in 10 cruises. Service was the Best we have ever had. I am not great with smoke from allergies. Casino was okay. Casino Host was wonderful. She was so Nice. Actually sat near a man that won $4,000 on the slots with quarters. If he had played max, he would have won over $8,000. Food was very good. Supper Club was nice. Our suite was really nice. We went with another couple. That said it was very good too. They have done a lot more cruises than us. Our cabin stewards were awesome. At dinner every nite, our two girls were so Good. We loved John Heald again. We have had him on a few ships. Decor was fine. I think some people aren't happy unless they are complaining. One of the ladies who complained so much was on the bottom floor. She kept comparing it to another cruise line where she took a balcony. If you are on the bottom with no window or balcony, it isn't the same . As far as I am concerned, go back to the other line. I am always telling people don't knock Carnival if you haven't taken them. I have done a few lines. Happy with Carnival. Don't like RC. That is my opinion. Not a first time cruiser either. Like to hear other people's opinion but not complete complaining.

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Been to Vegas - did not notice much of a difference. I don't think cruise ship casinos are any worse than anywhere else. IMHO smokers LOVE casinos. They can light up anywhere, anytime.


I have had some very rude smokers sit down next to me and light up one right after another and blow it right in my face. As a non-smoker and cancer survivor, I find this extremely offensive.


I think a non-smoking area in all casino areas would be wonderful. They have a right to smoke. I have a right to clean air and not breathe it.


On the Miracle, there are several banks of slot machines that are non-smoking. The only problem is that there are some smokers that completely ignore the non-smoking sign. When I politely pointed this out to one woman, she was kind enough to put her cigarette out. However, on another occasion, a "gentleman" laughed at me, so I quietly got up and moved...oh yeah, I did notify a casino employee :D

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