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Smoking Policy on Carnival


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Sorry, but as irritating as colognes and perfumes are...they do not contain 3,000 toxins (many of which are carcinogens). That is just not a valid argument. A human passing gas is irritating too, but it won't kill you. ;)

Although, my husband after a trip to Taco Bell comes close! :D


I beg your pardon - I guess you have never watch 60 min. or any other show like that that has done an expose on perfumes... Some of the ingredients are carcinogens, some have toxins that have KILLED animals and some people are HIGHLY allergic to the smells. I have been a bar before that smoking was allowed (heaven forbid) and someone (a man) walked in with a perfume stench that gagged me and several others... I left. Which is what you should do if smoke bothers you - go somewhere that smoking is not allowed - say France.

My wife works at a hospital and they have banned all perfumes for anyone working in the hospital because of the amount of people that are Highly allergic to the TOXINS in the perfumes.

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I don't think it's "squeaky wheels" that are instituting all the changes. I beleive it is years of research by scientists, physicians, and even tobacco companies that have shown that smoking is a known cause of cancer and have brought about the changes.


I'm sure there are carcinogens in just about everything these days-including perfumes, colognes etc. But, really, can this in any way be compared to smoking?


BTW-I started the thread because of my concern and my BF dislike of second hand smoke due to the fact that his father died in his early 40's from lung cancer after smoking about 2 packs a day. My BF was in his senior year of high school the year he watched his father slowly die. He says there is nothing like having to physically carry your father to the bathroom that will wake you up to the reality of what smoking can do to you.

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I'm sure there are carcinogens in just about everything these days-including perfumes, colognes etc. But, really, can this in any way be compared to smoking?


Do you know why you don't get peanuts on a plane anymore? Because there are people who can have a reaction to the SMELL of peanuts and DIE from the reaction before they can get help. I've never seen a person DIE in front of me because they smell smoke from cigar.

Having said all that I do believe that the smell is distasteful and does bother people, but I have to argue that it is no worse than some other horrid smells. We have a bridge in our city that goes near a paper mill - we try to avoid the bridge, but sometimes have to go that way - now that's a horrid smell.

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Cologne/perfume triggers a migraine for me. Is it going to kill me?? Nope...although sometimes I wish I would just die when I have a migraine. My solution? Leave the area.


When I was pregnant (many, many moons ago) the smell of cigarette smoke gagged me. So I know it makes people sick...I've experienced it. If I were as smart as I like to think, I wouldn't have started back up.


But the truth is, I enjoy a cigarette.


I don't know how people smoke 2 packs a day....I don't even smoke one. My dad smoked three packs a day....always had a cig hanging out of his mouth. He quit about 30 years before he died...so it can be done. Some of my friends who go through a carton every two or three days say I should just quit since I don't smoke that much.


I try not to offend others with my smoke....just don't do your little dramatic coughing, waving the air, etc when I'm in a smoking area.

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Do you know why you don't get peanuts on a plane anymore? Because there are people who can have a reaction to the SMELL of peanuts and DIE from the reaction before they can get help. I've never seen a person DIE in front of me because they smell smoke from cigar.


I don't think it's the "smell" as much as it is breathing in the peanut "dust"... and yes, people do die from it. My Aunt cannot be exposed to peanuts in any way... it's a very scary allergy.

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I have never noticed the smoke as an issue. Not than many people smoke.



I do know people, however, that are so against smoking that they let the slightest wiff of smoke bother them... and opens up their B**ching session every time. They really need to get over it.


BTW... I'm not a smoker, and don't like smoke... but I also don't book a vaction where I know there will be smoke and then proceed to B**ch about it either.



Amen Venture


Just look for the ashtrays on the table and the nonsmokers will see they need to go to the other side.

I have never witnessed nonenforcment of smoking on the wrong side on any of the cruises i have been on.. I see the waiters telling smokers to move to the smoking side..



The day they ban smoking on a cruise... i stop cruising.. blah blah blah but thats how i feel

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When I was pregnant (many, many moons ago) the smell of cigarette smoke gagged me.




Pregnancy can cause all kinds of problems like this. I remember my wife couldn't eat anything spiced with child #2. No spice what so ever... no pepper, no nutt'n.


And this continued after birth. :eek:


She did not get her tastebuds back until she became pregnant with child #3.

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We were just off the Miracle with a group of 5 couples, One of the couples smoked and they let them snoke in their cabin..I didn't think they allowed that anymore....We were sitting at a smoking table in the casino and the dealer was complaining that she was blowing smoke in her face when at fact the air vent was blowing it back into her face..Their was another lady sitting at that table that complained everytime someone smoked at that table when there was a no smoking table just across from where we were playing. I myself haven't smoked in 37 years but I don't feel I should complain when I play at a smoking table.......Dennis

And i would have politely told the nonsmoker to move to the nonsmoking table as i was right where i should be.. infact this has happened to me.. and i did very nicely... even bought the ol'lady a drink..as she moved to the other table and was not rude about it

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For me, it's not normally a problem:D.................Until that big fat ash hits me while I'm standing on my balcony underneath:p. And thank god your not a tobacco chewer!:eek::D



Comon what are the odds that ever happens again

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What you fail to mention is that on some ships, such as the Carnival Glory, the cigar bar is right outside the main dining room and runs the entire indoor width of the ship. It's where people wind up standing while waiting for the doors to open for dinner. It's in the direct path to the theater after dinner. In short, it's a stupid place to allow cigar smoking, and people comment on that. If cigar smokers were truly "considerate" of nonsmokers, as they all claim to be, they would be aware of that and would avoid smoking there around dinner time.


That is the funniest post yet

You want smokers, who have right to smoke in an enclosed cigar bar to cease smoking during your meal time?

Get there a minute or two late so YOU do not have to stand on line to EAt and not smell the cigar bar..

What a joke

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As a smoker I am willing to abide by the rules as long as I can still enjoy the cruise. It seems every cruise more and more areas are designated non-smoking. On a cruise just ending last Sunday on Sensation, the open deck starboard above the pool was posted non-smoking. It looks like smokers must sit in the shade on Lido. The week before on Liberty, a bank of penny slots was posted non-smoking halfway through the cruise. If Carnival makes much more of the ships non-smoking, I will look elsewhere for vacation time. My take is those who object to smoking have complained the loudest with cruise lines adjusting to their demands, the squeeky wheel getting the oil. It's time for the quiet smokers to speak up if we hope to spend any time on cruises in the future.




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Cologne/perfume triggers a migraine for me. Is it going to kill me?? Nope...although sometimes I wish I would just die when I have a migraine. My solution? Leave the area.


When I was pregnant (many, many moons ago) the smell of cigarette smoke gagged me. So I know it makes people sick...I've experienced it. If I were as smart as I like to think, I wouldn't have started back up.


But the truth is, I enjoy a cigarette.


I don't know how people smoke 2 packs a day....I don't even smoke one. My dad smoked three packs a day....always had a cig hanging out of his mouth. He quit about 30 years before he died...so it can be done. Some of my friends who go through a carton every two or three days say I should just quit since I don't smoke that much.


I try not to offend others with my smoke....just don't do your little dramatic coughing, waving the air, etc when I'm in a smoking area.



As a smoker and fellow migraine sufferer ( i am getting another right now)

A migraine set off by odor is a mini seizure which can lead to a full grand mal seizure or even stroke.. so yea, an odor can be life threatening

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What you fail to mention is that on some ships, such as the Carnival Glory, the cigar bar is right outside the main dining room and runs the entire indoor width of the ship. It's where people wind up standing while waiting for the doors to open for dinner. It's in the direct path to the theater after dinner. In short, it's a stupid place to allow cigar smoking, and people comment on that. If cigar smokers were truly "considerate" of nonsmokers, as they all claim to be, they would be aware of that and would avoid smoking there around dinner time.


Yes, my only experience has been ships with a Cigar Bar well out of the way, people almost have to get lost to find the cigar bar. The Glory sounds like a bad design for sure.

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These kinds of threads always get testy!


The cigar bar on Glory is a very nice place, and I have no control over where they put it. I wouldn't mind it being on the Panarama Deck adjacent to my room, to be honest! :D


However, I'd rather smell a cigar anyday over a cigarette, so I would hope you can deal with walking through the cigar bar (if you indeed have to) to get to your dining room.


BTW, if you see me in the cigar bar, be sure to say hi! ;)

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These kinds of threads always get testy!


The cigar bar on Glory is a very nice place, and I have no control over where they put it. I wouldn't mind it being on the Panarama Deck adjacent to my room, to be honest! :D


However, I'd rather smell a cigar anyday over a cigarette, so I would hope you can deal with walking through the cigar bar (if you indeed have to) to get to your dining room.


BTW, if you see me in the cigar bar, be sure to say hi! ;)


I smoke cigarettes.. I really hate the smell of cigars but i would never ever infringe on your right to smoke 'em

light up

and enjoy!

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Personally, I smoke 1-2 packs a day and consider myself a very considerate smoker. I live in a city where there is no longer smoking allowed in public places and I think it is down right rediculous that smokers tend to stand right outside of these doors and entrances to these places to smoke. It also offends me that they throw their butts down on the ground when there is an ashtray within arms reach. With that being said, I am still an advocate of smokers rights and believe that if I am in an area designated for smoking and I am puffing away, if a non-smoker doesn't like it, they should just go the other way. I should have rights too. My husband hates smoke but knew I smoked when he married me. I do not smoke in my house or around my children and I take every effort to avoid smelling like smoke. As far as perfume goes, I am severly irrated by it and withing seconds of smellig it, I have a migraine that can last for 3 days and I am throwing my guts up. These people who make the decision to bathe in perfume should think twice about who they are offending also. Especially when you are in a small area with a bunch of people. No, the headaches or throwing up won't kill me as far as I know, but it sure makes me wish I was dead. To me, it is just as disgusting as cigarette smoke.

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I have asthma. It can be triggered by a lot of things, the most common being smoke, perfume and pollen. I probably spent to much time in smokey bars when I was young.


As long as smokers are considerate I won't usually complain. It would be nice on board if there were a bar that were smoke free. I'll most likely stay clear of the casino & bars if they are smokey.


I think it would help greatly if Carnival were simply CLEAR and had signs posted on the decks.

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It would be nice on board if there were a bar that were smoke free.


Every ship I've been on has had at least one non-smoking bar.


Might be the bar you prefer is smoking....I have the same problem in reverse.


On Elation, a band I really like (Dirt Poets) only played in the Cole Porter Club....a non-smoking venue, at least at the time. So every once in awhile I'd step out next door to Gatsby's Great Bar to have a smoke.

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There is NO SMOKING on the Port side of the ship on open air decks. That is the left side of the ship as you face forward. There are no signs posted on the Triumph, but it is written in the capers. Many of the bars have a smoking and non smoking side which is nice.


Are there signs on the decks of any of the other ships? I was told by a Carnival rep that there was and she was surprised to hear there weren't any on the Triumph.




I would be willing to go on a smaller ship if it was a totally non-smoking one. I know I will take flack for this, but if someone wants to smoke, do it in your stateroom. I really don't care to breath in second hand smoke. Once again, I am not saying people should not smoke, but don't force others to breath it in. (Putting on flack vest) :D

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Can't please everyone....everyone has rights!!!

What really bothers me is that I pay dearly for a solo balcony cabin, and invariably there is a smoker on either one, or both sides of me. I know smokers are going to say it's outside, and the smoke can't possibly travel to my area. BULL! It does, and it does bother me to the point that I have to retreat to my cabin. I read a post where someone was carrying a can of air freshener to "fight back". I'm going to bring "Fart in a Can"!! It's MY right to let you inhale what I enjoy. :p

This time I booked a wrap-around aft cabin....now I only have to dodge the butts when they throw them off the stern of the ship!!

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Can't please everyone....everyone has rights!!!

What really bothers me is that I pay dearly for a solo balcony cabin, and invariably there is a smoker on either one, or both sides of me. I know smokers are going to say it's outside, and the smoke can't possibly travel to my area. BULL! It does, and it does bother me to the point that I have to retreat to my cabin. I read a post where someone was carrying a can of air freshener to "fight back". I'm going to bring "Fart in a Can"!! It's MY right to let you inhale what I enjoy. :p

This time I booked a wrap-around aft cabin....now I only have to dodge the butts when they throw them off the stern of the ship!!



No one is 'allowed' to throw butts off the ship and report it immediately if it happens!

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I read a post where someone was carrying a can of air freshener to "fight back". I'm going to bring "Fart in a Can"!! It's MY right to let you inhale what I enjoy. :p


Go ahead. I still think that the wind will just carry it off. Just like it does the cig smoke. The way that wind blows on the balconies I'd be surprised if I even caught a whiff of your "farts". :rolleyes:

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I've had an aft wrap and regular aft balconies....don't recall any butts. I'm sure it happens....I just haven't seen it.


Maybe that problem is not as prevalent as the non-smokers want to make out.

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